
Monday, September 08, 2014

Quilt-Cam 9/8/2014

This is Cindy’s cohort Emmie!

Cindy sent an email this afternoon with this adorable picture of Emmie just WAITING for Quilt-Cam and I knew had to post this photo tonight!  LOL!

Cindy writes:

Hi Bonnie -
I wanted to share a picture of the cozy corner where I will be joining you for Quilt Cam later this evening.  As you can see, my sweet girl, Emmie, is ready for Quilt Cam to start NOW.

Because my machine tends to be loud, I usually do hand work during Quilt Cam.  I move this small chair, which originally belonged to my great grandparents, from the other side of the room to sit my laptop on. 
When Hurricane Betsy hit south Louisiana on September 10, 1965 their house, which by then was occupied by two of their unmarried (and elderly) children, was badly damaged.  My grandmother helped with the clean up, and to thank her my great aunt gave her four chairs. 
My mother inherited one of them, and it was eventually passed on to me.  A 21st Century laptop sitting on a 19th Century chair seems to symbolize the changes our world has seen in just a few generations.

Thanks for squeezing in another Quilt Cam between your travels.  Emmie says, "laissez les bon temps rouler"!

Cindy in NC
Thanks Cindy & Emmie!  We definitely WILL let the GOOD TIMES ROLL!


Box Kite Blocks up on deck!

I’m working on these…I’ve done quite a few, but there are many many more to go, and while we are on a roll, let’s keep going! 

All triangle pairs have been cut with my Easy Angle Ruler and pieces are stacked in a zip lock bag for easy portability.  I’ll be taking these with me to Alaska and New York this next week, hoping to get them done on this trip!

Are you ready to sew?  Click the screen below to start the feed – It’s a QUILT-CAM NIGHT!

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Unknown said...

no sound!

Ruth Kay said...

No sound!

chook said...

no sound here either though it was just me

Jackie said...

No sound here either

Jackie said...

No Sound here either

Joanne said...

No sound here in Ontario either! =( Help please!

simplestitchesbysp said...

ok I thought it was just me. No sound here either. Great seeing you though. Sound will come sound will come sound will come. (said in my best Dorothy from Wizard of Oz voice).

Carol said...

no sound at 8:06

LesQuilts said...

Yep, no sound here either! Our Bonnie will fix it!

Bev @ kwiltpharm said...

Ok, not just me and my computer!

Unknown said...

No sound here, either

barblr said...

No sound here.

Cheryl said...

There is no sound so I guess I will go do something else.

Anonymous said...

No sound here either and I'm just 8 miles from her!
Friend Jen in Kernersville

Sarah said...

Darn. Hope you can fix the sound. It's nice to see you, but I like to listen while I work.

Unknown said...

Your lips are moving but I cannot hear you!!

Mary Ellen said...

Bonnie, no audio. I know you always say you have no control if folks have problems with QuiltCam, but I am seeing lots of comments that no audio is coming through. I tried YouTube and no audio for you. There is audio with other videos there so I really don't think it's a problem on our end.

Kathleen said...

Since we all have no sound, let's chat about something else - doesn't her hair look terrific??? Nice hair, Bonnie !!!!

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

Try hitting refresh microphone on now.

Frog Quilter said...

No sound

denisew said...

No sound here either. Thought I was doing something wrong.

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

There was a problem with audio. I'm having to reboot the laptop and start a new feed....check back with me in 5 minutes!

Unknown said...

She will read these soon and see it~

Jeanette said...

yes, her new haircut looks great....ummmm still no sound. I am trying to read lips.

Joanne said...

Still no sound Bonnie!!! But your hair does look good on you!

Mac said...

15179No Sound here either!

chook said...

Yay Bonnie your awesome I have sound now many thanks

denisew said...

Sound is now on. Thanks!!

barblr said...

Yes, sound. :)

Sarah said...

Yay! I can hear you now! Let's sew!

simplestitchesbysp said...

Oh sound is back!!!! IT Worked Dorothy!!! Glad you home, even for a day or two. Thanks for all you do!!

Mary said...

yah! Up and sounding good

Janet said...

Yeah! I can hear you! Janet

barblr said...

Yes, sound!

tyme2blog said...

Yay, I can hear you one :-) Welcome home!!

Lori , Ontario, Canada

Unknown said...

i can hear you now........... if you refresh she is back on~~~

Hands Sew Full said...

Yes now we have sound!

Mary Dowell said...

Bonnie We have not all left. We knew you would get the sound fixed.

Unknown said...

No sound in washington either. Was blaming the dang computer till I saw the comments.

Erin in MI said...

I can hear you now:-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie! I can hear you now! Awesome! I have a question, what all do you consider a neutral color? What about a dark or a light? I have always been confused on this subject...

Jen from Alabama

Jackie said...

Please refresh your webpage and then it will work for you!

Material Girl said...

I'm here and there is sound on my computer.

Unknown said...

Yea I can hear u. Sewing hexies while I watch

Kim said...

Bonnie says refresh your page folks and you will get the feed properly.

Happy Sewing, I can hear you just fine

Rochelle said...

All good now ! No need to be sorry we all appreciate what you do !!!

Joanne said...

Refresh your page ladies and the sound will come on! Join us!

Unknown said...

Ok in Washington now . Gloria

Kevin the Quilter said...

I can hear ya now Bonnie! Great job! I wouldn't have a clue as to how to do what you do with all of your social network savvy! It was a pleasure and a dream come true meeting you in Illinois last week! Seeing your Santa Fe String Star in person really lit a fire in me to finish my version! Thanks for all you do!

Sue said...

First time viewer... finally got sound.

Becky said...

I can hear you now! I am just watching tonight as my machine is in the shop and I don't have any handwork prepared. While I listen I am pulling ideas off pinterest for things to sew for the church bazaar to help send the kids to camp.


Kim said...

Bonnie thanks so much for your advice today on my upcoming purchase of a feather weight. Now I am gonna run up and work on a signature quilt for a great leader of volunteers at the hospital where I volunteer.

Thanks for all you do....take deep breath and relax, we love you

Happy Sewing

Mandy L said...

Glad to see and hear you, Bonnie! I am quilting my CS on my Bernina Activa 145 S. Thanks for quiltcam, love it! Mandy in Amarillo

Bev @ kwiltpharm said...

And, after Michigan and Alaska, it's cruise time! So looking forward to that trip! Do still have to cut my main color patches-not sure what I am waiting for!

Julianne said...

Hi Bonnie! Julianne from Northern California here. Its so great to see you on quilt cam, Yay! I finished my Spider Web quilt top, its SCRAPALICIOUS DELICIOUSNESS! Its fabulous girlfriend, I am not kiddin, I have to send you a picture! Thanks for an Awesome pattern...still working away on my Wild & Goosey blocks..love that one too! Bye!

Sandra B said...

Hi from Sunny Queensland in Australia! I'm working on pinwheels from Old Tobacco Road and am thrilled to watch Quiltcam live this morning, although I should be studying for my medications exam tomorrow ;-)

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie. I am doing FMQ on my row by row quilt tonight. I want ti get this finished this week. Settle down. I have 25 years in IT and the computer can still get the best of me. We love quilt cam and understand that the equipment can be un-cooperative at times. Hope you had fun in Illinois. That is back home for me.

Nonnie said...

Bonnie, another travel question for you. Planning to go to Colorado in November and want to bring my featherweight. Don't want to check it after your bad experience, do you think it will fit under my seat?

Andee said...

YAY, got quiltcam going! I am working on a blue Scrappy Mountain Majesties and Kathy is working on her Wanderlust blocks! :)

Unknown said...

Bonnie, we are in Texas having a mini retreat, sewing on Talkin Turkey, enjoying Quilt Cam. So glad you got the sound fixed

Ruth C said...


I just watched your episode on The Quilt Show and love your quilts and ideas. I am already more productive as I scrapped (hee hee) the little square I was using between chain piecing in favor of getting something done on a quilt that has been languishing. It's a scrap quilt and I used the Easy Angle you recommended. It hadn't gotten much use and this is great. I take it you do need to trim them to size? Do you ever use smaller pieces that aren't strips? I have been saving scraps for years but rarely use them for anything but a bit of applique. This is the first truly scrappy quilt I am undertaking.

Donna1111 said...

Thank you for mu birthday present yesterday! I asked my husband to order the new Leaders and Enders book from you and your signed copy was in my gifts yesterday!

Andee said...

I am also working on lozenges, the cut off triangles work perfectly for my Wild and Goosey paper piecing too! We are safe here in AZ, but the end of our street is the only way out and it is flooded--still! What is a girl to do, I stayed home and sewed! :)

Mary said...

Yea, had to go pick up my DH from Work. It was working when I got back> Doing my "froggin' on a border. I decided to add another color for a 'Kicker' between borders. Glad you took the day to have QuiltCAM.

Karen (Misiz C) said...

Hi Bonnie. Listening to you and playing with my new (just got her today) Necchi Supernova Ultra. She's pink and white and has all the attachments PLUS the original bill of sale. She was sold in August 1959 to a lady named Patricia so I'm going to call her Peppermint Patty. Do you piece on yours? And if yes, do you use an aftermarket foot or one that came with it? It's good to see you on quilt cam. I can't always join you so it was a pleasant surprise!
Karen C in San Diego.

NDQuilter said...

So enjoying your Quilt Cam tonight in North Dakota.

Kevin the Quilter said...

Hey! I work on marking squares and reading Bonnie Hunter books in between my duties on the plane! Shhhhhhh!!!!!! Lololololol

Mary Dowell said...

Bonnie, I want to thank you for drawing my name yesterday. I am so glad quilt cam is on tonight. I am working on applique for a wall hanging while watching you.

Valerie said...

Hi, Bonnie. I made my first Floribunda block today and am madly cutting pieces while listening to you this evening. Cannot wait to make more--such a happy, pretty quilt! AND so easy! Thanks for quilt cam even though you weren't tip top today.

Unknown said...

You are coming in loud and clear, here in Rowland, NC

Laurie said...

I hear you in Salisbury, NC. Thank you.

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