
Friday, March 27, 2015

I’m a Cover Girl! Quiltmaker May/June ‘15 Give-Away!

**NOTE** This Giveaway has ended! Congrats to our winner, Sue!

I was feeling really tired and a bit down in the dumps when I opened this large white envelope on Tuesday morning to find…

My QUILT is on the COVER of the May/June 2015 issue of Quiltmaker Magazine, soon to be found at a newsstand, shop or bookstore near you!

I have had to keep this quilt under wraps for so long that I really did forget about it.

If you remember back in December ((Oh wow, that rhymes!)) I was getting ready to teach a “MYSTERY WORKSHOP” in Plano, Texas over New Years, this was it!

It is a two block quilt, perfect for a one day mystery and we had a lot of fun playing in the scraps, swapping strips and sewing up a storm.

You will find the full instructions for Garden Party in the soon-to-be-released May/June 2015 issue.

You might recognize the main block…that is Hot Cross Buns from my Addicted to Scraps column in the Nov/Dec 2010 issue.  2010!!  My how time flies.

 And it does take me a while, but I have wanted to make each block from the Addicted to Scraps column into actual quilts, and that is what I’ve been working on for some time now behind the scenes.


Finished quilt on my fence at Quiltvilla!

Do you remember when I took a trip to Sunriver Oregon last June and stayed with my friend Randy?  I brought all of the chain blocks with me, I had plenty of red/neutral strips, but she brought along HER bag of strips for me to work with. It was sure fun playing with scraps that were not my own, and I was able to finish the quilt center while on that trip with her in Oregon.

I put on the borders, did the quilting and the binding while at home!


Corner detail!

I have NO IDEA how long I”ve been hoarding that red border fabric, just waiting for the right quilt!


More block detail!

Of course in this issue you will find many patterns for great quilts, including my friends Jo & Kelli from Jo’s Country Junction and my North Carolina friend, Scott Murkin!  It’s a great issue, you are going to want this one!

And…of course…don’t forget my Addicted to Scraps column block!


In this issue: Idaho Square Dance!

There are so many possibilities for this block!  And it is easily built as leaders & enders if you can keep cut squares and rectangles near your machine for easy grabbing while you are working on your current project.

This block is based off of an antique quilt in my collection.  I found it one day while antiquing in Twin Falls, Idaho  around 1996.  I’ve always loved it and wanted to do something with it, but the quilt top I have is too fragile to quilt, so the only way to go about it is to make my own!  Now you can too, following the instructions in the May/June 2015 issue of Quiltmaker.

And I can do better than that.

I’m going to give away a copy!


Leave me a comment below in the comments section to be entered to win.

Small print:

No, you can’t email your comment in, you can’t comment in the guest book, you can’t comment on facebook or instagram…it has to be HERE. On this post.  So I can use the random number generator to choose our lucky winners.  It’s only fair that way!

If you are a blogger or google user, PLEASE check your profile to make sure your email address is visible and I can reach you.  If there is no email address on your profile I have to choose someone else.  If you are commenting as anonymous you must leave your name and your email address so I can reach you.

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I’m off to Maine this morning!  Yes, I packed my cold weather gear.  Besides, we will be sewing INSIDE, not out in the cold so I’ll be good!

I will be drawing for our lucky winner on Tuesday morning, April 2nd before my flight home.

Good Luck Everyone!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


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Unknown said...

This one is a keeper - I would love a copy

Mary said...

Congrats Bonnie! I love the quilt and would love to win a copy of the magazine. Keep up the good work! Scrap on!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win.
Linda Whitlow

Sharlene said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I'd love to have this in my hands to spend a few precious hours reading. Congrats on being a cover girl and I always enjoy Jo & Kelli's quilts too.

Sharlene B

VA said...

What a great design!

Judith said...

Really like the Hot Cross Buns block. Would love the magazine.

Unknown said...

Love your quilt and congrats on making the cover on Quiltmaker mag. jeanharville@whti.net

Betty Jefferies said...

You have been my inspiration for several years. Was great meeting you in Stillwater and allowing me to share 2 of my quilts with you. Would be thrilled to win this.

Kathryn LJ said...

Gorgeous quilt! And another one of yours that I want to try making. Have the Leaders and Enders books, love some of your other patterns and now another one has been included in the pile of quilts for the future.


Unknown said...

Such a beautiful quilt! Congratulations for making it on the cover. I'd love to win a copy. I just can't get enough (fabric, magazines, etc.)

Charlotte said...

Wow, love this quilt! These two blocks play very well together! Would love to add it to my 'List of Quilts to Make'.


Anonymous said...

As usual, you have another beautiful quilt! I enjoy reading your Blog and have learned a lot from you. Thanks for all you do.

Quilter Kathy said...

A gorgeous quilt Bonnie! Love it!
Thanks for the chance to win the pattern... and congrats on being a Cover Girl!

Eileen said...

I need this magazine! Please pick me!

Rosalee said...

Beautiful! Rsuchsland@hotmail.com

Nancy said...

Love the new quilt!


Sewgreen said...

It's a lovely quilt and quiltmaker is one of my favorite magazines!

Deborah said...

So much scrappy goodness I don't know where to start. The cover quilt is gorgeous. Hope my number comes up this time! poladydwd(at)yahoo(dot)com

Sharon said...

Congratulations on your "Cover Girl" status! I'd love a copy of this issue. Thinking about making this quilt design as a donation quilt to a local organization.

Anonymous said...

So happy and scrappy and just in time for spring blooms! Would love to win a copy and get into the scrap methodology you use, looks like so much fun!

Sandy Saylor from Pineville, KY

Anonymous said...

I love the block and really love the quilt, it will be in my future. I am an avid scrapper and every quilt I have made for the last 3 years has been a scrap quilt! Thanks for all you do!


thimble said...

Thank you for the chance to win this magazine.

Barbara O. said...

Congrats! What a lovely cover quilt! I'd love to have a copy of the magazine, it's rather hard to get here in Germany. Thanks for the chance!

Pam H said...

I've never picked up one of these but I look at them each time one comes out. I love this quilt! Your quilts have inspired me for years now Bonnie...I find myself coming back to your blog over and over...glad that this cheered and encouraged you! Thanks for the chance :)

Unknown said...

Love it, and I'd love a win!

Geez bees 75 @ Gmail .com

Anonymous said...

Anothr beautiful quilt by Bonnie, who wouldn't want this, including me.
Ione Shaw

Anonymous said...

I would love to win. I have lots of scraps. Laurie


Debbie said...

Whats not to love about a gorgeous Garden Party? Thanks for the chance to win the magazine!

Andresa said...

Idaho Square Dance is such a lovely block. I think I'll use all the candies I've been buying to make it as a leader ender project. Thank you for the opportunity to win the magazine.

AndiRae in MN
AndiRaeS @ gmail . com

Anonymous said...

I would love to win. I have lots of scraps. Laurie


Lkekko said...

Congratulations, Love this new pattern might have to make a new quilt

Unknown said...

Oh my oh my..
as great as pie, in the sky....
I love this quilt and I love scraps..
i found my niche, just like pitch I am stuck to stitching, tiny scraps, given by friends who don't see how rich, one girl can be with a bag full of scraps and a friend like Donna with patterns and thoughts and energy to spare she helps us all make quilty bliss!!

It was my friend
Rosa Sandoval
who lead me to Donna and others like me
who stash little pieces as if they were gold and we sew and sew until very old!!!

Rosa was kind and very patient as she taught me to sew the wild n goosey, via text and pictures, she took her time
over the miles to help this girl
she met online to sew little blocks so devine!!

So Donna and Rosa whom I've not met in person are friends of mine in online heaven, we stitch and sew
making scrappy versions of Donna's visons.

Someday we will meet and sew together
these quilts we love forever and ever!!

Michele T said...

Congratulations for having your quilt on the cover!! It is a beauty!! And yes, I would love to win a copy (of course, only if you sign it!!)

Marly said...

Lovely design.I'd love to have a copy of the magazine, it's always full of inspiration.

Debbie said...

Love the quilt and such a great way to use simple blocks/scraps. Can't wait to get my issue.

Cece said...

Wow! Another inspirational quilt and Cover Girl! Thank you for the opportunity to win.

Cece said...

Wow! Another inspirational quilt and Cover Girl! Thank you for the opportunity to win.

Cece said...

Wow! Another inspirational quilt and Cover Girl! Thank you for the opportunity to win.

Cece said...

Wow! Another inspirational quilt and Cover Girl! Thank you for the opportunity to win.

Cece said...

Wow! Another inspirational quilt and Cover Girl! Thank you for the opportunity to win.

Cece said...

Wow! Another inspirational quilt and Cover Girl! Thank you for the opportunity to win.

Cece said...

Wow! Another inspirational quilt and Cover Girl! Thank you for the opportunity to win.

janequiltsslowly said...

This is such a great quilt. No wonder it's a cover girl!

Diana said...

Bonnie after reading about hot cross buns I just want to bake some. I could also sew some I guess. Beautiful cover photo of your quilt. Thanks, Diana

Beach Quilter said...

What a wonderful surprise seeing your quilt on the cover...so deserved! Would love to win!

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous looking quilt!!
Dianne - dwyntjes@telus.net

Jane said...

Congrats, Cover Girl! Thanks for a chance to win, but I will be purchasing this if I don't win. So many quilts I plan on making and this is another one.

Cece said...

Wow! Another great design and Cover Girl! Thank you for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win! ...but if I don't I will buy it :)
Thanks for the chance,
Renee from California

45th Parallel Quilter said...

Definitely need to give that Hot Cross Bun block a go. LOVE this magazine!

MyQuiltingLady.com said...

Congratulations Cover Girl! Great quilt and block. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the magazine! Laurie MyQuiltingLady@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Love all your quilts and watching your travels!

Scarlett said...

Congrats!! I would love to win!

GeeMa said...

Another lovely quilt. It just sparkles. I love the Idaho Square Dance block, too. Can't wait to see what you do with it!

Unknown said...

Would love to win this one!

Jackie Celestine said...

I love this pattern! Having seen it on the cover makes me want to make one!

goatsrme said...

I'd love to win a copy..the quilt looks like so much fun.
Thanks for the opportunity.

CC said...

I've become a scrappy quilter thanks to you! Love the reds in this one! I've already become a scrap sorter and now I have projects to use them! - Cindy

Tracy Robinson said...

What a fun way to use up scraps! Love that cover quilt. Thank you for the chance to win.
Tracy in LA

Unknown said...

Wow what a wonderful quilt and quilt blocks you are always such an inspiration to us. Thank you for the chance for a give a way. Sheriwonderling@gmail.com

Judy Nichols said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Well I guess my chances are better than the lottery. ut with so many comments and it is only 8 in the morning I still won't get my hopes up.

Unknown said...

I would love a free copy of the magazine. I just love all the ideas for using up scraps.

Judy Nichols said...

The only thing better than new fabric is new magazines!

Beth Strand said...

So exhorting! Congratulations! Pbstrand@msn.com

Anonymous said...

Love those 2 block quilts - infinite possibilities! I hope to win a copy -
Kathy Meek

Katrine D said...

Congratulations on your cover quilt Bonnie, it is beautiful.
Thank you for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Love this new quilt! Congratulations, Cover Girl! ;)

-Melinda in Los Angeles
lindy1026 at aol.com

craftygramma said...

Hi there Bonnie!
Love the cover quilt and all your stuff!
Hope to win, but would buy if not, just for your column.
Am looking at a vintage Singer (99?) to convert to hand crank for my 6 yr old granddaughter today.

Anonymous said...

Stay warm in ME - snow Sat. & Mon.
Looking forward to the new issue of QuiltMaker.

Diane from Rochester, NH

Vicky said...

Your quilts always look amazing. The idea of a scrappy quilt means comfort and home to me!

Kathryn said...

Another winner!!

Leavenworth Robin said...

How inspiring you are to us all. So simple and so Beautiful.

kck83 said...

What a beautiful quilt! Would love t make it...and have the magazine with instructions! :) Thanks

Angelia said...

Please? :)


AnnetteJ said...

Annette28j@gmail.com says,
Hurrah, Bonnie! Now that had to brighten your day. I love your 2 block quilts...I always feel like they have so many possibilities.The red cornerstones are PERFECT!

Debi said...

Love this quilt!!! Such talent. I'm going to lot this on my list to make for sure.

KMSC said...

Holy moly, 475 comments already! Well, I'm going to try to win the magazine, anyway. I love your quilt!

Marcie's Quilting Therapy said...

Thanks for the chance! I really MUST use up more of my scraps!!

Debbie said...

Love the layout. Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

It does a heart good to know you have made such an accomplishment. Way to go.

Klstolhand@yahoo.com said...

Love this quilt!

sewpatsy1 said...

I so love reading your blog and love your quilts. I have made two of them and have plans to do more. Thanks for all the great info. sewpatsy1@comcast.net

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing you at the Love Shack workshop with Faithful Circle in early April.
Pat Scully

gayle said...

Comments are flying in!
Love the blocks, and thanks for the giveaway!
I just found you about a month ago, after not being active in quilting for years. Now you've got me all excited to pick it up again!
gayle - windmom at yahoo daht com

Unknown said...

Congratulations Cover Girl! It's beautiful ! You never fail to amaze me with all the gorgeous designs that you create. This is Defineately on the bucket list!!! I just have to get stitching. Like crazy to keep up & prevent my B. List from getting so long that it will run out the door!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

This cover quilt is a beauty! I have put it on my bucket list! Thank you!

Michelle said...

Love, love, LOVE this quilt! It's definitely going on the to do list. :)

Kim said...

Congratulations Cover Girl! Yep that sure would cheer up anyone's day!
Thanks for the chance to win.
Happy Sewing and safe travels!

Marcia said...

Thank you for the opportunity to win this magazine. I love your Hot Cross Buns blocks.

Marcia from California

Unknown said...

Bonnie, Thanks for your constant inspiration. These look wonderful.

Unknown said...

Bonnie, Thanks for your constant inspiration. These look wonderful.

Jill said...

Love this quilt, is this the one you are teaching in Las Vegas?

Susan said...

I follow both you and Jo's Country Junction so I'm anxious to see this issue!

CountryGal said...

Congratulations on being a covergirl!! Would love to win a copy! Leaving my email just in case!! llslack@xplornet.com

donna said...

Beautiful cover. I am looking foward to browsing this magazine.

Jen Ivey said...

Love this block. Congrats on the cover feature! I am sure enjoying using up my scraps. jbivey83@gmail.com

Jill Neely said...

Beautiful, would love to win! jneely13@msn.com

QuilterGalMD said...

I LOVE scrappy quilts! My motto is "everything works in a scrap quilt!". Would love to win the magazine.

Anonymous said...

My imagination is running full tilt with how my scraps would look in this pattern! I will surely be getting this issue if I am not the lucky one.


Kay said...

How exciting for you to be a cover girl on one of my favorite magazines. This quilt is so colorful & looks like a good one to use up a lot of my scraps.

pharmgirl75 said...

Love Thor Addicted to Scraps block this time! I would love to win so that u could share a copy with my mom.

mary said...

Looks like a fun quilt to make. mary

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win and for all you do.
Lora C.

Joyce Carter said...

Congratulations Bonnie! Your quilt is so beautiful. Thank you for the chance to win the magazine.

Unknown said...

I wish I could be so lucky to win such beautiful inspiration

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! That is another beautiful quilt.
Thank you for the chance to win.
Sue.quilts at Verizon.net

Unknown said...

Congratulations! What a wonderful well deserved surprise

AZMaggie said...

Would love to win! Thanks for giving us a chance! You're the BEST! ;-)

Carole said...

What a cover girl you are. Your quilt is beautiful. Thanks for your inspiration.

Andee said...

Gorgeous! So this is what we will make on the cruise in October? Squeal!!

Kim said...

The pattern looks awesome! Great scrappy quilt.

V Keith said...

I love the way you combine blocks and end up with a pattern that disguises both of them. Congratulations, cover girl!

Unknown said...

Congrats on cover I just love all your quilts and blocks.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I want to make this quilt - Iove it! I would love to win a copy of Quiltmaker Magazine.
Mary. Borermjb@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

I LOVE Scrappy Quilts and I LOVE your blog! I have gotten so much inspiration from you to finally tackle my stash. Many years ago a neighbor gave me her scraps as she could no longer see well enough to continue quilting. This is THE year to smash that stash!

Anita Balgenorth said...

Congratulations on having your quilt on the cover of Quiltmaker magazine - I love that magazine and would like to win a copy!

Anna brown said...

hmmmm will have to buy this mag....I really enjoy your work....Ty for give away..............happyness04431@yahoo.com.......

Anonymous said...

Love your quilts
Carolyn In Texas

doxiemom said...

Yep...another to add to my growing list of must dos! Thank you, Bonnie. Mssharp1@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Pick me this time, please

Unknown said...

What a lovely quilt! It looks like a summer fun project! I'm thinking of making this for my step-father!

Unknown said...

Looks like a really fun design to make from scraps!

Anonymous said...

Just discovered Bonnie's blog started my first scrap quilt with the latest mystery hope to have it finished by the time the new mystery starts.

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Way cool quilt, Bonnie. It's a 50 mile round trip for me to even hope to find a copy of this issue so I'd be thrilled to win. Thank you for all you do for your quilting fans. I am always in awe of everything you accomplish.

Unknown said...

Can't wait to see the full instructions!! Hope I win a copy!

Anonymous said...

The quilt is calling to me. I would love to make it and winning the new Quiltmaker magazine could make that possible.


Just Ducky said...

I would love to win this magazine. Thanks for the opportunity.

Joy D. said...

Congratulations on being a Cover Girl! More ideas for little four patches!!! Jdraughon4 at comcast dot net

Unknown said...

Oh, how I wish I could win!


Unknown said...

Oh, how I wish I could win!


Joey said...

Love the quilt! Hope to win.

Unknown said...

Would love to win. Always looking for new quilting ideas.

Bonnie said...

Love the quilt. Would really like to win a copy of the magazine. Thanks for giving so much to all of us.

susanethomp@hotmail.com said...

What a great quilt!

Lisa said...

Congratulations on the Cover Honor....I'm so surprised more of your quilts don't make it there. Such a wonderful quilt I would love to win a copy! Thank you for the opportunity.

Lisa (bustedneedle@yahoo.com)

RJSOCH said...

The quilt is magnificent! you so deserve to be on the cover of Quiltmaker--I love your quilts

Robin McGuire said...

What a great quilt! Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Love this quilt. Would love the chance to win.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the cover Bonnie! You deserve it. Thanks for the giveaway. Thanks.

Vflsun at aol.com.

LeonaG said...

Congrats! I would love a copy of the magazine! ...the quilt looks easy...my style...


NanaSherrie said...

Congratulations on being Cover Girl! Will be looking for it! An autographed copy would be even better!

Mary p said...

We've always known you were a 'cover girl'. Would love to win the magazine. Love the colors in the quilt.

Anonymous said...

I would love to wind a copy of this magazine. Please pick me. Please. Please.
Meril from Mo.

Jennifer said...

Love the Addicted to Scraps blocks, have made 4 different block designs into queen sized quilt tops. I'm starting Idaho Square Dance as soon as I get a copy, because I'm in Caldwell, Idaho! Go BSU!

Sally said...

Congrats on making the cover...and with such an eye catching quilt! To be honest, not sure which I like the most..your cover quilt or the block pattern. Either would be a beautiful addition to my quilt collection. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of the magazine and for everything you share with us. Sallyquilt@zoominternet.net. Sally Weir

Kathy Hopkins said...

Thanks for the chance to win, another one to add to the bucket list.

Anonymous said...

I love all of your quilts as well as the magazine that your quilt is featured on. Congrats!

JonnieEarle said...

Would love to win this magazine! Thanks for the chance. Loving all your scrappy quilts.

Unknown said...

Wow! You are soooo good. Congratulations on a job so very well done. I love your work and work ethics. You are making me a better quilter 😊

Reneeparker said...

Cover girl, that is so great.
I would love to get the magazine.
I have ordered books from you and was delighted to see that you had signed them. It is a not necessary but very appreciated gesture!
So a signed magazine would be great too. If I do not get it I am sure to get it anyway.

bunbear said...

i love that quilt! pick me, pick me! haha.

Susan said...

OH BONNIE, How I love those Hot Crossed Buns. My girlfriend has a one car garaged size room full of fabric that we can play in forever. How this would be a wonderful stash buster issue. Your quilt is fabulous and now on my Bucket List. You are wonderful. going to a quilt retreat this weekend and bringing along my Celtic Solstice. Wahoo. Susieq51@williamhull.com

Anonymous said...

Hi there, you made my day! I've always known you were a cover girl. Way to go. Love your new quilt and what a buster of those little squares just multiplying away. Thanks for all you do for us. Rhonda

Anonymous said...

Love your quilt and love Quiltmaker magazine!

Debbie said...

Congratulations on making the cover..you are a cover girl now !! Have a safe trip to Maine. Try to have fun, oh wait, you will be with quilters..fun just magically happens with quilters...;)

Anonymous said...

Your designs are always amazing. I would love a chance to win.

Lynn Bush

Anonymous said...

Ah, this is Rhonda. In my hurry to post I goofed on my email. It is r7ekbla@hotmail.com. Ok..back to quilting.

TcMay said...

Hot Cross Buns how Eater-ish. Love this quilt,would love the instructions so I think you better send me that Quiltmaker Issue with you on the Cover Page. Thanks a bunch.
May tcmay2@gmail.com

Debbie said...

Oops..forgot to leave email. ..angeldrkml@gmail.com....thanks such a generous offer to share.

Unknown said...

Looks antiqueish and I'd like to win. Love your ideas. Congratulations on the cover - well deserved.

Bec said...

I'm trying to do more scrap quilts this year - yours are so fantastic!!! Thanks for the chance to win.

Netti said...

I would love a copy of Quiltmaker with your lovely quilt!!

Pamela said...

Congrats on being the Cover Girl!
Another beautiful Bonie quilt, love it!
Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Asmall version would make a wonderful Comfort Quilt. Thanks for all you do for us charity quilters.Barb H

Unknown said...

Congratulations on making the cover! AWESOME!
Please send my copy to Oregon so
I have something to read and sew on while we do our cross country military move to Virginia. Hubby has kindly set up the rv with all of my sewing machines so that I can sew in EVERY state we stop in. I will be sewing on my Sing 28 hand crank and my Singer 401A. So when you see an rv loaded down with scraps and machines, and some mad woman trying to rescue machines from every curbside...it is probably me. I am sure we will gain weight along the way, but it won't be from the food. LOL. Love you and your quilts. Hoping to finish my Grand Illusion once we are unpacked and hubby is out to sea. :)

Teresa Woodward

witje said...

Beautiful quilt Bonnie
Like to win

Unknown said...

Yes please!! I would love to win! Follow your blog and love Quiltcam, although I watch it later in UK. Would love to get the magazine. And see you in Print! Thank you for your clear instructions and advice. Sarah

Unknown said...

Yes please!! I would love to win! Follow your blog and love Quiltcam, although I watch it later in UK. Would love to get the magazine. And see you in Print! Thank you for your clear instructions and advice. Sarah

Unknown said...

Ohhhhh so pretty! Would love to win this!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Bonnie! Your quilt is absolutely beautiful!

sberrymom said...

Beautiful quilt. I love your designs!

Kimberly Smith said...

I'm fretting a bit. I subscribed in January? but noted to start with May/June as I'd already bought March/April. Seems others' subscription copies have come but mine isn't here yet :-( . If I don't win my impatience may cause me to go buy a copy, and then of course my subscription will show up! Beautiful quilt Bonnie and worth keeping secret! greg kim smith at yahoo

Jessica said...

How wonderful to have your quilt on the cover of a magazine! Congrats!


merinz said...

This is an amazing quilt. I would live to have a pattern for it!!

Unknown said...

Congrats being on the Cover girl. I enjoy reading your blog everyday. I would love to win a copy of magazine, but if I don't, I will certaining buy it.

Cheryl Kern, at cherylannkern@gmail.com

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

You are a 'cover girl' now! (again). I'd love a chance for a copy. Thanks. Have fun in Maine.

FamilyFilmFabricFood said...

Another great pattern & colors. Love it.

Anonymous said...

I love that you still get excited to see your work in magazines :) Beautiful quilt!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you. Can't wait to see this issue!
SusN Hartley

Jusmom1 said...

Beautiful quilt! Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on you Cover Girl shoot! I've got lots of scraps so I'm looking forward to making this quilt.


Alejesnat said...

Another winner ! Love to win a copy.

iamaquilter2 said...

What a great quilt. Love the border and using all those great scraps.

Lilac Joan said...

The quilt and patch are my kind of quilting, so enter me into drawing.

Joan Guthridge

Karen B. said...

I would love to win a copy. Thank you for the opportunity!

Jackie said...

I would love to win this magazine. Scrappy quilts are my favorite and this looks like something I could do for just me.

Unknown said...

Bonnie, I love your drive and energy and I love your quilts. Hope I get the chance to sew with you someday.

Unknown said...

Wow would love to win.

B J Chaplin said...

The red print fabric you picked really sets off your Garden Party quilt.

Kristy Thomas said...

What a gorgeous quilt! I want to start on it right now!

Anonymous said...

ANOTHER GREAT Quilt design. Way to go Bonnie!!! It's so bright and cheerful, great for spring! Would love to win a copy of the magazine. Will have to put it on my bucket list.
Julie Kaiser ... Tornado_alley@hotmail.com

Kathaleeny said...

Always loving red.

Anonymous said...

Should like to win this magazine. I love the quilt.
Dini from the Netherlands,

Unknown said...

Love all you do for us quilters. Would love to win a copy of the magazine, thank you.
ellen aksnowlake@gmail.com

Diane Keller said...

Diane said....

There are no newsstands in God's Country in upper Northwest Wisconsin to purchase Quiltmaker Magazine. It would be sweet to see it in my mailbox.

Diane from Wisconsin

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Bonnie !!!!!!!!!!!! JENNY PUTNAM putnam@3rivers.net

Lesley Gilbert said...

Well done for your Front Page photo - it's a beautiful and colourful quilt - I feel sure I would be able to sew this one with your instructions - fingers crossed for a win, in time for Easter :)

Inger said...

Congratulations! Love to see your quilts.

GerryART said...

Your of of scrapping is changing my own thoughts about fabric collection. Now, it is the more variety the better here at my scrapstash.
I'd be tickled pink to win your generous giveaway, Bonnie.

Hugs 'n smiles,

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