
Wednesday, July 02, 2014

A View from my Studio!

This is what is going on in here today.

I’ve loaded up my cheddar sampler and I’m going to town on it ---

I love this process, and I don’t get enough of it.  This top has been waiting a long time,  I finished the top while teaching in Virginia at Smith Mountain Lake for the Virginia Consortium of Quilters ((VCQ)) Celebration.

And I have had a back pieced for it for about that long too!

And here it is July and this is really the first chance I’ve had to load a quilt into the machine and get the quilting done.

Three weeks off!  Oh, I have such plans!

I’ve decided, after I went through everything again and again and again to quilt this with the same spider web pattern that I quilted the cheddar bow ties with.  It’s called Entangled and I have just loved it on everything I’ve quilted on.  Okay, so this is only time number three, but I’m enchanted with it for quilts such as this one where anything formal just didn’t work.  This is NOT a quilt for feathers!

If you look closely you can see my cone of thread on the machine.  It's a rusty gold of unknown origin, something I picked up somewhere on my travels.  The color is great at blending in without being too orange.


First couple of rows done!


Oh yes, I’m loving this!


I love how the spider webs are NOT centered on blocks, just here and there.


The next row nests in!


Yes, It’s just what I want!

See that green “Hour glass” bottom center?  That is my grandfather’s shirt.  There’s not much left of it now, I think I’ve sewn it up into nearly everything, but seeing it pop up in my quilts just makes me feel like he is with me every day.  I advance the quilt, see the shirt fabric, and say “Hello, Grandpa!”

I love that.

I'm contemplating a green binding.  Something unexpected.

Back to the machine for me ---see you at Quilt-Cam at 9pm EST tonight!

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Kathleen said...

oh, friend, you deserve this time at home... enjoy !! (but will you also give some thought to hosting a yard sale???? would love it, love it if you did).. many thnks for all...

Joy D. said...

I am glad you finally get some time in your studio today. If you get the quilting done on the sampler today, I would love to see it as your backdrop tonight on QuiltCam. It is a beautiful quilt, and the quilting pattern is a nice segue to the blocks you'll be making tonight. Enjoy your afternoon!

sewnsew said...

Hey, Bonnie, I just finished quilting my Celtic Solstice. wish I had my own machine, but thankful I can rent one at the quilt shop in Bath. I did mine in Cotton Candy panto. Would love to see what the entangled panto looks like. Could you shoot a pic for us. Ramona from Maine

PalmerGal said...

Really, how did I not know about a quilt shop in Bath? My sister-in-law lives in Waldoboro, my nieces in Brunswick and Durham. I'm in Maine at least once a year (live in Alaska!) Must search this out next time. Thanks. :)

stitchinpenny said...

A little time to have your fun. You supply so many of us with fun, I am glad you have a break - 3 weeks - WOSW.

Allison in Plano said...

Woo Hoo! Lookin' good Bonnie! Can you imagine 100 years from now and historians coming across your quilt? Finished my Celtic Solstice and it is in the longarm now, #2,756. Having fun doing swirls on it. Will bind during Quilt Cam. Thanks for
fitting in it prior to your July 4th holiday at the cabin. Hugs, Allison in Plano

Karen said...
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Tonya Ricucci said...

Gorgeous. that cheddar looked so overwhelming to me when it was just blocks together, but that sashing and border sooo makes it work. Unsurprisingly, I love that web quilting too. Woohoo, three weeks off!

Andee said...

It is looking gorgeous! I agree, so fun to see Grandpa's shirt pop up here and there! I am doing the same with my Dad's shirts, so fun!

Anonymous said...

Glad that you are getting some home time and enjoying quilting on your own machine. My sewing room is my sanctuary.....a place to find calm and peace (or should it be piece? lol). Anyway, enjoy your time at home! :)

Laura said...

Have you thought about making a book of cheddar quilts?

Susan said...

Hello Grandpa! That's what I love about quilting most. The stories, the family...

Feathers in my Nest said...

Hi Dear Bonnie...I'm Loving your Jubilee quilt, especially that gorgeous border...the Cheddar isn't bad either..(I'm still making blocks for mine, not too many left tho) I keep getting side-tracked..Ha.....Enjoy your time off..Debra in Ma.

Unknown said...

What are some of your other favorite pantographs? I love this spider web too!

quiltcontemplation blogspot said...

Love the spider web ! and the cheddar.

Shirley in Canada said...

Enjoy your time off, Bonnie! Love to travel with you and watch you work on busting scraps!!

Unknown said...

What a neat way to remember your Grampa. And your view is wonderful. Like the way you quilted this top.

Barby MH, ARK

lorna said...

Happy 4th, enjoy your 3weeks off-it will go fast.

Nancy: rangerer@sbcglobal.net said...

Love, love, love your quilt.

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