
Monday, June 15, 2015

Hello from Auburn, California!

How was it that I could live here from the time I was 7 until I was 19 –and NOT make it to this town?

My love of history was in hyperdrive yesterday afternoon after Gail dropped me off at my hotel.

I needed a nap.

But NO!  It was a bright, sunny ((And hot hot hot)) Sunday, but historic Old Town Auburn was just a short walk away.

And I’d been sitting ALL DAY.  It was a day of short connections, and as luck would have it, my departing gate from Atlanta was only two gates down from where we came in from Greensboro…it was Off the plane, On the plane, and walk again!

So let’s walk!

Agapanthus!  I’ve missed you!!

We had these all over our yard growing up in San Jose, and they are a distinct memory of my child hood.  We used to take the blossoms and string them together and make lei's .  They grow like weeds so it’s fun seeing them here!


The Placer County Courthouse stands tall and proud!


In the first floor, you will find the Placer County Historical museum.  A 90 degree walk, even in dry heat, will leave you hot and sweaty and I took some time to wander the museum to cool off.  It is free to the public!

This museum presents an overview of Placer County history from the early Nisenan inhabitants through the latter half of the 20th century. It also includes the Placer County Gold collection, the renowned Pate Collection of American Indian artifacts and the original Thomas Kinkade painting "Auburn Centennial".

Things I found interesting? The old Sherriff’s office!


Hangman’s noose!!


Directing the building of his own scaffold??  Yikes!


Names in the ledger from the 1890s!

For these offenses:


Locked up for INSANITY!

I spent a good hour here just wandering the displays and checking everything out.  My inner history buff was oh so happy!

From here it was a short walk to Old Town Auburn ---perfect for more wandering.


Cutest fire house ever!!


With a fire engine inside!

More photos to share in the slide show!

Click the image below if you are unable to view the slide show on your mobile device.  You’ll be taken to the photo album for viewing.

Old Town Auburn, CA 2015

My challenge last night was to stay up until DARK so I could hopefully sleep through the night.  Not an easy feat since I’d been up since 1am California time just to get here.  By 9pm I’d had it ----

I woke up at 3:30am, forced myself back to sleep and made it all the way to 5:30.  I’m raring to go!

Today we’ve got FIFTY quilters in a Cathedral Stars workshops – bring it on, it’s going to be a rocking good scrappy time!

Happy Monday, Everyone!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


Man for all seasons said...

Agapanthus come from Cape Town, like me, and grow in profusion there, both in gardens and in the wild. They are a sight to see in December, planted in the thousands along roadsides and freeway dividers, but are unfortunately the only thing on the planet to which I am allergic!

Unknown said...

I just love all the sites you visit and the history!! WOW...big workshop today! Your going to have a ton of fun!!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

it is always fun to wander through these small museums and see a bit of history - I bet a lot of the locals don't even know it is there - we have found that so often in our exploring on our trips that if you look at the guest sign up book at the front of the museum so often it is from people traveling through. I had recently seen a photo of a museum in the town that my sister lives in and I asked her about it - "a museum?, where? I never heard of it" was the response.

Old quilter said...

That firehouse belongs in a quilt! Houses ? Lighthouses ? Scrappy Happy Houses ?
A mixture ? Public buildings ?
Needs a bit of creative thinking.

Beesknees said...

Old Town Auburn is a lovely place. I lived in the area for nine years, back when there was only one quilt shop. The Foothill Quilters Guild puts on a fabulous show each year. I took best of show way back in 1991!

Unknown said...

Love, love, love your rambles and the quirky stuff you find and share. I'm hoping you will do a double Irish chain for a leader and ender because that is what I'm wanting to make with some Saint Paddy's Day fabric I ran across in my stash. I've never made one and I love the scrappy looking ones I've seen. Dale admcmasters@gmail.com https://diggingupbonesbratkin.wordpress.com/2015/06/12/a-grandfathers-love/

Shirl said...

Old town Auburn is a gem and a treasure trove of gold rush stories. Glad you had time to amble! I will miss you today, but happy to be able to take my daughter for her hip procedure. Hope to see you tomorrow night!

Shirl said...

Old town Auburn is a gem and a treasure trove of gold rush stories. Glad you had time to amble! I will miss you today, but happy to be able to take my daughter for her hip procedure. Hope to see you tomorrow night!

Unknown said...

Beautiful countryside, thanks for sharing !

Deb M said...

what a wonderful town, thank you so much for taking the time to share, it makes me feel like I'm on an adventure with you sometimes

Unknown said...

You had to go and make me homesick. Auburn was (and is) a great place to grow up.

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