
Saturday, September 20, 2014

Deep in Crumbville, NY!

Crumbs Crumbs Crumbs class is a fast paced, switch-it-up-every-45-minutes scrappy packed bundle of excitement!

Within the time frame given, quilters work on one unit until it’s time to switch gears, receive another demo, and move off into free form piecing the next unit!

We go from basic crumb block construction to Maverick Stars, to Wonky Hearts and an introduction to pieced letters ---and the  laughter and chatter is infectious as “Whoops! That didn’t quite work!” and “Hey, you got that backwards!” and “Wow, I really like that one!” are heard through out the room.
It’s about giving yourself the freedom to make some really horrible mistakes, because the second one always turns out better.

It’s about trying new things and letting that inner 3rd grade art student play with scissors and fabric and just MAKING without patterns or rulers and specific mathematically  formulated strip widths.

Perfection be danged!  We are just MAKING!


Let the scraps over flow!


Let the mountains and piles grow!


Singer 222k

Of course, I am always interested in the vintage machines that come to class.  We had a bevvy of vintage beauties – 301s, 221’s, and a free-arm 222 that I commandeered as a demo machine…you don’t see free arm Featherweights that often! 

It turns out that we had a rocking finger emergency, which meant that the little finger that goes in the slot under the needle plate was out of place, and I got to do my first “fix it” job on a 222---fun!  And she was sewing beautifully.  This machine belonged to “Aunt Muriel” so Aunt Muriel, she is named!


Next on my MUST FIND list ---


Vintage typewriter table holds a wooden base of a Singer 99 perfectly!


((Allison, are you seeing this?!?))


The little rails that fit a type writer are the perfect resting spot for a vintage machine base…..I will be scouring antique malls hoping to find just this thing!  We gather this one dates from the 1940s-1950s ---This machine belongs to Janet who brought her back “from death” as she says ---and was such a sweet stitcher!

We had a most enjoyable day in Crumbville!

Click the image below if you are unable to view the slide show on your mobile device.  You’ll be taken to the photo album for viewing.
Crumbs! Amherst, NY 2014

Today is my last workshop in Amherst -- and then I get to do something I've never ever done before. I'm going to finally see Niagara Falls! I have heard it's better from the Canadian side, but I didn't bring my passport, and at this time I'm happy to see ANYTHING.

Home tomorrow. Hallelujah!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


cityquilter grace said...

definitely putting crumbville ny on my "must visit" list...enjoy the falls...

Mary said...

Thank you Bonnie for a fabulous class yesterday !!! You bring an air of enthusiasm and adventure with you !!!

Unknown said...

Classes and trips are fun! But there really is no place like home. Include a VERY 'forgiving" Doggie named Sadie, and home is even better!

I like the idea of crumb storage in used large plastic jars! Someone was thinking for sure.

Smiles, JulieinTN

Mary Ellen said...

Looks as though the typewriter table puts the machine at the right height for sewing, too.

The crumbs class brings back fun thoughts of the same class I took with you in Champaign, IL this summer. So much fun!

Aileen said...

Hi Bonnie. I saw the falls when I was around 10, during the World's Fair. I have never forgotten the sound and power of the Falls. They are breathtaking. I was able to see it from both side.
Aileen in FL

Carole said...

It looks like you are all having so much fun. The heck with doing the dishes, I'm going to go sew.

Anonymous said...

Take the boat ride at the falls if you can.
Cathy - todle@swbell.net

Kathleen said...

I believe there now is a boat that launches from the American side - if so, TAKE IT... it looks like a tacky tourist thing ---- it unbelievable... and doesn't feel dangerous at all... just spectacular ! have fun.

Mary said...

I want to Play with Letters and Crumbs too! Got a Idea in my Brain that I've been putting off! Can it wait for my RETREAT next month? I sure hope so. I'm a little busy before then. Glad you are having fun with those Pretty Machines! Enjoy Niagara Falls!

Karen said...

I think I have that machine. It is the one I learned to sew on.
I think I should get it serviced and start using it again.

Mary Ellen said...

I only saw the Falls from the U.S. side and it was beyond fantastic. Would probably have passed out if I had seen it from the Canada side. Can't imagine how it could be better, but I will take the word of those who have been there.

Carolyn Sullivan said...

I have a machine JUST like that, and it is in storage totally, bc it is too heavy to move around. HOWEVER a typing table like that might be a more useful solution to storing it!
Thanks to whom ever found that!

Allison in Plano said...

What a great class you had! Oh my!! That typewriter stand is so awesome and useful for a Singer 99 base,
Thank you for adding this to the list of must finds.
Niagra Falls is amazing from either side ENJOY
the wonderful opportunity. Hugs, Allison in Plano

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