
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Cultural Fusion Quilts Blog Tour! ((Give-Away!))

dec 2014
Hey everyone!

I am participating in  Sujata Shah’s Cultural Fusion Quilts Blog Tour!

This post is going out a bit late, because – well. I thought TOMORROW was my day, and I screwed up on Facebook by mentioning that the mystery clue goes live tomorrow, but it’s only Wednesday, and I am all kinds of screwed around!

SO…It’s all fun as long as we keep it fun, and I apologize to anyone who followed the link to the tour to not find my post live yet!

Let’s talk about things I love about this book.

COLOR!  And free form design!

As I just told Sujata this morning as our emails were flying back and forth:

"I love your book..it's exciting, and vibrant and makes me want to get in there and SEW!"

Let's look at these fabulous quilts!  You are in for a treat!


I love Sujata’s use of color and free form piecing!

One of the things I love about working free-form is that nobody's quilts will EVER turn out the same.  They are all different just as we are all different, but there is a connection!  I love how this quilt looks like a typical birds in the air block at first, but you see it change and evolve into something else, something free and easy and whimsical!

Bold, vibrant, striking—and amazingly easy to make! This collection of 15 modern quilts draws on handmade crafts from India, the American South, and Africa to create a style that’s at once traditional and contemporary, artistic and practical.


A simple stack, cut, shuffle, and stitch technique makes the sewing fun for quilters of any level, and also makes every quilt a one-of-a-kind creation.


No two are ever alike! The author provides alternate settings, plus an inspiring photo gallery of the crafts that shaped her style.

Screen Shot 2014-12-08 at 6.39.51 PM

I love the curvy improv wonkiness of this quilt…my eyes can’t stop traveling over it!

Final Cover

Use these projects to enrich your quilting by bringing in textures, patterns, and colors from around the world.

Pat Sloan 2

Learn more about Sujata on Pat Sloan’s Quilting Podcast HERE

Right now it's at the top of the player list, Look for the date, December 8th!

You can also subscribe to the podcast on iTunes and listen wherever you are.

You will find Sujata’s blog at The Root Connection a fascinating spot on the web to see examples of where Sujata’s inspiration comes from.  Her photos are fabulous!

You guys know how I love free form improvisational piecing, especially using up all of my scraps.  You will get this from Cultural Fusion Quilts and MORE!

Leave me a comment below to enter to win a copy of Cultural Fusion Quilts!

Please leave your email address if you are unsure if your address shows in your blogger profile or not.  Better safe than sorry!  Especially if commenting as Anonymous.  If I can’t reach you, I’ll have to draw again, using the random number generator.

We will draw for our lucky winner on Sunday evening, Dec 14th!

And while you are at it, here is the whole line up of who is participating in the blog tour ! Check out the ones who have already posted, enter there to win, and then visit the line up down the line as their day comes available!  Good luck everyone!

Tuesday December 2 Sujata Shah @ C&T Publishing Open thru12/12
Friday December 5 Rachaeldaisy @ Blue Mountain Daisy Open
Saturday December 6 Lori Dejarnett @ Humble Quilts Open
Sunday December 7 Casey York @ The Studiolo Open
Monday December 8 Malka Dubrawsky @ A Stitch in Dye  Open
Tuesday December 9 Sherri Lynn Wood @ daintytime Today
Wednesday December10 Bonnie Hunter @ Quiltville's Quips and Snips
Thursday December 11 Jake Finch @ Generation Q
Friday December 12 Jan Burgwinkle @ Be*mused
Saturday December 13 Janet Treen @ Quiltsalott
Sunday December 14 Lindsay Conner @ Lindsay Sews

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


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JoAnn said...

Love the colours on these quilts!!
Purty :)

Ingrid said...

I would love to win this book!!

jagarland said...

wonderful colors and different shapes. great patterns for scrap quilts that we make for charity

TLC said...

This would make a great graduation present for me!

Rose said...

That book looks yummy!

Judy T. said...

These Cultural Fusion quilts are beautiful and I am hoping to be a winner. Whether or not, though, I'm really enjoying the MQ, Grand Illusion, even though I'm a slow poke. Haven't even finished clue #1!! But I have successfully put together one of clue #2 and am excited to do the same with this morning's clue #3!

Ann B said...

Would love to win this book. Love the designs. Thanks Bonnie!

Ann B said...

Would love to win this book. Love the designs. Thanks Bonnie!

Unknown said...

This book looks wonderful & I SOOOO want to win it!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Mystery Quilt just printed off clue 3, looks like fun. I love it that you help out other quilters by sharing them with us, I only follow you so that means when you share I see more LOL jean in UP of MI

iamaquilter2 said...

What a cool book. Love her color choices.

Anonymous said...

Allô Bonnie J'aime les modèles et les couleurs elles sont magnifique. J'aimerais être la chanceuse. Gisèle
Québec, Canada

L said...

Such lovely quilts! Would love to win!

Christy said...


Karen said...

Love! Love! Love the colorful quilts~they make me happy!

Christy said...


Chris Simon said...

Thanks for exposing me to this beautiful book. I would love to win a copy!

Sheila said...

Thank you for al you do for quilting. shehix@gmail.com

jgarrett8467 said...

Absolutely amazing colors and style. This book is beautiful

Lovay said...

I Would love to win this book, the use of color and simple patterns are beautiful. Please enter me in the drawing.

kisci said...

Hi ! i would love to win this book, as would many others.. but i cannot win if i don't try ! :) Thanks !

KeanieQuilter said...

Beautiful colors and I love the creativity.

Anonymous said...

love the book, would love to win it.


Anonymous said...

The combination of colors is amazing! I'd love a copy of the book.

LauraKoppy said...

What a treat! These quilts would really stretch my skills! I think I can, I think I can!

Carlene said...

Wow! What would our grandmothers say? These are just beautiful quilts!!! Buying myself a Christmas present!!! Thanks for introducing me to this wonderful book!! Canbesweet@aol.com

Carlene said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
pdjewelrylady said...

these quilts look like so much fun!! the eye really has to concentrate - love it. thanks for sharing and the chance to win :D

Carlene said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Enter me in the drawing. Would love to add the book to my library.

Unknown said...

Love the free and easy piecing - would make for good January project

Anonymous said...

Thank you for a chance to win this book! What a great way to utilize the bright scraps and all those fabrics in my stash that I've been saving for that special project!

Mary D said...

This would be a great addition to my library, hope I can win this book.

Anonymous said...

Count me in. One of these times you'll draw my number, Bonnie. Working on Grand Illusion in the mean time. Karen or rkrunge@gctel.net

Jittina said...

I just love the quilt on the cover. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Jan said...

Wonderful giveaway. Thanks for all you do, Bonnie. So far I am keeping up with the clues. I hope this weeks clue will be done by next Friday. Love this project!

Tara said...

This bokk is going on my wish list. Love the bold use of colour.

Jewelshug said...

Wow! Awesome looking book.

Teresa Moss said...

I had no idea these blog tours were happening. What a great way to meet new artist. I love how one would be able to incorporate the scrappy system into this books patterns. I am a newbie to you Bonnie but love that I can clean the sheves of scrap fabric. That is after GIMQ.

Anonymous said...

These are really different! I love patterns that use up my scraps! The first one is amazing! I would love to own this book!


bkelly2424@att.net said...

I would love to win her book...wonderful colors

Sheila said...

Love the colorful quilts! Hope I win. Hope you have a Merry Christmas : )

@lutzcats said...

I made the cover quilt from a postcard pattern received at a quilters run! I used a Bali pop and added multiple borders to make it full sized. Love it!

happyjax said...

the colors alone excite the emotions and the imagination!!! I would love to win the book!

Laura said...

Thank you for all that you do.

VickyM said...

can't wait to try one of these beautiful quilts!

Unknown said...

This is definitely going on my Christmas list. Would love to have a chance to win it.

Margaret said...

the book looks great thanks for the give away. just in case I win - 33mm33griffiths@gmail.com - LOL

Unknown said...

Would love to win a copy - would be my Christmas present. Looks like an exciting book to make some different quilts.

Unknown said...

I like quilts that give you the unexpected element without being too out there. Definitely on my list.

Unknown said...

That looks like such fun! Thanks for the chance to win! pbstrand@msn.com

Carol Sc said...

How cool are those quilts?! I can't decide which to make first. If I don't win a copy, I'm definitely buying it. Here's hoping!

cyria said...

Such pretty quilts, I would love to add this new book to my collection!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Great way to expand our cultural HORIZON :) thanks Bonnie for all you do! Holiday greetings from SE MINNESOTA :-)


Shanna said...

What an interesting looking book! thank you so much for sharing it with us!

Linda Swanekamp said...

I would love to learn free form piecing like this!

Linda V said...

I love the colors she uses to design! Thanks for the giveaway

Nana said...

Some very dramatic, eye catching quilts that look simple as well. Would love to win a copy of this book. Thanks.

Nana Bluebird aka Kathy Aho said...

Vibrant and colorful and alive. I love it. Kathy Aho in MN

Unknown said...

Such an interesting book.
Cathy Koester ckoester@shaw.ca

Anonymous said...

Cathy Jones

Love some of the quilts; others would definitely push my boundaries. Thanks for entry.

Anita Gambrell said...

These are all great! I hope to get this good at creating these , one day!

lisa shenk said...

It has been fun to see the other blogs on this hop! Thanks!

Nancy Boyce said...

I am an accountant so making a quilt from this fabulous book would really push me outside of my quilting comfort zone (which is what we all need to do at times)!

Rose said...

Looks like a great quilting book to add to my library. Thanks, for the chance!

Laura said...

This book looks way cool. Thank you for all you do for us.

Kathy said...

Love this book and Sujata's approach! katfey@att.net Kathy

travlr99 said...

What a beautiful collection of quilts, each one better than the first! Love it

janequiltsslowly said...

I am a fan of the Root Connection and have been waiting for this book to come out. I need a little free-piecing. Her designs and the colors are spectacular.

Jenn said...

Oh my goodness, I would loooove to win a copy of Sujata's book. It's going on my Amazon wishlist right now. BTW, I'm having so much fun with the GI mystery quilt. Never done one before, and I can't wait to see the end result.

Karen said...

Love the quilt in this book. What perfect projects for all those solids in my stash.

mommie_ford said...

This book looks awesome. I love the whimsy in her quilts. Definitely need this book.

Anonymous said...

Awesome book!!! Would love to create some of the quilts pictured!!!

Karen in Maine

Cherold said...

Love the quilts in this book! Thank you for the giveaway.



Sonia F said...

This book would take outside the box, not only in colors but also in design. Hope,hope, keep my fingers crossed that I am lucky. Thanks for the great intro to this book.

sawsan said...

Lovely and lively Is what i can say when I saw the quilts
Thank u for sharing this pages
If I win I will be lucky

Debra Pugh said...

fascinating quilts, love the color play and so bright and cheerful.

Barb said...

Would love to win this book. The quilts are so different than what I normally do and I am ready to do something different.
Barb C at betcrawford@verizon.net

KMSC said...

This looks like an interesting book. I would love to try an improv quilt. Thanks!

KMSC said...

This looks like an interesting book. I would love to try an improv quilt. Thanks!

bjniekerk@gmail.com said...

What an exciting book! Color, color, color! Would love a copy!!! Having so much fun with this year's mystery quilt...my colors...didn't change any of them.

Thank you, Bonnie for all the fun.

Unknown said...

Time to go from traditional to modern quilts and this book would help tremendously!

Anonymous said...

Dee Zee: Such a great book and I love the colors and uniqueness of design; would so love to have a copy of this.

K. MUMFORD said...

Can't wait to look at this in full detail!!

Karen M. said...

Love her designs!! Would love to have her book. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

5100I like all of these quilts, so pretty for scraps.

Florence Daly

Anonymous said...

Beautiful use of color and interesting designs.
Margie Akers

Karen said...

Oh what fun! Love these quilts! And if I win I can make one. Yay!

Margaret Gross said...

The patterns in this book look wonderful.

nellie diaz said...

Bonnie I sure would love to win this book ,I love the top pattern beautiful. there are so many of us quilters who are also crossing there fingers to win this give away wish me luck

nellie diaz said...

Bonnie I sure would love to win this book ,I love the top pattern beautiful. there are so many of us quilters who are also crossing there fingers to win this give away wish me luck

Anonymous said...

I am a quilt book collector, would love to win this fabulous book. The colors intrigue me.

Anonymous said...

It is exciting to see the cultural infusion in our quilting community. I would truly enjoy making quilts from these patterns.

Mari said...

The book looks interesting. A lot of scrappy possibilities... Mari from Finland (mamioja(at)luukku.com)

Mari said...

The book looks interesting. A lot of scrappy possibilities... Mari from Finland (mamioja(at)luukku.com)

TrulyBlessed said...

This looks like a very inspiring book. I love all of the bright colors.


Reena said...

Love that book and thanks for a great mystery again!

Alis said...

The more I see of this book, the more I want it!

mary e said...

love free form, it fits me better than matching those fussy seam. good luck on the book

grace said...

what fun

grace said...

what fun

grace said...

what fun

Anonymous said...

what fun

Ruth from Michigan said...

That looks like a book I could use and love. Hope I win!25

Debi said...

Unique and beautiful samples. Would love to browse the book. Thanks for the introduction.

Debra T. said...

Technique looks like fun! Great prize! Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

This looks like a fabulous book and would be an amazing inspiration to help me get through a snowy white Canadian winter! Charlene Brown-Maguire

Carla A Few Of My Favorite Things said...

Oh love the graphic quilts in this book! This one will have to go on my wish list!

Tina said...

Looks like a Greatr book !!!!! Would love to try some of these quilts.

Sew You Know said...

Looks like a book out of my box-I have been doing things like that lately!
Thanks Bonnie

Dianne P said...

These quilts are so beautiful !!

Dody said...

Who would pass up a chance to win that book. Just beautiful! Thanks Bonnie.

Anonymous said...

These are so beautiful

ILoveToQuilt said...

This book is a definite "have to buy"! The quilts are awesome. Would love to receive the book as a gift. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Wow! I would love to try free-form curves. And those colors and patterns are amazingly beautiful!

nicolesender said...

This is an awesome quilt book! So many interesting designs and so colorful!

Susan Stanton said...

The book looks like a joy to puruse. Beautiful, colorful quilts just waiting to be made.
yoyopattycakes at hotmail dot com

Donna Q said...

I love the daring use of bright color and the wonky designs! What fun it would be to add my flare to one of these quilts. Please enter my name into the drawing. Merry Christmas and happy quilting

Unknown said...

Love the colorful quilts wonderful inspirations. They are just beautiful. Would love to win the book.

Unknown said...

Bev Tones

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Sisababe said...

Wonderful twist on traditional patterns and techniques!

Jill said...

What a fantastic book....I have enjoyed seeing so many quilts from the book that other quilters have made on this blog hop.

Nancy5217 said...

I love the use of color and the way scrappy fits in with this book

carolph said...

I have enjoyed following the root connection and love that there is a book now with her lovely designs.

missopey said...

Would love to win a copy of this book!

Unknown said...

I enjoy "stretching" my quilting thinking. This book does just that. Bright and colorful...happy designs.

lindaroo said...

I love Sujata's use of color and movement in her quilts! I made her Painted Zigzag quilt, and enjoyed the freedom of mixing up the colors and prints I used. Now I want to make some of her gentle curve patterns. I hope I win her book!

Debbie said...

I love style and would love to have her book.

Ruth said...

I love the quilt on the cover and would LOVE to win the book!

Anonymous said...

I'm a pretty traditional quilter but Love Sujata's use of colors and patterns. I may have to change my quilting style. Thanks for the great drawing.

Anonymous said...

That is a wonderful looking book! Definitely on my "buy" list!

Anonymous said...

I love this book and the free thinking quilting that Sujata promotes in he quilts and patterns and her wonderful use of color. Great inspiration! Would love to win a copy!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Quilts. I'd be honored to win and make one or all of those quilts. They look so fun. Sue...sue.hall@msn.com

Unknown said...

Count me in! Just my thing! anglophile45@yahoo.com

jody said...

Thank you for all that you do!! This is new to me and now i am discovering more and more are on my to do list!!

jody said...

oops forgot emaiil

Barbara J Phillips said...

I love quilting. I love anything that embraces cultural diversity. What's not to love with this book?

Softedges said...

I looove all the colors and freeform. I would love to give it a go.

Paige said...

This book looks fabulous! Thanks,

Agnė said...

Thank you for giving such a wonderful book. It would be a wonderful and helpful Christmas gift for me, doing my very first steps in the world of quilting.

Unknown said...

What inspirational quilts! The colors, form, and movement all catch my eye. Of course, love the scrapiness too! I would love to win a copy. If I don't, I just might have to buy it, and I buy very few quilt books (I buy yours too Bonnie!). jspwarren at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

Through the blog tour for Sujata's book, I've not only discovered her work - amazing! but also you, Bonnie K Hunter. Pleased to meet you both. Thank you for the creativity that you put out into the world.

Stephanie Frischie

uschifrischie at yahoo dot com

Ginny said...

Gorgeous quilts! I hope I win. Thanks for the opportunity.

tropicslady said...

Her work is amazing. Thanks to all for a great giveaway!

ladara at cfl dot rr dot com

Lola said...

A whole new exciting way to make quilts. I love learning new techniques and methods. Have such admiration for those that can design their own quilts, maybe this will help me.

Unknown said...

Would love to have this book

Unknown said...

Would love to have this book

Unknown said...

Would love to have this book

Unknown said...

Would love to have this book

Unknown said...

Would love to have this book

Darline from New Brunswick Canada said...

I love all the happy colors in this book - looks awesome and a great addition to a quilt library!!

Unknown said...

I think you could use scraps 4 these quilts, too.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for opportunity to win this great book. You are a very generous lady.

Linda S.

Sylvia said...

Looks like a wonderful book!!!

Wendy said...

Thanks Bonnie for another chance to win. You are amazing! I do know how you do it all. I hope some day you slow down, and enjoy more life. I know quilting is your life, but a slower pace may be good for you someday.

Wendy Ontario , Canada

Fran said...

The Root Connection is another of my favorite blogs. Would love to have this book and winning it would be a great surprise!

Mary W Quilts said...

This looks interesting. I love the vividness of her colors!

georgia said...

gorgeous quilts--very talented artist

Lorraine said...

Such vibrant colors! I would love this book.

bjiwami54@gmail.com said...

Thanks for the chance to win! Love, love, love the colors!

Anonymous said...

Love the fusion of color!!!
amd Love you for all you do!!! Cindyt

Kasey said...

What cool quilts! I'd love to peruse such a neat book.

Anonymous said...

Would love this book.

Unknown said...

not sure if I'm doing this right I'm new to all this but I would like to win this book. Also, I've already got my room (condo) reserved for your visit to Gulf Shores Alabama in 2016. Lol

Maria said...

Thank you for the chance to win. That stack slash and switch has my interest!

Linda Baker said...

What colorful patterns. This book would be a great addition to any collection. I am learning so much following Quiltville.

Linda Baker said...

What colorful patterns. This book would be a great addition to any collection. I am learning so much following Quiltville.

Katkat said...

This book is growing on me. Hopefully I will win it.

Unknown said...

I love the variety and colors used in these quilts! I like the idea of free form quilting, it is like working on a puzzle, each piece fits with another one and they are all connected together.
Thanks for entering me in the draw.

Unknown said...

Thx for chance to win.
Luv them all.

Unknown said...

Interesting book. Beautiful pictures

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for doing this. I just had to let you know one of my most favorite quilts is your boxy star quilt. This book looks like it would be fun to do, all those bright colors, would love to read it and see were it may take you. thank you again for doing this. GOD bless. ppdoty@gmail.com

Debra in Ohio said...

This book looks to be one to really peruse for quite a while. It would probably end up on my coffee table so that I could dream of beautiful quilts while I was watching tv. Naturally, I would have to make them; and because of you, I now make really scrappy and wonky blocks. I'm not sure if others who are around me like my quilts, but I sure do. Making them lets me play with color and piecing. So much fun to use scraps! If they don't work, well, I just cut them up and make crumb blocks. No waste of fabric there!

CindyB said...

The quilts are gorgeous. Thank you for the chance to win my Christmas present.

Sharon h said...

Would love to win this book.

Susan T. said...

What a great colorful example of quilt patterns!

Unknown said...

what a feast for the eyes, great inspiration and love the freedom it offers. Kathy in Colo

Tiffany Lamb said...

Wow, what an explosion of color. I would love to win her book. Thank you Bonnie for the opportunity!

Thankful For Quilting said...

The pictures of Sakura's quilts dazzle me! I keep coming back to look at them over and over. She must be extraordinarily sensitive to colors - and how they interplay one against the other. She is clearly exceptionally gifted.

I don't buy much fabric anymore since the price of cotton rose so much. Instead I hand-dye any fabrics I need now.
This book looks like it would be wonderful to use to make quilts with one's own hand-dyed fabrics.

Judith jljordanaustin@gmail.com

Linda Coleman said...

What a fantastic book and a great way to use up some scraps.

quiltndj said...

Those quilts do pique my interest. I would love that book!

quiltndj said...

Love the book. Quite interesting!

Becki said...

What a fun book! Thanks for the opportunity.

quiltndj said...

Interesting book I would love it.

Unknown said...

Looks like a fun book.

Leah said...

I just added this book to my Amazon wish list a few weeks ago. Looks fascinating, and her blog is an interesting read, too. leah.shannon at gmail . com

skye said...

This looks so fantastic! Thanks for the chance to win.

Bonnie R said...

I especially love the first quilt-blue with little "flying triangles"! Would love the book:)


Deborah said...

Those are some beautiful eye opening quilts. I hope I win a copy of the book. poladydwd(at)yahoo(dot)com

Unknown said...

Just bright cheery quilts! Would love a copy of book... count me in.

quiltmom anna said...

what fun quilts and great fun she has playing- her book made me think of the Gee Bend quilters - thanks for the chance to win such a cool and innovative book.
Regards from Alberta,

Unknown said...

love the book. great colors and designs

pattiespea said...

It has been fun seeing all of the beautiful quilts..Wow11

Sheila said...

Pick me Santa

Sheila said...

Love to win this book

alyM said...

Sujata does amazing work -- just like you!!!

What a wonderful gift-away!

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