
Friday, September 26, 2014

Davison Evening Stars & Tumelo Trail Workshop!

What do you get when you combine a bunch of 1.5” strips, 3.5” strips and an Easy Angle Ruler?


Asymmetrical blocks have long been a favorite of mine.  They have so many bells and whistles and there is so much you can do with them!

Our workshop was held at the Davison Senior Center –a fabulous facility with loads of lighting, ample plugs, great tables and room to move!

They also had this great screen to display my quilts from the lecture the night before – and we just left them there overnight so we could enjoy the color all day long.


Isn’t this fun??

I like to break my workshop days down into chapters ---and we stockpile units and build variety instead of just making one block at a time, start to finish.  This gives the quilters time to get into their own groove of chain piecing, of chatting and laughing and getting to know the other gals at the their table.  We did have out of town guests!  There were a couple of ladies that came over from Canada, and some Michiganders who drove around 90 miles to join with us.


Tumelo Trail is found in Scraps & Shirttails II!


Pieces and parts coming together!

Click the image below if you are unable to view the slide show on your mobile device.  You’ll be taken to the photo album for viewing.
Tumelo Trail, Davison MI 2014

After class was over, several of us gathered for dinner at Lucky’s Steak House which was right next to the hotel and very convenient.

Also VERY VERY VERY good!  I don’t think I’ll be hungry for at least three days after this meal:


Biggest. Sweet Potato. Ever!!!

That is a pretty big piece of salmon too! I felt bad leaving half of everything behind, but I am in a hotel without a microwave in my room, and I really didn’t want my room to smell like salmon by breakfast time ---I’m headed up to Sault Ste Marie this morning, leftovers are not going to travel with me.

A bit of hilariousness last night ---I borrowed a featherweight machine and planned to work on some blocks….but when I was setting up I discovered this shenanigan with the hotel iron:



I guess there is a klepto problem for irons in Davison, Michigan! LOL!

I wasn’t sure what to do….so I went to the front desk and after signing my life away was able to borrow an iron that was not bolted down to the ironing board on a very short cord. 

Holy smokes!  Seriously?!?


More Box Kite Blocks!

Since these are all cut out, I didn’t need to travel with scissors or a rotary cutter which makes things easy.  I was able to make it through quite a stack while watching some NCIS ---I may get these blocks done on this trip and find myself ready to set them together the next time I am up at Quilt Villa!

It’s a beautiful sunny Friday in Michigan, and I’m looking forward to driving NORTH up to “the Soo”.  Ann is driving me half way, where we will be meeting up with someone from the Keeping the Piece Quilt Guild.  Our meeting place? A QUILT SHOP of course!  Whoowhooo!

Have a wonderful Friday, Everyone!

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Debra in Ohio said...

I so much enjoy looking at the color combinations others are using for their quilts. I especially got a kick out of the person who used the directions to a Christmas project. Of course, I need to tell myself that it is just fabric. Won't it be fun to find that fabric in the blocks! Love it!!

iamaquilter2 said...

Hi Bonnie, Best day ever. Got to meet some wonderful quilting ladies and spend the day with you. Still smiling today. Hope to have you back in Michigan so we can spend the day together again

Myrna said...

Pretty quilt blocks! I hope you have a great day. Enjoy your FART, aka fabric acquisition road trip!

bountiful quilter said...

I have been cutting my scraps and I think I have enough to get started on this quilt-love it! Also, I attend a retreat every year with my Mom and sisters and the hotel we stay at has those very same irons, luckily we bring our own. I wonder who they think is going to steal one of those irons anyway, they are horrible. Thanks for sharing your adventures with us1

Donna Fisher said...

Yes, that salmon looked delicious. Was also having salmon last night. Mmmmm. Glad you were able to talk to the Iron Police! Dangerous halfway point, a quilt shop. Enjoy your day.

janequiltsslowly said...

From the looks of most criminals, you wouldn't think an iron would be high on the list of things to steal! Tumalo Trail is on my quilting "bucket list".

Anonymous said...

The food looks great. I was just an at hotel with the leashed iron as well. However, I think it was a longer leash so It actually reached the whole length of the board.


Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie, so enjoy your post daily. I have gone althrough my copy of Scraps & Shirttails and I can not fine the Tumelo trail pattern am I over looking it. Keep up what you do and God Bless you for it. Be safe in travels. Peggy Reid

Elaine Adair said...

I can't tell you how often I've started one of your quilts the same time as YOU are starting a class, featuring the SAME quilt - this is at least the 4th time - last night I started working on ... yes, Tumalo Trails. I'm making the large HST's in plaids, a shirt, and I'm calling this project, "Cowboy Up". Photos soon on my blog. Thanks for inspiration!

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