
Friday, November 07, 2014

Hello, Cozumel, Mexico!

Today we hit our last port of call, Colzumel!

The last time I was in Cozumel I had only been blogging about a year and a half.  You can catch that post from Dec 24, 2006 HERE

Who is that young slim woman with the long blonde hair and where has she gone?

And did you notice she was HAND QUILTING on that cruise?

It wasn’t a quilting cruise, but I made it one.  My small quilt traveled with me, a small wooden hoop and all the necessities and since I wasn’t teaching at this time..I enjoyed quiet afternoons in a corner of the ship just stitching away, listening to my music and watching the sea pass by the window.

I love cruising!

Only this time we have 96 other quilters, and 5 other instructors and I bet I haven’t slowed down to enjoy a bit of quiet stitching at all ---but yes, my hexies are with me!


Mayan Ruins at Tulum.


Beautiful sandy beaches!


Oh my!

You’ll have to wait to see what WE got up to, but how about checking in with our virtual family, The Williams’s and what THEY did on their visit to Cozumel!

Looks like they went Kayaking!

How funny----I really WOULD like to meet them in person, I bet we’d get along famously!

Tomorrow is our last day at Sea…all the way from Cozumel to Galveston.  During this time we will enjoy our last day as an Open Sew Day which I think is a great idea!  More time to visit, more time to make new friends, more time to stitch a bit, or wander around the ship a bit, or nap a bit, or pamper ourselves with massages ---or find the ice cream machine!

Catch you from Galveston!

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Andee said...

It looks like a gorgeous time!

Jeanette said...

I had great plans to go on this quilting cruise with my sister, but sometimes life gets in the way and we had to cancel our plans. What a wonderful way to see what we have missed with the videos. Can't wait to see some quilting photos when you all arrive back on the mainland. Enjoy your last day of cruising!!!

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

My daughter and her husband went to the resort at Tulum for a wedding. They went to the Mayan ruins, went zip-lining, etc. They loved it. She would go back in a heartbeat.

Nancy said...

Hey bonnie...any rednecks on this trip? Lol what a funny old post! The sea turtle pic would make a great pictorial quilt.

Granny Kay said...

Oh My gosh! I was just on the Carnival Breeze in Cozumel. Your ship was docked right by mine! Wish I'd known. I was working on hexies all alone. Hubby was working. He had to play his banjo on the Bluegrass cruise.

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