
Friday, September 05, 2014

Galaxy-Gram! My Blue Heaven Morning!

We have 28 students sewing away in today's my Blue Heaven class in Bloomington, Illinois.

Strips are being cut into triangles and sewn into half square triangle units, hourglass units, and flying geese that all combine to make our blocks for this great scrap quilt!
The colors and fabrics are varied and I love to see the variety set each lady adds to our class!

I hope you can see the excitement from the photos shared below!

Love from Bloomington,


lynneinMN said...

love the green! wish I could be there :-)! Lynne in MN

Anonymous said...

Love it. Can't read what the tshirt says about the stash

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Cute Singer 401 with the green blocks.

Debra in Ohio said...

Can't wait to see more quilts in different colors. I just love seeing what other people do with their fabrics.

Lcrrkhs said...

My pink shirt says Done is Better Than Perfect! Stashbuster.com

Stashbusters is a chat group on Yahoo, many of whom are also Bonnie fans.

Kathleen S.
Normal, IL

Farm Quilter said...

Cheers to another Stashbuster!!! I have that exact same shirt - Done is Better Than Perfect...and the back says it all: Shop Your Stash!

colleen said...

Bonnie as of today I am not a fan of 3M Sotch Brite
They have a pop up ad no "x" in the corner and it covers your whole blog text and moves to stay covering when I scroll
ER ER ER er er
So I can't read your blog I use an iPhone I had to open your blog in a new page and well er er er
I'll do what I have to to read your blog but 3M as much I do like and have bought their products just might become the # 1 on my do not buy list soon

Linda H said...

Love the colors, especially the green. Very happy ladies indeed.

Colleen, I really feel for you. I know the ads are a necessary evil but when you get the ones with no "x" it's so annoying.

obat maag alami said...

great update. nice to walking :)

tealeafquilts said...

This quilt will have to go on my bucket list. Right now I'm buried in red, white, blue and gold 2.5 inch squares and HST.

Jennifer Dyck said...

Oh how I wish I could be there in your workshop! I didn't arrange my schedule enough in advance to be able to travel home to take part in it! But it is great to see the photos from my sister's and mom's home church! I told them to go over and see you today ... they are not quilt-crazy like me, but maybe they will.

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