
Monday, November 17, 2014

5 Minute Power Purge! 11/17/2014

Before I share with you today’s Power Purge, I want everyone to see that THERE IS Quilt-Cam tonight at 9pm EST!

I made this decision this morning after realizing that my flight Wednesday morning has me leaving the house at 4:30 am to run to the airport….that means an EARLY bed time ((Isn’t it so much easier to do when it gets dark earlier at night?))

And when I get back on Saturday we’ll be smack in the middle of a weekend…Monday my dad comes from Arizona and Thanksgiving week will be upon us.

So tonight it is!

Grab a project, come back to the blog at 9pm EST tonight and watch for the Quilt-Cam post to publish.  The feed will be embedded in that post, NOT on the Quilt-Cam tab.  I can’t archive it until the video is published on Youtube…so it’s live on the page first, then I archive it after under the Quilt-Cam tab….get it? Got it!


Cute the spooky music!

I present to you….***duh duh duh!!*** The unassuming looking jewelry cabinet of horrors!

Though it may look all prim and proper on the outside, complete with it’s very Victorian necessary pot underneath, indeed….behind closed drawers you will find….






Oh.  My.  AWFUL!!

Today’s 5 minute Power Purge was tackling JUST ONE DRAWER of this mess…..to create some order.  To find lost parts of pairs.  To decide to keep or to donate or pitch ---


The contents of the top drawer….


After sorting!

I’m really not “that much” of a jewelry girl.  I love fun stuff.  Quilt related? All the better.  But I tend to stick with basic earrings when I travel because I don’t want the added pain of multiple pieces of jewerly in my luggage, and I don’t want to have to take the time to change out earrings and necklaces on a trip when basics do just fine and look just as nice.

But I admit it…there are several pairs of 1980s or 1990s earrings in here, and I LIKE them still.  Maybe I’ll go retro and start wearing those oldies but goodies?


These don’t belong in this drawer…being held over for another drawer purging.


These are also not going in this drawer…

There are earrings that are missing mates…could be in other drawers?  Pins that don’t have a home…a TSA approved luggage lock?  Shouldn't be with jewelry anyway!


Overflow box…until I sort the rest and find places for this stuff to go.


One drawer down….several to go!

How’s things going on your end?  Are you taking up the challenge to spend 5 minutes Power Purging one area of your life that is bugging you??  Post in the comments below and inspire us all where to tackle next!


Carolina Chain is ON the machine!

It’s a rainy Monday in Quiltville, NC.  I’ll be hiding in the basement working on this until Quilt-Cam time tonight, and then it will likely be some more 9 patch fun for the quilt for my nephew-to-be! 

Catch you then!

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Terry said...

Power purging in the extreme. My DD and partner are moving in for a few months to save money. While sleeping space is easy closet space was over run by oldder clothes and quilting stuff. 4 days and 7 bags (big bags) donated. Quilt fabric sorted and scrap saving commenced.

Where does it all come from? We only moved 3 rears ago.

sewandsow said...

I went through the medicine cabinet and pitched all the outdated stuff and got rid of some things that I didn't even know were in there....cabinet is nice and organized now. Thanks.

Jan said...

My 5 min power purge turned into a 30 min purge...tackled the junk drawer in the kitchen. WOW never knew I had so many pens,pencils, paper clips and rubber bands.

Mary said...

I have one of those Jewelry things with drawers. I 'd save teh 80's earrings too. I think my Junk Drawer needs to be de-junked! Just one space a day- 5 minutes is working for me. Thanks for inspiring us to Purge.

Linda said...

I worked in the basement unpacking boxes from our move last summer. I finished my "studio" recently with a bookcase and storage from Ikea.

HelenMarie said...

my purge will have to take a lot more than 5 min.... my dining room table has been dumped on for the last month as I run from one thing to another. BUt I have to really buckle down as I will need the table for Thanksgiving as the whole family will be here this year :)

Johanna said...

Today I went through four large bins of fabric and some very old UFO quilt projects. Do I really want to do these old projects or should I donate them to someone who will enjoy them. I think I have decided what to do on most of the projects.

Deanna W said...

Today I sewed and knit socks. But yesterday I tackled the seasonal clothes. Put away the summer and took out winter and got rid of a little of both!.This is a great idea...thanks for it!! Will be watching tonight!

Unknown said...

No purg going on here. At work. Bonnie is that a flow blue bowl on top of the cabinet? I love flow blue china

Terri in BC said...

I started power purging in my sewing room, and did such a good job I couldn't find what I was looking for! tonight I have to recheck where I put things.

Penny said...

Commiting to just five minutes is so inspiring, Bonnie!! Not only can a lot be accomplished but it's easy to add just 5 or 10 more minutes and still not feel burdened! I've been purging my kitchen drawers because recently I couldn't find my potato masher and I certainly didn't want to buy a new one for Thanksgiving and then find the "lost one!" There it was buried among unnecesary stuff in the wrong drawer!

Frog Quilter said...

I tackled the vitamin shelf. Most were expired and placed in the trash. Yay!

Unknown said...

I didn't even notice in your first pics that the drawers had dividers! Lol Pam

Margaret in Mirror, Alberta, Canada said...

Today I purged a box of old cassette tapes. Now I have to figure out where I can recycle all but the few I've kept! (Yes, I still have a cassette player -- but not an 8-track! LOL!) Looking forward to Quilt Cam tonight -- my first live one in months!

Bev @ kwiltpharm said...

My purge today took a bit longer than 5 minutes-I went through the list in my email address contacts and got rid of over half of them! You know, those "no reply..." addresses that add themselves in and you forget they are in there using up memory! Mine is now down to what I use regularly plus some from when I was adopting the kids and I may want to touch base with one of these days. But, all those that started with "newsletter" are now gone and I hope they stay that way!

Nonnie said...

I have that same purple quilt pin! I don't think I've ever worn it!

lmno said...

Thanks for covering the purge topic. Cleaned the sewing room Friday and now I feel like I can breathe. Shelves in the other room are packed more tightly. I picked three projects and am puttering around as I cut and piece half square triangles using wovens, quarter square triangles in blue, and I sewed the initial binding on three lap size quilts Saturday.


Andee said...

Yay, Kathy and I are joining you tonight on QuiltCam! I am so excited that we finally picked the fabrics for the mystery last night! SEW looking forward to it, thank you for sharing your time and talent with us during the busy holiday season! From your #1 fan :)

QuiltGranma said...

today WE purged! Well, at least rearranged to find things better! I cleaned out the "quilt closet/pantry" armoire in our 5th wheel travel trailer, and located and rearranged items for more access, hubby cleaned out his boxes of supplies, and we got rid of 4 now empty boxes after having compiling his "stuff". You inspired me/us.

QuiltGranma said...

cleaned up the vanity and now have a place for the phone in the bedroom! yea! power purge will continue!

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