
Monday, April 20, 2015

Before My Head Hits the Pillow!

This was my morning travel from Greensboro, NC to Atlanta GA and finally on to Wichita KS ---

When I wasn’t snoozing behind closed eyelids that is!

This morning was SUCH an early shock to my system.

I honestly don’t know how the gate staff and folks in ticketing can be so dang cheerful at 4am.

No one in their right mind should have to get up at 3am for ANYTHING or ANY REASON! 

But….I had been afraid I would over sleep and miss my flight, so part of the problem was that even though I told myself I’d get 6 hours of sleep last night and that 3am wouldn’t be TOO BAD…I kept waking up about every 90 minutes  and checking the clock afraid that I had slept through my alarm and missed my flight already.

When it’s dark out – it’s dark out…so it is hard to guage what time it is unless you lean over and look at that clock.

Oh goodness!


Good Morning Kansas!

I landed in Wichita at 10am, was quickly picked up by Cathy and driven out to Arkansas City for my lecture that started at 1pm….we made it!

All of the bags, all of the cases of books and box of notions – everything made it!

By this time we are running on pure adrenaline ---as the community room began to fill with quilters.

More seats had to be set up!


Oy, what a crowd!

Make it look like fun, everyone!


Now that is what I’m talking about…a big Kansas Yeehaww!

I really enjoyed my time with this group – they were interactive, asked questions, listened, laughed, commented and enjoyed.  I loved spending the day with them!

When all was packed back up ((Tomorrow is in a different location with a different group)) We headed out for some stash enhancement and R&R!


Field to Fabric Quilt Co in Winfield, KS!


A darling little shop with a great big heart and lots of goodies!

I really only came for the 1/4 yard of batik that I need for a project…but I couldn’t let those moda scrap bags go…one has reds and neutrals for my hexie project, the other one has neutral, aqua and black!  Yep..just pieces parts to add to the scrap stash.


If you get a chance and are anywhere near Winfield ---stop on by!


A Wichita Sky Line!

I’m all checked in after a bite of BBQ for dinner down town.

My eyes won’t be open for much longer – just long enough to get this sent out.

Tomorrow is a double duty day – Love Shack workshop for 36 students in the morning..followed by another lecture for this group tomorrow evening.

Wednesday morning I’ve got a 4:45am ride to the airport for a 6:20am flight to Spokane, Washington.


Sunset on the river ---

No sewing machine at all this leg, there is not time for it ----I just need sleep!

Catch you in the morning ---

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Sherrill said...

UGH, Bonnie, how AWFUL!! Don't know how you do it! Working the midnight shift isn't normal either (ask me how I know! LOL).

45th Parallel Quilter said...

Sleep well ... you've more than deserved it!

colleen said...

so happy to hear it all worked out just fine. I guess sometimes your schedule is just out of your control, living on the edge?

Farm Quilter said...

Sleep well!!! Looking forward to seeing you in Spokane!!!

Carolie said...

Bonnie, you were wonderful! I know we all appreciated you drawing on all of your energy reserves today. You are infectious and generous, which makes it a real joy to see your fabulous quilts and listen to you share your thoughts. Wishing you some restful nights during your travels. : )

Anonymous said...

Love the picture of the skyline. I have lived here all my life never taken a picture of it no I hope your stay here is pleasant


Amy said...

Bonnie, you are SUCH a trooper! I'm glad you are going to Tuscany soon, hopefully some down time and well deserved R&R are waiting for you there!

theresa said...

I just love your notes to us when you travel! I feel like I am along with you, the pictures really help with that too. Thank you so much for sharing your buys and inspiring life and travels with all of us!

theresa said...

sorry, I should turn the light on when I type at night, that was busy life with all of us!

TrulyBlessed said...

I just love how you look at the upside of everything. Glad you had a little fabric enhancement today.

Sleep tight and don't look at the clock.

Colleen said...

Ditto what TrulyBlessed said :)

Anonymous said...

Oh My! Nostalgia! I spent 9 years growing up in Wichita and even graduated from HS there! Not a city one usually sees as a travel destination but it was a good place to grow up in. Hope you had a nice visit ..

Karen kjbos@aol.com

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie, I live in Australia and follow you blog and amazing patterns. I was wondering where you get the Moda scrap bags from. Have had them before but obtained them from a retreat I was attending.

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

Pameala, I bought the Scrap Bags at a quilt shop. It was the first time I'd seen them..but I think they are definitely a winner for the way I sew and priced right :)

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, I don't know how you and your body do why you do... But I am grateful that you can! I love your enthusiasm for life and quilting. And I love reading your inspiring blog every day, full of fun stuff, surprises and glorious pictures of scenery, quilts, quilters, etc, etc, etc!150

QuiltingCyclist said...

God Bless you, dear Bonnie! Safe tra.

janequiltsslowly said...

I did the same thing when I had my last very much too early flight. Uhh! Looking forward to meeting you in Spokane. 😃

Lynn Czar said...

I've had trips like that where you thought you were going to oversleep the alarm, so you wake up every 1/2 hour to make sure you still have time to "sleep ". Yea right ! You might as well have sewed thru the night for as much rest as you got. LOL thanks for your daily updates we all appreciate the effort you put out to keep us with you on your trips. Sleep well. Much love, Lynn

Monica Hayden said...

Do you have a nifty carrying case for your sewing project/supplies that you can take on a plane and could show a picture? Whenever I fly I try to figure out a handy way to carry my sewing stuff on board, but end up with too large of a tote that I have to count as an ADDITIONAL carry-on, not practical! Thanks for sharing.

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