
Sunday, May 03, 2015

Grand Illusion at the Grand Hotel!

I’m writing this post while waiting for my morning flight in Atlanta!

I had some email correspondence with photos from Mary Frances who is currently at the Needle Art Seminar at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island, Michigan – the same event that I taught at last year, and what was the whole inspiration behind this winter’s Grand Illusion mystery ---

She has her quilt at the conference!

She is photographing it in places where everything came together color theme wise for us!

Check it out here on the GERANIUM PINK SOFA against the green wall and the black and white floor.

Just like I dreamed!

She writes:
Look Bonnie! I brought her home! She still needs binding, and I will add tons of FM in addition to my straight line quilting......but she's HERE! AT THE GRAND HOTEL!
Tomorrow I will check the vendors for possible binding fabric. I want to take more pictures out on the porch and other spots around the hotel. These are just a few I could manage after waddling out of the dining room tonight after dinner.  It would be fun to say I finished it here.  I will send you more pics if I can get some good ones.
I used Mackinac Island inspired fabrics. I have bicycles, horses, butterflies, sailboats, anchors. COLONIAL SOLDIERS, fancy candies....and other prints with personal meaning connected to the island. My quip would be that the only fabric print I couldn't find is fudge, but as it turns out, there is plenty of "FUDGE" in my quilt anyway!
And not the way David Taylor thought I meant tonight.....no, I wasn't eating fudge while I quilted.......not that kind of "fudge"! Not all my points match perfectly (horror of horrors) and there are a few fluffy spots that I'm SURE will "quilt out" !  I also love that my backing fabric has birds against the blue color designed to......repel birds. It suits my sense of irony. They are supposed to think its the sky, so they won't nest under the eaves.
This project has been like a dream come true. Because of you and the mystery I am here with my quilting buddy and I keep pinching myself that im at the Grand Hotel enjoying this year's seminar.
Next I have to google formal flatware settings so I don't pick up the wrong fork at dinner tomorrow!
Thanks Bonnie!
I am so thrilled that a Grand Illusion made it back to the Grand Hotel!
I’ll be teaching at the Needle Arts seminar on Mackinac Island again NEXT May, 2016 --- maybe YOURS will be ready by then and you’ll want to join me? Stay tuned for more details.
As this posts we will be arriving in Italy….or maybe it will still be the middle of the night at home…at any rate I doubt I would have found any wifi to make contact at this point so I am sending it ahead to post later ---
Love from….wherever I am!

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what a GRAND quilt and grand settings for pictures!! thanks for sharing!

Colleen said...

A Grand setting for a Grand quilt :) I'm going to make this quilt my next project. I'm from MI originally and always loved the UP and Mackinac Island. My parents took me over to the Island several times (via ferry) when I was growing up.

Safe travels and look forward to "seeing" Tuscany :)

Paulinelentsmnet@gmail.com.au said...

how cool is that

Patricia said...

How neat to see your design in its home.

Jamie McClenaghan said...

OMG!! This quilt pictured "back home" is just fantastic! I can't wait to see more photos of it at the hotel in different settings!

I was supposed to be at the retreat last year that inspired Bonnie to make this quilt. I was very disappointed to not be able to come at the last minute. I will be signing up for 2016!

Granny Lyn said...

Don't tell him,,,but I overheard my Mr. Wonderful making arrangements for me to go next year!! My ears perked up when I heard him say "I want to surprise my wife" Oh, how I love that man of mine!!!

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