
Friday, March 27, 2015

I’m a Cover Girl! Quiltmaker May/June ‘15 Give-Away!

**NOTE** This Giveaway has ended! Congrats to our winner, Sue!

I was feeling really tired and a bit down in the dumps when I opened this large white envelope on Tuesday morning to find…

My QUILT is on the COVER of the May/June 2015 issue of Quiltmaker Magazine, soon to be found at a newsstand, shop or bookstore near you!

I have had to keep this quilt under wraps for so long that I really did forget about it.

If you remember back in December ((Oh wow, that rhymes!)) I was getting ready to teach a “MYSTERY WORKSHOP” in Plano, Texas over New Years, this was it!

It is a two block quilt, perfect for a one day mystery and we had a lot of fun playing in the scraps, swapping strips and sewing up a storm.

You will find the full instructions for Garden Party in the soon-to-be-released May/June 2015 issue.

You might recognize the main block…that is Hot Cross Buns from my Addicted to Scraps column in the Nov/Dec 2010 issue.  2010!!  My how time flies.

 And it does take me a while, but I have wanted to make each block from the Addicted to Scraps column into actual quilts, and that is what I’ve been working on for some time now behind the scenes.


Finished quilt on my fence at Quiltvilla!

Do you remember when I took a trip to Sunriver Oregon last June and stayed with my friend Randy?  I brought all of the chain blocks with me, I had plenty of red/neutral strips, but she brought along HER bag of strips for me to work with. It was sure fun playing with scraps that were not my own, and I was able to finish the quilt center while on that trip with her in Oregon.

I put on the borders, did the quilting and the binding while at home!


Corner detail!

I have NO IDEA how long I”ve been hoarding that red border fabric, just waiting for the right quilt!


More block detail!

Of course in this issue you will find many patterns for great quilts, including my friends Jo & Kelli from Jo’s Country Junction and my North Carolina friend, Scott Murkin!  It’s a great issue, you are going to want this one!

And…of course…don’t forget my Addicted to Scraps column block!


In this issue: Idaho Square Dance!

There are so many possibilities for this block!  And it is easily built as leaders & enders if you can keep cut squares and rectangles near your machine for easy grabbing while you are working on your current project.

This block is based off of an antique quilt in my collection.  I found it one day while antiquing in Twin Falls, Idaho  around 1996.  I’ve always loved it and wanted to do something with it, but the quilt top I have is too fragile to quilt, so the only way to go about it is to make my own!  Now you can too, following the instructions in the May/June 2015 issue of Quiltmaker.

And I can do better than that.

I’m going to give away a copy!


Leave me a comment below in the comments section to be entered to win.

Small print:

No, you can’t email your comment in, you can’t comment in the guest book, you can’t comment on facebook or instagram…it has to be HERE. On this post.  So I can use the random number generator to choose our lucky winners.  It’s only fair that way!

If you are a blogger or google user, PLEASE check your profile to make sure your email address is visible and I can reach you.  If there is no email address on your profile I have to choose someone else.  If you are commenting as anonymous you must leave your name and your email address so I can reach you.

When in doubt, just please leave your email address!  It’s that simple!

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Same goes for Blog-lovin.  Get OUT of blog-lovin and view our page directly.

You can’t always comment while reading in a blog reader service.  Make sure our address starts with http://quiltville.blogspot.com  No bloglovin in the address!

I’m off to Maine this morning!  Yes, I packed my cold weather gear.  Besides, we will be sewing INSIDE, not out in the cold so I’ll be good!

I will be drawing for our lucky winner on Tuesday morning, April 2nd before my flight home.

Good Luck Everyone!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


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Sandhya Karandikar said...

Congratulations. I have always love your quilts as they use a lot of scrap fabric.

Anonymous said...

Oh, such a great looking quilt. Hope I win
Meril from Missouri

Eppie Doodle said...

Wonderful looking quilt! Love the red border. Thank you for the opportunity of winning the magazine.

Take care

Carol said...

would love to be in Maine!

Anonymous said...

Love your design and would love to win a copy.


swakins said...

Love that block for your Addicted to Scraps column, just my style, no triangle! Looks like another winner

swakins said...

Love that block for your Addicted to Scraps column, just my style, no triangle! Looks like another winner

swakins said...

Love that block for your Addicted to Scraps column, just my style, no triangle! Looks like another winner

swakins said...

Love that block for your Addicted to Scraps column, just my style, no triangle! Looks like another winner

swakins said...

Love that block for your Addicted to Scraps column, just my style, no triangle! Looks like another winner

swakins said...

Love that block for your Addicted to Scraps column, just my style, no triangle! Looks like another winner

swakins said...

Love that block for your Addicted to Scraps column, just my style, no triangle! Looks like another winner

swakins said...

Love that block for your Addicted to Scraps column, just my style, no triangle! Looks like another winner

Candace said...

What fun it would be to win! candace2robinson@gmail.com

Adalemc said...

Love this quilt and would really like to have the magazine. admcmasters@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Love the quilt and congrats on your "cover girl" status. Thanks for a chance to win.
Kathryn. Satinstitch33@gmail.com

Unknown said...

You deserve to be a Cover Girl! Love the Garden Party quilt. Would sure like to win. Carol

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, what a happy quilt!! Love it to bits Carolyn Barnett csbbobbin@yahoo.com

Barbara G. said...

Love the cover quilt! Would love to win the magazine so I could attempt to make that quilt.

Janet R said...

My birthday is on Easter and that would make a great present. Thank you for the opportunity.

Janet jmrwdm@aol.com

Stusa said...

Loved taking your Mystery Quilt in Plano. I need to finish mine! I had forgotton how beautiful this quilt actually is.


Judy said...

Hope you are keeping this one at the cabin, looks like the perfectionist to wrap up in on these still very chily days. Love it!

Congratulations, you deserve to be on the cover more often.

94Quilter said...

My favorite quilter in my favorite magazine!!

Sewing Up A Storm said...

Love your mystery quilt and would love to win so I have the instructions! Your stuff is always so fun!

Sewing Up A Storm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dody said...

Me me me me me me me me. Pick me! Oh I really love this quilt pattern. Thank you Bonnie and if I don't win, I'm buying the magazine and making this quilt very soon. I've got two laundry baskets full of scraps that will just do the trick.

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping for a win. Love quilting magazine.
So Cal Jackie

and safe travel

joyce said...

Would love to win! Thank you for the opportunity!
Love your quilt!

Unknown said...

Yet another fabulous scrap quilt design, by such a fantastic quilter. I am so happy to have found you. I have finally embraced cutting into my stash. It's a toss up which to do next. I did my fave .... Criss Cross Applesauce. It needs quilted. Thanks for offering up this magazine. Congratulations.

Vivian Zug said...

What an inspiration you are, Bonnie Congratulations on being a cover girl. Well deserved and a beautiful quilt.

Paule-Marie said...

Congratulations Cover Girl. Great quilt. I'd love to win an issue.

Anonymous said...

Love this pattern, & love this magazine.
Dorothy from Arizona

rrjane011749 said...

Truly awesome quilt! I love the Idaho Square Dance, would love to make one!

Dar said...

I love the colors of your new Cover Girl Quilt. Would love to win a copy of the magazine too. I've got my fingers crossed. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie:
Love the quilt on the cover. Congrats! I would love to win a copy.
P. Baron

Janarama said...

Congratulations on being a Cover Quilt Woman. Thank you for the chance to win a copy of the magazine.

Linda C said...

I am already thinking about fabrics for the new quilt. Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy of the magazine.

RMHull said...

Awesome looking quilt! I love your quilt designs and loved my class with you. I would be honored to be selected to receive the magazine.

BonnieE said...

Congrats on the cover! How exciting and rewarding for you... Enter me in the drawing please. Would love to win the magazine.

Unknown said...

This is a great quilt. It would like nice in red white and blue for one of my son's Idaho army buddies. Love your quilts

Anonymous said...

Love garden party!

Mary said...

Thanks Bonnie, you are soooo good to us.

Joanne Larson said...

Hot Cross Buns...a beautiful quilt...reminds me of Easter. Thank you for all you do!

Anonymous said...

If i win your magazine,I will donate it to someone in my guild as I already subscribe. Love your quilt on the cover!

Kathi Kraftyzales said...

Well deserved!!!

Siobhan said...

I hope you're feeling cheerier now, congratulations!
Best regards,
Siobhan (sfriedgood @ Comcast . Net)

Anonymous said...

I really like this quilt. Congrats on being a Cover Girl! LOL I have been doing leaders and enders for quite awhile and am always on the lookout for patterns that work easily for that. Would love to win, thank you for sharing all that you do. Sara @ ohsirius7@hotmail.com

QuilterRose said...

I'd love to win this issue! Born and raised in Idaho-Dad's in Mackey, Mom's in Boise. Edge-to-edge. :-)

Myrtle said...

Would love to win the magazine. I am making a quilt for each of my grandchildren using a different pattern for each. Myrtle. email address: mrguild@msn.com

Rickie said...

This quilt magazine will be my b-day present to myself if I don't win! Love you quilt. Thanks Bonnie. - Rickie rslindiana@gmail.com

Kelly said...

So fun to see the mystery revealed! In case my number is drawn, my email address is k2sattlers at gmail dot com.

John said...

Count me in for a contest entry. I think all your quits are the greatest! Thanks again for all you do! - John

Suzanne C said...

Having an autographed copy of your quilt cover...how awesome would that be!!

Lindah said...

Beautiful cover; frame-worthy!

Unknown said...

Would be fun to win. lindaoquilts@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Would be fun to win. lindaoquilts@gmail.com

Unknown said...

It is always nice to be cheered up by something you have forgotten about. Congrats, I would love to win
Janet from Washington State

Brenda Wilkinson, WL, BC said...

Good Heavens! Each time you do a give-away, there are more and more entries! Just goes to show how popular you and your blog are. Anyway, here is my bid for the latest issue. Have fun in Maine. Watch for those roadblocks known as moose!

Margaret said...

What a beautiful, bright quilt. Great job on another winner!

Happy stitching,

Joanne Larson said...

Hot Cross Buns...a beautiful quilt...reminds me of Easter. Thank you for all you do!

MyCretanlife said...

Yes please, I'd love to win the magazine. Thanks.

Sandy Fields said...

Love "Garden Party" and the new scraps column block. This is going to be a great magazine!

Unknown said...

Bonnie thank you for another quilt patterns.

wolf3349 said...

I am so happy you made the cover. You definitely deserve it. I have been doing your scrap quilts for the last 6 years since I started quilting. I love doing them. I even got some of the other gals in our sewing group to do your mystery quilts along with me.
Just wish my scraps didn,t multiply overnight

Jo Reid said...

The more scrap quilts I make the more I love them and your patterns are the best. Can't wait till my magazine gets here. Thank you for another great pattern!

sandrarumsey said...

Yes please! Thanks for the chance. sru60@aol.com

PattyB said...

Congratulations on being a cover-girl with a great quilt! I would love to win a copy of the magazine!

doodah said...

Dear Bonnie,

How time flies when you are having fun, it seems like yesterday that you were here in PDX. I would love to have that copy of Quiltmaker with your Hot Cross Bun's on the cover. Below is my e-mail address because I never use the silly g-mail addy, to much to remembers it is.

Donna in wet Oregon

Gloria said...

I only make scrappies and would love another enabling Quiltmaker magazine! Thanks for the chance.

Julie Fukuda said...

Always looking for another way to use up my scraps ... since scraps are all I have. Love the finish.

Laura said...

How exciting it must have been to see your lovely quilt on that front page! I'm just starting to get in to scraps, but have been collecting for them as long as I've been quilting...that probably doesn't 'to make sense, but I save all my little pieces, just knew there had to be a use for them: and there you were! Thanks for the chance to win.

Julie Fukuda said...

Always looking for another way to use up my scraps ... since scraps are all I have. Love the finish.

CarolB said...

I love this quilt! I've just subscribed to the magazine, largely because of your column in it; also I can't find a newsstand that carries quilting magazines anymore. And we have no local quilt shop! Santa Barbara area population is over 100,000 and we DON"T have a quilt shop! All kinds of problems ensue when you can't just run to the quilt shop for whatever you need. So I would love to win the magazine; I can't be sure which issue my subscription will start with.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this issue.
I have lots of scraps I can use in this quilt.

Linda H said...

Would love to win this magazine. It's my birthday on the 4th so it would be a wonderful present if I was lucky. Thanks Bonnie.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie. Love , love this quilt and would certainly like to have a go at making it.

Thanks for all you do for the quilting community!

Mandy Adams
quiltingmama58@gmail com

Unknown said...

Wonderful use of lots of scraps. You are a master Bonnie! Judy

QueenB said...

Fantastic, love all that colour would like the magazine. Simone in Australia

sgrehome said...

Trying again - this is one of my favorite magazines! Congratulations on the cover!

McQuilt said...

I like the new pattern.

McQuilt said...

I like the new pattern.

Kathy MacKie said...

Way to go Bonnie, congratulations on your Cover Girl status.

Kathy MacKie said...

Way to go Bonnie, congratulations on your Cover Girl status.

grandmaFlor said...

Awesome! Love that quilt

Linda S said...

Way to go Bonnie! I would love to use my scraps to make the cover quilt.
Have a great trip to Maine.

Linda S

Anonymous said...

I love it! Can't wait to see the whole story in Quilt Maker. janet.shotwell@prodigy.net

Crafty Auntie said...

Congratulations!!!! I have been in the process of moving and I have not touched my quilts, machines etc except to put them in boxes. Can not wait to get settled to start this quilt on the cover. However, I am on the Tuscany trip and this would be a great magazine to peruse on the plane. Carla-McGuire@att.net

Wilde Schere said...

Congratulations! What a wonderful quilt! Would love to win a copie......it's not easy to buy one here.

Unknown said...

Your quilt is lovely and I would love to win!

Unknown said...

Incredible. I love all your quilts and cannot wait to see your cover in person!

Cathy said...

Congratulations. Love this quilt. I have been a fan ever since our Interquilt days. Hugs, Cathy

Tanya said...

Beautiful quilt. Would love a chance to win the magazine, its very hard to get in Australia

Samantha G. said...

Congrats, cover girl! Have been cutting my scraps your way for a while now, after discovering your BRILLIANT Leaders and Enders system (where WERE you all those years I was running ugly stringy scraps thru my machine over and over again??) and have finished my Irish Chain, which I love. Thanks for all you do, post, and give away!!

bloomingiris said...

A Cover Girl! How awesome! It would be awesome to win that magazine too!

Anonymous said...

Congratulation on being on the cover. Love the quilt.


Bonnie Hunters patterns said...

Congratulations on making the cover. Very much deserved. Love that quilt.

Bonnie Hunters patterns said...

Congratulations on making the cover. Very much deserved. Love that quilt.

Anonymous said...

Canada loves you and Quiltmaker. Would love to win a copy.

jean Bray

Maureeneh said...

I would love to win the magazine, your pattern will really help to use up some of my stash!

KrisD said...

This sounds like a very good issue to have in my collection. Winning it would be even better! Thsnks for the chance to win a copy. Have fun in Maine!

JanetD said...

Such a beautiful quilt! Jwdeschamps78@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

just luv to win a copy of the
quilt magazine,please keep giving
us inspiration to push ourselves
to quilt daily.... chefsany@hotmail.com

darlene said...

Good for you, Bonnie. What a thrill that must have been to see your creation on the cover of a magazine.

Patricia said...

Comgratulations! Very pretty quilt!

Ellie said...

I'd love to be super lucky and win a copy. I love your quilts and following your blog! Thanks for all you do for us!

Judy S in New Hampshire said...

What a great block, and setting it on point really makes it pop. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of the May/June issue of Quiltmaker magazine. Hope to see you in Vermont in June!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on making the cover! Love the quilt and would love the magazine

Roch167 said...

Bonnie, this makes a great cover for the Quiltmaker magazine. So colorful!

Anonymous said...

Love your quilt and would love to win this magazine!! Thanks for the chance!!


tealeafquilts said...

That quilt is beautiful! I think there might be one of those in my future. decoratorcarol@gmail.com

diane said...

It's always so fun to see a two block quilt set on point that looks like it was much harder to construct. Plus knowing you took your cue for making this one from an antique quilt makes it really appealing

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Bonnie! The quilt is beautiful and I can't wait to see this issue. Cindy. c_schilling@sbcglobal.net

December Taylor said...

I just love a scrappy quilt.. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of it... deetaylor183@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this! Holly aka scarlet3894@yahoo.com

Pat said...

Congratulations on being a cover girl. Need to add this to my list. Looking forward to meeting you in October

Gladys said...

I love the block. I hope I win.

Thanks for all the inspiration!


Mary maloney said...

Yes, indeed, I'm going to find this magazine and buy it hook or by crook. I love your quilt.

Man for all seasons said...

Love all your designs, but this one is particularly good! Stephen in London.

Chris said...

CONGRATULATIONS BONNIE ! Love your quilt and would love to win. Chris

sewok said...

This looks like a really great pattern, another to put on my to-do list. And a great give away. Thanks for the chance to win. Phyllis

Jetmaio from Florida said...

Your new quilt is as happy as you always seem to be.

FancyNancyQuilts said...

Wow, you have again produced a stunning quilt with reasonable piecing! Our speaker at guild talked about when you added on to the quilting cruises, she could not keep up with the registrations!

Donna V said...

Congratulations Bonnie! I love the cover quilt.


QuiltingKate said...

Great pattern! Would love to win the magazine; used to subscribe so it would be fund to reacquaint myself with it.

Janet said...

As always another beautiful quilt. I don't think you have made a quilt that I haven't loved.

Quilt em said...

I'm in it to win it. Looks like a great magazine. Especially with the Quiltville queen reigning the cover !

grapenutquilter said...

I have just the scraps for this!!! The pattern is really calling my name!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful quilt. Great project for our newly created Happy Scrappy Bee!

Tammie said...

I'd love to win the Quiltmaker magazine where you are the Covergirl!

Jeanne said...

I always enjoy any scrap quilt and was happy to hear how long it took you to complete. However, I don't know how you manage to accomplish so much with your busy schedule. Thanks for the opportunity to win a free magazine.Jeanne

Anonymous said...

It is a beautiful quilt. I met you in Plano and you signed one of your books for me. I'm now making my own leaders and enders quilt.


Christine said...

Congratulations on making the cover. It looks like another wonderful issue!

Anonymous said...

What a bright and cheery quilt. Thanks for the chance to win the magazine.

qltrmimsy said...

Hi, Bonnie! Congratulations to you! I love the red sashing and border in your cover quilt.

Wilma S said...

Hi Bonnie
I would love to win this copy of the Quiltmaker with your quilt as the cover girl. I enjoy reading your blog and learn so much. I love quilting with quiltcam for it keeps me company. I have always loved scrappy quilts and you inspire me. Thanks for all you do. I had a featherweight before I knew about you but no knowledge or any info for help. Through you a new world has opened up for me and I can't thank you enough. I live outside the U.S and I learn about your country through your travels.

Alleyne.hardaker@gmail.com said...

Way to get a cover. I now can hardly wait for my magazine to come. Love to win.

Unknown said...

Way to get a cover. I now can hardly wait for my magazine to come. Love to win.

Unknown said...

Way to get a cover. I now can hardly wait for my magazine to come. Love to win.

Unknown said...

Way to get a cover. I now can hardly wait for my magazine to come. Love to win.

D Brown said...

Oh I will make this one! Maybe the quilt I learn to use the treadle with...

So here's my email. Djbrown04@gmail.com because I know my profile doesn't allow anyone to see my email and I'm to lazy to fix it. Maybe some day... Have a great day Bonnie!

D Brown said...

Oh I will make this one! Maybe the quilt I learn to use the treadle with...

So here's my email. Djbrown04@gmail.com because I know my profile doesn't allow anyone to see my email and I'm to lazy to fix it. Maybe some day... Have a great day Bonnie!

Unknown said...

I love all the quilts you make. Can't wait to sew up this one.

Unknown said...

Oh, wow! Love this quilt and red is my all time favorite neutral!!

Anonymous said...

Love this quilt! And thanks for sharing all you do .......I read your posts 1st thing every am to inspire me and lift my spirits. Chris sewincat2000@yahoo.com

Lynn said...

I am glad you are still excited to get a cover. Makes it fun for us to read about too. Congratulations and it is a beautiful quilt.

Anne in McFarland WI said...

Best way to have hot cross buns - no calories yet just as delicious

sewspeciallady said...

Love this new quilt. Looks wonderful scrap user. Thank you. sewspeciallady@yahoo.com

Justhaveingfun said...

Wow, you made the cover! Congrats to you.. Love the small squares. Must have taken a long time to finish? Love the magazine as well.

Anonymous said...

My scraps are really piling up! I would love a new pattern to dig into those scraps!

Suzanne at csmatula@juno.com

Unknown said...

oh, okay.....must add another "Bonnie" quilt to my list of quilts I want to make! (VBG) love it and and
would love to win...
Mish k in NJ

I love stitching said...


Let me start by saying congratulations covergirl!
Thank you for the opportunity to win that incredible magazine.
Pattyloves2quilt@yahoo.com sure hope she wins.

mangozz said...

Congratulations! Love the red border! Would love to win a copy. Thanks.

SCStephquilts said...

More ways to use my scraps, I love it! Congratulations on the cover of Quiltmaker for May/June 2015.

karenh said...

My sewing machine is cleaned oiled and ready to sew! Would love a copy of the magazine.

Leah said...

Garden Party is a gorgeous quilt, one I'd love to make someday. I have to ask: are there any leftover bits of the jumping cow fabric in those red chains? ;)

leah dot shannon at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

If I win great, but if not I'll still buy the issue!!

karenh said...

Love the quilt.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, I would like to win.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, I would like to win.

Crystal_235 said...

Love the quilt. Would love to win!

Unknown said...

That's awesome! Congratulations!! Very colorful quilt, love the design. amtmbrwlf @ gmail . com

Unknown said...

Love that issue! Would love to receive a free copy!


Anonymous said...

THIS. Quilt. Please.
Right down my alley--
Thanks for the chance to win the magazine:-)


Anonymous said...

I love everything about this quilt!!!

RosieGma said...

Hi Bonnie...Great cover...Love that Idaho Block....Thank you for the scrappy way you make blocks...After my own heart and 8 kids clothes......LOL.

Marilyn said...

Maybe it's my turn to win!


Mary K said...

I love all your patterns. You are a very loving and giving person. Thanks for all the giving you do.

Anonymous said...

Love your scrappiness (and that rhymes with happiness!!)

chendryx (at) nctv (dot) com

Rosemary said...

I love this quilt Bonnie.
and Congratulations for being on the COVER!


DianneB said...

What a beautiful quilt you've made. I love your patterns and have made several. Thanks for a chance to win the magazine. I hope your not feeling blue any longer.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Cover Girl! I would love to win the copy.

Kelley MacDonald said...

Can't wait for your workshops in Fairbanks, Alaska!!!

Anonymous said...

Another great pattern for my scraps from Bonnie. Thanks for all you do for quilters. I would be lucky to win this. gbrotman@comcast.net

Unknown said...

Congratulations on being a cover girl...looking forward to the issue coming out...

Linda S Jones said...

Bonnie, I just love the colors in your beautiful quilt. You are so talented. Wish I could turn around quilts like you.
Would love to win the magazine and try out some of the patterns.

Unknown said...

I would love a copy. I have gotten inspired to use more scraps since your program at our guild.

mgquilts said...

Congratulations, Bonnie. I love ALL your quilts and this Cover Girl is no exception. Pick me...pick me...

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the cover quilt - Love it and am adding it to my "to-do"list. ennelson@att.net

Jody said...

Love your new quilt--and a chance to win the magazine. Are you framing the cover?!?

Melinda McMahan said...

Congratulations and thanks for the giveaway.

Jo Anne said...

I would love to win a copy of the magazine, but I will buy one if I don't.

Capi said...

Would love a copy - really love this quilt!
Thanks for the chance. Capi

JJ said...

Congratulations on the cover. I just started following your blog. Every time I think I have found the pattern that is speaking to me, you show another that becomes my favorite. I am so looking forwarding to getting scrappy.

Anonymous said...

Would love a copy of this! Love your patterns snd have made severs l.
jamicarr.jc @ gmail .com just take the spaces out. :-)

Rose in IN said...

Gorgeous Bonnie!!

Unknown said...

Love the cover. would love the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Another success for a wonderful teacher. Thanks for all you do. Look forward to the magazine

JF said...

What a wonderful quilt! And on the cover...

Anonymous said...

Beautiful cover...beautiful quilt. I would like a copy.

Alice Coyl

crazyquilter1@gmail.com said...

I would love to win this magazine


rebecca said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rebecca said...

I love your quilts. I am addicted to the scrappy look. I am a beginner but quilting is a long time family trait. Winning a copy would be wonderful. Good luck to everyone.


Anonymous said...

Wow what a thrill that must be!

Unknown said...

Beautiful quilt and great that it is in the magazine.

Joanna said...

You are so brave with your scrap combinations, and they always look great. Hope I win. Thanks.

LynneP said...

Congrats on being a cover girl---very exciting!
Wish I had even one tenth of your energy!!!
Thanks for the chance to win the magazine. April 2nd is my 26th wedding anniversary; it's a good day to pick a winner!
jlpfeffer at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Love your quilt. Would be a treat to win the magazine

Chris from TX, rgvcowan@aol.com said...

I'd love to win it! Have scraps ready and waiting to use as school lets out for summer!

deb said...

congratulations on another wonderful pattern. I love how it worked up!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Cover Girl!


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