
Sunday, September 21, 2014

Niagara Falls and Me!


I’ve never been to Niagara Falls before, so the only experience I have had with this natural wonder is through movies and school, Niagara Falls being touted as one of the “Seven Wonders” of the world.

They weren’t lying!

And it couldn’t have been a more beautiful day than yesterday for viewing the falls on the American side -----

The day was warm, mid 70s ---and jackets weren’t needed until you got down to the mist.  Not that the mist was cold, it was just dang wet!


My first view!

It doesn’t look like much is falling here, but that’s because I haven’t made it down to the viewing rail yet.  There were crowds of people and we had to take our turns to get in and get what photos we could.

Long before you see the falling water – you HEAR the thunderous roar.  Can you imagine what explorers thought when they first discovered this place?  Wow.


Closer to the edge where things just PLUNGE!


Wow, is it ever windy!


And then…things just fall over!

I honestly could not see the bottom due to the mist and spray ----and the roar of the water is deafening.

Just a little video to give you an idea!

Sorry about the beginning of the video..I got the guy in front of me and his shorts and sandals --LOL!


Here on the river you can see the “Maid of the Mist” boats!

We didn’t have time to do the Maid of the Mist boats this time because we were meeting up in North Tonawanda with some other gals for dinner.  I will tell you though, that my phone was pinging like crazy with warnings of international data usuage – what you see across the river is CANADA!  My phone went quickly into airplane mode and stayed there until I was sure I was far enough from the border….I may not have PERSONALLY stepped foot into Canada, but my phone sure thought I did!


The skyline on the Canadian side as the sun fell ---

It was an amazing visit.

If you are anywhere Niagara Falls --- SEE IT.  I don’t care if your hubby or significant other or screaming children think it will be “BORING”.  It’s magnificent….to think of all the thousands of years that water has flowed NORTH from one great lake to the other ---and all of the generations of people who have stopped in wonder.

And to realize that it will still be flowing northward and plunge from one height to another depth long after I’m gone ---timeless.

I’m writing this from Atlanta – my fight boards in an hour….

Photo: Atlanta!  One more flight to home--#hexies all the way! #quiltville #quilt #quilting #patchwork #epp #bonniekhunter

Today’s hexie stitching during my flight from Buffalo to Atlanta!

When I finish this upper blue row…this section will be ready to add to the “mother ship”!  I feel like I’ve been working on this project forever, and yet I’m thinking as a travel-only project it probably has a couple of years to go until the top is done.  It’s all captive time while I’m sitting somewhere away from a machine ---

Oh, and one more thing I found VERY touching today ---a photo I took while walking the terminal in Buffalo:

Photo: 15 minutes until boarding. Been walking the terminal aka the #terminaltreadmill for my #10000steps. This wall ad just brings me so much joy. Never stop learning. Never stop pursuing. Never stand still. Always move forward, embrace what lies ahead. #lifelessons #quiltville #bonniekhunter #quiltntravel

Life lessons are found  EVERYWHERE!!

This wall ad just brings me so much joy. Never stop learning. Never stop pursuing. Never stand still. Always move forward, embrace what lies ahead. 

Catch you from the home front, everyone!

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Anonymous said...

The pictures are just great What a perfect day you had for viewing this magnificent sight. Thank God for SIGHT!

Hey Bonnie, when are you going to announce the colors for the next mystery?
Cindy in Pa.

Rina Mason said...

I've been to the falls twice and have a real problem when I go there. I can't seem to bring myself to leave, it's so hypnotizing that I lose track of time. I visited the Canadian side and marveled at not only the power of the falls but the fact that they never stop. They are one of the most awe inspiring natural wonders in the US. So glad you got to see them.

Material Girl said...

I love Niagara Falls, go every few years. You never get over the wonder of it, it stuns you every time. Next time, bring your passport. The view from the Canadian side is amazing and there are many famous restaurants. There is also a Tim Hortons with great coffee.

Libby in TN said...

I was born in Buffalo and there are photos in my baby book of the falls frozen over, but didn't believe it until I saw for myself in March 1964.

Maryv said...

I live just over an hour from Niagara Falls in southern Ontario. I have been there
101twice in the last month! I love the American side because you can go out on Three Sisters Island and dip your toes into the Niagara River....but be very careful! We go to the Niagara/Buffalo area shopping at least bi-monthly so see a lot of "The Falls"

Judy said...

We were in Niagara Falls yesterday as well! We arrived on Thursday and enjoyed viewing the Falls from the platform and the various walkways. It is magnificent! We spent Friday walking around Goat Island where you can view the Falls from the opposite side and upstream. We loved it!!!!!

Freda said...

We loved it when we went. Rode the Maid of the mist boats, went down on the Hurricane deck and went over on the Canada side. The only drawback was all the sea gulls and the smell.

Quiltgal said...

You should see it from the Canadian side it is even more awesome.

grandmatomato said...

You have to be there to experience the rush of water that just keeps coming and coming and coming. The goose bumps when your heat the roar of the water.

Debbie said...

I lived 20 minutes from there on the canadian side. I kinda took it for granted. it is an awesome sight to see.
went there on my first date with my now hubby. he thought it would be romantic to ak by the falls, and i thought "again?!" lol

Susan Torrens said...

I live on the north side of Lake Ontario, and when we are right at the shore, we get those warning too! No one likes to pay roaming fees.
Glad you finally visited Niagara Falls. It surely is a wonder! At night it is lit with coloured lights, and in the winter it gets a curl of ice at the top, but rarely freezes completely.

Linda said...

Wow, your piece about Niagara Falls took me right back to 1968 when I visited the States for the first time to stay with my father's cousins in New Jersey. It was my 21st birthday present from Mum and Dad and I spent 6 weeks being passed along from one set of relatives to another. Saw an awful lot of places including the Falls. Marvellous. I still remember The Maid of the Mist boat trip and standing by the edge of the Falls, watching the huge amount of water tip over the edge, feeling as though I was going to tip with it! A very eerie feeling.

Lori said...

I have been to the Falls many times, growing up in Western New York. The power and rush of the water is remarkable. I am happy you were able to see it.

Unknown said...

Watched a great documentary on tv about how much cliff edge of land wears away every year by the friction of the water going over the edge with nonstop water movement. And how the have to rebuild the walkway down every year because of erosion. Most inspiring!

Alice B in PAZ said...

I once saw the American Falls DRY! They diverted all the water to the Canadian side so that the erosion could be studied on the American side. Amazing!

Marionz said...

i was there in 1986 came from scotland to canadian side visiting relatives. No choice but to travel at that time. Falls solid frozen, no sounds, no mist and not too many visitors, still I was there and some lovely places to see, bought two big appliqued cushions and carried home in binbag!!!

Lara B. said...

Bonnie it has been so fun to see you in the Buffalo area, even if I could not attend your class. You were just a holler away from us when you visited Niagara Falls! And I always think about what the early people: tribes and European explorers thought as they heard that roar through the forest and then came out on the escarpment and saw the falls. So glad you got to see it!

Jill said...

We saw the Falls (from Canadian side) this past winter when they were almost all frozen. That is awesome also. While near the Falls my American cell phone thought I was in the States. It picked up New York.

Nancy: rangerer@sbcglobal.net said...

I've been to Niagra Falls 3 or 4 times. The 1st time was with my parents when my father got home from Germany -- probably in 1946. I think I was 4. Anyway, at that time you could go under the falls on the US side. I remember going underground, putting on raincoats, seeing all this water coming down in front of me, and having my face get wet. It made quite an impression on me and I still remember it quite clearly even though I am now 72. You can't do that now because the rocks collapsed.

Sherrill said...

Oh MAN!! The last time I was there, my 26 yo baby was 9! We had a fantastic time there over July 4, stayed at a B&B and saw the fireworks over the falls. BEAUTIFUL. Must get back there again.

jaybee said...

I have visited Niagra Falls twice - all the way from Australia. Absolutely magnificent. The night time light show was fantastic. Your post reminded me of the visits - but I loved the wall poster about the oldest graduate. What a great achievement. Life is so sweet - enjoy every minute.

Flickenstichlerin said...

Thank you for sharing the pictures, brings back great memories. I was on a "Maid of the Mist" boat in the 90s and loved it. Well that is what I am feeling now, on the boat it was a mixture between amazed and scared and can not believe my eyes.
I think hexagonprojects are perfect for traveling, have to digg mine out again, so is stitching. They let you have a needle on the airplane?

Quiltdivajulie said...

Excellent post!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Lovely photos! I have to tell you that when I experienced Niagara Falls we were in a blizzard in February at a Pumpkin convention with 2 feet of snow! The Falls were frozen! Lol I did enjoy the night time color changes! The museum was cool. Love History of old quilts. Thanks for sharing your journeys!

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