
Thursday, July 16, 2015

Your Quilts in my Mail!

I absolutely LOVE the photos you send me of your wonderful finishes! 

It warms my heart and fills my scrappy lovin’ soul to over flowing when I see what you have created from your own bottomless ((or seemingly bottomless!)) stashes!

Three terrific photos were sent in by Kay, and I asked her if I could share her photos and her story with you. 

She gave a resounding YES! 

So without futher ado – I introduce you to KAY! 

She writes:
Dear Bonnie, 

I discovered your Quiltville blog last year looking for patterns. Since then I have also joined your Facebook pages and also last year participated in doing your Mystery quilt with you. Another quilting friend wanted to do it and asked me to join her and her friends doing it. 

She got us each a set of the paint chip cards and even bought us the rulers needed! I am so glad she talked me into this! I never would have put those colors together in a quilt myself but it turned out just gorgeous! Mine was completely made out of scrap fabrics I had as I cannot afford much at this time.

Kay’s Beautiful Grand Illusion quilt!
My daughter in turn fell in love with your quilt.  When I told her about the Grand Illusion pattern she loved it even more because her & her husband spent their honeymoon on Mackinac Island 12 years ago Yesterday!  
She was so excited when she found out I planned to give her the quilt that she bought the batting and backing for it herself so I could finish it.  And finish it I did with the help of the wonderful friend who also bought us those rulers.  You see she gave me my first long arm lesson and I quilted it on her machine.  :-)  My daughter could not be happier and even purchased a new bed for the quilt.  

 Quilt Label! Love the bicycles fabric!
So you see Bonnie, your generosity of a free pattern has been paid forward as a wonderful gift to a loving daughter and her husband as a cherished reminder of their honeymoon. 
And I am sure I will be doing all of your mystery quilts with you from now on. I also did a lot of patches and pinwheels as leaders & enders while making the Grand Illusion. With those I made your Old Tobacco Road for myself. (Photo's attached) 
Thanks for your kindness and generosity,
Kay Hanneman
I just love this!  A happy couple loving a gifted quilt that we all made together – because they honeymooned on Mackinac Island!  LOVE IT!
Kay, thank you for sharing your photos and story with me.  I so appreciate you taking the time to send them in.
If your quilt has a story and you would like to share it, please email me!
And speaking of Mackinac Island – I will be teaching again at the Grand Hotel Needle Arts Seminar in May of 2016!  Put it on your calendar, registration will be opening soon!
I’m so happy to be spending the week with other fabulous designers Bill Kerr, Sus Spargo, Mary Elizabeth Kinch,  and  Michele Mueller!
When registration is open, I’ll post the information.  Right now classes are just being  decided on, and I am happy to say that Grand Illusion is one of the classes I’ll be teaching AT the Grand Hotel! 
Happy Happy Happy!
So today – more book writing. I’ve been on the phone with editorial stuff all morning which is why this post is significantly later than usual.
I am missing my sewing machine!  It’s right behind me, but I am up to my eyeballs in image logs, illustration diagrams on graph paper, pattern writing, formatting and telling myself  “You really LOVE this job!  You can do this!  It’s worth it!”
((And sometimes I Just need chocolate!))
I’ll break up my day with a much needed massage from so much computer sitting, and will be back at it later this afternoon.
Much love on a Thursday!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


Myrna said...

Kay's quilts are very pretty! Great job! While you're out getting your massage, treat yourself to a good lunch...Oriental food maybe?

Pam said...

Beautiful Grand Illusion quilt and story. I love my Grand Illusion!

Vicki said...

Kay, please put a date on your beautiful label. Excellent job!!

Sadie said...

Beautiful story and a stunning version of the Mystery Quilt. Great job.

Mary said...

She gave her quilt to the right people! It is Beautiful. I'd say she had a very good stash if she used all scraps. Thanks for sharing, Kay!

Unknown said...

Lovely quilt and a lovely story.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

What a great story, and beautiful quilts. I have learned so much from you. The Grand Illusion was the first mystery I've ever completed. Quilts truly are "the fabric of our lives"!

Jan said...

Grand Illusion is beautiful. I haven't quilted mine yet. Old Tobacco Road is my favorite quilt from Bonnie. Have made it and plan to make another one soon. Thanks Bonnie for all the inspiration and time you give us.

Loris said...

What a sweet story and beautiful quilt! Yes, Bonnie that should make your day :-) You inspire all of us in so many ways. Thank you for working so hard and wonderfully at it. Enjoy that massage =^.^=

Unknown said...

SO MANY QUILTS TO MAKE ... it downright boggles my mind! :) - Then there are those wonderful fabrics on sale etc. etc... what a fun addiction that pays great benefits to so many.

Smiles, Bonnie!
JulieinTN :)

PalmerGal said...

I love Kaye's quilts. I have been waiting to go to Macinac Island since i read about your trip there last year. A friend and I have the date for registration marked on the calendar! Hope the massage breaks up your day, and gives you energy to keep pushing through on pattern writing etc.

Valerie said...

Ha ha! I knew something was up when you hadn't already posted by the time I checked in from Phoenix. Kaye, your quilts and story are wonderful. Lucky daughter and SIL!

Gale, Ky quilter said...

Beautiful quilt Kay! I would love to send Kay fabric as I have an abundance. Please tell me how to do so. Ty!

Quiltlady said...

What a wonderful story. So nice to know when s quilt you spend so much time on is loved so much. It warms my heart.

Unknown said...

What a fabulous story to share! Her quilts are beautiful with a great color scheme in both. I wish I had your talent for pulling colors together.
Thanks Bonnie for your inspiration to keep us all going till the end.

Joy V said...

A beautiful story to go with a beautiful quilt. Thank you to Kay and also Bonnie for sharing.

Patricia said...

Kay's quilt is beautiful, and her story. I like all the information on her quilt label.

Angeliasue said...

From which of your patterns is the first quilt of Kaye's? I really like it & it looks like one I'd like to make. I'm trying to finish Blue Ridge Beauty for our king-sized bed. Such fun! Thanks. Angelia angel4u2@cox.net

Naomi Creasey said...

Our quilt guild president's challenge for this year is to actually finish our ufo's. That means including a label. We each have a checkbook listing all unfinished quilts. When we finish one we have to have it verified by someone else. End of the year prizes await. I am committed. Nothing new until these are completed.

Kim said...

I would like to know the name of the first picture too. kjvanliew@sbcglobal.net

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