
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Boxy Stars in Amherst, NY!

Happy, Happy Happy Stars!

This is my first time in Amherst, NY – the home of the Buffalo Niagra Heritage Museum, and the Amherst Quilters Guild!

Apparently this September event has been going on for nearly 40 years with quilters gathering from all over the area, and crossing the border from Canada, to come for 4 days of workshops and instruction and quilting, sewing/chatting, laughing, talking, eating, quilter-shipping good times.

The ladies came as soon as the doors were opened to start setting up machines, hauling in boxes and crates of prepared fabrics, greeting friends they hadn’t seen since last year’s event and bringing all the excited energy with them ---it’s a good thing!  At times during the day I felt like I myself was running on fumes alone, but they carried me along!


Front of the museum!

Boxy Stars is such a great class for clearing out 2.5” strips, for making good use of the scraps, giving you a quilt that looks a lot more intricate and difficult than it is ---it remains a favorite in all color ways!


Boxy Stars – free pattern found under the free patterns tab!


It’s the perfect time of year for trying some in halloween fabrics!


Or rainbow brights!

Click the image below if you are unable to view the slide show on your mobile device.  You’ll be taken to the photo album for viewing.

Boxy Stars, Amherst, NY 2014


Standing room only crowd at my lecture!

It was a good thing all these ladies (And gentlemen) turned out for last night’s lecture – they carried me through to the end, too!  And upon hitting my hotel room when all was said and done, I was out like a light ---

Today I’m feeling much more in my own home time zone, and a Pineapple Blossom workshop awaits!

Love from Amherst ---

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New Quilter in Texas said...

When I first looked at the Boxy Stars pic, I didn't see the star, it kind of reminded me of opening flower petals. Now I see the star, and I think the star points show more if the outer boxes are a more neutral color, but the darker colors bring the flower effect. Pretty cool!

Marija said...

Last night lecture was spectacular!! Thank you fr laughs, education and inspiration - can't wait for my Saturday class!!
You and my scrap-master friend Robi might just make a scrapaholic quilter out if this control-loving scientist... ;)

Mary said...

Thank you Bonnie for enthusiastic lecture last night when you must surely have been tired!!! I am looking forward to Crumb class tomorrow! Have a beautiful day !!!

mary e said...

it always amazes how you can completely change a block by color placement. i don't have the artistic gene for the color vision. the color wheel is like math to me, total mental block.

Anonymous said...

My sister and I each made this quilt afew weeks ago and they are beautiful! We had so much fun using scraps and planning our next Bonnie Hunter pattern. Even though we haven't been in any of the workshops, we feel such a connection to all of you quilters out there! Thank you for the amazing pictures in all your travels :-)
Rebecca and Gale in Seattle

MindfulLearningCenter said...
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Leah said...

Boxy Stars and Pineapple Blossoms are some of my favorites from your free patterns. I never get tired of seeing other quilters' unique interpretations. Nice work, Amherst quilters!

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Love the Halloween blocks! I'm in the process of making a Halloween quilt using the Twister ruler. Waiting on my outer border fabric to arrive.

janequiltsslowly said...

Every once in awhile I think you must be crazy to do what you do. Your schedule is beyond belief, but it looks like so much fun. Thanks again and again for sharing.

Kathleen said...

Guess I should pay closer attention to your schedule. You were only about a half hour or so from where I live!!

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