
Friday, February 27, 2015

Quilts from 100 Blocks, Spring 2015! ((Give-Away!))


***Note!***  This Give-Away has Ended!  Congrats to our two lucky winners!

I love Give-Aways!

Don’t You?

Oh, the anticipation!

The dreaming!

The waiting!

The plotting!

The planning!

And this one is a good one, let me tell you!

I arrived home from the cabin after our Tuesday Snow-Day to find a package containing not one of these issues, but TWO!!

This is Quilts from Quiltmaker’s 100 blocks, the Spring 2015 edition, and let me tell you – it is cram packed with such goodies, you are going to want need a copy for yourself!

We all love the 100 blocks issues, but actually seeing what quilters do with the patterns from these issues takes them from BLOCK perspective to QUILT POSSIBILITIES!

Just look at this:


Sneak Preview!

This issue is not available on newsstands until March 3rd -- this is a sneak preview!

Inside you will find 19 complete quilt patterns!

Tutorials for resizing blocks, fine tuning your stitch & flip methods, simplifying y seams as well as suggested measurements for sizing quilts to fit beds.

There are also 4 bonus table runners on top of the 19 other patterns!

You will find all of your favorite departments:  From the Editor.  Contributors.  Inspirations.  Basic Lessons and the Spotlight pages….so much info in one great volume!

It’s 99 pages of wonderful quiltiness – all up for grabs!

My faves:


Coastal Tides by Denise Starck!


Pinwheels Aplenty by Peg Spradlin!


Star Spangled by Nancy Mahoney!


Glimmer & Glow by Karen Bialik


Oh I love this one!

Returning Home by Rebecca Silbaugh!

And there is more, oh so much more!

More fun will be happening over at Quiltmaker’s blog Quilty Pleasures so be sure you check them out as well.

Let’s have a bit of a Give-Away, shall we?

I’ll be drawing for TWO lucky winners by random number generator on March 3rd.

Small print: 

No, you can’t email your comment in, you can’t comment in the guest book, you can’t comment on facebook or instagram…it has to be HERE. On this post.  So I can use the random number generator to choose our lucky winners.  It’s only fair that way!

If you are a blogger or google user, PLEASE check your profile to make sure your email address is visible and I can reach you.  If there is no email address on your profile I have to choose someone else.  If you are commenting as anonymous you must leave your name and your email address so I can reach you.

When in doubt, just please leave your email address!  It’s that simple!

If you are reading us on an iphone or ipad after clicking a link in facebook you must open this page in a new browser or safari window before you can comment.  Your device still thinks you are in facebook even though you do not think you are.  If you still see the blue bar at the top of your screen…trust me. You are still in facebook!

Same goes for Blog-lovin.  Get OUT of blog-lovin and view our page directly.

You can’t always comment while reading in a blog reader service.  Make sure our address starts with http://quiltville.blogspot.com  No bloglovin in the address!
Good Luck Everyone!

I’m off to Tampa, Florida this morning, hoping my feet will thaw out over the next couple of weeks on the road ---

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


«Oldest   ‹Older   1201 – 1368 of 1368
Unknown said...

I want it! I need it!
If the good Lord is willing, I will win it.

Cherib104 said...

Love the Coastal Tides quilt!

Charlotte said...

Hoping - looks SUPER!

Terry H. said...

Love 100 blocks so thanks for the chance to win a copy.

pat adney said...

I MUST make the "glimmer and glow" quilt!
sure would like toi win this book!

Unknown said...

I love that you always offer giveaways thanks for the opportunity to win this awesome issue. duwaklj@gmail.com

Unknown said...

I love that you always offer giveaways thanks for the opportunity to win this awesome issue. duwaklj@gmail.com

Turid said...

A magazine for my taste, and I would love to win. But with so many in the draw, I know that it will be difficult. Possible though. Thanks for the give-away.

Ellen said...

Looks like eye candy to me. Would love to have you pick my name.

Anonymous said...

even simply looking at your quick peak has set my mind wandering.

Paula Triebenbach

Anonymous said...

Oh, oh, oh! Me, me, me! Can you see me here in the back row, jumping up and down, wildly waving my arms??
I NEED this magazine!
Jamie McClenaghan

Ramona said...

I would love to win a copy. Thanks for sharing.

scf_farms said...

Oh, I'm in. Wishing everyone lots of luck

Unknown said...

would love to win a copy!
mishquilts 56 at gmail dot com
Mish k in NJ

Cassie said...

Pick me! Pick me! I LOVE Coastal Tides. Yummy!

Thanks for the give-away.

Enjoy all you do!

Jeanne said...

You are always so generous by giving your followers a chance to win magazines. And yes, I would really like to be a winner.

Cat said...

Oooohh - definitely lots of quilty eye candy. I would love to add this to my library. Thanks for the opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Bonnie. Looks to be a fabulous issue! Mary pepperwoodco@hotmail.com

Unknown said...

Love the 100 Blocks from Quiltmaker. Please pick me.

Unknown said...

Love the 100 Blocks from Quiltmaker. Please pick me.

crazyquilter1@gmail.com said...

Would love to win this one! Thank you Bonnie. crazyquilter1@gmail.com

RJSOCH said...

Please pick me--I would love this magazine

Cheryl said...

Please - please - pick me!!

Suzanne said...

Love the Star Spangled block.

Sherry said...

I love all 100 Blocks books/magazines.

Cheryl L said...

Oh, I do hope it's me!!!! This looks like an awesome issue!!

Pat Hitchcock said...

Hey, Bonnie! Welcome to the south (except Tampa is not the real south!) I'm talking about Georgia. But you're close. Love to win a copy but if I don't I'll be at BOM on the 3rd. Thanks a million (hugs). krzyqltrpat@bellsouth.net

Unknown said...


Pat Hitchcock said...

Hey, Bonnie! Welcome to the south (except Tampa is not the real south!) I'm talking about Georgia. But you're close. Love to win a copy but if I don't I'll be at BOM on the 3rd. Thanks a million (hugs). krzyqltrpat@bellsouth.net

Janet said...

Love, love, love it. Our group loves new ideas.

Anonymous said...

Looks lovely, I would love one. abifranklyn@me.com

Anonymous said...

Looks lovely, I would love one. abifranklyn@me.com

Anonymous said...

I love quilts, I love sneak peeks, I love giveaways....


Joni said...

Thanks Bonnie for the sneak peak! Crossing my fingers for the chance to win!

Helen said...

I would love to make Glimmer and Glow, it is beautiful, Helen

Kathy in Plano said...

I would love to win this great magazine. Lots of quilting inspiration. Thank you. Kathy

Anonymous said...

I see a lot of quilts here that I would like to jump into!

Unknown said...

This magazine looks super. I'd love one. jeanross1948@gmail.com

Sherry Yeakel said...

It's snowy and miserable out, I could use a diversion like this, ha ha!

Thanks for the chance!


Helene said...

thanks for the chance to win! Hugs

Anonymous said...

would love to win the magazine.

Anonymous said...

would love to win the magazine.

Anonymous said...

Would love to have a chance to win---anything!!!! Especially this magazine full of wondewrul quiltiness. Thanks for a chance. Maey Ellen at mfair306@aol.com

Anonymous said...

Once again, I'd love for you to pick me! scrappyquilt@bellsouth.net

Charlotte Key said...

This looks like fun, I love the previous 100 blocks books.

Bec said...

So many beautiful quilts! Hope I win!

Susan said...

I love the inspiration! And your blog is awesome. Keep up the great work! SDippon@verizon.net

Anonymous said...


Margie Akers

Melody said...

What a wonderful gift!!!

Anonymous said...

Love following you and would absolutely love this new 100 Blocks!

Thank you for that you do and your amazing sharing of your talents!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win. Clpiferj@cox.net

Anonymous said...

would love to win - there are some really awesome quilts in the preview

Connie B

Marilyn said...

I would love a copy of this issue. mrlyn at shaw.ca

Unknown said...

I love your give away's. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

boy would I make good use of this gem with its many great patterns

JudyHollyRidgeNC said...


Anonymous said...

I would love this book, in fact, I deserve this book.


Thanks in advance, Diane

Bonnie Baker Lippincott said...

Love the give-a-ways! This would be a great one to have.
Bonnie coliptt@cox.net or the one with my Google account.

Mary W Quilts said...

Looks great! Love to see new blocks.

Quiltnut said...

I would love to own this book!

Anonymous said...

Love the quilts in the preview! vbrace@frontier.com

Diannia said...

Looks like a great magazine with lots of possibilities. I hope I win. LOL


Unknown said...

Beautiful designs and colors. I would love a copy!! DA at amtmbrwlf@gmail.com

Sally said...

Wonderful book! Please pick me!

Michelle said...

I would love to win!! Thanks Bonnie!

Wendy Robinson said...

Would love to win this, so many inspiring pics!

Vicki H said...

Yes, I need this magazine.

lybmail said...

Wow what a great magazine. I have got two previous issues which are well thumbed and used.

Lauriejo said...

Yummy! I would love to win a copy, thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

Please ler one fly of to SWEDEN�� need some inspiration over here..

GloriaDog said...

Looks like fun seeing ahead. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Those 100 Quilt Block magazines are so much fun. I would be thrilled to be a winner.

Lori said...

Oh my goodness, this magazine looks soooo wonderful. Hope your toesies warm up quickly.
quilting dash lady at Comcast dot net

BlessOSU said...

I Love Star Spangled! Love reading your blog! Have fun in Florida!

Jane's Quilting Studio said...

Thank you for the opportunity to win.
I'll see you at Maty Kovals in Bedford PA in August.
Thanks again
Jane Kmetz

Linda said...

This looks like a great magazine. I'm sure I would enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this book. ThanksfFor the chance and for all you share.
Jackie. Moo.--JMWJM@aol.com

Karen H said...

looks good, hanks forthe chance to get a copy

Anonymous said...

Would love a copy of the the new 100 blocks Spring 2015.

Unknown said...

I NEED a copy! Barb at brobertson5@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie, love your blog, thanks for all the inspiration, would love to win this magazine .
maureendelahunt@iprimus .com.au

Lorna said...

Love reading your blog - and would love to win! One can NEVER have too many patterns or quilt magazines! Lorna

Terri - Palm Bay, FL said...

Ohhh, 99 pages of quiltiness would be lovely! Thank you for the opportunity to win AND for all the wonderful patterns, ideas and projects you unselfishly provide. It is appreciated by so many of us. Oh, and welcome to Florida, hope you enjoy your stay.

Terri at the Drake's Nest in Palm Bay, FL terrinv@yahoo.com

Pat V. said...

I always love seeing how those blocks turn into beautiful quilts!

Briarose said...

would love to win this magazine, thanks for the opportunity. Claire

Anonymous said...

The new issue looks wonderful. I know I, and my friends in my bee group, would enjoy the beautiful Quilts and patterns. jannsnyder@aol.com

A Rose in Texas said...

I would love a copy to add to my Quiltmaker stash! What a wonderful magazine. Thanks for all the quilting goodies you share with us!

Anonymous said...

Loved the pre-view... sure the rest are just as fabulous! Sandy at sparetimebears@hotmail.com

Laura Riley said...

I have many scraps that need to find a home in some quilt. Thanks for the opportunity to win this book with so many ideas.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the opportunity to be part of this.

Anonymous said...

What an interesting book!

Quilting_Chris said...

Low and behold a zillion comments, oh well I will throw my name into the wind and hope I win this quilty goodness. Thank you for a chance to win.

marcia.hicks56@gmail.com said...

Would love to be a winner! Enjoy Florida🌴😎

Anonymous said...

OMG...I figured out how to comment. I love love love these beautiful works of art and see so many options that are just BEGGING for my stash to jump into! ravenangel34@yahoo.com

Cindy Oakley

Anonymous said...

would love a chance to win

Unknown said...

I would just love to have this book of 99 pages of wonderful quilts and ideas to do. Nancy at quiltingwatts@gmail.com

Debbie said...

Great review, Bonnie. Certainly looks like we can't do without it!

Anonymous said...

Sew many wonderful ideas! Can't wait to see all 99 pages worth.

Mary Green said...

hope I can win this.

Anonymous said...

What beautiful quilts I could make.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for constantly giving us opportunities to WIN neat stuff. I'd LOVE a new magazine.
Jackie, SoCal


Anonymous said...

I would love to win this one. The sneak preview is inspiring!


Nanette said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nanette said...

Ooh, ooh, I love the red, white and blue one!! This would sure go with the other 10 issues I have, Vol 1 thru 10...I have so many blocks to choose from, besides all the scrumptious patterns all of the designers release that I just can't do without... I'll never live long enough to sew them all!! 👩👵


Samantha G. said...

What a great issue! Thanks for the giveaway! Have fun in Florida!

karenf said...

can't wait to get my copy. No I will wait and try to win it.

Anonymous said...

So many exciting designs! Would love to win!


Unknown said...

Great give-away! I'd love to have this issue. ktsquiltdreams@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Great give-away! I'd love to have this issue. ktsquiltdreams@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Great give-away! I'd love to have this issue. ktsquiltdreams@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

hi, I also love to win,
who's not ....

Unknown said...

Looks like a great issue; thanks for the give away!

susiefloozie said...

Oh my goodness! I also love Star Spangled and Returning Home! Curious about the table runners too. Love small projects for that instant gratification!

Penny said...

I would love to have a copy of this wonderful magazine. Thank you for the chance to win one!

Marian said...

I would love to win! I especially am interested in the "Star Spangled" block. It is gorgeous!
Marian at marian1@charter.net

Unknown said...

I hope I win!

Anonymous said...

I would love a copy of this. jbelz@icloud.com

JDonhorses said...

Thank you Bonnie! That's a wonderful wishbook for future quilts! Joanne Donovan in North Charleston, SC! JDonhorses@Live.com

Thymewpvp said...

I would love to win this magazine. I see so many great designs --pat

Unknown said...

Happy days if I win this awesome book. msboerger@gmail.com

La Vernia, TX

Anonymous said...

I would love to have this magazine/book. What a treasure trove!I can read it and study it while hubby is having neck surgery! Enjoy Florida - South Texas is in the deep freeze - you came at the best time - weatherwise.


cathy d said...

Hope to win.

cathy d said...

I hope this works?

Anonymous said...

Sure would love to win this one! Keeping fingers and toes crossed.
Nancy Magee

cathy jo said...

Oooo! Pick me! Pick me! These are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Would be nice to add to my collection of magazines. Thanks for sharing your quilting skills. Cheryl lperilloux4900@comcast.net

Gale, Ky quilter said...

Oh I would L O V E to win this magazine! The quiltmaking I could do! Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Great looking projects to test my NEW machine!!! So excited! lhatman1@comcast.net Linda Hartman

Debbi said...

I always look forward to the 100 block editions and have collected all of them. Would love to have one of these copies...pick me please!

Ptquilter said...

This magazine is a "must have". Pick me oh random number generator! Thanks Bonnie, for all you do for us.
Judy S

Anonymous said...

What a great magazine... would love to win a copy. There's nothing like having the physical issue to hold in your hands and thumb through. Kathy at wagnersplace@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

What a great magazine... would love to win a copy. There's nothing like having the physical issue to hold in your hands and thumb through. Kathy at wagnersplace@yahoo.com

BerninaGirl said...

Love the sneak peek.

pkquilter said...

Would love to win this! Thanks for the chance! Cherry Boom paulinefisher@verizon.net

Judy said...

These issues just get better and better every time they come out! I see several quilts I would love to make with this issue! Thank you for offering this.

diane said...

Looks like a great issue - would love to win one!

Jen said...

This issue looks soooo yummy! I would love to win!!

Dove1615 said...

This magazine looks like a winner! Thanks for the contest.

TravelinDixie said...

I would dearly love to have this as I am new to this quilty world.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the opportunity to win. nivens_r@bellsouth.net

Carms said...

Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful magazine.

Debbie M said...

I'm so excited!!! martinsddd@msn.com

Sher said...

I love the glimmer and glow quilt. Thanks for the give away.

DaniQuilts said...

Wow! This looks fantabulous!!!!!

Paulinelentsmnet@gmail.com.au said...

Pick me mister random number generator. Would love to win thanks

Debby said...

Would love to win this issue and make the Returning Home quilt.

Carin@Ullhärvan said...

I would love to win a copy, so pick me!

Connie said...

It would be wonderful to win. So many new patterns and ideas.I love it.

Unknown said...

Really neat ideas!

Sue OC said...

This looks great! I would love to wind a copy.

KimmyKay said...

There are some very nice quilts in this book. Thanks for the chance to win it.

Sandra deHoog said...

I see a block in there that I NEED!


jatajomi said...

Would love it , thanks for the chance to win !

Sew You Know said...

There are a few I would love to do!
Thanks for a chance to win

Anonymous said...

Would love to have a copy!


Betty Woodlee said...

I love giveaways too! I would love to win one of these magazines. b.j.day68@gmail.com

Quilt Monkey said...

I'd love to have a copy of this magazine! I have all of the 100 Blocks issues, but I have never bought one of the issues with the complete quilts. Thanks for the chance!

Helen said...

I would love to win this magazine!


Anonymous said...

Just Love the Returning Home Quilt. If I don't get drawn I will be buying this one!

Mo Shippee - wmgmk@aol.com

Anonymous said...

Fabulous! Would be wonderful to win this book. Thx so much for all your great work and kindness to all of us.


Nancy said...

I would love to win one of these. I know the odds are against me but I still have to try.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful quilts.

Unknown said...

I love your quilts! Thanks so much for all you do.

Anonymous said...

Pick me, pick me! I love all of the patterns, and I want to create them all. Thank you for the opportunity!

Sharon Brown said...

I want to make Star Spangled and Returning Home, both so nice, so it would be nice to win one of the copies. Thanks for the chance. smdbrown.24@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Love, Love, Love the quilt ideas. Thank you for the possibility to win this Spring 2015 edition. Kathryn at satinstitch33@gmail.com

Jittina said...

Would love, love, love to win a copy. I've seen at least 3 patterns I would love to make. I'm keeping my fingers, legs, toes, arms and eyes crossed!

Jo said...

You have such wonderful responses for these giveaways.,I'd love to be the lucky winner

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