
Friday, March 27, 2015

I’m a Cover Girl! Quiltmaker May/June ‘15 Give-Away!

**NOTE** This Giveaway has ended! Congrats to our winner, Sue!

I was feeling really tired and a bit down in the dumps when I opened this large white envelope on Tuesday morning to find…

My QUILT is on the COVER of the May/June 2015 issue of Quiltmaker Magazine, soon to be found at a newsstand, shop or bookstore near you!

I have had to keep this quilt under wraps for so long that I really did forget about it.

If you remember back in December ((Oh wow, that rhymes!)) I was getting ready to teach a “MYSTERY WORKSHOP” in Plano, Texas over New Years, this was it!

It is a two block quilt, perfect for a one day mystery and we had a lot of fun playing in the scraps, swapping strips and sewing up a storm.

You will find the full instructions for Garden Party in the soon-to-be-released May/June 2015 issue.

You might recognize the main block…that is Hot Cross Buns from my Addicted to Scraps column in the Nov/Dec 2010 issue.  2010!!  My how time flies.

 And it does take me a while, but I have wanted to make each block from the Addicted to Scraps column into actual quilts, and that is what I’ve been working on for some time now behind the scenes.


Finished quilt on my fence at Quiltvilla!

Do you remember when I took a trip to Sunriver Oregon last June and stayed with my friend Randy?  I brought all of the chain blocks with me, I had plenty of red/neutral strips, but she brought along HER bag of strips for me to work with. It was sure fun playing with scraps that were not my own, and I was able to finish the quilt center while on that trip with her in Oregon.

I put on the borders, did the quilting and the binding while at home!


Corner detail!

I have NO IDEA how long I”ve been hoarding that red border fabric, just waiting for the right quilt!


More block detail!

Of course in this issue you will find many patterns for great quilts, including my friends Jo & Kelli from Jo’s Country Junction and my North Carolina friend, Scott Murkin!  It’s a great issue, you are going to want this one!

And…of course…don’t forget my Addicted to Scraps column block!


In this issue: Idaho Square Dance!

There are so many possibilities for this block!  And it is easily built as leaders & enders if you can keep cut squares and rectangles near your machine for easy grabbing while you are working on your current project.

This block is based off of an antique quilt in my collection.  I found it one day while antiquing in Twin Falls, Idaho  around 1996.  I’ve always loved it and wanted to do something with it, but the quilt top I have is too fragile to quilt, so the only way to go about it is to make my own!  Now you can too, following the instructions in the May/June 2015 issue of Quiltmaker.

And I can do better than that.

I’m going to give away a copy!


Leave me a comment below in the comments section to be entered to win.

Small print:

No, you can’t email your comment in, you can’t comment in the guest book, you can’t comment on facebook or instagram…it has to be HERE. On this post.  So I can use the random number generator to choose our lucky winners.  It’s only fair that way!

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I’m off to Maine this morning!  Yes, I packed my cold weather gear.  Besides, we will be sewing INSIDE, not out in the cold so I’ll be good!

I will be drawing for our lucky winner on Tuesday morning, April 2nd before my flight home.

Good Luck Everyone!

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Unknown said...

Bonnie, Am so excited to see the quilt from the Plano Mystery quilt class finally in print! Please add me to your names in the hopper to receive the magical copy of the magazine.

Unknown said...

Congrats on being cover girl! It's a beautiful quilt. Thanks for all you share. I would love the opportunity to win. duwaklj@ ggmail.com

Unknown said...

Congrats on being cover girl! It's a beautiful quilt. Thanks for all you share. I would love the opportunity to win. duwaklj@ ggmail.com

Unknown said...

Beautiful quilt! Love the reds.

Peak City Living said...

Bonnie, I just love what you can do with the smallest of pieces. You are such an inspiration to all the scrap hoarders out there.

susantmangus @ gmail dot com

Peak City Living said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joni said...

Another beautiful happy scrappy from my fav designer! Thank you so much for creating these awesome patterns from beautiful old quilts. You're tops!

Anonymous said...

I have accumulated a lot of solids I could use in this quilt. Hope I win the magazine to get the pattern!
Anne Lancaster

Annelancaster64@gmail.com said...

I have accumulated a lot of solids I could use up using this pattern. Hope I win!
Anne Lancaster

Chris said...

LOVE scrap quilts! krazyqwilt@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Count me in...looks like something I would really LOVE to make.

Nancy Magee

Susan4cats said...

What a beautiful quilt! I love the new block also. So many projects to do, but I think the stack just got thicker.Take care of your lungs in Maine. No getting sick again.

Linda said...

Congrats on another wonderful quilt, Bonnie. Thanks for the opportunity to win this great magazine!
Linda "Cookie" Lawrence

Debby said...

Beautiful! I would love to win a copy so I can make this quilt.

purplepansy132 said...

Great quilt! Congrats on the cover would love to win this issue.
thanks Patsy
icepoppy1@ hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on another wonderful quilt! Thanks for all you do...
Sandy N.

charnette said...

Love my scraps!!!!!

charnette said...

Love to work with scraps!!!

Lori said...

Congrats on the cover!

Unknown said...

I would love to win your magazine!msboerger@gmail.com

pj stitches! (aka Paulette J) pjstitches2002@yahoo.com said...

What a fun quilt! I would love to win a copy of Quiltmaker for your pattern! Congrats (to the cover-girl!)!!!
pj stitches!
pj bergman

Unknown said...

Love the buns :)
Thank you

Carla said...

Awesome fun quilt. Congrats on the cover. Love the quilt and would love to win the magazine.

Unknown said...

That's so cool and you soooo deserve it. Your quilts inspire so many people. The first magazine I ever subscribed to was just for your block.

Anonymous said...

Love this quilt,
Connie from MA

Kath said...

Congratulations! This looks like a great quilt. I'd love to win the magazine so I could make this quilt myself. Thanks Bonnie! ktsquiltdreams atgmail dotcom

Kath said...

Congratulations! This looks like a great quilt. I'd love to win the magazine so I could make this quilt myself. Thanks Bonnie! ktsquiltdreams atgmail dotcom

Ella said...

That quilt on the cover is just fabuolous! I love the colours.

And I'd like to be in the drawing to win a copy. In case my email isn't visible: astroflammante@gmail.com

Mary Resch said...

Another beautiful quilt! I would love the chance to win a copy of this issue. Thank you! Mary Resch. Mmresch@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Thank you for all the help you give for quilters I would like to win the mag. Email is anna626297@yahoo.ca

Lori said...

wow this is such a pretty quilt. A big congratulations. Have fun in Maine, and safe flying.
quilting dash lady at Comcast dot net

Ellee said...

A big shout out to you, Bonnie! Congratulations on your cover shot! -- soparkaveataoldotcom

martha said...

Hi Bonnie: So glad you enjoy the traveling !! I remember Maine - the last times I was there was 45 years ago - WOW
Thanks for all you do and all the beautiful creations yo share!

Marti walkupmy@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Please, please, please...pick me, pick me, pick me


Emily C said...

Congratulations! What an awesome pick me up!

ebbtide45 at yahoo dot com.

Unknown said...

Would love to win. Lol. Never have won in these type giveaways. Thanks for the chance.
Ginger Hawkins

Jennifer Dyck said...

The best kind of cover girl! Congratulations! I would love to win a copy of this magazine!

Ladydukes said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I would absolutely LOVE to win an autographed copy of QM Magazine! LOVE your quilt designs and read your blogs faithfully EVERY day!

Mimi said...

Would love to make that quilt. Looks comparatively easy and quick.

Anna said...

Beautiful quilt! You must have someone to cook and clean for you to get as much done as you do.
Great blog also.
Anna Maire

Farm Quilter said...

Another magazine cover to frame and put in your quilting area!! How many do you have now?? Another wonderful quilt!! I'd love to win a copy of the magazine - thank you for the opportunity!!!

Siouxzq64@gmail.com said...

Gorgeous quilt and love the layout. Congratulation on being a cover girl.

Kristy said...

It would be so fun to win this one! I was born and married in Twin Falls! I might have to buy this issue. ;) Sounds like it's meant to be!

Kristy said...

It would be so fun to win this one! I was born and married in Twin Falls! I might have to buy this issue. ;) Sounds like it's meant to be!

Christy said...

Bonnie, I really believe you are the most generous, personable and inspiring quilter! Thank you for ALL you do! I am looking forward to meeting you in person in Rangeley, Maine come October. I already have JUST the fabric to make Garden Party with. Perhaps I'll even have it done by then. If I should win this magazine, I'm going to gift it to a friend in my local quilt group. We meet weekly and she loves your work just as much as me!
~Christy ArmyBratQuilts@gmail.com

Susan Martin said...

Love this quilt and all your quilts. Would love to receive an issue. Thank You. sumari5555@yahoo.com

cy said...

Hi Bonnie,
I love this quilt as I do all your quilts. Don't know how you find time to do all this. You really amaze me!
Carol Yates

Kathy Crofoot said...

Yummy Quilt - I'd love to win a copy of the magazine Pretty Please?

CA Bobbie said...

As always a great quilt. Love the opportunity to win a copy of Quiltmaker. Thank you. rjc2cam(at)gmail(dot)com

Carol Sc said...

I've always liked blocks set on point --- and this quilt has two!!I would like to win a copy, but will buy one regardless. Thanks for the opportunity.

QuiltGranma said...

Wow, what a great looking quilt, I love red too! Would love to win this free magazine give away.

QuiltGranma said...

Wow, what a great looking quilt, I love red too! Would love to win this free magazine give away.

QuiltGranma said...

Wow, what a great looking quilt, I love red too! Would love to win this free magazine give away.

Margie said...

I would love to win! I think your quilt if beautiful!

Margie Jones

Unknown said...

What a great quilt! Hope my number is picked.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win a copy.

Louise Ross

Anonymous said...

I subscribe to Quiltmaker Magazine SOLELY because of you. YOU make the magazine, in my opinion! Love your new quilt pattern Bonnie. -Marcy Cady, cady@cox.net

Anonymous said...

I subscribe to Quiltmaker Magazine SOLELY because of you. YOU make the magazine, in my opinion! Love your new quilt pattern Bonnie. -Marcy Cady, cady@cox.net

marcy said...

I subscribe to Quiltmaker Magazine SOLELY because of you. YOU make the magazine, in my opinion! Love your new quilt pattern Bonnie. -Marcy Cady, cady@cox.net

Allie B. said...

Red is my color and I did wave to you as you flew through Michigan. Yep, you could see your breath all day, unless you got blown away. Happy Travels.

Allie B. said...

Red is my color and I did wave to you as you flew through Michigan. Yep, you could see your breath all day, unless you got blown away. Happy Travels.

Bernadette Izod said...

Well done Bonnie

DarleneT said...

Thanks for all you do! And for the chance to win a copy of the magazine.

Unknown said...

I soooooo love this quilt!!! I was just sorting scraps this weekend and this would work brilliantly.
Julie DOT mirdoch AT shaw DOT ca

dwilliams@interstatemechanical.com said...

Love your quilt...you should be on every cover...would love to win!!


Key Elements said...

Such a talent Bonnie, I follow you and you are an inspiration. I do not know how you do it all. WOnder Woman for sure. Take it easy! Julie

Peg said...

Hi Bonnie! Sounds like you're having fun in Maine. Congrats on the cover girl. I sure would like to win! Thanks! Peggy

Peg said...

Hi Bonnie! Sounds like you're having fun in Maine. Congrats on the cover girl. I sure would like to win! Thanks! Peggy

Deb B. said...

Bonnie, I would love to win a copy of the May/June Quiltmaker magazine. Congratulations on getting your quilt on the cover.


Anonymous said...

thank you for the chance to win.

SCR said...

Love your quilts! I have many years of Quiltmaker but my subscription just expired!

Sherry said...

Now this is a quilt that I could see myself making.

I would love to win your giveaway.

Kudos on making the cover of the magazine.

crazyquiltpatcher AT yahoo DOT com

Myrna said...

Such a pretty quilt! Thanks for the give-away!

Ramona said...

Congratulations on making the cover! I know you have to be proud every time one of your babies get to shine in the limelight. Love the color scheme on this one. Still crappy, but pulled together with the reds and neutrals. Really want to try this one. Thanks for the chance to win.
Ramona rpsandbag at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Love this scrappy quilt. Would love to win this magazine.

Meril from Mo.


Anonymous said...

Love this quilt. Love your free patterns and your books. Endless fun!


Dot Forsythe said...

Love your cover! Just finishing the quilt Easy Street..need a new challenge! Congrats...Dot


Diana said...

Another great quilt pattern. Love the scrappy look. Would love to win a copy of the magazine.

Anonymous said...

Your quilt is
beautiful on the cover! Would be great to win a copy of this great magazine!

Pam Knutson said...

So fun

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie,
Your cover girl is quite cute. I would love to win a copy of it. Congrats. I like Pho too.
Theresa tstralse@msn.com

Lucky Duck Dreams said...


Anonymous said...

That quilt would sure use up a lot of my scraps. I will put it on my very long to-do list. maureendixon@comcast.net

Edwina Annette Parsons said...

love the quilt. If i don;t win this copy i will be going and buying my copy asap. love all you do!!!!

Annette Parsons

ajsgramie said...

congrats on being a cover girl. I really love this quilt. If I don't win I'm going to have my son look for the magazine when he's in Burlington on Monday.
Northern NY

Martha Whitaker (mjwhitaker@sbcglobal.net) said...

Love this quilt! Perfect for Spring sewing!

Unknown said...

I would love to win!
It stopped counting at 1024. I'm trying again as my number was much higher and not listed? Ijjsu@windstream.net

Sharyn Mallow Woerz said...

In To Win! I mowed our yard today 16000 steps :) must be spring
Sharyn in Kalama

Sharyn Mallow Woerz said...

In To Win! I mowed our yard today 16000 steps :) must be spring
Sharyn in Kalama

Ellen said...

luvtoquilt2@gmail.com would love to have this issue with your quilt on the cover. It is summer temps. in So. Cal. Too soon! Somehow we missed winter you guys got it all it seems. Ellen

Ellen said...

I would love to have the issue with your quilt on the cover. It seems like summer temps. are here in So. Cal you guys got all the winter weatherl.

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie, would love to make this quilt. Please pick me. Also , can you please give us an early heads up on strip sizes for the hourglass red ,neutral and red Christmas quilt you were working this past few months. I've collected a whole bin of scraps and want to be ready . Thanks for all the sharing you do. God bless. Sharon Kostur, jskostur@gmail.com

sandy davis said...

Love it - sweet!!

MsAdventure said...

I have yet to do a scrappy quilt. I think that I might want to do this one!

Anonymous said...

I love this quilt pattern! They just seem to get better and better! Would love to win the magazine.

Amber said...

This looks like a wonderful book to have. Thank you for the chance to win it.

Gail said...

1097 comments as I leave mine! LOL Gail ... gailsapp@bellsouth.net

Jane's Quilting Studio said...

Thanks foe the chance to win a copy of Quiltmaker magazine! See you in August at Mary Kovals.
Thanks again,

Anonymous said...

Would love to win! Thank you for all you do!

Betty Price said...

Love this quilt.....pick me! bettyprice10@hotmail.com

Wendy said...

Bonnie you are so inspiring. Congratulations on another quilt Magazine cover. Love following you daily. You are my tour guide of the United States and beyond. Thanks so much. Appreciated everything you do for the quilting community.

Wendy Bradley
Alliston, Ontario

Unknown said...

Congratulations on the cover!

Anonymous said...

Ann from Boston!
Love your give awaysand following you on your journeys.

Unknown said...

Luv luv the scrappy quilts..


Gweneth said...

Scrappy is fun all the way until you done, so a winner I wan to be.

Nell's Quilts said...

What a great quilt. Love the red border. Hot Cross Buns - a perfect Easter season quilt!

Barbara said...

Looking forward to this magazine coming out. Love to win one. Thanks, Barbara


Anonymous said...

You never cease to amaze me Bonnie Hunter! I'd love to win this magazine! Can't get enough of your patterns! --spaladylori@abbnebraska.com

Donna-Maree said...

Thanks for the opportunity Bonnie. Love everything you do.

Anonymous said...

I looked for it today but it's not on our newsstands yet. Pick me!

Susan L.

Quiltingnana said...

Hi Bonnie, love your cover quilt. Would like to win magazine. I'm working on your mystery quilt right now. I think you are great. I've learned so much from you, thanks so much! cecilia.roy041@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Ahhhh, cover girl ! Love it

apple blossom said...

Would love to win Quiltmaker magazine. thanks for the chance

Unknown said...

Thank you for the chance to win a copy of this copy of Quiltmaker with your new quilt in it!!! I was telling some ladies today about you being an inspiration at a thrift store!!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
scottylover said...

I let my subscription expire and now I am kicking myself! Would love to win this issue!

Sandy A
scotty4me39 (at) yahoo. COM

Anonymous said...

Wonderful quilt, would love to win the issue so I can make my own. Diane sonofkettle@maqs.net

Lisa Townsend said...

Thanks Bonnie! I enjoyed the gathering tonight in Windham and seeing many of your beautiful quilts in person. Please put me in for the drawing.

Lisa Townsend of Maine

Anonymous said...

Love the pattern!! Would love to win. Holly H hollyheh@yahoo.com

Jamai said...

Oh, pick me! Pick me! I have learned so much about fabric management and using my stash since following your blog and web site. Now have totes of color way strips instead of baskets of piled up scraps!

RitaPartridge said...

Pick me! Pick me!
Loved your lecture tonight Bonnie!

Linda said...

Wow! Another beautiful quilt! If I don't win, I, going to buy it anyway!

Linda said...

Wow! Another beautiful quilt! If I don't win, I, going to buy it anyway!

Anonymous said...

Would love to win! Thanks for the opportunity.

Leavenworth Robin said...

Bonnie Have a great time in the snow so you will really appreciate the sun when you return home. Quiltmaker Quiltmaker make me a quilt!

Unknown said...

Beautiful quilt! Thanks for the chance to win. Teresa_stonecypher@yahoo.com

LindaKy said...

I do sew love this block!! I'd love to make a quiltful of them! Thanks for your sharing soul Bonnie!

LynAnne Smucker said...

I am working finishing some previously started quilts (putting together the tops) and I need a new leader ender quilt and would love a copy of this pattern.

Susan said...

Been enjoying your quilt cams and your website along with your blogs. Would love to win the new Quiltmaker Magazine.

Susan from the Lake Gaston Piecemakers

June D said...

Thanks for putting my name in the hat for the drawing! Congrats on having your lovely quilt on the cover!

Unknown said...

Love QuiltMaker and your addicted to scraps column. Would love to add the newest edition to my collection. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Would love to win a copy of the Quiltmaker magazine "Cover Girl", hopefully signed by you!?

Unknown said...

Congratulations on the cover! I love that pattern "Hot Cross Buns" Thank you for the giveaway. I would love to win.

nancykwiltz said...

Congrats on another great pattern! Would love to win a copy.


Debbie said...

Great cover! Congrats
My favorite quilting magazine and
Hot Cross Buns are just right for Easter too.

Cindy said...

You've done it again, and on the cover no less. Good for you. You never cease to amaze me with your creativeness. You have made a scrap quilt convert out of me and have another quilt to add to my to-do list.

Cindy said...

You've done it again, and on the cover no less. Good for you. You never cease to amaze me with your creativeness. You have made a scrap quilt convert out of me and have another quilt to add to my to-do list.

Cindy said...

You've done it again, and on the cover no less. Good for you. You never cease to amaze me with your creativeness. You have made a scrap quilt convert out of me and have another quilt to add to my to-do list.

Anonymous said...

This is just the one to make,
For my sweet grand daughter to take
To bed at night and SL eep with thoughts
Of cuddles that Granny's love bought
Sew singer and Bonnie love to share
For all of us to show we care.

Venora Smith
Melbourne ,

Lisa said...

Lovely quilt and congrats on being a "cover girl!" Lisa golddust@kpunet.net

Brit Schjelderup said...

I would love to win:-)

Best regards from Brit
britschj at gmail dot com

McQuilt said...

Pick me, pick me.

Faith (Stevie) Harris said...

Love your scrappy ideas. Getting into it, when I never thought I would, LOL. Would love to win.

Ella Prevette/tlpebp1967 said...

Thanks Bonnie for this opportunity to win this catalog. Would love it very much. Ella in North Carolina.

Carolyn Edwards said...

Congratulations on being a "Cover Girl."

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. Thanks for sharing your busy life. Would love to win a copy.
Jean in Canada jeaanbray2005@yahoo.ca

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. Thanks for sharing your busy life. Would love to win a copy.
Jean in Canada jeaanbray2005@yahoo.ca

chook said...

oh just Beautiful Bonnie !please enter me in the draw I would love to win a copy of this mag .Hugs Beth bdasecke@westnet.com.au

lorna said...

Would love to win, love scrappy quilts. yanish@charter.net

Julie said...

This is a beautiful block and quilt.

Unknown said...

I would love to win! gailbartlettretired@gmail.com

twinster said...

My first time here! Would love to win.......such a lovely layout!

Anonymous said...

Would love to make this quilt. Thanks for all your beautiful patterns.

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