
Friday, March 27, 2015

I’m a Cover Girl! Quiltmaker May/June ‘15 Give-Away!

**NOTE** This Giveaway has ended! Congrats to our winner, Sue!

I was feeling really tired and a bit down in the dumps when I opened this large white envelope on Tuesday morning to find…

My QUILT is on the COVER of the May/June 2015 issue of Quiltmaker Magazine, soon to be found at a newsstand, shop or bookstore near you!

I have had to keep this quilt under wraps for so long that I really did forget about it.

If you remember back in December ((Oh wow, that rhymes!)) I was getting ready to teach a “MYSTERY WORKSHOP” in Plano, Texas over New Years, this was it!

It is a two block quilt, perfect for a one day mystery and we had a lot of fun playing in the scraps, swapping strips and sewing up a storm.

You will find the full instructions for Garden Party in the soon-to-be-released May/June 2015 issue.

You might recognize the main block…that is Hot Cross Buns from my Addicted to Scraps column in the Nov/Dec 2010 issue.  2010!!  My how time flies.

 And it does take me a while, but I have wanted to make each block from the Addicted to Scraps column into actual quilts, and that is what I’ve been working on for some time now behind the scenes.


Finished quilt on my fence at Quiltvilla!

Do you remember when I took a trip to Sunriver Oregon last June and stayed with my friend Randy?  I brought all of the chain blocks with me, I had plenty of red/neutral strips, but she brought along HER bag of strips for me to work with. It was sure fun playing with scraps that were not my own, and I was able to finish the quilt center while on that trip with her in Oregon.

I put on the borders, did the quilting and the binding while at home!


Corner detail!

I have NO IDEA how long I”ve been hoarding that red border fabric, just waiting for the right quilt!


More block detail!

Of course in this issue you will find many patterns for great quilts, including my friends Jo & Kelli from Jo’s Country Junction and my North Carolina friend, Scott Murkin!  It’s a great issue, you are going to want this one!

And…of course…don’t forget my Addicted to Scraps column block!


In this issue: Idaho Square Dance!

There are so many possibilities for this block!  And it is easily built as leaders & enders if you can keep cut squares and rectangles near your machine for easy grabbing while you are working on your current project.

This block is based off of an antique quilt in my collection.  I found it one day while antiquing in Twin Falls, Idaho  around 1996.  I’ve always loved it and wanted to do something with it, but the quilt top I have is too fragile to quilt, so the only way to go about it is to make my own!  Now you can too, following the instructions in the May/June 2015 issue of Quiltmaker.

And I can do better than that.

I’m going to give away a copy!


Leave me a comment below in the comments section to be entered to win.

Small print:

No, you can’t email your comment in, you can’t comment in the guest book, you can’t comment on facebook or instagram…it has to be HERE. On this post.  So I can use the random number generator to choose our lucky winners.  It’s only fair that way!

If you are a blogger or google user, PLEASE check your profile to make sure your email address is visible and I can reach you.  If there is no email address on your profile I have to choose someone else.  If you are commenting as anonymous you must leave your name and your email address so I can reach you.

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I’m off to Maine this morning!  Yes, I packed my cold weather gear.  Besides, we will be sewing INSIDE, not out in the cold so I’ll be good!

I will be drawing for our lucky winner on Tuesday morning, April 2nd before my flight home.

Good Luck Everyone!

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Sherry said...

Congratulations! Such a lovely quilt. Thank you for the chance to win. Sherry


Grammy's Quilting Studio said...

Yeah another beautiful scrappy to add to my bucket list of quilts to make. Congratulations on being a cover girl. Was so nice meeting you in Tampa. Mona from Melbourne, FL mndcollins@live.com

Renea said...

Thanks for all the scrappy quilt patterns. I have made some of them and they always turn out wonderful. Thanks for the great giveaway and congrats for being on the cover!

Kim said...

Absolutely love your quilt! Thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

Love your blog, books and quilts. Im addicted to scraps, thank you!
Carol In Lake Charles Louisiana

Luce Stitches TN said...

Bonnie, I would LOVE to win. Beautiful quilt

Linda said...

Looks a great quilt. It would be marvellous to win a copy of the magazine.

Unknown said...

I love your quilts and the magazine! My sister-in-law has some of that same fabric, what a coincidence!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love this quilt and would love to win a copy of the magazine. Thanks for the chance.

Maria said...

Congratulations Bonnie! A great pick me up to arrive by mail! I have been cutting my scraps into useable sizes just for a quilt like this. Please place me in the drawing.

Gina's Custom Creations said...

Hi Bonnie... Can't wait until this issue of Quiltmaker comes out! How exciting for you! Your quilt is gorgeous! Congrats on having it published on the cover of Quiltmaker!
I'd love to be the winner of a copy of this issue, but if I'm not, I'll be going out and buying one for sure!
Thank you!

Anne-Marie said...

There's so many scraps up there in my scrap bin and they scream to be let out of there and worked into a quilt!

Aliceart said...

Congratulations! What a fun, happy quilt! I'd love to win the magazine. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Love your quilt. Would love to win as so hard to find in Australia, so thanks for the chance. Allison allisone63@optusnet.com.au

Karen H said...

it's beautiful! I'd love to win, but if I don't, I will definitely need to buy this issue. :)

Jami H. said...

Congratulations, Bonnie! I can't wait to receive my copy in the mail. But a signed copy would be oh so much more special! :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Cover Girl! Love the quilt!

Joann in PA said...

Once again, amazing! Keep up the good work! joannb1978@gmail.com

Darlene B said...

What a beautiful quilt! Would love to win a copy of this magazine :)

Anonymous said...

Love the red! Kristin sunshine@sunshinequilting.com

Anonymous said...

Would love to win this magazine. Another great quilt and Addicted to Scraps block! Judy Bowring, John.bowring@sympatico.ca

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! Congrats!!

livenlearn124 said...

Beautiful! Cant wait to pick up the magazine.

Anonymous said...

Hope it's me! Congrats for being a Cover Babe!


Jami H. said...

Congratulations, Bonnie! I can't wait to receive my copy in the mail, but a signed copy directly from you would be oh so much more special! :)

Sharon Sutherlin said...

That's great!!!

Sharon sutherlin said...

Here's my email! Great cover!

Shari Z said...

Just finished quilting my "Grand Illusion" quilt and just have the binding to finish.I'm ready for a new project. Well, okay, another project.. I do have a "couple" UFO's in the wings. Congratulations on the great cover! I've been collecting reds to work into a project and the cover quilt would be perfect.

Unknown said...

Thank you for all that you do for us Bonnie. I love how you use up scraps. This quilt looks great. Just reading following you around the world is such a joy.

Martha Patterson

jrsay said...

What a great surprise for you. Luv all you do and how you sew willing share all your energies & inspirations with us. Would be a delight to be luck winner.

theresa said...

congratulations Bonnie, it is a beautiful quilt! That is a very pretty cover! my e mail is salkire@bresnan.net

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah!That's a stunning quilt. Put my name in. Leader ender project here I come. Thanks Bonnie. rkrunge@gctel.net Karen.

Valerie said...

Thanks for the chance to win! I just finished a baby quilt with your Playing With Jacks pattern, so this would be a great next project to start.

Donna said...

Yet another "Bonnie quilt" joins my Bucket List! Must Make!

Karen said...

Neat quilt! It looks great on the cover. I'd love a magazine so I can try it too. Thanks for your commitment to helping us learn what to do with our scraps!

fournieces said...

Love that cover quilt! Also love the Idaho Square Dance block later in the post. Hope to use up some 2.5" squares with that one.

Unknown said...

Would love to win a copy!

Jennifer Kinney said...

What a great cover! Thank you for another great giveaway! Hope you have safe travels on your next adventure! Love to hear all about it and see the pictures.

Jennifer Kinney

Donna said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mina said...

What a beautiful quilt, thanks for the giveaway

gail said...

Congratulations on being a "cover girl". I hope that I win the magazine. Thanks you for all that you do. Gail

Unknown said...

Wow, we are so proud of you! I would be honored to win this copy! Please sign if I do! heather.haydn@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Wow, we are so proud of you! I would be honored to win this copy! Please sign if I do! heather.haydn@gmail.com

Norma said...

Congrats! What a treat to come home to! This book looks great! Can't wait to get a copy of!

iowatallgirl said...

Bonnie, I must sheepishly admit that I just found your awesome website and quilts this week. They are so awesome and have started following you on FB and your blog. I love scrappy so needless to say, I was excited to find you. Congratulations on an awesome honor.

Thomasson said...

Love your quilt!

Joye with an e said...

How exciting to be a cover girl. I would love to win this issue. Thanks for the chance.

Mary Bolton said...

Simple and beautiful. Thank you Bonnie!

Unknown said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better! I would love to win this issue of Quiltmaker Magazine.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Congratulations! I LOVE the quilt!

Vanessa in Oklahoma

Unknown said...

Awesome!that's wonderful. Love making simple blocks that turn into wonderful designs in quilts. Congrats!

Sandy Beach Sewing said...

I love your cover quilt and your Addicted to Scraps block! I would love to win this issue. Thank you for all that you do for us, your faithful readers. Sandybeachsewing@aol.com

smilingwoman said...

Congratulations! I'm just getting into cutting up my scraps per your scrap savers plan, and already I feel better about "wrapping up" a sewing session. Would love to win the magazine... thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

Love it and love the opportunity to win.

Anonymous said...

I love all your quilts, Bonnie. There just isn't enough time to make all of them. Would love winning the magazine. Jeanine at twowaals@mahaska.org

Anonymous said...

What a nice surprise. I would love to win a copy. thank you, Jayne mjwerren@gmail.com

Pat said...

Your quilts are always so lovely and full of great color.

It is wonderful that you are recognized for your talent and your willingness to share your creations.

Mary Burn said...

Looks like another great issue. Would like to have in my collection.

Lisa Stevens said...

Dbeautiful! Lisa Stevens bodybalancemassage@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Bonnie! What a fun looking quilt. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the magazine. Neta - Twin Falls ID

Unknown said...

Congratulations on being on the cover. How awesome. Would love to win a copy. Thanks for all you do and I so enjoy your blog.

Silverthimble said...

I love the look of this quilt!


Silverthimble said...

I love the look of this quilt!


Anonymous said...

Great quilt!!! Thanks for chance to win. You are a generous lady.

Linda S.

Unknown said...

It's gorgeous! Congratulations!

Carol Hofstetter said...

Congratulations Bonnie! I am really beginning to love the scrappy quilts thanks to your inspiration! I would love to win but I will definitely be picking up a copy of this issue!

Karen said...

Bonnie, I just love all your quilts. You are inspiring and I hope one day to take a workshop from you. Looking forward to this issue Quiltmaker.

Anonymous said...

I love the quilt. Great cover!

gramib said...

Would love to win

EDMidd said...

Love the red border! Beautiful quilt!

Unknown said...

Bonnie, all your quilts are amazing. You are so inspiring.

Unknown said...

One of my quilting friends gave me two bags of scraps .. Which added up to nearly 10 pounds of fabric .. I have used a very small amount with some of my own scraps to make blocks for a Carolina Chain top. I can see that more of my friend's wonderful fabric scraps will go into this top as I have been pondering how to use more of them in a new quilt. Thanks so much for your perfect timing. Cathy. Cjcathyj1@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Love more creative ways to use the scraps! Bonnie, You are Awesome!!
Thanks for all you do!

cinderella1967@outlook.com said...

Enjoyed your workshop so much in Stillwater that I would love to make this pattern too. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Christy said...

Would love a copy! Congratulations on being a cover girl!

Balmoral Quilter said...

What a beautiful quilt Bonnie! Congratulations Cover Girl!

Anonymous said...

Lucie says: I love scrap quilts and would very much like to try one of these patterns. lucieds@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to receive the magazine...you have made me "addicted to scraps"! Brenda

Anonymous said...

Congrats on being the cover girl! Love your Garden Party quilt. shanequiltz@bellsouth.net

mcmelly said...

I have been wanting to make the Hot Cross Buns block since it came out. Now is the time. Congrats on being a cover girl! I would love to win the magazine. Thanks for the giveaway. mcmelly89@hotmail.com

Judy D in WA said...

How exciting! This quilt is fabulous!!

Unknown said...

Wow Bonnie! I love this quilt and I would love to receive the copy of this edition of Quiltmaker. You are always so inspiring!

Nancy Nehez said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Love, love love this quilt; so intriguing to look at.


Sherrill said...

WOW, Bonnie, LOVE that finished product. SO cool. Thanks for the giveaway!!

Unknown said...

Bonnie, I just have fallen in love with your scrappy quilts. I have been one of those folks who really don't like the scrappy quilts, but you have gotten me to thinking I should change my mind and work them in your way. I LOVE your quilts! I will definitely start separating my scraps (Which I don't throw away) so that I can do one of your quilt ideas. They are fabulous!

kba said...

Love giveaways and love this new quilt.
Kristi Anderson, kba80305@gmail.com

Nancy Nehez said...

Love the blocks and the quilt. nancynehez@gmail.com

Unknown said...

I am excited to know the person who made the quilt on the cover! Congratulations Bonnie!

Iris Tyler said...

Great colors for this cover issue! Would live to have this on my bed!

quiltngrandma said...

Bonnie I love all your quilt patterns they are so easy and turn out so cute with using just scraps. thank you .

Maree mynanamaree@yahoo.com said...

Way to go on being a cover girl! Thanks for the chance to win! :-D

my nana mnaree @ yahoo . com

Susan Tidwell said...

Hi Cover Girl! Looking forward to seeing this issue!

Anonymous said...

What a fun quilt! If I don't win, I think I will still pick up a copy when it comes out! lauratevebaugh@rocketmail.com

Amy said...

Congratulations on making the cover!!! It's a beauty!


Amy said...

Love the colors and motion in this quilt. Beautifully done, as always!

Debra in Ohio said...

Wow! Your cover quilt is beautiful! The pattern would be just right for some of the scraps from the quilts I have just completed. Thanks for offering the magazine to us.

Anonymous said...

Linda from Dundee Florida.


Anonymous said...

Hope you are back to your usual vivacious, energetic self soon! Congratulations for the Cover quilt.


Anonymous said...

I love that quilt. I haven't found this magazine in my area. I am in central Alabama.
Clair Esco

littlemg said...

Love the cover, love the quilt and thank you for the opportunity to win this magazine!!

Unknown said...

Loved driving through Idaho--except the all-night trains behind the motel! And learned to square-dance in Eastern Washington. FUN! Great block with lots of connections and ideas already. Thanks for the opportunity to win the magazine and have more of Bonnie Hunter!

Sharon said...

Congrats! from sgkoz@sbcglobal.net. I would love to win a copy.

Anonymous said...

As always, thanks Bonnie for the chance to win something cool!

Anonymous said...

I love the quilt and I'd love to win a copy of the magazine!


Lynda D said...

would really love to win this. Makes it look so hard! lol

Anonymous said...

I would love a copy - that is a beautiful quilt, love the red border!


Barbara McD said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

What a great birthday if your random number generator picks me on Thursday april 2!! Marti in DE. Qwltr4evr@comcast.net

Barbara McD said...

What a great giveaway! Have a safe trip to Maine!

Marcia Kennedy said...

Congratulations! I love this quilt! You are such an inspiration!

Doris Rice, The Quilting Queen said...

YAY! congratulations! I've been working on Idaho Square Dance all week. It's almost ready to set together and quilt.

Unknown said...

Congratulations Cover Girl! What a great looking quilt. Thanks for offering a give-away and I hope it's my turn to win!

Sheri in Iowa said...

Love your cover and your quilt.....your designs are wonderful!!!


Robin Higson said...

Congratulations on the cover photo. I love it. I would love to win the magazine too! My e-mail is robinhigson@gmail.com

YelloRose said...

Absolutely love it!

Nancy P said...

Beautiful quilt, Bonnie. Oh I would so love to win! I need to make a new quilt for my bed and this is the perfect one! bnpark6@gmail.com

Kitties and Quilts said...

I love the quilt. And just like everyone else, I would love to win. Debbie in WV

Unknown said...

Please enter me in the drawing and have a great time in Maine.

Rose Marie said...

Be still my beating heart .... that scrappy quilt is calling my name! congrats on being on the cover of Quiltmaker. You rock!

Bonnie Blue Crouse said...

How exciting. It's a collector's edition for sure. Can't wait to get mine autographed. Enjoy the mountains and the spring wildflowers. A line in one of J.R.R. Tolkien's poems goes, "In every wood, in every spring, there is a different spring." I can see a quilt coming up with an array of beautiful greens...

Maria said...

Your quilt is fabulous and I can't wait to see the issue when it comes out

Anonymous said...

What a pretty quilt! You're the best! Congratulations on becoming a cover girl, that's so much nicer than being the centerfold girl! Lol quiltn221@yahoo.com

F. Gloade said...

Congratulations ! Your quilts are wonderful.

bluebonnet523 said...

Congratulations for being on the cover. Your quilt is beautiful and looks like it would be a lot of fun to make.

chicken alley said...

Congratulations,love it

Anonymous said...

Love your work Bonnie and would love to win a book...

Pat Hume


msmargie2 said...

This quilt is beautiful !!! Going on my "to do" list !! Thank you Bonnie for all the inspiration that I recieve from you daily .

rainbowryder said...

Coolest cover girl of all. Always enjoy your column.

Nina said...

another great quilt would love to win the magazine
rnthoren at ncn.net

searching me said...

Another winner! Thank you for making scrap quilts so much fun. Great to see new ways to use up the stash!

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, You continue to amaze us all with your creations. I have that very same border fabric in my stash ! Thanks, Janice k4squilt@zoominternet.net

KittyAnn said...

LOVE this quilt Bonnie! Would love to make it, thanks for sharing and the give a way!

Ann in Wilmington, NC

Debbie said...

Congratulations to the Cover Girl! I'd love to have a copy.

Catholic Bibliophagist said...

Congratulations on being a Cover Girl! Hope I win.

grandmatomato said...

It must really be good for your soul to see your quilts in the magazines.
Front page with your quilts are such an honor. Would love to win this give away.

Tricia Benes said...

Oh that is just beautiful! Congrats for being on the cover....

Wendy White said...

Oh what wonderful quilts! Thanks for everything! Maybe, I will win!
Wendy: email: wendy.555519@gmail.com

Marcia said...

Love the cover quilt and would like to win a copy of the magazine!
Terryandmarcia@comcast, net

Anonymous said...

Love the quilt.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful quilt!
Pam.... pwilkphoto@yahoo.com

Thunder Bay Resort Quilter's Retreat said...

Another Bonnie Hunter beauty!!

Cindy said...

Love your quilt and would also love to win a copy of the magazine. Thanks for the giveaway!

amy said...

Lovely quilt! I think I'd frame that magazine cover~

Anonymous said...

Love the quilt! Beautiful! Would love to win. Thanks for all the great patterns. Sally

Handcraft Fun said...

Thanks for the chance to win! Cathy

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great issue. Love your quilt. Thanks for the chance to win.



Unknown said...

This is definitely one of my favourite patterns of yours, Bonnie, and I'd love to be able to make it one day. I'm in awe of your talent!

Donna Fisher said...

Beautiful quilt. You kept that one under wraps very well. We look for those things we don't recognize. I would love to win a copy of the magazine. Safe travels. Donna Fisher

kizzie said...

What a great quilt and thank you for the chance to win a copy of the magazine.

Laurie Kelley said...

Congratulations, I just love the cover quilt and don't know if I can wait till May, lol. I have buckets of scraps and can't wait to get started!!!❤️❤️

Unknown said...

Congratulations to you! I would love to win. You make so many cute quilts and I really enjoy the scrappy ones especially.


Unknown said...

How I love this quilt! Just right for the scrappy I want to make for my daughter!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, I just love the cover quilt and don't know if I can wait till May, lol. I have buckets of scraps and can't wait to get started!!!❤️❤️
Laurie Kelley

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to get this issue and try out this quilt! Dorothy gillstrap6@fuse.net

Ming F said...

Gorgeous quilt. Will this be the one we make at the Las Vegas retreat? I'd love to win a copy of the magazine!


Anonymous said...

BEAUTIFUL! Sarah Monk from Arkansas

Nancy said...

I love scrappy quilts and I'd love to make this Hot Cross Bun quilt. Thank you.

Art by Rhoda Forbes said...

Love the quilt Bonnie, I will be making that one and have the perfect reds. Love the Idaho block too. So happy for you that it is on the cover.

Brenda Bower said...

That is such a fun quilt and its a perfect cover quilt. I would love to win this and start sewing.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie what a beautiful quilt. I look forward to reading your blog everyday and seeing your adventures.
I would love to win the magazine. Thank you for all that you do!


Anonymous said...

Love the quilt. I am amazed at what you do with scraps.

Susan Torrens said...

What a wonderful cover! I'm becoming know at my guild for all the scrappy quilts that I make - mostly from your patterns.

Love a copy!

swooze said...

Even though I did this quilt with you in Plano I'd still love to win this magazine!

Unknown said...

I too would like to duplicate a couple of quilts that my Grandmother made (passed away in 1959). Would be excited to win this magazine!

Anonymous said...

Love this combination of blocks! Thanks for the chance to win.
(lorelei.baker at ymail.com)

Helen said...

Wow, love this quilt. Would love to win so I can make it and others in the magazine.

Anonymous said...

Just subscribed to Quiltmaker. Can't wait to get my copy. Love the Addicted to Scrap block in this issue.

Susan Earl said...

What fun. Another Bonnie adventure.

Lois said...

Great quilt--anotherpattern to add to the list!! Thanks Bonnie. Lois

Lois said...

Great quilt--anotherpattern to add to the list!! Thanks Bonnie. Lois

Anonymous said...

Beautiful way to use scraps!

Barbara - bjp@14fm.net

Charlotte said...

Bonnie, What a beautiful quilt! I would love to win a copy of the magazine. I am rethinking my decision to not subscribe to Quiltmaker.
Charlotte Betts

Linda said...

This is a great quilt to use up scraps! Love it!

Jacqueline said...

Congratulations. Well deserved. I love what you do with scraps, my kind of quilting. Thanks for all you share with us.

Myrna said...

Congratulations, cover girl! That's a great quilt and I'd love to win a copy of the magazine to read more about it. Thanks!

Myrna in KY

Unknown said...

Hey there Cover Girl!!! Congrats! I love all of your quilts. You are so creative, and What beautiful quilts made from scraps... that some would throw away.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful quilt. Thank you for the chance to win the magazine.

Linda V said...

Congrats Bonnie! Wonderful scrappy quilt!

Quilting Tangent said...

Love scrappy quilts. 24Tangent@gmail.com

Oh My, Jan! said...

I always knew that you ARE a cover girl!! :) Hope that my number comes up! Stay warm up there in the STILL cold country.

Barb D said...

Congrats on making the cover! Would love to win!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see this issue, and meet you in July when you are here in Iowa!
Peggy Lowe

Bonnie58 said...

Gorgeous quilt. Thanks so much for sharing

pkquilter said...

Congratulations for being a Cover Girl again! What a beautiful quilt with scraps and that vibrant red. Onto my bucket list! Thanks for the giveaway. Will be seeing you in June in North East, PA Cherry Boom paulinefisher@verizon.net

valerie boudier said...

Lovely quilt, would love to win a copy of Quiltmaker valerie.boudier@ntlworld.com

Janni said...

Would be my first Bonnie magazine!
Love to get to know it!

Suzanne said...

Winning a copy of the magazine would be the greatest! Thanks for a chance to win.

JustPam said...

Congrats on being a cover girl! I would love this magazine and it is the only one I would consider subscribing to because of your column.

Carolyn said...

You have really inspired me. Thank you for all you have done. Congratulations on the cover photo. Love the quilt and thank you for the chance to win. Have an excellent weekend.

Mandy L said...

You are sooo good at keeping secrets! Love the fabulous Garden Party!

Mandy Laseter

Ann B said...

What a great looking quilt! We would love to win a copy of Quiltmaker, irs my favorite publication!

Anonymous said...

I love that front page quilt. If I win - will you sign the magazine.

Judy said...

I love that quilt! Thanks for the chance to win!

Cindy said...

You deserve to be a cover girl! A beautiful quilt.

tropicslady said...

I'm so getting into scrappy quilting designs and I really like this one.

ladara @ cfl . rr . com

Bridget B said...

Really like your scrappy quilts. Would love to win the book as I have sooo many scraps.

Anonymous said...

Count me in also. I love the way the blocks work together. Ivy at ivycottagequilts@hotmail.com

Unknown said...

Congratulations on being a cover girl!! I would love to win a copy of Quiltmaker. Choose me!!
Pam Hotle


Anonymous said...

I would love to win.
Linda Whitlow

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