
Monday, June 01, 2015

Sunday in the Sewing Nook!

 First things first!

Clean up that cutting table!

Do you get that way too?

Things are going along fine, and then all of a sudden I have had ENOUGH, and things have to be cleaned up before I can move forward.

Yesterday morning was like that for me.  I had spent the day before cutting cutting and more cutting ((evidence on the table top in plain sight!)) and when I came down stairs yesterday morning to start up again, it was a CLEAN IT NOW compulsion that took me over.

Yesterday's job involved some binding.

It seemed like I had made MILES of binding -- much more than enough.

And then things started to get sticky when I ended up with a SEAM in the corner!

Yes -- this involved a seam ripper, some scissors, and a re-positioning of that seam.

And just when I thought I was on the home stretch --


I'm 12" short!  How did that happen?  Did I forget a strip at home -- just didn't bring enough up here with me?  **Sigh**

So this project was set aside.  I'm going to look at home and see if there was any fabric left over from when I cut this binding to begin with - you see it was more than a month ago ((or so it feels)) when I cut this binding, and I honestly can NOT remember if there is any left.  If there isn't, I'll piece something else close in there.  It will become part of the story!

Mona came over to work on her FIFTH project!
((There is no stopping this power machine!))

Quilt laid out - Assembly started!

It's so fun watching a new quilter work things out in their mind.  I explained that on-point quilts are sewn in diagonal rows, with each row getting longer until you reach the center.  When the light went on, you could tell -- she really got it!  And she was off and assembling.

Pieces coming together!

Almost halfway together!

This morning I am typing up this post out on the front porch -- enjoying my last few hours with these beautiful mountains.

I'm headed home today.  There is much to do that requires me to be home --so I'm in cabin-cleaning mode and Sadie and I will head down the mountain probably after lunch.

I'm thinking TOMORROW NIGHT will be a good night for Quilt-Cam for me. 

That's TUESDAY, June 2nd at 9pm Eastern!  Oh that's right!  Happy JUNE, everyone!

Make it a good Monday!

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ajsgramie said...

Mona you are my hero. I have a stack of 226 9 patches that I made too many. I am making 9 in the Middle from "Adventures With Leaders and Enders" and under the pic of the 9 patch it says to make 290 so instead of also reading the instructions I made 290. I have a couple of projects in mind for some of them but I love you layout for the rest. Bonnie I'm hoping Mona doesn't mind my borrowing her layout.
Upstate NY

Tina in NJ said...

I love Mona's layout so much, the quilt currently on my bed looks an awful lot like it! Mine are 6-inch blocks and I'm guessing Mona's are a good deal smaller than that.

Kathaleeny said...

I really like those two different neutrals.

Deanna W said...

Happy June 1....here's hoping when you get home you find more of that binding fabric!! Quilt cam tomorrow...Yahhhh, I will be able to join in the fun. Missed last week as we had guild that night!

Unknown said...

I love it --- but "I feel your angst" too! To know Miss Bonnie can come up short on her binding makes me feel I am not the DUD quilter of the century :)

Did you get the wonderful workbench is the first photo at IKEA? When we were there I feel in love with so many good-for-quilt-room pieces. In fact, my true dream is an IKEA quilting room. You do notice it is a dream, right?

Have fun, cutting, cleaning and walking with Sadie girl Good to be at home sometimes.

Smiles and hugs

Fiona said...

Love the layout. Funny about the binding; I was putting binding on yesterday, too, and the bobbin ran out with 1 1/4" to go. Cheers.

Me and My Stitches said...

How frustrating to run out of binding - hope you found more at home! So exciting that Mona has quickly become a quilter - and she had the best teacher! Just reading your posts sometimes makes me tired - you are soooo busy, and how you manage to fit in Quilt Cam is beyond me. You go girl!

Janet O. said...

With a mentor like you, Bonnie, I am not too surprised that Mona has caught on so quickly and so well. Love her quilt.

Nancy said...

Mona needs a blog... Diary of a New Quilter. :-)

colleen said...

I don't care if I have a seam in the corner I just keep going. Of course I am "just" sewing for me no contests or showing to thousands of students or being in a magazine or part of s book. Gosh if I were sewing for all those things I might even start a project to scared to be picked at by all those people.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Well, at least I know now that I am not the only one that found at the last corner there was a seam! Makes one just want to sit and stare and pull hair!

I really like Mona's quilt. As a newbie working with "scrappy" quilts is great. Really helps with learning color. I tend to do controlled scrappy, but did work on a quilt last year where I just shut my eyes and sewed 3" 9 patches - it was fun.

I think most quilters get to a point where the "mess" overwhelms and no choice but to stop and clean it up, or at least organize.

Bonnie you are certainly the Energizer Bunny! Those getaway's probably help you get you feet back on the ground - good luck in finding your needed binding. I am sure there is some more fabric in your scrap box. Nanette fredericsneice@mail.com

Patricia said...

When my sewing area is messing, I lose the desire to sew. Then, getting to work and feel better and sew.
Mona is a wonder, the quilt is beautiful.

Anita Balgenorth said...

Happy 10th anniversary! I love your blog and your patterns and I own most of your books, too!
Thanks for the giveaway opportunity :-)

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