
Thursday, June 11, 2015

Show & Share with the North East Crazy Quilters!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE cheering you on when you show me your completed quilts!

I know first hand how much work goes into these, all while dealing with the challenges of every day life.

Quilting fills in the “gentle hours” that we have in our days, while I know all of the other hours are “hard core.”

Making a living, raising a family, taking care of elderly parents, children, grandchildren, furry-children, taking care of home and yard and all of the other responsibilities that come our way.

My favorite quilts are piece-heavy, design-crazy, labor-intensive because I find these quilt challenges to be worth my precious SPARE TIME ((hahaha..like there is much of that)) and I applaud you for sticking with it and working so hard over the past couple of months, weeks, days, hours just to have them ready so you can show me in person.

You’ve put your heart and soul into these, and my heart is so blessed to see them in person!

This is Jill Churchill’s Easy Street!  I spent time sewing in her long arm studio, Ta Da Quilting in Erie, Pennsylvania this past week, and while I was there she was just finishing up the long arm quilting so that she could bring it to our workshops on Tuesday.  SHE DID IT!

She barely had time to squeeze in her own quilt while quilting for others and also teaching others the ins and outs of long arm quilting.  She specializes in Innova quilting machines, and you can rent time on her machines in the studio to quilt your own quilt, so she is up to her eyeballs with everyone else’s project ---But she got it done!


Wild & Goosey from the Addicted to Scraps column!

This is another one that takes hours and hours and days – of pure pleasure!  Wild & Goosey is a great block to paper piece up all of those triangles you’ve cut off of joining lengths of bindings and borders on the diagonal, and yes, throw in those trimmed off bonus triangles from sew & flip that you didn’t want to double sew into half square triangles as well!  FUN STUFF!  And such a great finish!

Sometimes we see just a top in progress!

Seams sewn in between the hours and hours of OTHER piecing!

This is Rick Rack Nines from Adventures with Leaders & enders! It’s got a way to go yet, but she is working on it as a genuine Leader & Ender project ---all of those fabrics…what a great timeline of her life as a quilter!


Rectangle Wrangle from Scraps & Shirttails II!

Not a quilt for the faint of heart, and not a race for a quick finish either, but worth every minute of feeding strips through the machine, of sub-cutting and rearranging and doing every single one of the 60 Ohio star blocks in the border.  Loads of time in between working on the other things that happen in our lives, but so worth it in the end.

And I am so filled with gratitude that you took the time to bring these to class and to share them with me.

We are “Soul Quilters”  The Sisters & Brothers of the cloth –We understand each other’s need to sew as much variety as we can, to sew all the pieces that we can, to make something that says something about who we are and what we love.


Melody’s quilt was built entirely in between the lines of chain piecing other things.  It takes a long long time to build enough units ---but oh, what a result!


Check out this color way for an AWESOME Celtic Solstice!!

There are many more, each with hours and hours and days, weeks, years sewn into them.  Please enjoy!

Click the image below if you are unable to view the slideshow on your mobile device.  You’ll be taken to the photo album for viewing.

Show & Share, North East, PA 2015

So this girl is home.  Up first and foremost today is a HAIRCUT!  I admit, it has been long enough that I found myself chopping off my bangs into a hotel room sink with my sewing scissors in New York just because I couldn’t stand how they were in my eyes!

Now my hairdresser will fix my chopped up mess.

If you ordered books while I was gone to New York and Pennsylvania, they will be dropped at the post office this afternoon and be on their way to you.
Last night, feeling a bit restless, I started to tackle this:

This is months and months of Fat Quarters, purchases, gifted and brought home pieces that have covered the surface of my basement cutting table with no time to deal with them due to other pressures.  I need to finish the clean up on this today.

Remember, Quilt-Cam, Saturday afternoon, 2pm Eastern – that’s 7pm UK Time, 8pm Europe time ---don’t forget!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


Cousin Jill said...

Thank YOU for sharing your love of quilting with us!!! Everyone had such a great time between the lecture and classes!! I hope our new friends from Michigan made it home and Paula wasn't too tired for her meeting - but I bet she was still smiling!! You are right we are Soul Quilters! Thank you again!!! You are awesome!!!

Lesley Gilbert said...
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Mary said...

Easy Street was my First Mystery with you! I was late getting into your Mystery Group. It is so fun to have a Finished Quilt to take to a Workshop with you! You are the best cheerleader.
I share your website every Guild night. There are many more who need to learn what you can teach. Scrappy makes me Happy!

Unknown said...

Bonnie, I have been trying in vain to find out which book you published the pattern for easy street in. In the first message I sent you, you told me it was going to be in your book coming out in the spring ( this was a while ago) but you didn't tell me the name of that book. Could you please tell me what the name is so I can order it. I'm very sorry I missed your class your taught at my guild, but I was out of town. ( 4 county quilters in Mt Airy, Md). thanks in advance.

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