
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Cultural Fusion Quilts Blog Tour! ((Give-Away!))

dec 2014
Hey everyone!

I am participating in  Sujata Shah’s Cultural Fusion Quilts Blog Tour!

This post is going out a bit late, because – well. I thought TOMORROW was my day, and I screwed up on Facebook by mentioning that the mystery clue goes live tomorrow, but it’s only Wednesday, and I am all kinds of screwed around!

SO…It’s all fun as long as we keep it fun, and I apologize to anyone who followed the link to the tour to not find my post live yet!

Let’s talk about things I love about this book.

COLOR!  And free form design!

As I just told Sujata this morning as our emails were flying back and forth:

"I love your book..it's exciting, and vibrant and makes me want to get in there and SEW!"

Let's look at these fabulous quilts!  You are in for a treat!


I love Sujata’s use of color and free form piecing!

One of the things I love about working free-form is that nobody's quilts will EVER turn out the same.  They are all different just as we are all different, but there is a connection!  I love how this quilt looks like a typical birds in the air block at first, but you see it change and evolve into something else, something free and easy and whimsical!

Bold, vibrant, striking—and amazingly easy to make! This collection of 15 modern quilts draws on handmade crafts from India, the American South, and Africa to create a style that’s at once traditional and contemporary, artistic and practical.


A simple stack, cut, shuffle, and stitch technique makes the sewing fun for quilters of any level, and also makes every quilt a one-of-a-kind creation.


No two are ever alike! The author provides alternate settings, plus an inspiring photo gallery of the crafts that shaped her style.

Screen Shot 2014-12-08 at 6.39.51 PM

I love the curvy improv wonkiness of this quilt…my eyes can’t stop traveling over it!

Final Cover

Use these projects to enrich your quilting by bringing in textures, patterns, and colors from around the world.

Pat Sloan 2

Learn more about Sujata on Pat Sloan’s Quilting Podcast HERE

Right now it's at the top of the player list, Look for the date, December 8th!

You can also subscribe to the podcast on iTunes and listen wherever you are.

You will find Sujata’s blog at The Root Connection a fascinating spot on the web to see examples of where Sujata’s inspiration comes from.  Her photos are fabulous!

You guys know how I love free form improvisational piecing, especially using up all of my scraps.  You will get this from Cultural Fusion Quilts and MORE!

Leave me a comment below to enter to win a copy of Cultural Fusion Quilts!

Please leave your email address if you are unsure if your address shows in your blogger profile or not.  Better safe than sorry!  Especially if commenting as Anonymous.  If I can’t reach you, I’ll have to draw again, using the random number generator.

We will draw for our lucky winner on Sunday evening, Dec 14th!

And while you are at it, here is the whole line up of who is participating in the blog tour ! Check out the ones who have already posted, enter there to win, and then visit the line up down the line as their day comes available!  Good luck everyone!

Tuesday December 2 Sujata Shah @ C&T Publishing Open thru12/12
Friday December 5 Rachaeldaisy @ Blue Mountain Daisy Open
Saturday December 6 Lori Dejarnett @ Humble Quilts Open
Sunday December 7 Casey York @ The Studiolo Open
Monday December 8 Malka Dubrawsky @ A Stitch in Dye  Open
Tuesday December 9 Sherri Lynn Wood @ daintytime Today
Wednesday December10 Bonnie Hunter @ Quiltville's Quips and Snips
Thursday December 11 Jake Finch @ Generation Q
Friday December 12 Jan Burgwinkle @ Be*mused
Saturday December 13 Janet Treen @ Quiltsalott
Sunday December 14 Lindsay Conner @ Lindsay Sews

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


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PalmerGal said...

I have enjoyed seeing these other blogs. How fun that you all get organized to do this. Thank you.

Unknown said...

I loved looking at all the beautiful quilts and colors. They are so inspiring. Thanks for a chance to win
Jean Keeter

Unknown said...

I am interested in winning this book.

Anonymous said...

What an amazing book!

Unknown said...

Please enter me into the draw, if not I'm def adding it to my book list for the new year. Thanks Sian

Mac said...

Hopefully I will win!

Anonymous said...

Thank you! Vinette.makal@gmail.com

Swedish Scrapper said...

I am so excited about this book! I love Fusion cooking, and to do something called Fusion quilting sounds like a real gas!!

Fun2quilt2000@yahoo.com said...

Very inspiring!

Becky Hall said...

This would be a very fun read! I'd love to win.

Jane's Quilting Studio said...

I have been following the Root Connection for some time. I love her patterns and would enjoy her book. Thank you for this chance to win one. My email is jane12@atlanticbb.net. Bonnie, I'll see you in August at Mary Kovals in Bedford, PA.
Thanks again, Jane

Unknown said...

Exciting quilts. Thanks Bonnie.

Anonymous said...

What beautiful quilts. This would be a fun book to have.


Patricia said...

Loved the road trip, we love to do road trips here in South Texas.
Would love to have this book

Pam Patches said...

Wow!! Scraps and quarters! What a great opportunity to use some of my cupboard warmers. Thanks for the chance of winning a copy.


Unknown said...

Margaret Stephens r.stephens2@bigpond.com
This book looks like a lot of fun the quilt are beautiful I would love to add this book to my collection

John said...

Wonderful quilts! It's going on my growing library wish list.
Thanks for all you do, Bonnie.

Anonymous said...

These quilts are Amazing! Actually looks like a Maze with loaded colour combinations which would lift anything it's put on.
Thanks for the treat from Aussi!
Venora from vsrs1988@gmail.com

Liv Aagot's Quilt Blog said...

Hi! I would really love to win this book! The quilts are unique end in great colours! But then you have to send it all the way to Norway... :)
By the way; I'm taking part in the Mystery for the third time this year - thanks a lot for the great steps so farwWith The Grand Illusion!I'm making the quilt in bright colours, and it will be a present for my granddaughter on her very first birthday in March 2015.
Love from Liv Aagot, Lillehammer, Norway
My e-mail: livaagotsyse@gmail.com
My blog: livaagotsyse.blogspot.com

Ladydukes said...

Nice book! Great colors! Fantastic giveaway!!

Rejeanne said...

Fantastic looking book! So inspiring. I would love to own this book. I'm sold. Please enter me in the draw. Thanks for the opportunity.

Carol Sews said...

I'd love to win this book.

Susan said...

I love the colour in these quilts, and they are all perfect, even the freeform ones.

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