
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Riding on a Railroad! Anchorage to Fairbanks!

If you were to ask me which was my favorite day on this Alaska trip, I would probably HANDS DOWN tell you that it was the very relaxing 12 hour train ride on the Wilderness Express between Anchorage and Fairbanks.

I’d never taken a long train ride before – certainly not sitting in the domed upper level with an unobstructed view --

And certainly had never had a train ride with a dining car below, and a wait staff to take care of every beverage whim at our beckon call!

This was traveling in style!

 Wilderness Express!

The Wilderness Express cars are mostly contracted to the Alaskan Railroad by the cruise lines – so our cars were full of cruisers –let the party begin!  Or continue as it seemed, they must have been enjoying their Alaskan Vacations – they were a happy boisterous group!

 Leaving Anchorage!

Cruisers enjoying the scenery…aren’t these windows great?

The view from my seat!

 Roll, train, roll!

As luck would have it, we had spotted moose and bear before even leaving Anchorage – it’s a wild, wild land out there, folks!

And as we pulled into Wasilla station – there were wild quilters to be seen as well!

Quilter friend Joy had placed herself at the station with a Welcome Bonnie Hunter Sign to wave us on!

I’m not sure she saw us – we were in the upper car right at the front, but everyone else on the train was waving at her too!  I caught this quicky video:

There was nothing to do on this trip but kick back, relax, watch scenery and sew a few hexies -



Crazy heights!

Of course there are way too many photos to list one by one, so pour yourself a hot cuppa something –and sit back and watch the scenery go by with me!

Click the image below if you are unable to view the slide show on your mobile device.  You'll be taken to the photo album for viewing.

Riding the Alaska Railroad! May, 2015

The BEST part of all?

When we reached Denali – EVERYONE else got off!  All of the way from Denali to Fairbanks we had the train to OURSELVES!

This is a giddy Bonnie on an empty train!

Bye Bye, Denali!

Dinner in the dining car – with our own wait staff!

Yes, this goes down in history as one of the best days EVER!

So here we are a week later!  How did that happen?

Still playing catch up, but I did get some sewing time in last night…I’ve got a quilt to ship off today for the Nov/Dec issue of Quiltmaker –and a few other little blockies going for that issue as well.

Tonight I’m really looking forward to some Quilt-Cam time.

Meet me here on the blog at 9pm EST and we’ll do some sewing together.  My plan is to sew the last seams of that Lozenge top and get it together – Join me, won’t you?

See you then!

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Becky said...

Nice! Thanks for the pictures! Glad you enjoyed your trip to AK and I'm glad to know you didn't have to drive it by yourself...it's a big place to be tooling around in a rented car by yourself.

K Pfaff said...

Looks like a lovely day! How wonderful to have the train to yourself for a while.

Anonymous said...

Oh the train ride. I used it to go to the University in Fairbanks in 1972 with all my stuff. They stuck the college kids in the "cattle car" without any heat for the 12 hour trip. It was still magnificent. These were the days when the Fairbanks to Anchorage hiway was 400miles of unpaved road and the Alcan to the Lower 48 was 1200 miles of unpaved roads. We all had to be rugged to travel then.
Ana sweetana3 at yahoo dot com.

Deanna W said...

I will have to watch the archived version as I have guild tonight. Extra special is I am doing a trunk show for the ladies of some of my creations. Will be watching later to catch up on your travels

Eileen said...

Well if you were thinking of using this train ride as an inspiration for this year's mystery, it is hard to imagine your not using green! Thanks for taking us along for the ride.

Unknown said...

Bonnie....I've cruised to Alaska (2X) and can't wait to return. I rode one of those beautiful trains, as well,
but not the distance you traveled it. And yes, I was able to find some really neat quilt shops along the way, too!
Enjoying your travels through your lovely photos.

Sue in Scottsdale, AZ said...

Many years ago when we took a cruise to Alaska, after the cruise we flew from Anchorage to Fairbanks. We spent a couple of days in Fairbanks - they were having a heat wave then with temps in the 90s I believe. Then we took the train from Fairbanks to Denali - spent a day and night in Denali - and then got back on the train to return to Anchorage. It was the first part of June and absolutely gorgeous. I am reliving my time through your pictures. Gorgeous and thank you for sharing!

desertladylv said...

Thank you for sharing your wonderful train trip with us.

Bonnie Reilly said...

Sooo loved the Alaska pics-such absolutely breathtaking scenery! My family and I DROVE there from northern California when I was 18 (many moons ago:). ALCAN highway was just gravel with lots of potholes. We drove a new car-not new when we came back! Your pictures brought back many memories. I'd love to go again-will definitely take the train trip this time:) Thanks again for the armchair traveling. Wonderful!

Bonnie R.

Mary Ann said...

I take Amtrak train a couple times a year from North Dakota to Seattle,Wa. Love riding the train.....so relaxing. Beautiful scenery along the way especially in Glacier National Park in Montana. Thanks for sending the great emails about your Alaskan trip. I only hope to get there someday.

Karen said...

So glad you had a beautiful day to ride the train. It is one of my favorite memories of our trip to Alaska. And a great way to see the countryside. Your pictures are beautiful!

Unknown said...

Seeing all this surely awakens my yearning for WILD and PURE nature, and all of those AMAZING quilt shops in the midst of it all!!! Love you Bonnie!!!

Heike said...

Amazing photos! I love the landscape!
Greetings, Heike

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