
Monday, September 29, 2014

Piecing up the Pineapple Blossoms!

A full room with 36 quilters is definitely more fun than a barrel of monkeys!

But we do like to monkey around and have a great time!

I had such a good time with these ladies, I feel like we have known each other and been friends for a very long time ---like I could just pop on over next week and join right in with whatever they are doing in their guild.

Quilters are like that…they just take you in and make you part of the whole.

And then they do unexpected things that make you cry because they have touched your heart beyond measure---

I’ve been gifted a beautiful knit shawl!

Spending time with these ladies was a gift, but this gift goes home with me.

Before our lunch break, the ladies were called up and asked to place their hands on the shawl, and a blessing was said over it to keep me safe in my travel journeys, wherever I went. 

I just couldn’t keep the tears from rolling down my cheeks.  This means so much.  Sometimes it is hard being on the road, this month has been an exceptionally busy and long one, and I miss home.  I will love this shawl and it will keep my shoulders warm at night when I sit up reading in bed before falling asleep!  I will always remember where it came from! Thank You!


Sue organized her strips in a tray she found at a thrift shop on the cheap!


we chained and sewed and cut and pieced all day!


And before you knew it, we were laying out options!

Click the image below if you are unable to view the slide show on your mobile device.  You’ll be taken to the photo album for viewing.
Pineapple Blossom, Sault Ste Marie, MI 2014

You'll find the free pattern for Pineapple Blossom under the Free Patterns tab at the top of the blog.

It’s a going home day for me.  My flight doesn’t leave out of Pellston until 3pm, so we have time this morning to jaunt around and enjoy the scenery and autumn colors.  I believe the plan is to head over to Charlevoix and do a bit of shop hopping before getting me to the airport.

Along the way we are stopping at a post office to mail a couple of priority boxes full of books home.

And then I’ll be on my way.  My route goes from Pellston to Detroit to Atlanta to Greensboro, and I’m hoping that there is no residual hicccup after the shenanigans that happened at O’hare earlier this week. My fingers are crossed.

My hexies are ready!

Thank you Michigan, for putting on your best autumn weather for me and living up to your slogan of “Pure Michigan!”

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


Maddy said...

Loved reading your blog this morning when l found it difficult to sleep. Very interesting read.

Barb H said...

Thanks for always posting the pix of your groups. In addition to viewing the quilters at your workshops, I like to check the fabrics to see if I recognize any. Usually not, but today, I saw the multi-colored insects on white background! I used that in my Roll, Roll Cotton Boll quilt! For some reason, I'm totally excited!

ria vogelzang said...

Wow! What a lovely and sweet gift!
Hope you will feel the blessing all the time you use this shawl!
Have a safe trip home. Xxxx.
Love from the Netherlands, Ria.

Karen said...

That color looks gorgeous on you.

Andee said...

What a precious gift! How sweet of those ladies!

Nini said...

What a sweet way to wrap you in love. :-) Hope the trip was uneventful, and maybe we'll see more hexie magic later!

Anonymous said...

There's nothing like a prayer shawl to wrap you in wondrous love. A perfect gift for a perfectly charming lady. Safe travels always!
D in NH

Muis said...

Shame Bonnie, it's no wonder the tears started rolling ....you have been giving and giving and giving....
You need some loving and cuddling to fill you up again!
Hope your DH is home!
Take care,
Cala in SA

Ruth said...

I got tears in my eyes reading about you getting the shawl from the ladies in Michigan! You gives so much to so many and bring so much joy to women who learn to make quilts. It means so much! I'm starting on Bow-Dacious now as a leader/ender project. What fun!! Thanks for all you do, Bonnie!

Terri said...

Oh my, everyone's blossoms are so pretty! I really had no idea how large there were until seeing them being held. Lovely work everyone :D

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