
Sunday, July 06, 2014

Family Time!

Shhhh!  Everyone is still sleeping at 6:10am!

I should be too, but the birds were chirping and I just couldn’t stand it –shoes on, bug spray on, out the door into the beautiful morning air.

We had a great time last night meeting with family in Boone.  Two cars of Hunters – my brother and sister in law in one, my nephew, his wife and their daughter in the other.  They’ve driven all the way from Texas to spend the week with us up in the mountains, escaping the  heat and concrete of urban Dallas and enjoying the green nature of the Blue Ridge Mountains with us.

There will be loads of laughter, lots of food ((on paper plates because who wants to do dishes?)) and miles ridden on four wheelers, not to mention miles hiked by foot.

But this morning, they are sleeping in and I am out the door.


The sky at 6am from the front porch says “good morning!”


The road says “come walk me!”

The only other creatures I saw up and about where a couple of frogs, some frisky rabbits which hopped across the road as I passed, and one deer off in the distance who bounded away as he saw me ((or heard my steps crunching on gravel)) coming his direction.

I love the mornings up here.  I don’t want to miss a one of them!


Hello, Sunshine!


Have a wonderful day, Blue Ridge Mountains!

And something special that I had never come across before…there is this little section where we cross through a wooded area on a hiking trail to get to the next section of road.  

I saw this white thing peeking out under some leaves, and at first glace I thought it was a white plastic grocery sack ---I grumbled and mumbled something under my breath about  “lazy people who can’t clean up after themselves…” and brushed away the debris to find this:


Something very heartfelt was placed here.

Doesn’t it make you wonder the story of this little concrete plaque in the woods off of a path less traveled?  Who were these friends?  Has one passed on? Is that why this marker was placed here in the woods?

How many special friends have crossed our paths at one time or another and forever changed our lives and how we see things?

I’m thinking of these friends today, and what they mean to me.

And I hope that our paths were not just meant to cross, but to go along side by side throughout our lives together. For the long haul.

Okay, enough mushiness for today ---time to get breakfast on the stove, there will soon be a massive hungry bunch of Hunters up and about and we will get this day going.

Enjoy your Sunday, everyone!

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Allison in Plano said...

Feel free to be mushy! I just think you are being very reflective in your mountain surroundings with family around you. Thank you for sharing the beautiful pictures and the special "find" in the woods -- what sweet sentiments. Thankful for you! Hugs, Allison in Plano

Created by Kathi said...

Glad you got in an early morning walk and found such a cool treasure in crossing paths with that engraved stone there.. very cool! Listening to July 2 quilt cam today while I unstitch a little and slow stitch a better design instead! Have fun enjoying God's country there! Kathi


enjoy your week...I would love to walk around up there and just hang out!! so beautiful!! thanks for sharing your walk and thoughts...

badputts said...

I love your posts….. not just for your quilting knowledge, but you always have such a wonderful outlook on life…. you make me happy and I look forward to your posts!!! I feel like a friend and that is special! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

It's breathtaking! Thanks for sharing it! Donnahfisher@earthlink.net

Jo said...

Design Originals by KC enjoy Quiltcam.
I just love doing my stitching with it going on in the background. It is so much more interesting than the TV.
Bonnie enjoy your peaceful morning walks. Your photos and views are stunning

Ann in the UP said...

Thank you for sharing so much of your life and cheery outlook with all of us. You are a great example of productivity and joy. Not to mention the importance of regular exercise. LOL

Anonymous said...

Family gatherings make memories that last forever. We have had 2 family trips to the Smoky Mountain area. Kids go on hikes, play games with cousins, tubing down the river or just chill out. Adults get the chance to relax from the daily grind.
Doubt we will ever be able to gather all again as kids are grown and scattered.
One thing- beware of bears. My daughter was trapped in her car waiting for the bears to pass on their morning stroll to check out the garbage cans at the houses!!

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, maybe you are that friend! Could be. Someone maybe saw the plaque and could relate to it, and needed a friend, and didn't have one. That is my story. Keep it personal, it can be your own special spot, you and your new friend. jan in ND

Mjthompson at gondtc.com

Lilac Joan said...

When the house is full of company I love to get up before everyone too. Don't always get to go for a walk sometimes it is just to pay bills. Necessary things that can't be done with lots of people around. Enjoy you vacation!

GoGo said...

On QuiltCam you were talking about chigger bites and how miserable they are. I was watching a tv program and they gave a few suggestions as to how to deal with bug/mosquito bites after they happen. Apply toothpaste or deodorant or even white vinegar to the bite and don't scratch it. Thought you might be interested in those suggestions. The ingredient in toothpaste that works is menthol. Enjoy your week!

Susie Q said...

On my way to a visitation for little Crystal. Spunky Crystal. Fun Crystal. Neighbor Crystal. She grew up. But her life was cut short by leukemia. So sad for her family and for my youngest. In fact has had me thinking about 40 years ago when my sister died as a young adult. Paths do indeed cross and memories made. I am glad to have my memories.

Mary Ed Williams said...

How is your brother who was ill? I so hope he is dong well. I truly miss the mountains where I grew up.

Candy said...

I sense a Mystery Quilt name coming from this find. "Crossing Path of Unseen Friends". Or just Crossing Path. I can't wait!!!

Andee said...

I sure am glad your path has crossed mine and we will meet again! You know I am not a morning person, but for you I would be up at the crack of dawn and walking the day away--trying not to talk your ear off! :)

Unknown said...

Thank you for always taking the time to share with us. What a beautiful post. May you have a blessed week with your family.

Sharon J. Hughson said...

You are one of the luckiest women I have ever had the pleasure of crossing paths with and now following willingly and happily.
Sharon in Toms Rive, NJ

Anonymous said...

I love this post and the pictures!!! oh for a mountain stream around here!

I bet the plaque you found is for a beloved pet that is buried near it.....

Kristy said...

I am thinking it might be for a pet. I once lost a kitty, Shea, just days before we moved from Sacramento to Tucson. Since I lived on an Air Force base, I had no place to bury her. I went to a nearby lake, and buried her there. I put a small tree on top of her to mark the spot.

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