This is probably the most distinctive building in downtown Corsicana, TX!
For residents in Texas, or those who have traveled through Corsicana, they will recognize this as the State National Bank building, built in 1926.
Although it is only 8 stories tall, its imposing elegance and dominance of the Corsicana skyline make it worthy of the name skyscaper. Viewed in the glow of the setting sun, the building sometimes looks like a wedding cake with a buttery icing.
Wedding cake is exactly what came to mind as Irene and I rounded the corner and the building came into view.
As we walked the downtown area in search of antique shops to explore, we came across something really fun!
Pianos! At least one on every block!
Marilyn Monroe on this one!
Just up from the cupcake store! Mmmm!
A cactus themed piano in front of the Fiesta Grill!
Tickling the ivories with some chopstix!
The old city jail, 1908!
((This is where they put people who play really bad street piano music!))
We saw some of this!
So fun to wander!
Looks like they knew I was coming! Ha!
This one is for Willy Wonky --
It’s all double knits! Stretchy, and heavy!
And someone put a lot of work into it.
Loved this one!
Close up!
It’s Texas! There are boots, y’all!
Not a quilt, but I can’t imagine how many hours went into this lovely crocheted spread!
It was perfect in every way! I just have nowhere to put it.
And sometimes there are just things that make me giggle and nod!
Sweet!! I love quilts that are make-do and come from a limited scrap bag.
Do what you can with what you have!
Robbing Peter to Pay Paul!
Thanks for the visit, Corsicana
You were a sweet spot on our way to San Antonio!
I’ve had a busy computer day. Not the kind of day I like to spend, but sometimes it is necessary!
All of the posts sharing the quilting studios of those who have sent in pictures have been written and set ahead to post while I’m at sea. I have some fun stuff planned so be sure to keep coming back, you won’t want to miss it.
Chinese delivery is planned for dinner and we will spend the rest of the night sewing up a storm!
Tomorrow we sight see!
Have a great evening, everyone!
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