
Friday, December 05, 2014

Galaxy-Gram Power-Purge of the Mail Kind!

Here it is 7pm and this is the first chance I've had to sit still enough to shoot up a post.

The only power-purging that happened today wasn't a purge at all,  but another consecutive day of getting as many book orders out the door as is humanly possible.

Here is where I've been spending most of my time since Sunday when our Cyber Sale started!

And a shot of me on one of many post office runs over the past 5 days.
Yes, I am on a first name basis with both gals that work my small one window country post office.

Since the post office is closed weekends, the Hubster and I are on our way up to the cabin for the weekend.

My good friend Mona wants to learn to quilt!   I'm bringing her a featherweight to borrow and some blue and neutral scraps to start her on a simple 4patch quilt as her  first project.

I'm going to start her with basic rotary cutting and we will be using my seam guide ruler to find where her 1/4" seam needs to be.


And while we are playing you can still take advantage of 20% off of everything including seam guide rulers during the Super Cyber sale going on in the bookstore! 

Sale ends Sunday at 9pm EST.
Click the books tab at the top of the blog for more info!

Catch you from Quilt Villa!


Avon said...

Bonnie, just a few questions. I have a huge stash but have been chicken when it comes to using it. I have started on your Mystrey(thanks for all your sharing).
My question is do you use the same pink for different blocks or change colors with a change of blocks? Would 5 or 6 pinks be good or do you need more. You can see I need a little guidance😊.

Mary Ellen said...

Avon, Bonnie's nickname is the Scrap Queen, so she would say, mix it up. Personally, I love the vibrancy and motion that using many different fabrics produces in a quilt. Plus the fun later on when you look at the finished quilt and remember all those fun fabrics and where you originally used them. The more the merrier is the motto when scrap quilting! Look at Bonnie's quilt in the banner at the top of her blog and you will no doubt answer your own question!

Mary Ellen said...

By the way, Bonnie, I have to commend you on the speed with which you get orders out. I received my books yesterday and only ordered them, it seems, a couple of days ago. Don't know how you do it, what with the holidays in there, a sick dog, bad back, and mystery quilt. Sheesh, I get tired just thinking about it. Big thank you!

Loris said...

Thank you, Bonnie for the holiday discount. I'm excited to be finally ordering Strings and a seam guide 😊

M. Hair said...

Mona is so lucky!! Private lessons from Bonnie Hunter. I'm jealous.

JuliAnn Craver said...

Thank you Bonnie for your continued supply of encouragement, patterns and wonderful book. I look forward to the day I can be in one or your classes.

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

Avon, I used many many pinks in my quilt. I stick with the color family is, but there is no rule on the how many fabrics you can use it within each color family. my motto is indeed the more the merrier!

Debbie said...

You and Mona will have a blast. Can't wait to see what she comes up with.

Sylvia said...

Do you do all your cutting for the mystery quilt at one time or do you do a couple of strips, sew them up and then do some more. I've been doing all the cutting and completing each step before moving on to the next one but it occurs to me, it might be more fun just to do a couple of strips. And do you have leftover blocks from this?

this is my second mystery --I did Celtic Solstice, all the blocks are pieced but not sewn together yet. It is the scrappiest thing I've ever done from just my stash and was a lot of fun to do.
Sylvia in hot humid Beaumont Texas

Faith, Fabric and Fur said...

I'm so excited that I ordered a book and seam guide. I can't wait to get my package!

Dody said...

I emailed you about the pineapple crazy block. Then I went to your book store. I want them all! I ordered String Fling,I can hardly wait to get it. Thanks for the time and effort you put into your work. I watch quilt cam all the time. When I sew I put on archived ones, it's great to have company when you sew. I have lots of scraps from making clothes for my daughter. So I thought the paper pieced pineapple crazy quilt would be perfect. Thank you,Thank you. Thank you, and Merry Christmas to me.

scraphappy said...

I am enjoying your power purges so much. I enjoy clearing out the clutter one little corner at a time too, and you posts are inspiring me to get back to throwing out again. Sadly, I can't take advantage of the cyber sale as I already have all your books, but I am happy it is going so well.

Anonymous said...

I, too, have a question on Part 2. I don't see any of the yellow in this block, is that correct/ Getting ready to cut all those blocks and finish last weeks. I did accomplish a lot last week. Finished quilting a 110 X 110 quilt, each block and each border (3) were done individually. The binding is on and stitched. Made a baby quilt for a great niece, it's almost finished and the baby isn't even here yet, that's a record for me. lol Now back to the mystery quilt. sieglinde

Lainey said...

Hi Bonnie, I cannot find a link to the seam guide rulers you are talking about being on sale. Sorry, I'm new here and don't know my way around much yet.

Ann gillett said...

Hope one of those packages in the pic is mine. Been seeing on the mystery quilt all day about 1/2 done with clue two. Love the easy angle ruler, pieces come out vey good. Makes sewing easy. This is my first with you Bonnie. Learning lots, but all those little pieces scare me.

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