
Saturday, September 13, 2014

My Blue Heaven, Ketchikan Style!

Super quilters, and a super sewing day at The Plaza in Ketchikan!

Oh, we had so much fun!

And the fabrics and projects are so varied, there is sure something to inspire in the photos I have to share.

Not only in Blue, but green and red and autumn tones ---batiks and prints and recycled fabrics to boot!

I loved that we had our workshop in an empty store front ---everyone who walked by the windows was interested in what we were doing.  The guild makes quilts for quite a number of charity organizations here within the area, and it was a great way to spread the word and increase the visibility about the guild to others who live around here and aren’t familiar with the guild’s mission.

I’m sure there will be a few more visitors come next month’s guild meeting after what they saw us doing yesterday.  It’s all good!


Lunch time in the parking lot!

The sun was shining, blissfully perfect outside.  It made it hard to want to go back in and sew.  I wished we could have brought the whole class outside.  Do you see the two cruise ships at the docks further back in the photo?  That is where my ship docked a year ago August when I was teaching on our quilting cruise.

Look who I found in the scrap bag!!

Malachi Fischer, hanging with the quilters!  He is 3 weeks old, and his mom is a member of the guild.  She came by also to see how things were going, and I got to hold this sweet little package.  How can my boys have gone from THIS size…to being 24 and 30 at 6’4” and 6’ 3’'??  Yes, I’m feeling nostalgic…those were such sweet days when they were babes in arms!



This is a photo I took of Crystal’s 301, and then used the Waterlogue App on my iphone ((Yes, the old one, I still use it to run credit cards and use this app or that app!)) to turn it into a water color painting.  Isn’t this cool?  The app was something like $1.99 and I haven’t found anything on android that works as well.  Pretty as a postcard, don’t you think? 

You'll find the free pattern for My Blue Heaven under the Free Patterns tab at the top of the blog.


I’m loving spending time with the Rainy Day Quilters!

Click the image below if you can’t view the slide show on your mobile device.  You’ll be taken to the photo album for viewing.
My Blue Heaven, Ketchikan, AK 2014


Dinner last night on the water…

It’s Alaska.  Just fly your float plane in, park it at the dock and come in for dinner --- food is great and the company is even better!  See the Alaska state ferry in the background against the mountain?

Today we’ve got a Cathedral Stars workshop up on deck.  The sky is blue, the sun is shining, it’s a glorious September Saturday in in Ketchikan, AK!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

Ketchikan is a pretty place I was on one of the cruise ships one time that came in and spent part of the day - wish it had been longer. When you are on a cruise ship you don't have the time to really see the place well. It takes days not hours

TrulyBlessed said...

Oh, the colors of the blocks and of Alaska are stunning. I know everyone is enjoying the class.

Unknown said...

As always your photos draw me right into them ... Alaska is so very beautiful Hoping John and I can take a cruise there soon.

Love quilts and quilters...they look so happy!
Smiles, JulieinTN

Anonymous said...

I loved this quilt in the blues, but to see other color combos makes me think about trying other colors as well. Nice work, ladies! I was in Ketchikan a few years ago on a cruise ship. Looks like you have better weather than we did!I remember all the colorful houses with the wood steps everywhere!

Anonymous said...

You are certainly blessed to have so much sunshine in Ketchikan!! It was drizzle and cold when we were there but the weather didn't spoil our fun!

Lois M. said...

Love the app. Its now $2.99 but looks worth it for the fun.
Loved all the travel photos you send.

Pam said...

Beautiful work ladies! Bonnie, thank you for sharing your pictures of Alaska!! I will be cruising there next August. It cannot come soon enough!!

CA Bobbie said...

I love the post,Malachi Fischer is absolutely adorable and so is your haircut. The pictures make me wish I was there too.Bobbie

Unknown said...

Bonnie: you look like a natural with that baby! Just like riding a bicycle, you never forget how. Ask your 2 boys to get on the ball and find a wonderful gal to marry and get started with your grandchildren soon!! I just had my first one, she's a girl, and there is no feeling like it!!! Have fun in my favorite state ever!

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