
Friday, March 27, 2015

I’m a Cover Girl! Quiltmaker May/June ‘15 Give-Away!

**NOTE** This Giveaway has ended! Congrats to our winner, Sue!

I was feeling really tired and a bit down in the dumps when I opened this large white envelope on Tuesday morning to find…

My QUILT is on the COVER of the May/June 2015 issue of Quiltmaker Magazine, soon to be found at a newsstand, shop or bookstore near you!

I have had to keep this quilt under wraps for so long that I really did forget about it.

If you remember back in December ((Oh wow, that rhymes!)) I was getting ready to teach a “MYSTERY WORKSHOP” in Plano, Texas over New Years, this was it!

It is a two block quilt, perfect for a one day mystery and we had a lot of fun playing in the scraps, swapping strips and sewing up a storm.

You will find the full instructions for Garden Party in the soon-to-be-released May/June 2015 issue.

You might recognize the main block…that is Hot Cross Buns from my Addicted to Scraps column in the Nov/Dec 2010 issue.  2010!!  My how time flies.

 And it does take me a while, but I have wanted to make each block from the Addicted to Scraps column into actual quilts, and that is what I’ve been working on for some time now behind the scenes.


Finished quilt on my fence at Quiltvilla!

Do you remember when I took a trip to Sunriver Oregon last June and stayed with my friend Randy?  I brought all of the chain blocks with me, I had plenty of red/neutral strips, but she brought along HER bag of strips for me to work with. It was sure fun playing with scraps that were not my own, and I was able to finish the quilt center while on that trip with her in Oregon.

I put on the borders, did the quilting and the binding while at home!


Corner detail!

I have NO IDEA how long I”ve been hoarding that red border fabric, just waiting for the right quilt!


More block detail!

Of course in this issue you will find many patterns for great quilts, including my friends Jo & Kelli from Jo’s Country Junction and my North Carolina friend, Scott Murkin!  It’s a great issue, you are going to want this one!

And…of course…don’t forget my Addicted to Scraps column block!


In this issue: Idaho Square Dance!

There are so many possibilities for this block!  And it is easily built as leaders & enders if you can keep cut squares and rectangles near your machine for easy grabbing while you are working on your current project.

This block is based off of an antique quilt in my collection.  I found it one day while antiquing in Twin Falls, Idaho  around 1996.  I’ve always loved it and wanted to do something with it, but the quilt top I have is too fragile to quilt, so the only way to go about it is to make my own!  Now you can too, following the instructions in the May/June 2015 issue of Quiltmaker.

And I can do better than that.

I’m going to give away a copy!


Leave me a comment below in the comments section to be entered to win.

Small print:

No, you can’t email your comment in, you can’t comment in the guest book, you can’t comment on facebook or instagram…it has to be HERE. On this post.  So I can use the random number generator to choose our lucky winners.  It’s only fair that way!

If you are a blogger or google user, PLEASE check your profile to make sure your email address is visible and I can reach you.  If there is no email address on your profile I have to choose someone else.  If you are commenting as anonymous you must leave your name and your email address so I can reach you.

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I’m off to Maine this morning!  Yes, I packed my cold weather gear.  Besides, we will be sewing INSIDE, not out in the cold so I’ll be good!

I will be drawing for our lucky winner on Tuesday morning, April 2nd before my flight home.

Good Luck Everyone!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

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Tami C said...

This looks like a fun quilt to do! I love quilts that I can use the leader/ender method to make them. I would love to win a copy of your Cover Girl issue!

Mary Rogers said...

Another beautiful quilt. Love the pattern and the colors.
Thank you Bonnie. I love all your quilts.

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love the red! I like seeing a full quilt from the magazine column- more quilts to add to the must-do list :)
Juls in FL mathrun1 at yahoo dot com

Melissa said...

I know I will buy this issue when it comes out, but why not try to win it first. I love Quiltmaker. melissadinsga@yahoo.com

jennieb said...

Oh, Bonnie! You are such a tease! Love the quilt.

teachpany said...

You ROCK as a cover girl! I really want this magazine, and to make that quilt. Thanks so much for the inspiration and directions.

Anonymous said...

What fun to be a Cover Girl! It's nice when hard work brings a bonus with it..will look forward to making this in happy flower colors :) Chris Gray, Augusta GA chrissybluebird@hotmail.com

Virginia said...

Congratulations, Bonnie. Your quilts are beautiful. I'm working on a Leader & Ender quilt right now and am excited to see the finished quilt. Sometimes I forget that it's an L&E quilt and just sew on it! Thanks for all of your quilting ideas.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on making the magazine cover! I would love to win a copy. Thanks for the opportunity!

Kathy Medlin

JanetD said...

Thank you for sharing another great project and magazine.

Lynda F said...

Would love to win this magazine for my April 1 Birthday! I will be buying one.

Terry said...

Terrific cover picture and great use of scraps. I can always use a magazine to help me make the next scrappy quilt. Enjoy reading you blog.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie,
Thank you for sharing...would love to receive this magazine. Looks like a fun one!
Thank you,

Darling Jill Quilts said...

Great quilt! Congrats on the cover!

jillquilts at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Although I was lucky enough to meet you briefly in VA and TN, I hope to attend a class some day. In the meantime I love collecting all you have published. Kathi Pauling MsVictoriaBean@aol.com

Unknown said...

Scrap quilts are my favorite and this one looks easy to put together. I'm sure the magazine has lots of other good ideas also.

Unknown said...

Scrap quilts are my favorite and this one looks easy to put together. I'm sure the magazine has lots of other good ideas also.

Unknown said...

Scrap quilts are my favorite and this one looks easy to put together. I'm sure the magazine has lots of other good ideas also.

Unknown said...

Scrap quilts are my favorite and this one looks easy to put together. I'm sure the magazine has lots of other good ideas also.

Unknown said...

Scrap quilts are my favorite and this one looks easy to put together. I'm sure the magazine has lots of other good ideas also.

Unknown said...


jinxiemoo said...

Looks like a great issue. Would love to win a copy!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you Bonnie, on being a cover girl!!!!


Anonymous said...

What a nice surprise for you when you opened the package. Love the red!!

Helene said...

Hi Bonnie! Thank you for who you are and for giving the random number generator a chance to pick me ;-);-)

Sherry Yeakel said...

Congrats on your Cover Girl status, hope you make me a winner too, ha ha! Love the way the quilt turned out!

Sherry Yeakel

cjmont said...

love your cover quilt

Stephanie said...

congrats and have a safe trip

Michele said...

Congrats on being a cover girl!
See you in Kirksville, MO this coming September

Michele said...

Congrats on being a cover girl!
See you in Kirksville, MO this coming September

Unknown said...

wonderful that you are a cover girl iso enjoy out posts and patterns and books

Gimmeclems said...

Happy for your cover girl status! Count me in for the giveaway!

Debbie said...

It would be sew-sew awesome to win this magazine!

Unknown said...

Wow, how exciting! Looks like this could be my new favorite block.

Congrats Cover Girl! ;)

Nancy said...

Congrats on quilt


Unknown said...

You always come up with fun easybto follow creations.
Thank you.
Claudua Kroll

Unknown said...

You always come up with fun easybto follow creations.
Thank you.
Claudua Kroll

Unknown said...

You always come up with fun easybto follow creations.
Thank you.
Claudua Kroll

Quilty Constance said...

Yet another great quilt appearing in a great magazine!

Deanna W said...

At last the secret is out! Great scrappy quilt. Would love a chance to win a copy!!

Diane Merrill said...

Another beautiful quilt Bonnie. I would love to have that Quiltmaker issue for my library. Thanks again for all you do for us quilters. We are blessed. Diane51056@sbcglobal.net

Cathy L Wilson said...

Would love to win a copy! Thanks!

Sue SA said...

More beautiful blocks and quilts, thank you so much for sharing...again!

Lisa said...

I love your scrap quilt! I would love to win a copy of the magazine. Have a great time in Maine. Have you been to all 50 states? Lisa. golddust@kpunet.net

Yvonne said...

What a beautiful quilt. Yvonne yummy1@gmail.com

Mac said...

put my hat in the ring to win this magazine.

Jenni-M0HZT said...

Thank you Bonnie, I would love a free copy, just love all those patterns... your quilt is just beautiful....
Jenni from Warminster Wiltshire in the UK

Jenni-M0HZT said...

Jenni Jones

Jenni-M0HZT said...


my name is Jenni Jones, and I just love your quilt...

Anonymous said...

Love the quilt! Linda. Email : linquilt74@yahoo.com

Karen said...

I would love to have a chance to win. This is a wonderful quilt. So happy you made the cover.

SherryB said...

Ok, here goes...so many entries, but I guess it only takes one to win, right? And if I don't win, I'm still going to make this quilt, darn it, 'cuz I "need" it on my bed...yep! Starting to look for fabric now... Thanks, Bonnie, for another fabulous pattern!

Linda Goulding said...

So excited to see you as a cover girl!!

Marla said...

Although I love all your patterns, I am really drawn to this one. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Pamela said...

Love this Quilt! Will be looking to get a copy of magazine for sure! Thanks Bonnie for your spunk and creative patterns....Pamela

barbaradougherty126 said...

oooo, would love to win! Thanks

Anonymous said...

Such a pretty quilt and the red border gives it a punch. Quiltmaker with you and Jo Kramer...what a treat!
Val Hertz

Gari in AL said...

Great quilt and a wonderful way to use up those scraps I can't throw away. And winning the magazine would be wonderful.

Rilene said...

Congratulations on having a quilt on their cover! Your quilts are all fabulous and they really inspire us!

Anonymous said...

When I saw the cover of the latest Quiltmaker magazine, it was love at first sight ! I'd be thrilled to win this awesome issue and make a Garden Party quilt. Thanks for this opportunity !

Connie Howard

The Joyful Quilter said...

Please, Mr.Random, pick me!!!

Unknown said...

Sure would like this issue.
Nancy from Iowa

Rita Mitchell said...

Great cover shot! Congratulations on another wonderful scrappy quilt. I'd love to win a copy of the magazine for my very own. Thank you so much for the opportunity to have it. rmm11507@gmail.com

Leslie at the Sugarhouse said...

Congrats on making the cover, another feather in your hatI love your scrappy style. Still working on the last mystery quilt but of course planning my next Bonnie Hunter quilt, and the next one and the next one and so on!

Anonymous said...

Ooooooo...I want to make that quilt too. My list of "Bonnie Hunter Quilts " is growing! Pick me, pick me!!!

Teatime Creations said...

Sweet quilt . Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Congrad's Bonnie, what a great honor. I would love a copy of the magazine. Julie Hallquist at : kjhallquist@mchsi.com

adebose said...

It was great fun being in your mystery class for this quilt. Mom's is finished, mine not so much! Keep up the good work!

Annette debose.quilts@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on making the cover! Thanks for offering a give away. Would love to win it.

Avon said...

Love the quilt., would love to win. avonbi@gmail.com. Thanks

Karenl said...

Awesome !! Thanks for having another contest Bonnie !!!

Cathy said...

I've got my scraps ready whether I win or not!

(I can't imagine keeping a quilt like that under wraps).

Colleen said...

I need that magazine!!! LOVE your quilt...gorgeous! Congratulations on making the cover :)

BTW, I'm catching up on ALL your Quiltcam's on Youtube :)

StitchyDragon Creates said...

That is a(nother) gorgeous quilt! It must be so hard having to keep it secret all those months :-) Thank you so much for the chance to win a copy of the magazine, it's very hard to get hold of US quilting magazines here in the Highlands of Scotland so I really appreciate when you hold these giveaways :-) Have a lovely weekend,

Unknown said...

Love all your quilts and would love to win. Thank you Bonnie for all you do for us all.

lindaroo said...

Congratulations on the cover! I love how those Hot Cross Buns blocks have become flowers in this quilt, and I love everything with chains! (Everything quilt, that is!)

Julie said...

My Bonnie what a beautiful quilt. Hope to make one just like it!!


Anonymous said...

Kathy Henk

I can't wait to see Hot Cross Buns in the next Quiltmaker magazine. I think I have the perfect place for a block like that.


Great quilt, Bonnie, I love it. I am currently working on Jamestown Landing -- would love to make this quilt as well. Thank for the opportunity.
Susan Whippo

Mary Lou said...

You amaze me with all you do. Just what we see you working on is enough to keep most people busy but you also have quilts in progress behind the scenes to surprise us with. Love this one!


Sally Langston Warren said...

Oh, pick me, pick me! I really, really like your quilt! It is beautiful! I would love to win a copy of this issue! (I wonder how much Quiltmaker's circulation has increased she they got you on board?!)
Jspwarren at aoldotcom

Anonymous said...

Congrats on having your quilt on the cover. I love it. I've been following you for several years now. Can't get enough of the scrappy quilts. Laura lbquilts@twc.com

Cindy W. said...

Wow 682 comments so far. Thanks for offering a free magazine. Love reading your blog.
cwcavy @ hotmail.com

Unknown said...

Another beautiful quilt, would love to win this issue... Thanks for all you've taught me

Anita said...

Thank you Bonnie for all that you offer the quilting community. I would be happy to win this lovely prize!

Terri in BC said...

Love it! I buy Quiltmaker magazine just for your Addicted to Scraps column. Once I have read the magazine, I pull out the patterns I want to make and put your column in a special binder just for your columns, quilts from the magazine and mystery quilts. Thanks for the opportunity! terri-fisher (at) shaw (dot) ca

Unknown said...


Congratulations Bonnie on being a Cover Girl. I love the quilt. You have inspired me to look at my scraps in a whole new way.

Linda from Kentucky

KatB said...

Would love to win the magazine. The quilt is so cheerful.

Shirl said...

Another beauty!! Love the way the red squares set of the blocks. Inspiring to see what scraps can achieve!!

Unknown said...

Congrats on making the cover photo. Thanks for giving us new ways to use our scraps. Kristin.jervis@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

A pattern to bust my scrap stash. Pauline parode13@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

Congratulations!! I love scrap quilts and have this one on my very long list of quilts I want to make. Ever onward.

quiltinginthecountry said...

I love this quilt! and would love a chance to win this magazine.
Thank you for all of the fun!

Shayna @ Wife. Mom. Creator. said...

Congrats on getting the cover! That is TOO cool!

Barb said...

Would love to win a copy of your cover girl issue. Love the hot cross blocks on point. Oh no another quilt to add to my "want to do list"
Barb at betcrawford@verizon.net

Melinda said...

I would love to get a copy....will you autograph? I would even drive to pick it up! Taking one of your classes is on my bucket list!

colleen said...

I'd like to win thank you

Dora, the Quilter said...

That would be wonderful--I love scrap quilts. (Maybe I'll be the lucky one--out of thousands, undoubtedly!)

Unknown said...

I recently subscribed to Quiltmaker magazine due to Bonnie's column(s). I would like to win a copy of the magazine to give to my best quilting friend.

Anonymous said...

As usual, you and that awesome quilting and imagination of yours have blown me away. I always look forward to seeing what you are doing and where your adventure is leading you. Would love to win a copy of the new Quiltmaker magazine.

Deborah Hester
Dmj53 at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

Lovely quilt. Would be pleased to receive a copy of the magazine
Carol in the UK


Anonymous said...

Love your quilts.
Would love to win!!

Jen said...

Congrats on being a cover girl. You deserve it! jmn1124@gmail.com

sue s said...

I'm starting to have overflow in my scraps and need to start a Bonnie Hunter quilt! This looks like a good one.


Linda said...

Great quilt! I love all the quilts you make with scraps and small blocks. I have a box of ends and pieces besides my machine that I've been using as leaders/enders. I am mainly working on Orange Crush, but also making crumb blocks and scrappy trips at the same time. It certainly reduces the boredom factor!

jamie said...

Thanks for all the inspiration you provide. Love keeping up with you daily on your blog. Would love to win your cover magazine. Hope you sign the winner. Keep on quilting.

Unknown said...

Love the quilt! Would love to add anything to my Bonnie library! Msvictoriabean@aol.com

Anonymous said...

From Scrap Queen to Cover Girl. Wonderful Valerie C Lavnek@comcast.net

Lauriejo said...

You've done it again! Another wonderful scrappy quilt, and that red border is perfect.

susiefloozie said...

Love your quilts and am not surprised to discover that you are indeed a Cover Girl! Thanks for all the inspiration and generally happy thoughts on life & living!

Vireya said...

What a great-looking quilt!

I don't normally enter your give-aways because there are so many hundred of your fans who do! But today I thought, "Why not?" May as well give it a shot!

Anonymous said...

What a great quilt ! I would love to have a copy . Bettie Frisby bettief@outlook.com

Unknown said...

Congratulations Bonnie! I keep telling my family about you and how I'm going to use all my fabric. Not sure if they believe me yet.

Claudette Adams said...


barbara woods said...

congrats Bonnie love your quilts

Dragonslairquilting said...

I love your cover Congrats!!!

Unknown said...

I love the quilt it is absolutely beautiful. Looking forward for the May/June issue. Hope to win, but if not will forsure buy a copy.
Jean Keeter Lake Lure, N.C.

Paulinelentsmnet@gmail.com.au said...

Congratulations on being a cover girl whoo. Would love the chance to win.

Beth s said...

Bonnie, Love your scrappy quilts! Would love to win!! Have a great weekend!

Michele said...

thank you for the chance to win a copy of the magazine! Love your quilt on the cover. mgailey623@gmail.com

Susan Samson said...

I would love to have a copy! sbsamson11@cox.net

Joann Rosenfeld said...

Bonnie, you make the best quilts! This one could use up a lot of my fat quarters. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of this magazine.


Vivian said...

Congrats on getting a cover! Love how scrappy you always get your quilts. I had to go back to that issue to check out the block -- Think if I don't win it, I'll be buying this one since I also like what Jo and her daughter do too!

Unknown said...

Yet another beau-ti-ful quilt from your creative mind!! I had the fun of taking a couple of workshops/classes from you when you visited Dayton, OH, several years ago. You are a true delight and a wonderful teacher. Those folks in Maine are in for a treat.

Thanks for the giveaway!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Love this quilt, Bonnie!A fresh combination with the charm of old time patchwork. Hope I win this drawing, but if not I'll definitely purchase the magazine. I've been collecting red fabrics for some time now with no particular pattern in mind. The Hot Cross Bun blocks will let me use up the recycled strips I've collected, too.
Jessica T. tjessiemae@aol.com

Margaret Gross said...

Love it. Once again, you've rearranged my to do list. :)

Chris said...

I want to make all your quilts, and this is no exception! What a fun use of scraps!

Anonymous said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE another wonderful scrappy quilt!!! As always, you and your ideas are inspiring and appreciated.
Rebecca Johnson

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie I love all your ideas. Scrap quilts are my favorites. It would be so fun to win.! rgmjwilkinson61@gmail.com

Charlotte Taylor said...

Another beautiful quilt. Would love to win a copy to check out the pattern.


Cheryl said...

I am sick right now and would love to have this magazine to look at!

sonis tuttle said...

What a beautiful quilt. I'd love to make one. Also, would enjoy winning the magazine.
Son a Tuttle

Anonymous said...

logcabinquilts @ gmail DOT com
Looks like a very nice magazine

Anonymous said...

Garden party is beautiful and full of fun fabrics. Scraps provide lots of oppotunities for inspiration and growth.
Thanks Bonnie for the give away.

ckwood50 said...

Congrats on being a cover girl! Would love to win the magazine.

Connie wood


Dawn Sibenaller said...

Love the quilt! What an honor to be the cover girl! Desibs@gmail.com

Cathy Melancon said...

Way to go, Bonnie!!! Can't wait to get my hands on that magazine!! All your hard work pays off!! xox

Anonymous said...

Fantastic cover quilt! Would love to make my own Garden Party. Thanks for the chance. Carol W.

KeanieQuilter said...

Wow and thanks for the give-away. You keep all of us happy! teresakeane703@hotmail.com

JuliAnn Craver said...

Hi Bonnie, I cannot wait to try your new pattern. I hope you pick me. Praying for travel mercies and a healthy trip. Thank you for another quilt inspiration and addicted to scraps block too.

Anonymous said...


Congratulations! My Mom & I were able to attend your presentation in Tulsa. It was great.

Debbie said...

Another beauty. I would love to win. Drhodes@@cox.net

Unknown said...

Bonnie this is TOTALLY AWESOME!! I love the quilt too!! They sure hut the nail on the head by picking yours!! I'd love to be the recipient of this great magazing. Congrats again!
Amy & the M&M's Mount Holly, NJ

Anonymous said...

I love all your quilts. I would love to win the magazine so I can start another one

Gretchen Weaver said...

Cute quilt. I have plenty of scraps to make one.

Anonymous said...

Love your work and I would love to be a winner.

Osage Bluff Quilter said...

I'd love to see your block in the magazine!

OrrtannaKat said...

Oh, the possibilities! Would love to win!
Kathi Desko

Pat in Tn. said...

Beautiful quilt. Would like the book with the pattern..
Thank u for the chance
Pat in TN.

Val K F said...

That's a nice surprise! I'd like one too! A copy will do! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

would love to win this. It looks like a great issue. Thank You

Anonymous said...

I love blocks with lots of small pieces! Please enter me.

Laurie, leavesongrass@cox.net

Unknown said...

Love the scrap quilts you create. I would love to win.

kathy said...

I would love to win this issue. That quilt is great, makes my scrappy heart sing. Thank you for a chance to win.

Anonymous said...

beth said: Congrats on the front cover of this magazine. Your quilt looks wonderful; I would love to try my hand at this quilt. email; bethdaniels@cox.net

B Lowerison said...

This would be awesome to win!!!!!

Sue said...

Well done again! Lovely quilt and I would love to win the magazine.

Sue said...

Well done again! Lovely quilt and I would love to win the magazine.

Rita said...

What a nice, neat looking quilt. Love it. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the new Quiltmaker magazine.

Rita Brown

TDunc said...

Congratulations, Bonnie! How fun for you; and how fun for someone to win a copy of the magazine!?! Thank you for all you do. Tracy D. (Duncanfamthree @gmail.com)

Vida said...

My subscription ran out and I really want this magazine.

Colleen said...

Another great scrappy quilt! I hope I win, but if not, I'll be buying that issue.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on getting the cover. I'd love to win.

Susan L.

debbees1999 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Betty Woodlee said...

I would love to win a copy of this magazine. Love your quilt. b.j.day68@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Love this quilt! I've finished 1 of your of your designs so far, Carolina Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the cover! It is a great quilt!
Marie Sagers

Anonymous said...

A cover girl with no air brushing! You should be proud. Great quilt, I would love to win a copy of the magazine.

Ruth Ann said...

I almost have my Garden Party mystery top finished. So excited to see it on the cover!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Bonnie, LOVE the red in this quilt. I know you're a cheddar fan, but for me red is the BOMB! Beautiful! <3 it!
Beth from BC

debbees1999 said...

Your quilt does look like a flower in a garden just waiting for a party! I don't think I know anyone that makes such good management of her time, great job Bonnie Hunter. I can not wait till the magazine come out or I win it.

BlessOSU said...

Beautiful quilt, love it showing off at Quiltvilla! This would be a great issue to have. Thanks for the chance to win one.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win a copy. You make the BEST scrappies!

queenopearls said...

Absolutely awesome Bonnie! Love the quilt and would love to win. I just moved and have to start a new project! :))) thanks ~ Christina in FL

Judy said...

Love the cover and your quilt. Judy Widick.. j

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the cover Bonnie. What a beautiful quilt! I'd love to have a copy.


Anonymous said...

Bonnie you did it again! Gorgeous design that I need to make of my own scraps. Please enter my name to win this issur. Mary Resch. Mmresh@yaoo.com

Sally said...

Great quilt! thanks for chance at the magazine issue.

Shell said...

Would really like to be chosen.
Thank you.

lefuntz said...

Congratulations Cover Girl!

Sandy said...

Your quilts are such an inspiration!! I would be honored to win this new magazine.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the cover! It looks like fun.

Caryn from LV

Jane Ann Snyder said...

Congratulations cover girl! The quilt is beautiful and the new issue looks great. jannsnyder@aol.com

Jane Ann Snyder said...

Congratulations cover girl! The quilt is beautiful and the new issue looks great. jannsnyder@aol.com

Pat D said...

Congratulations Bonnie! Would really love to win the issue!

betz2u said...

Congrats. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy. Love Quiltmaker magazine. bettyharden@charter.net

SandyPA said...

I subscribe to Quiltmaker already but would love to win this issue so I can give it to a fellow quilter in my office.

Prissy said...

Well, aren't you just the cutest cover girl? Congratulations. Thank you for making quilting doable for me!

Anonymous said...

I love this new quilt. I would love to win the magazine! Thank you. Joyce in WV

Gloria said...

Congratulations Bonnie. It is a lovely quilt!

Terri said...

What a wonderful quilt. I'm adding this to my "have to make" list! I'd love to win the Quiltmaker magazine but if I don't I'll just have to buy one! ;-)

Craft Mad said...

Hi Bonnie. You are such a busy, productive person. Hearty congratulations on making it as a cover girl. It is another great quilt. I would love to win a copy and make it.
Thanks, Meran. merantaylor@yahoo.com.au

Unknown said...

Congratulations Bonnie! I'd love a copy of the magazine. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely love that quilt and will love to be the lucky one to win a copy of the magazine.

Thank you Bonnie for all you do and share.

Greatings from Denmark
Agneta Toft

Karen in Kentucky said...

Gorgeous Quilt!

Karen from Kentucky


Maureen said...

Would love to win the magazine.

Marionz said...

Another great quilt congratulations cover girl of the year!

Material Girl said...

Congratulations on getting your quilt on the front cover, it looks great, and a great way to use up all those never ending leftover pieces.

Karen in Breezy Point said...

Looks like an awesome issue!

Marionz said...

Wonder Woman strikes again

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