
Thursday, August 14, 2014

24 Hours to Simplify---

I’ve been upside down since returning from England.

I came home to a burgeoning inbox, and spent most of yesterday deep in desk work trying to make sense out of the emails, the contracts, the calendar dates and my life.

((This is the kind of thing that happens when my dang body clock wakes me up once again at 4am!))

My Calendar of Events tab at the top of the blog is now updated all the way through 2018 and I have closed it to new bookings.

The tangled thread you see in this photo is what my life looked like before yesterday ----and I am aiming to make some sense out of it and get it to the word SIMPLIFY so I have TIME to do our November mystery without feeling like it is thrown together because I “have to” have something ready because everyone expects it.

I need TIME to finish my columns for Quiltmaker Magazine for 2015.  They are due this month.  There is only half the month left!

I need TIME to work on quilts for future books.  I really just want to SEW!

I pushed my book deadlines back to better accommodate MY life instead of panicking to get X number of quilts done for a deadline that looms all too close. I can’t do 18 months between book releases anymore.  I don’t want to have to hire people to sew for me, because the sewing part is what I love the best.

My next book releases will be 2 years apart, shooting for Spring of 2016 and Spring of 2018 and Spring of 2020 and so forth ---I chose Spring releases because I schedule a good bit of time off between Thanksgiving and New Years for concentrated work time, which by past experience has shown me works much better  than trying for a Fall release and having to do all of that intensive final work during what Summer time I have off with my family.  Much better as WINTER WORK! 

I had planned to post photos from the Birmingham Festival of Quilts today, but it can wait for tomorrow.

Today is for simplifying.  I’m taking a computer free ((or mostly computer free)) day today.

Massage at 2pm and pedicure to follow. 

Dinner out tonight.

Sewing when I can fit it in.

Quilt-Cam most likely NEXT week.

Why not make YOUR day a computer-free day too?  Go Sew Something!  You know we deserve it!

Check back in with me tomorrow ---

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Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


Myrna said...

Have a great day Bonnie! We all need to set aside time for ourselves and our families as we get older I think it becomes more important to us. (Not saying we're old though...LOL)

I'm planning a trip to my favorite fabric shop today which will probably include a Chinese lunch.

Old quilter said...

I'm glad you're taking time to breathe ! You can't continue to do wonderful things for us if you don't take care of yourself. (Actually that sounds selfish too.) Ah well, you know what I mean. Have a relaxing day.

Carolyn said...

I have been thinking I spend too much time on the computer. Today is a good day to start. Simplify.

Sharyn Mallow Woerz said...

I limit my technology time to no more than two hours a day, and quite often my blog posts takes half of that :) It is the only way I can be sure to get some life progress for myself rather than just be continually hitting refresh for a mirror of the life of strangers. Welcome home.

All the best, Sharyn in Kalama

Debi said...

Returning home can be just as exhausting as overwhelming as anything I know...Enjoy your time off day. You deserve it.. your schedule sounds so demanding. Whew ! I know what thats like...me..I'm headed out to Oregon to spend time with my best friend and her family for a long weekend. Long drive but totally worth it. I love those words TIME OFF...I'll still have quilting on my mind LOL I've mapped out quilt shops to stop at along the route today! Can't wait. It's 6:30 here in Calif and I'll be off in an hour. :}

Tricia said...

You shouldn't worry so much about what your blog readers 'expect' of you! We are delighted to get whatever glimpse we can into your creative world and are happy for it! If you burn out, the magic stops! Take care of yourself first and foremost! We all want 'our' Bonnie at her best!

Kris B said...

Glad you're making the required effort for inner balance. Only you can do it....go girl!

Lakegaldonna said...

You deserve this day for you, OWN it!

Glad to see you are pushing out some of your deadlines. Thank you again for all you do for us out here in blog land.

Lilac Joan said...

So glad you have decided to only book two years at a time and not to start until 2017. We all worry about you and your health. Toting two 'body' bags to airport to airport takes its toll. Whatever you do, I enjoy it. Thank you.
P.S. my words for this year are: Let Go! I Need to get back on tract!

Ness said...

Bonnie!...this might sound strange but I am kind of glad the book date is pushed back...I have three of your quilts in progress...free patterns from finding you less than a year ago...and can't sew fast enough to make all I want to make but!!! the reason I say that is I made myself promise not to buy a book til I got my Wonky Wishes Star done and that would be my reward so I page through them trying to pick which one and that is just going to be impossible because I want them all and I would absolutely feel overwhelmed if they were all sitting there and all the patterns and too hard to pick one to start first because...again...want to do them all!!! LOL! So maybe this will give me a chance to catch up!!! LOL! Have a great non-computer day....I'm actually going to watch last years quilt cam so you will be sewing along with me today...and just a bonus...it's about to rain here and now I won't have to feel guilty about wasting a nice weather day indoors. LOL!

NonnaD said...

Glad you're back and taking time for YOU! I love the Mysteries and absolutely live Quiltcam. ...but no worries! Take care of you!♡
Im sure you began this journey for the love of quilting....so think back to that time and see what it is you want for your future! No stress....no worries.....do what you love for the joy and love of your work!
It's ok.....we'll be here for you! ♡ you are the most giving of ANY of the quilters I've ever known about! So selfless in your giving and teaching! Just relax.....don't burn yourself out! ;-)

badputts said...

Bonnie….. I feel your pain! I am in the same "boat" with too much time booked for everything but myself!! We do need to take time to do things WE want to do and make us happy…… life is too short! Enjoy your massage and pedicure…… relax! In a way, I am glad to hear you are a bit overwhelmed, as I wondered how you did it all with such ease…… makes me realize that what SEEMS effortless, is definitely NOT!! Thanks for all that you do and for sharing your life with us…. you always make me smile! Betsy D

Melinda said...

I bet your family is saying Halleleuia ....finally! Don't want you to burn out as love your creativity !

Kelly said...

Enjoy your time away from the computer. I totally understand not wanting to book too far in advance, but I just had to look at your calendar to see if you were in my area. You won't be in Colorado until Sept. of 2018, but how exciting. Now I just need to find a place to write it down so that I don't forget, LOL ;) Plenty of time to get something ready for show and share.

Unknown said...

Welcome back to the States. It is fine to lenghten book release times...give us more of a chance to get quilts done before the wish list gets even longer.
You are appreciated, so take care of you.

http://thankfullga447 said...

My last trip from the UK it took me all week to get back to EST and the plane ride is shorter then from Germany. Yesterday I played with scraps - it made me happy happy happy. Making italian tomato sauce today. House smells wonderful.

Joann said...

We all have our limits, and we all have to learn to say "NO" more often. Yes, we love Quilt Cam, your fall mysteries, your books, and all that you so generously give to all of the quilt world. But I would rather have you healthy, happy, and enjoying what you love to do than to have you trying to be everything to everybody all the time. You need to slow things down, otherwise you won't be able to enjoy the ride, and you will burn out. Remember...slow and steady wins the race, if you are always in a full sprint you won't have enough energy to cross the finish line. Take as long as you need to to focus on you, then your family, don't worry about us, we will all be here whether you take it slower or not. ((HUGS))

Unknown said...

Wow Bonnie, Just looked at your calendar. You are all the way through 2019! With lots of very long exciting adventures.

Mary said...

I hope a Power nap is in your schedule too. Thanks for permission to GO SEW SOMETHING! I should be packing for a campout tomorrow.

45th Parallel Quilter said...

RIGHT CHOICE!! Take care of YOU and the rest will take care of itself!! Unfortunately so many of us overload ourselves (I am guilty as well) with commitments, things we want to do, things are loved ones expect from us ... and you feel overwhelmed. GET SOME REST and it will all feel better. You must have to be exhausted. Massage, pedi and sewing time are JUST what the doctor (you!!) ordered!!

Kim said...

The joy of being a mature woman is doing what is right for you and your family and not feeling guilty about it, everything else will fall into place after that. You go girl!
Can't wait for the Nov. mystery :0)

Happy Sewing, relaxing and simplifying!

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Someone else said she was glad your book dates were pushed back because she had three she was working on. I feel the same. You need time to make the quilts and write the patterns. We need time to make some of them in between books too. There are always more quilts in your books that I want to make than time to make them.

Ellen in Arkansas said...

If you don't take out time for yourself there won't be any of you left. I am amazed at all that you do I have fallen in love with your blog and rarely miss a day without checking in. I have checked your calendar and found that you were about 2 or 3 hours away from me in fall of 2015. Unfortunately they offer the classes to members first(don't blame them) so I am joining there group in hopes that I will get in one of the classes. Maybe when you quit traveling so much you might like to offer some online stuff. I know it's not as good but you are a delight to watch and listen to. So refreshing and original and genuine. Glad you had a great trip but so glad you are home again.

Ellen Terry

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, read your post as if you were the reader not the poster. You have given yourself your own the best advice. Simplify!

Suellen said...

Good for you! You need to take more time for yourself so you can do more creating. I'm happy for you.


jan in AR said...

I did take some time off today to sew on my newly acquired 1939 Singer 15-91. Oiled her again last week and let her just sit and look pretty!!! So today I started back on my Spider Web String quilt. Think I have about 21 completed blocks now and this new machine sews like a dream. The plastic Little Foot that I had to have per a class teacher for my Featherweight fit and away I went. Just need to make a cover for her now, cause I don't want to put her down in the cabinet. We have an open floor plan and this way I can sit in the dining area and keep hubby company at night while sewing away.
Have a great day tomorrow!!

Cheri Dawn said...

You have my permission (for whatever it is worth) to do the mystery when you get around to it. And as much as I love quilt cams, whenever you get around to that too. Take the time you need. We will survive, honest!

Lois M. said...

Take care of yourself first. Life is too short to work andignore you Ann's your family. We love you because you are like us. Real. You need to cut back. You still have lots of life left but do it at your pace not someone else's.

94Quilter said...

High Five Bonnie!

New Quilter in Texas said...

Thank you for illustrating the pitfalls of success! Everything has its price. While it's my goal to say in my later years "I remember when..." instead of "I wish I had...", it's important to be able to enjoy your success, not become a slave to it. As for the comment about "you accepted the above information"...don't be so hateful.

HelenMarie said...

Welcome back Bonnie! So glad you are taking the time to breathe and making deadlines fit your schedule rather than killing yourself to make deadlines!

There's one thing that drives me crazy in this town I live in... everything has to be done the same way all the time... because that's the way it has always been done! Life was different 50-100 years ago and the old ways don't necessariy fit the new. If you need to change things up to fit your life, then by all means, do!

QuilterLaura said...

Sounds like you need a secretary....er uhhh "administrative assistant" I mean, lol. Man, if I lived in NC I'd be all over that. I'd work for scraps!!!

mascanlon said...

A day well spent Bonnie! And knowing you have a workable plan for next few years will bring such a measure of peace and contentment. Thanks for all you do for the whole quilting community!

Suze said...

I've been too pooped since England to touch a needle. Kathi and I got weathered in at La Guardia. We missed our connection in St. Louis and spent the night in the airport. So, we got home on Wednesday. It was an experience at best. I read an entire book that night. Today I'm starting to feel human again. Did make it to a meeting last night and then collapsed when I got home. Ready for the reunion tour. And I'm definitely ready to really give EPP a go. Susan

Carole said...

Simplify would be good for all of us. Sometimes we get so busy that we forget to smell the roses. Take some time for yourself, we will be here.

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