
Friday, February 27, 2015

Quilts from 100 Blocks, Spring 2015! ((Give-Away!))


***Note!***  This Give-Away has Ended!  Congrats to our two lucky winners!

I love Give-Aways!

Don’t You?

Oh, the anticipation!

The dreaming!

The waiting!

The plotting!

The planning!

And this one is a good one, let me tell you!

I arrived home from the cabin after our Tuesday Snow-Day to find a package containing not one of these issues, but TWO!!

This is Quilts from Quiltmaker’s 100 blocks, the Spring 2015 edition, and let me tell you – it is cram packed with such goodies, you are going to want need a copy for yourself!

We all love the 100 blocks issues, but actually seeing what quilters do with the patterns from these issues takes them from BLOCK perspective to QUILT POSSIBILITIES!

Just look at this:


Sneak Preview!

This issue is not available on newsstands until March 3rd -- this is a sneak preview!

Inside you will find 19 complete quilt patterns!

Tutorials for resizing blocks, fine tuning your stitch & flip methods, simplifying y seams as well as suggested measurements for sizing quilts to fit beds.

There are also 4 bonus table runners on top of the 19 other patterns!

You will find all of your favorite departments:  From the Editor.  Contributors.  Inspirations.  Basic Lessons and the Spotlight pages….so much info in one great volume!

It’s 99 pages of wonderful quiltiness – all up for grabs!

My faves:


Coastal Tides by Denise Starck!


Pinwheels Aplenty by Peg Spradlin!


Star Spangled by Nancy Mahoney!


Glimmer & Glow by Karen Bialik


Oh I love this one!

Returning Home by Rebecca Silbaugh!

And there is more, oh so much more!

More fun will be happening over at Quiltmaker’s blog Quilty Pleasures so be sure you check them out as well.

Let’s have a bit of a Give-Away, shall we?

I’ll be drawing for TWO lucky winners by random number generator on March 3rd.

Small print: 

No, you can’t email your comment in, you can’t comment in the guest book, you can’t comment on facebook or instagram…it has to be HERE. On this post.  So I can use the random number generator to choose our lucky winners.  It’s only fair that way!

If you are a blogger or google user, PLEASE check your profile to make sure your email address is visible and I can reach you.  If there is no email address on your profile I have to choose someone else.  If you are commenting as anonymous you must leave your name and your email address so I can reach you.

When in doubt, just please leave your email address!  It’s that simple!

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Good Luck Everyone!

I’m off to Tampa, Florida this morning, hoping my feet will thaw out over the next couple of weeks on the road ---

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


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Anita said...

I would love 99 pages of wonderful quiltiness!

Anonymous said...

Sneak preview shows several "must-do" quilts. Would love to have this book. Bev at turnerbjt@aol.com

Gisele said...

Would love to win a copy too!

Lisa England said...

Looks like a wonderful magazine, thanks for the chance to win!

Christine said...

I have just the spot in my quilting library for this gem. Thanks for offering the giveaway.

ruthsplace said...

I'd love to win a copy as well. Thank you!

Flickenstichlerin said...

oh wow, this sounds so exciting.
Thank you for the giveaway, would love to take a bit of a longer glance at the magazine, perhaps hold it in my hands.

Unknown said...

I love those magazines and have many of them in my collection. This one looks so exciting with such beautiful quilts!

Cathy Dale said...

Hoping I wun. If not I will buy.

McQuilt said...

I'd like one of the copies ~ looks like a good one.

Vireya said...

Thanks for the giveway fun!

Looks like a fantastic publication, full of inspiration.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, Would love to win a copy of this magazine. I spotted two quilts from your favorites that I would like to make. Also want to thank you for all you do for us quilters. I've learned so much from you, let only not feeling guilty for using my scraps and just letting go! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

mb-RI said...

Sounds wonderful - count me in! I do love the quilts you showed as your favorites! Looks like a great magazine!

Linda Goulding said...

Would love to win , looks like another great magazine, if not I will sure purchase it.

chook said...

oh Bonnie I would love to win one of these beautiful mags ! please enter me in the draw Hugs Beth bdasecke@westnet.com.au

Anonymous said...

More awesome inspiration! Thank you for the giveaway. I'll be waving at you as you fly into Tampa this morning as you'll probably come right over my house! :D

Louise Young

patch 9 said...

I would love to winn a copy patchwork217@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

Looks yummy! Would love to win! Ann from snowy Boston. annmroberts28@verizon.net

Lori E said...

Oh the waiting! The plotting! The planning! I would love to win! ��

Rita P said...

Great. Looking for some more inspiration.

Quilting with Mudge said...

More patterns, more quilts, need more time (more snow days). Can't wait to start.

Anonymous said...

Thoughts of a give-away brighten another below-zero day! :)

Cviens said...

Ooooooooh, Bonnie, I would love to win this issue!! Thank you in advance in case you pick my number...if not, well, thank you for giving it away to begin with !😊

grammaterry6 said...

I'm already a winner because I found your great blog and quilting page and have learned so much from you!

Patty hall said...

Would love to have a copy of this! Bring some to that warm sunshine back to NC with you.
My email is twobsimple@gmail.com

ninifee said...

Was für eine tolle Zeitschrift, was für eine tolle Verlosung :-)))
LG, Gudrun

Unknown said...

You got me with the last quilt you showed us! I'd love to win one of these magazines please.

Jobro said...

Those blocks look amazing, would love the magazine

Anonymous said...

Please pick me!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my, pick me! jan_scruggs@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

I would love to win a copy to add to my library!

Teresa Keathley

Unknown said...

Looks like a great magazine! Hope I am a winner! Rosey705@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Would love to win!

Unknown said...

Today is my last day of work....then retirement! Pick me, pick me.....one of these can be my first retirement project!

diana said...

I want to try Star Spangled

Anonymous said...

Sure, add me to your list of wanna be's. Have become addicted to everything Bonnie Hunter in the last couple of years since I saw you in Waterville, ME w/ PTQG.

Freda Gaw

Unknown said...

OH no, my bucket list just grew! thanks Bonnie :)

Anonymous said...

Count me in! Thanks!

Cathy said...

I love giveaways! Thanks for another one! I would love to win! Looks like a great magazine!

Anonymous said...

Would love the chance to win a copy of an exiting magazine. Finger crossed

Cindy Peters said...

Me!! Me!! Cindy Peters, stitchesintime@earthlink.net

Unknown said...

I'd love to win. The quilts are awesome.

Anonymous said...

Really would love to win and see something besides snow and get inspiration for new blocks. It's my birthday next week and can't get out of the house. We need SUN and warmth.....and quilt blocks.


kt said...

Looks like another great issue--thanks for the chance to win a copy!

Helen Cassidy said...

Love quiltmaker and love you Bonnie. Would love to win this great magazine.

Bonnie Johnson said...

Love the Star Spangled Block

Kucki68 said...

Love the coastal quilt, just my colors. So for once I might make one in the suggested colors, should I win.

Stannert said...

Love this magazine. Love your collumn

Unknown said...

I see at least two quilts that will go on my list already!

Unknown said...

Bonnie - always enjoy reading your posts, they inspire me to add more fabrics to my quilts! I would love to have this book to inspire me some more.
Mary at mfortin988@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Would love to have this. So many great ideas for my grandson's quilts. Thanks for the give away.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win. Thanks Bonnie. jemng@aol.com

Anonymous said...

Pick me, pick me!

Anonymous said...

I would love a copy

Anonymous said...

Hey Bonnie I saw where this magazine was coming have been following the blog on Quiltmaker!! Thanks for letting me know when it hits the stands!!! Love the spider web quilt!!!
Dee Dalton. deedalton@att.net

Anonymous said...

This would be a great addition to my collection. Janetpbj@gmail.com

Julie in GA said...

Thanks for the great giveaway!
I would love to win a copy of this magazine.

Unknown said...

I would love to win. Love Quiltmaker! Judith ! Pieceandtranquilty@gmail.com

Sharon V said...

Looks like a great book to have. Would definitely put it to good use.

Unknown said...

Thank you Bonnie.

Lola said...

I am intrigued - looking for patterns now for some beautiful fabrics I have in my stash that are yelling for me to make a quilt from - 3 different sets of fabric - just need inspiration and this book looks like just the thing. Not sure if my email address is on my profile: I always enter your giveaways and have never won - Maybe this is why!


Anonymous said...

Bonnie, I would really love to win this issue!!!
~Julie Abraham

Tantie said...

What a treat it would be to win. Never tire of reading quilting magazines and as a newbie learning. Thank you for all you are giving so freely to the quilting world. I am hooked on the W&G at the moment and seeing the scrap pile diminish.

Anonymous said...

I'm in!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fabulous issue! Thank you for the fun give-away. If I don't win one, I'll definitely be checking my newsstand for a copy! Shelley at shellwi8@hotmail.com

Beth said...

Good morning
Safe travels to you today. Thank you for the opportunity to build my quilt block library. Just can't have too much inspiration :)

Anonymous said...

Looks like 99 pages of inspiration. Khradec@msn.com

Jeanie said...

These are always so full of inspiration! Thanks for the chance to get one!

Nancy Nehez said...

Wow, what a great issue! Thanks for the chance to win.

Rike Busch said...

Wonderful quilts and I would love to explore them.

Borderline Quilter said...

I would love a copy Bonnie....

Donna Fisher said...

I would love a copy os this Spring edition.

Anonymous said...

This would be the inspiration to quilt again. Thanks Bonnie.

Anonymous said...

Sweet! Lucky number? Lucky day?
Sheila R

Anonymous said...

I love the 100 Blocks magazine so I'm sure I would love this one to. Thanks for a chance to win a copy.

F. Gloade said...

Would like to win. Love your blog.

Anonymous said...

They all look good to me,

Roch167 said...

Love these magazines have a few
always great ideas!

KarenIN said...

Oh, the possibilities!

Melinda said...

Will definitely have to buy if I don't win. see two quilts I could make with fabric I bought on !onday. Have safe travels!


Anonymous said...

I would love to win the book, so many pretty blocks!


Diane said...

Looks interesting. Would love to win.

jeanbray2005@yahoo.ca said...

Please pick Canada. Would love to have this Book of Ideas. Thank you for being you.

joyceicles said...

All those pages of pure pleasure:-)

Unknown said...

What a wonderful way to spend these dreary days! rrmarlow@att.net

Unknown said...

i want to be in on this! smarkrt42@gmail.com

msmargie2 said...

I would love to curl up with a cup of tea and this magazine !!

Shelley said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Diane said...

Oops, forgot to put email.
Need more coffee!!



Unknown said...

Ohh I would love this..

krazycat6@gmail.com said...

Looks like a wonderful magazine. Thanks.

KathyinMN said...

While you're in Tampa, could you pick up warmer weather and give some of that away too? Please? Oh, ok, I guess the magazine will have to do! Thanks for the giveaway.

Lyn said...

Would be a great addition to my "library".

cdlake said...

This is the issue missing from my collection. LOL

Jenny driskill said...

How exciting, I'm interested and would love to be a winner.
Thanks bonnie for all you.

Capi said...

Would love to have a copy of the magazine. Enjoy the warm feet!


Susie said...

If I don't win I will definitely have to buy this one.
Thanks Bonnie

Quilting Corner said...

Great give a way. Thanks so much.

Janelle M said...

sounds like an AWESOME issue!!! I'd LOVE one!! krystlmom@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Would love a copy. Thank you for all you do.

Cecilia said...

I love your favorites and now I want to make them all! Thanks for the chance to win a copy if the magazine. Have fun in Florida, I'm moving there next week!

Unknown said...

I think Quiltmaker magazine is the best and would enjoy a copy of this. Cathy

Nonnie said...

I would love to win a copy! Thank you for the opportunity.
Carol in Freehold, NJ

Nonnie said...

I would love to win a copy! Thank you for the opportunity.
Carol in Freehold, NJ

Joni said...

Oh la la!! Beautiful!!!

Karen in Texas said...

Pick me!

Mary Ellen said...

Count me in! Fingers crossed. I love the 100 Blocks mags!

Anonymous said...

Ohhh, I would love to win! Drawings are so much fun! Joan Doezema, jdoezema@sbcglobal.net

Marty G said...

I would love to win a copy of this magazine. I love to look at all the really creative blocks in each edition. Thank you for having a giveaway.

Crad said...

Inspiration ! Would love to win. Aradawitz3466@charter.net

Iris Tyler said...

This mag would,be a relief from the cold and snow here in Mississippi. Make my day and pick my number!

Debra G said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of the magazine! And I'm looking forward to taking your class in August at Mary's shop in PA!!!

barbtaz said...

Looks like a fabulous magazine!! I'd love to win a copy!

Barbara said...

Would love to win a copy!

Lorene said...

Count me in, I would love to win this sneak preview edition!

Anonymous said...

I like some of your favorites too!

Minus 17 in South Dakota this morning, with wind chills in the negative 30s. A quilty magazine would be good for a day like today.


hspirit_99 said...

would love to win this. thanks for the chance

Susan said...

Count me in! I would love to win this too...

Anonymous said...

Pick me, looks like a great magazine. Hope it's warmer for you in FL. Here in Michigan it's -7 this morning.


Anonymous said...

Who wouldn't just love to win this magazine - I would be so happy to win it.

I am Pat at Pghpat@yahoo.com

Kitties and Quilts said...

Love to win this mag! Debbie in WV

Marsha A. Black said...

Would love to be a winner. Marsha

Unknown said...

I would like a copy! I need some inspiration to use up my stash.

Anonymous said...

hope to get a copy


Jm said...

Would like to win.


Patty said...

Great magazine. I would love a copy.

Debie said...

I would love to win this. debie_kunzer@yahoo.com

cityquilter grace said...

ooh i love that one too bonnie....and i NEED this....looks like a super packed issue!

Debbie said...

Thanks for the chance to win this great magazine.

Laurie T said...

It would be fun to win this magazine. I don't know where you find the energy to do all that you do, but thank you!

Unknown said...

Looks like a great issue - I would love to have this!

Dana Gaffney said...

I love seeing what people did with the blocks, there are so many different ideas.

Unknown said...

I would love to win this! Lots of cool blocks-thanks for the giveaway!

grrammypam said...

ooo, Would love to win, Thank you for the chance. Grrammypam@gmail.com


Unknown said...

I would love to win this! Lots of cool blocks-thanks for the giveaway!

Judy S. said...

Looks like some beautiful quilts. Put me in the drawing.

Cheryl in Friendsville said...

Looks like another great giveaway. Thanks for all you do.
Cheryl in Friendsville

MMK said...

What a great giveaway! Crossing my fingers!

Anonymous said...

I need this! Your book has disappeared from my bookcase and so far I can't find it. I hope your random number generator picks me. Just in case: Candy Moyer tiggers7652@aol.com

Anonymous said...

Looks like a lovely magazine.

Would love to have a look at it.


Anonymous said...

Me, me, me...Sharon Powers @ ncshagger@hotmail.com

Amrey said...

I can't wait to see all the beautiful quilts!

Lakegaldonna said...

I'd love to win this issue. Thanks for the chance Bonnie.

Mom2four said...

I would absolutely love to have a copy of this magazine!

Marlene said...

Winning a copy would be a wonderful way to celebrate my youngest 26th birthday.

Janie Steele said...

Looks interesting. rodnjane@aol.com

Rina Mason said...

Quiltmaker is the only magazine I subscribe to and I love their 100 Blocks and Quilts from 100 Blocks editions. i would love to win one. edrin1932 at gmail.com

LadySchep said...

Thanks for the chance to win! I'm down in the Tampa area. Are you making your way here for the Expo, by chance?

Wanda said...

I want one please. Wandawoman1167@gmail .com

Shout4Joy said...

OOH! I'd love to be a winner :)

Unknown said...

Oh yes put my name in the hat!

New Quilter in Texas said...

Oooh! Oooh! PICK ME! PICK ME!!!


Nancy said...

I would love to win. Have a great time in Florida!


tiptoethruphylsgarden.blogspot.com said...

I am new at quilting & would love this book/ I NEED this to begin using all the stash I`ve accumulated over the years, Phyllis

Frog Quilter said...

I would love to have more inspiration. You are good for that. Thanks.

Linda said...

Would love, love to win this. If not, I'll buy it!

Shirley said...

Oh that would be a wonderful end to this dreadful winter. Thanks for the opportunity. mrsstrache@aol.com

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this chance to win.

Anna said...

Count me in...I need all the block help I can get! Thank you!

Unknown said...

What unusual patterns,. Would love to have a copy. I never see them in the stores.

Anonymous said...

Would love to win a copy.THicks3219@aol.com

Debra in Ohio said...

I would love to win the magazine. Star Spangled Banner is my favorite so far. Thanks for offering the magazines to us.

Christy said...

Pick me please!

Barb said...

I would love to win a copy of this! Thanks for the opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie - you make quilting fun, the way it is supposed to be.
Thank you for all you teach and share!

ledamewood said...

Oh, count me in. I'd love to be a winner too.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the excitement of this give a way! I would love to win one, I've never had one of these magazines.
Thanks for your blog and quilt cam!
Have fun in Florida!
Mary Kauffman

Jan said...

I love the 100 blocks. Always eager for the chance to win one, but so far have not! Oh well, if not , will buy one. They are ways great!

Anonymous said...

Morning! Fun give away!

thank you


spbardwell said...

Thanks for the opportunity.

Dale said...


Unknown said...

Would love a little quiltness to warm me in the cold and snow!
ursulal46 @gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I would love this magazine! Teresa at momsnobest@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Bonnie your so sweet. Thank you for a chance to win.

Unknown said...

What a fantastic magazine! I would love to win this! Thanks for all you do! Julie Young.

Anonymous said...

Pick me. Pick me! I love quilt magazines and new ideas. Have a great time in FL.

Lorraine said...

Looks like a nice issue and opportunity to win a copy!
Thank you.


Panto Pam said...

Looks like a great magazine!


Aileen said...

Hoping you get into Florida in the sunshine! Would love some quilty inspiration!


Pat said...

I always NEED another quilt book, even though I will never live long enough to make all the quilts in my head.

Anonymous said...

I would love a copy. I'm looking forward to seeing you in Maine March 30th for your lecture. Happy travels.
Natalie rogineering@yahoo.com

Carolyn Sullivan said...

Oh YES! I would like to have a copy! always a lot of interest in 100 blocks!

catsm103 said...

I'm not familiar with this magazine, but if I don't win I'll have to get it the hard way! Lol! Good luck to everyone!

JoyceLM said...

I would love to win - thanks for the chance.

just me said...

Would love the inspiration of these blocks :)

jodi said...

I need one of these! Thanks for the great giveaways

Treadleworks said...

What a wonderful idea for a giveaway! Such great ideas for quilts and a wonderful way to use your stash.

Mary and Wilbur Litwiller said...

Thank you Bonnie for your leadership for so many of us who love quilting. Marylitwiller@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I would love copy. Thanks for the chance to win.

Jennifer Kinney said...

I would a reason to go out and buy some more fabric! Thank you Bonnie!

Jennifer in Lovington, IL

vicki said...

I would love, love to win!!, stay warm!!!

Unknown said...

We all want to win.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win a copy! Enjoy FL.
Shari. Sharipkersey at eaton dot com

Cathy44647 said...

Can't wait to see what they've done with all those blocks this time!

Unknown said...

I would love this! lelundgren559@gmail.com -Lena

Anita Balgenorth said...

Looks like an amazing magazine - thanks for the chance to win one!

QuilterLaura said...

Looks like a wonderful issue, thank you for the giveaway, Bonnie!

Susan said...

Florida and sandy warmth! Sounds good as its negative temps yet again here!

cutet_tx_chicks said...

Pick me! Pick me! I would live to win this book. Bennie0755@yahoo.com

Robin said...

Me, me, me pleeeeease!!! Love it!

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