
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Galaxy-gram! Dinner in Fredericksburg, Texas!

Just a short and sweet post with a few quick photos!

Our workshop day in Kerrville was over at 3:30pm and I was promptly picked up by Irene and her hubby and we were on our way back to Fredericksburg for a but if browsing, shopping and dinner out!

The afternoon was beautifully sunny with blue skies and we enjoyed walking the shop laden tourist haven streets.

Dinner was had at Der Lindenbaum, and we filled ourselves with schnitzel and all the fixins, German-Texas-Style!

We have a drive back home to San Antonio ahead of us--a relaxing evening to unwind.
Tomorrow --home!

Have a great evening, everyone!


Janny said...

Oh I'm a bit jealous, I love the Hill Country, love the history (the WWII museum is awesome, and I'm not much of a museum person), the wild flowers, the limestone buildings, and rolling hills, and Creations!

I'm sure the people in your classes were glad they could share their piece of Texas with you!
Thanks for sharing the pictures.

Kathleen said...

I just want some schnitzel.

Jan said...

Love, Love, Love the Hill Country.

Kelly said...

I'm confused. There's no snow? But it's February.

I know, I know, it's Texas & warm there. It was just so weird to look at photos of the outside and not see snow.

Anonymous said...

You might want to stay in TX for a few days. It is 16 degrees here in NC but will be in the 50's this weekend.

Lakegaldonna said...

Glad you are able to enjoy some of that Texas warmth. It's minus 10 this am in Wisconsin by Lake Michigan. Good day to stay in and sew. Safe travels back to your home today.

martha said...

I just love that restaurant - their weinerschnitzel is the bomb !!! Marti

Patricia said...

thanks for posting pictures of fredericksburg. so close to my stomping grounds. i miss the hill country so badly. your students were great also.
patti in florida

Cathy Dale said...

Love Texas

Carla said...

And here comes the cooler weather in Texas. Last weekend was high 60's and 70's as will be this weekend but next week we're looking at 30's and 40's.
Love the hill country. I haven't ate at the German place yet. May have to check it out on my April visit.

Lucy said...

I've been there Bonnie. I walked on the same streets! It's a beautiful place!

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