
Sunday, July 26, 2015

Box it Up! Send it Off!

The pattern sections for all 6 of these quilts have been written, and sent off to my editor so she can start working on them behind the scenes!

7 out of 12 pattern sections have been written during my one month at home.

I wouldn’t call this month a “VACATION”  But it has sure been nice to sleep in my own bed, work from my own studio, and have weekends at the cabin.

I'm more than half-way with the pattern sections!  Can you hear me cheering??

Technical writing is NOT the fun part for me.  I love the designing, the cutting the sewing, the quilting, the binding..the technical writing?  Drudgery, really.

But a necessary drudgery, and it feels good when you know you did it, and did it well.

I really enjoyed my little side trip up to Virginia this week, and taking that time away from desk work was very much needed and a definite highlight.

This stack of quilts and everything I need to tape my online courses with Quiltmaker will be packed up and FedEx’d off this afternoon.

Two containers full!

I get these boxes at Home Depot, and they are fabulous.  I can re-ship them again and again and again, and they are pretty much crush proof and water resistant. ((Unless you happen to submerge the whole thing in a swimming pool and let it sit there.))  I use zip-ties through the holes to secure the lid, and tape extra zip ties in a baggie to the inside of the lid for return shipping back to me.  Just in case you are wondering how all of this is done from my end.

((In other words, all I’ve really seen this month is the front of my computer monitor and I don’t have anything else nifty to show you!))


More sample stuff!

I’ve got blocks made in progressive stages for demo purposes as well as strips for demo-cutting. 

I like my own tools with me so I am including a new Companion Angle ruler, and Easy Angle Rulers in two sizes: 4 1/2’’ and 6 1/2’’ just to show the differences.  A new Olfa Frosted 6’’ X 12’’ for doing my cutting demos, my own rotary cutter and my big scissors for de-boning shirts!

Did you know rulers are available in my store?? 

I’m trying to think of any nifty trick or help that would be great to share with online students, so I have also thrown in some of my yellow seam guide rulers, and a roll of Nexcare tape to help with ruler slippage.

I will be demo-ing on a Babylock Crescendo machine –and even though it may have a 1/4’’ foot, I still have to do a test for myself to be sure that it takes into consideration MY sewing and MY cutting, etc.

The thought of demo-ing on a machine I’ve never used before?  SCARY!  So this is how I put my own words to good use and test to make sure my units are coming out right – right on camera.


And Sadie knows that Mama is packing!

If I can get all of the class extras packaged up, and get this dropped off early enough this afternoon I’ll have some evening time for more of this:


I need 32 more sashings to reach my goal of 97!


The upper row is pinned in bundles of 10.

Easy to keep count that way!

Oh!  And the Quiltmaker Sept/Oct issue Giveaway along with the Maywood Studios Flannel Fat Quarter Four Pack happens this evening!

Did you register by leaving me a comment ON THAT POST??  Go do it!

Have a great Sunday, everyone!

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Mary Ellen said...

Thanks for sharing. There sure is a lot of behind the scenes prep work. Your organizatiobal skills are showing!

Mechelle said...

You are amazing, I can't believe all you manage to get done with your crazy schedule - and big huge thanks for sharing it all with us normal people! grin.....

Lakegaldonna said...

You are so organized Bonnie! Thanks for the shipping box tip with the zip ties. I never thought of that.
At least you will have your own tools that you are familiar with. Working with a new machine won't be that bad with all your own tools there.

quilteronavon said...

You so inspire us. Thanks

Ionia Quilt Works Beth said...

Good luck, Bonnie! You will LOVE, LOVE, love the Crescendo for piecing. I have one along with an Ellisimo And I prefer the Crescendo when piecing.

Susan In Texas said...

I see Packer fabric! Go Pack GO!!! lol Someone must have given that to you. What a terrific idea for shipping containers. You are so organized. Have a great trip.

Take care,
Susan in Texas

Anonymous said...

Looks like you are prepared. Good luck. Sewitall8344@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

That's only 11 pages! Nothing but a relaxing evening for a pro like you! So happy there will be an evening post tonight, I have missed them. We all know you have been very busy, so it's okay! Julie in MS.

Kathleen said...

Bonnie, I am so glad you share the 'behind the scenes' work. I am program chair for my guild, and some of our members criticize the fees the speakers charge to do lectures and workshops. They forget that a guild is not paying for the single hour you give trunk show - they are paying for the organization, the prep, the travel time, the packing up and unpacking. You work very hard ! Have fun on your trip.
By the way, how are your new travel bags working, that replaced the duffels???

Mary said...

It's all that Behind the scenes stuff that gets your books published. THANK YOU! Can't wait to see the videos you are taping in Golden. I wish I could be a fly on that wall next week.

Mac said...

put my name in the hat to win this mag.

Johanna said...

I also like seeing all the behind the scenes things you do. I am so looking forward to the Quiltmaker tutorials. I so enjoyed the on you did for the Quilt Show. I watched it multiple times.

grammajudyb said...

Again, I said it before, you amaze me. You do it all!!! I am so impressed. By the way I am loving the fact that I have a box of leaders and enders that go through my machine as I am piecing a bit of a tricky block. And I cut some Tumblers today too, so will start on that one as soon as I get some more darks cut. #breakingitdown #scrapbusting :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Bonnie for sharing your ideas with us! I watched your last Quilt Cam and was wondering the name of the quilt over your right shoulder ... it looks like a log cabin with a sawtooth border. Is it available in one of your books? Would love to know more! Thanks, Pam Marion gramapama10@gmail.com

AnnieBikes said...

Bonnie, I just spent two weeks with my sister in law and sewing on her Crescendo. It was an awesome machine. She was working on her long arm. Lucky me! You will love the touch button for cutting threads, a button for presser foot up or down...and it has the laser light for half square triangles. Oh my. My 21 year old Bernina 1530 ( love her) is looking a bit out of date!! But I did have trouble with the quarter inch foot being too wide for me. Definitely had to adjust. Have fun and thank you for all you do for us.

travelinsewl said...

I love those home depot boxes! I keep my batting remnants in one. Light and easy to store!

Sharon h said...

What's with the nexcare tape? Haven't heard about it.

Anonymous said...

I wish I had your organization skills. You are an inspiration to all. Thanks for all the hints you give us.

Jennifer said...

Just curious - is there a segment in these Quiltmaker classes on how you test and set your 1/4" on the sewing machine?

Loretta M. said...

You are simply Mah-va-lous! Abd, oh so organized. Safe travelling and enjoy.

Loretta McGinn

lmno said...

Olfa Frosted 6’’ X 12’’ ruler is my favorite. Whether cutting strips or 45 degree diamonds, it is the best.

Dalina said...

I have five sewig machines, one of which is a crescendo. It is a dream of a machine, I bought it for quiltig. But totally love it and now that my eye sight is not so wonderful it had great lighting. I couldn't do with out the needle threader anymore. The best expensive purchase I have ever made. dtsbws@yahoo.com

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