
Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Old Quilters Don’t Die–They Go to Pisa!

We went to PISA!

It’s only about a 40 minute drive from where we are staying in Montecatini Terme.

We had finished our hands-on Hexies workshop before lunch…enjoyed a walk through town and ate lunch where we wanted, then were back to the hotel to load up on the bus and head over to spend our afternoon seeing this historic wonder.

How this thing is still standing – I have no explaination!

But that moment…

The moment when you first round the corner and come face to face with this tower we have always heard so much about…..

I was not prepared for the flip flop that my heart would do!
Shown in the photo above is my dear friend Jill – we are having a wonderful time along with the 40+ others who were along for the ride.


And THERE she is!

It doesn’t look SO leany from this angle…but just wait…as you walk around the circumference you can see it ---

((and at this time I can’t tell you how happy we were for a brilliant blue sky with scattered light clouds as the perfect photo backdrop!))


No doubt – it’s LEANING!

And look at that SKY!


Pinch us, we are in PISA!


The surrounding buildings are also FASCINATING!

Look at this brick work….the arches….the patterns!


Doorways are a favorite photo subject…but look at the arches above!


Basilica in the background….


Building detail!  WOW!

We were unable to climb to the top of the tower.  The tickets were all sold out for the time that we were there…the next available time was after we were already on our way back to Montecatini Terme.  However…it was such a beautiful day –I preferred to be OUTSIDE in the sunshine enjoying the day, than cramped in the dark innards of a tower spending what little available time we had in a slow moving line.

Soak up the sunshine!

And for Pete’s sake, don’t forget the Gelato!


I chose the berry back left!  Mmmmm!


So memorable!

And of course, we had to giggle at the yarn bombing of horses:


Is it a Viking horse?


Who had a great time in Pisa??


Much love from all of us in Tuscany!

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Linda H said...

Such a wonderful place. So glad you are having a great time. Would love to have joined you.

Quilta said...

Thanks for sharing those wonderful pictures. Too many places to see in one lifetime so glad to experience Pisa through your photos.

Annette De La Croix

Sharon said...

Pisa is such a magical place. All the buildings on the plaza are amazing and so is the gelato. Keep posting stories and photos, I am enjoying them

Tracy said...

LOL yarn bombing! Those are fly bonnets on the horses, they help keep the flies out of their ears.
Love the building pictures.

normajean53 said...

Did you visit the cemetery? Loved Pisa. Glad you are having fun!

Unknown said...

To think how long ago some of these places were built!
Gelato is super yum, as I told you --- I would eat my way through Italy!

Have fun

Anonymous said...

Bringing back so many memories! 10 yrs ago last month with my youngest daughter

Castuartblom at yahoo

Marcia said...

I can just see your mind working overtime, making up a block incorporating the architectural wonders of Italy. I was in Pisa, Florence, Rome and Venice in 1970 - it was a magical trip.

JudyHollyRidgeNC said...

Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful photos! What a beautiful day. And the architecture is phenomenal! Looking forward to more of your travels.
Thanks. Judy

Anonymous said...

Have a great time girls. I am enjoying the trip vicariously through you and your pics. Thank you for sharing Bonnie.

Donna Endresen said...

Beautiful Pics, Bonnie! Thanks for Sharing!

See you in a couple weeks, back in Beautiful Alaska!

Donna Endresen
Soldotna, AK

Patricia said...

We have been there. You did have a beautiful day. Thanks for bringing good memories.

Anonymous said...

I would never have the money to go on a trip like this but hey a girl can dream, looks amazing; Thanks for sharing. Debbie dlarvin@windstream.net

Art by Rhoda Forbes said...

Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful journey with us Bonnie. I detect some quilt blocks in the gorgeous architecture :) Thinking next MQ from Italy.

Karen said...

You are so lucky to be in Italy...you will love all the places you are seeing, and the food.

You may want to correct one of your captions. The shorter round building with the dome on the Cathedral property is called the Baptistry.

Anonymous said...

Italy still has the best gelato I have ever tasted. Great things to see too. We did manage to eat our way through Italy a few years ago and would love to do it again

Jane @ edwardarthur29@gmail.com

Mary P said...

I remember the gelato. Try the salted caramel.

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