
Friday, September 12, 2014

Hiking Settlers Cove, Ketchikan, AK!

Yesterday was a day for resting up, to getting my body clock adjusted to a 4 hours earlier time zone, to getting out and exploring bits of Ketchikan that my short one day here last year didn’t provide –OFF the beaten path with some of the locals!

The plan was to drive out to Settlers Cove, to experience the nature and wonder of Ketchikan’s rainforest---aptly named and described as Ketchikan is noted to be the rainiest spot in all of Alaska.

This explains the moss going abundantly everywhere – and on everything!

The forest itself is like one big giant chia pet ---vibrantly green and soft to the touch.

This sign is posted at the beginning of our trail ---and I just love the sentiment stated here.  I couldn’t have said it better.  This world is a wonder.  Let us experience it gently and care for it, leaving it better for those who come after.


The cove, seen through the trees!


Hiking trails and trees so proud and tall.

Red Cedar, Western Hemlock and Sitka Spruce can all be seen here within the temperate rainforest.  And wonder of wonders, it was NOT raining on us yesterday!  I’ve had wonderful weather so far…a bit overcast to be expected, but temperatures are perfect for a good hike.


Another glimpse of the cove --

The birds are going nuts and feasting heartily on the salmon who have come to spawn, and have given their lives in the process.  The circle of life ---we even saw a beautiful huge bald eagle swoop by.


Mossy and green, it was like stepping back into Jurassic Park!


Loved the contrast of the orange/red against the abundant green!


Great day for a hike!

Things I loved about Settlers Cove….most of the terrain is covered in wooden walkways with steps.  Things are kept footing-safe with non skid treads to keep hikers safe.  We only came across a couple of other hikers who were on their way out…other than those two ladies, we had the entire forest to ourselves.  This was WONDERFUL to be surrounded by so much nature.


Look up!  Huge trees, ages old!


Gray skies, but we are dry – miraculously!


More vegetation


Large leaves!



Yes, waterfalls hold much fascination for me.  There is something so special about waterfalls –and I took a little video of this one yesterday to share with you:

Just listen.  Wonderful!

While uploading my video to youtube, I also found a walking tour that someone had recorded in Settler’s Cove!  Would you like to see what it is like to hike here?  Give it a watch!

Thanks to the folks who recorded this hike...I can relive just what it was like to actually be there among the trees and vegetation loving the sounds of Settlers Cove!

Hiking Settlers Cove Rain Forest

After our hike we enjoyed lunch in town, and then it was time to come back to my room to shower and get ready to go set up for my lecture last night, which was well attended and tons of fun!

Today --- it’s a My Blue Heaven workshop and a fun day with the gals from the Rainy Day Quilt Guild of Ketchikan!

This morning the sky is BLUE, the sun is out and shining and there is not a rain drop in sight!

Have an awesome Friday, everyone!

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Anonymous said...

I loved both videos! In yours I think I saw some salmon? Enjoy your trip!

Janet said...

Hi Bonnie! Your photos and comments are great! Alaska was never even on "my list"! It sure is now! Thank you for sharing. Are all your photos with your new phone? They're very clear, as are the videos.

grandmatomato said...

Thanks for the two videos. This is the only way I can enjoy the rain forest.I know longer could walk the distance or going up and down the stairs. I really enjoyed the videos.

Unknown said...

Both the videos are great! The water sounds are so peaceful sounding. Beautiful scenery. Love it.Nancy

Lesley Gilbert said...

Loved reading about your journey today - after watching both the videos I felt like I had done the walking myself - time for a coffee :)

CA Bobbie said...

I have a connection to waterfalls,don't know where it came from but I can watch and listen forever. Thanks for sharing.
Bobbie rjc2cam@gmail.com

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