
Friday, May 30, 2014

On The Fence ---I’ve Gone Digital!

More Adventures with Leaders & Enders is now available in digital for Kindle in the Amazon Store!

I am excited that it will be so much more readily accessible to my overseas customers and that it will be so very portable for those going on retreats and traveling!

We were on the fence as whether to do it or not, and I’m still on the fence as to whether this is a good idea or not, but I’m trying to be positive.  I am the official Kansas City Star guinea pig.  We will see how it goes.

One thing I am hoping, of course, is that folks will buy it and decide that they really NEED a paper copy of this book  so they can have BOTH.  I LOVE REAL BOOKS!  I’ve never bought a digital magazine or a digital quilt book, so I don’t have that experience with it.  I love real pages and real page turning ---and the smell of the ink on the pages.  I don’t think anything is going to replace that, but just as I have some music as MP3, and some music as CD –I think there is room for both!

The other exciting thing is…I’m already ranked #30 in the top 100 for quilt books.  That’s something to be happy about!

I also think digital is a GREAT thing to have for books that have gone Out-Of-Print.  How often have we been disheartened that a certain title was no longer available?  Digital is definitely the way to go there.

If you’ve been on the fence about ordering More Adventures with Leaders & Enders, click HERE to see all the quilts included, and maybe you’ll decide you want to try a digital copy!

And if you LIKE the digital copy and decide you’d like a personally signed copy from me, you can get those at my online store HERE as well!

**Disclaimer**  Did you know that your author-friends make as little as 75 cents per paper-book sold on Amazon, and the digital royalties are much less than that?  And if you purchase a used copy on Amazon, your author-friend gets nothing. 
We buy books at wholesale to sell at our lectures and workshops because we can not live by royalties alone.  We have to sell the books as merchandise, just to stay afloat. 
If you really want to support your author-friends, buy from them directly. 
It may cost a bit more, but in the long run  you are really helping them to keep designing, to keep writing books, to keep providing you with the inspiration you want them to for your enjoyment.
We are headed up to Quilt Villa this afternoon.  This is the day I get to meet Jenny, Jason’s girlfriend!  I’m excited!

AND!  I was a busy girl yesterday ---can't show you pictures, no hints yet -- but I have designed our November Mystery!  Whoowhoooo!

Which reminds me:  Sunday is June 1st, and Celtic Solstice is being retired, so print what you need now, it will be gone Sunday and I will be unable to provide you with any missing parts after June 1st!

Welcome to the weekend, everyone!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


Claudia Duke said...

I am going to download the digital book right now. We are going on a weekend trip to Fredericksburg, Texas for a 50th wedding anniversary. I want something to read in the car. I love real books too, but in a pinch digital will do!

Marionz said...

75c to the author that is criminal, obviously printing costs these days is high, must be passing through too many hands all requiring a share. Well done being so famous. Your books need so many pictures, bit I treasure my copies. Thanks

Lakegaldonna said...

I agree with Marion C above me, 75 cents is criminal.
I'm sure you won't regret offering it in digital form as many people will use it. I agree with you, I need a paper copy book. I already have my signed copy from you so I'm sitting pretty. Have a fun time at the cabin!

Claudia Duke said...

Just got it on my IPAD mini with hubby's help. Looks great, I can even enlarge the pictures to see it better. I agree .75 to the author is definitely criminal. Now if I can just keep my hands off of it and finish packing!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I hadn't realized how little authors make off their books/kindle until recently when my sis in law became a published author and we were talking about it. She makes the most when she sells her books at book signings and of course that takes time out of her schedule but it is a must do in order to make a little money.

Susan Holman said...

I was looking to buy your new book and noticed the digital copy on Amazon. But I elected to go to the source and order it from you!! I've had troubles in the past downloading a digital book--my iPad was full! Now I'm watching the mailbox.....

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

Thank you so much, Susan Holman!

Janny said...

Bonnie, I like the fact that you sell your books! I like that there are customers who will purchase these from you or go to their local quilt shop to purchase, that is where I like to purchase them but will keep in mind that I can order from you also. It is good that they want to support the small businesses this way. Keep up the good work!

Susan said...

This is great for me, as I live overseas and it's very costly to have books shipped here. Plus it takes forever to get here, and then it takes even longer if it gets stuck in Customs. With Kindle I can have INSTANT GRATIFICATION. Thanks so much for taking the plunge!

Janet Brown said...

I have only purchased my books from you! I think I have them all now, I think. I can't wait for the new mystery quilt!! I hope I get Celtic Solestice done before November, and my Pineapple Blossom. I need for life to slow down and not get into my sewing time. I hope you like Jenny when you meet her. Teach her to quilt!!

CindyB said...

I like digital books and magazines. I have too many hard copies of both to keep adding more. As I get older I don't want a lot of items to hang on to.

Unknown said...

AMAZING - I never knew all of this info.
I do not have a kindle myself .. but then I am a page-turner reader :) ... I will buy NEW books only!!!! AMAZING INFO

Smiles, JulieinTN

Anonymous said...

Ah too bad, I cannot read Kindle books on my Sony e-reader, we mostly have EPUB books here (Netherlands). Would have loved a digital version! Am trying to cut down on physical books but it's hard, it's either Kindle books, or EPUB books that are sold here with printing restrictions. Depending on the instructions, some books don't need printing rights, but if you cannot print templates that are needed or applique parts, it makes little sense to buy the book. Contacted the store about that, explaining they were selling books that can't be used like they're supposed to, but they just replied: take it up with the publisher. But I don't feel like contacting each seperate publisher with each book I buy.

Anonymous said...

According to my husband there are apps so I can read Kindle on a tablet. Now that opens up a whole new world of possibilities! Yay! Guess what I'm downloading later on :-)

Vivian said...

While I like Kindle for regular "reading" books, one problem with Kindle quilting books (and as opposed to .pdf digital books) is that if you want/need to print out a portion of the book you can't so it's not good for books that have applique or quilt stitch patterns.

But there is something to be said for the physical storage space saved from not buying hard copy, particulary true when it comes to magazine issues and the landfill/recycling issues when old books are discarded.

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie, I was researching the Singer 201K and came across this website: http://www.sewalot.com/singer_201k_sewalot.htm. I thought of you when I read about the "Which Report 1961" which said: After extensive testing and abuse, including dropping the machines, the magazine stated that... The Singer 201 and Necchi Supernova cannot be seriously faulted. I have found a treadle 201K in a cabinet for $35 as I have caught the bug from reading your blog. I hope I am as happy with it as you are with your Nechi.
Thank you!

JoAnn said...

I downloaded the free kindle app from Amazon onto my tablet. I sometimes get the free books from them but do not read them very often as a paper copy is more enjoyable. It would be difficult to pore over a quilt book on a screen.

Evelyn said...

Yeah! I have it on my Kindle and am ready to start Narragansett Blues. I don't have tons of scraps, but guess what? I am going fabric shopping with friends tomorrow! Thanks for all you do for quilters, Bonnie. Loved you Quilt Show episode. Have fun with the "girlfriend".

crazy quilter said...

I already got mine directly from you. Not so sure about digital copies and I always like to look thru each book and decide what is on my buket list for later... Have a great weekend!

Material Girl said...

I like "Real" books also for some of the same reasons you mentioned Bonnie, I don't own a kindle and probably never will.. lol
That is unreal that an author only gets .75 cents!!
I can't wait to get the books that I ordered from you, I'm going to enjoy reading them and hopefully getting around to making some quilts from them.
Have a great weekend at Quilt Villa!!

Karb328 said...

I too prefer "real" books, that one can smell the ink, etc. I do have a kindle and read quite a lot of novels there but nix on quilt books/ magazines on it. I need to be able to see the quilt, make notes, turn back etc. etc. as can only be done with paper.
Bonnie, you are so thoughtful, sharing and enegetic and keep us motivated--THANK You!



Kirsten said...

I am generally very loyal to 'real' books. Though am considering some magazines as online options as my house is being crushed under stacks and stacks of books.

I have a very hard time discarding a book, even when it is way past its useful life. I do try to donate when possible to find them new homes.

Interesting to read that the way Amazon keeps its prices so low, is to basically cut out the royalty to the author. I do try to support guild visitors and our LQS as often as my budget can afford.

Mary Ellen said...

Dear Anonymous: I have an Android reader as well - actually a Nook - and my husband has a Sony. We both have an app that allows us to read Kindle books on our tablets.

Lilac Joan said...

I am with you. I LOVE BOOKS,too, and for the same reasons. I have a Nook but I only use it for cheap books. I also appreciate your ideas about buying from the author. I don't think that I could follow quilting instructions from my computer. I want pages that I can mark plus I know how to go back and forth from page to page. (I do that alot.) Not so easy of computer.

Michelle said...

Thank you for all you do for quilters, Bonnie. You are such an inspiration to me personally and I look forward to ALL of your new books when they come out and the free patterns online. I can't wait for the next mystery...thank you in advance for working so hard to provide that for us! Have a great weekend!!

Andee said...

No worries, I will always order direct from you to get my autographed copy! :)

Rike Busch said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa said...

I have ordered a digital magazine or two that were out of print but I forget I have them and they don't get revisited. I found printing out the quilt pattern I want to make next to impossible (or impossible!) to do with the digital so I'm writing down the pattern and that is an easy way to copy a cut size wrong! I returned home Tuesday from an 11 day trip and found More Adventures With Leaders and Enders next to my chair and enjoyed looking through it again last night. I don't do that with digital.

PalmerGal said...

I love reading novels on my Kindle, but for quilt books and most magazines, I want paper! The only advantage I can see to a digital quilt book is being able to enlarge the type and zoom in on a photo - but I'm sticking with the hard copy.

Hope the girlfriend measures up!

Claudia said...

Bonnie, thank you so much for offering your book on kindle!! I love real books but our lifestyle makes digital books more desirable. We live, work, and play fulltime in our RV where space and weight is of great concern. Also, between your travel schedule and our travels I have yet to figure out how to get your books without paying postage twice when we have our mail forwarded..your book is now on My Kindle and I can' t wait to settle down on this Rainey day to enjoy. I better go! Claudia

Barbara said...

I have a Kindle and use it mainly to borrow books from the library. I cannot imagine buying an electronic quilting book, I refer to the book and instruction often when making a quilt from a book, and a hardcopy is so much easier. Plus I like to browse the photos often.

Marcie's Quilting Therapy said...

As a vendor at sewing/quilting related shows across the country for over 10 years, I know about how little authors make per book sale. I've used your FREE patterns during the last year on at least 15 quilts. I just ordered 4 books from you...to try to repay you for such a wonderful website. I'm looking every day at the post office - I know they'll be here soon. Hurray!!!! and THANK YOU!!

Judy H. said...

For those who are concerned about templates, etc. in quilt books: I do have one kindle quilt book (it was a gift). It has links to a website where you can print out proper-sized templates. I'm still not sure how much I like the format for my craft books, but as Bonnie pointed out, for some, like those overseas, it could be a good option. I also might like it for those times when I'm on the fence about a book. I might not want to buy it for full price, but if I get the e-version, at least the author get some money from me, rather than none when I don't buy it. I'll stick to the paper books mainly, though!

Susie Q said...

What a hoot! I have been thinking about the new Mystery quilt as well.... wondering if Bonnie would tell my local quilt shop how many 2.5 strips of neutral will be used so they can laser cut them all ready all 50 different strips.... or better yet if I could bring my 100 fabs for them to laser cut..... a gal can dream can't she.

Anonymous said...

I have ordered 5 books from you. But now I cannot stop thinking about the Nov mystery!!! Gah I cannot wait.

Lucky Duck Dreams said...

I love having digital books through my kindle app. However I would check it out first to see if the book is usable. Amazon will reformat books. I bought a quilt book put out by CTpub through amazon. Amazon removed the table of contents page and there was no ability to easily move through the book except to tediously page through each page. The pub finally sent me their digital book version. This has happened on a couple other craft/non fiction books I have purchased through amazon for kindle. Im want to order a signed copy!

Helen in the UK said...

I thought I would try the 'sample' option to see what a quilt book looked like on the Kindle app on the iPad. Unfortunately, you only get the contents, dedication and acknowledgement pages. I realise it is a sample, but I would have liked to see how a page of quilt instructions comes out before commiting to buy in this format. As you are the digital 'test pilot' for Kansas Star you might like to pass this comment back to them.

Have your other 4 books in print form and hope to get the new one eventually too :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip Mary Ellen! Can anyone tell me where the app is found and what it's called, for reading Kindle books on a Sony reader?

This is also the first time I've heard about books with printing restrictions with links to templates being provided, that's a great solution as well. But this is only one book that is mentioned, and you won't know they'll actually provide them until you've bought the book.

carol said...

Hi I just ordered both leader and ender books from a UK online business that specialises in Quilting needlecraft books.

You don't mention the ibooks (apple) store specifically but I found it there.

I'm thrilled to have More Leaders and enders on my iPad while I wait for the paper copies to arrive.

Will we be seeing more of your books on ibooks - hope they give you a better deal than Amazon/kindle?

Penny said...

I have to say I am tempted simply because the Kindle version here in the UK is less than £5 which is a lot less than the postage costs would be for a hard copy to be shipped. (It also includes VAT at 20% so the taxman gets his cut which unfortunately is more than the author gets.) If I do decide to buy it I will keep it on my MacBook rather than Kindle as my old Kindle only does black & white but like many others have commented, there is nothing to beat flicking through a real book.

Unknown said...

75c to the author from Amazon is as 'generous' as their attempts to 'generously' pay tax

Fran Russell said...

I'm going to download one on my Kindle. I am on the fence about the digital versus hard copy question, but I have half a dozen or so quilting books on my Kindle and so far I'm loving it. It's much less bulky to take along to retreats or shop hops (to check yardages) and instead of a big stack of books next to my chair, one lightweight little box. I agree publishers are ripping authors off. But the exposure you will get on Amazon will enable people all over the world to quickly enjoy your boooks!

Becca said...

I know that Amazon recently started offering some books with a complimentary, or low-cost, copy of the e-book. This means I can get the paper copy and a digital copy in the same purchase. I really like this model as I like to have my craft books in paper form but having a digital copy of the same book makes it infinitely more useful when shopping for the supplies for a project as I take my tablet everywhere. Thank you for trying it out to make it more accessible to more people. Kindle books are available for smart phones, tablets and e-readers which gets your content into the hands of so many more people.

Lynn Czar said...

I had no idea that for all your hard work, that you only get .75 per book! That's terrible! I want to thank you once again for all you for us . I have my signed copies and cherish them.

Lisa said...

I have a 650sq foot house. So 95% of my books are digital....I clicked your book immediately. Paper books get a much longer eval, because I have to consider the space!

meemersmom said...

I've bought a total of one quilt pattern book digitally; trying to use it was so frustrating (pictures and type too small, or not being able to see the entire image at the same time due to screen size limitations)that I bought the hard copy three days later. I love my Kindle for many things, including other types of books, but pattern books will always be the "real" version for me.

Anonymous said...

I like to hold a real book..don't like reading large amounts of info on the computer

Sharon J. Hughson said...

I do digital books b/c it saves me space and perhaps a twig of a tree somewhere. That being said, I buy the 'real' books from two authors. You and Pat Sloan. I want to keep the good times rolling. I do the same with my fav. fiction authors. I know you have to eat to continue writing and sharing. ;-)

Joyce w said...

I love love your new book my friend and I purchased them in the hard copy.I have bought quilt patterns in digital because that was all that was offered, but I promptly printed the entire book and put it in a binder where I could "hold" and enjoy. I love to have a "hard" copy of my quilt patterns. Have a great time at the cabin.

coversquilter said...

Bonnie, I appreciate your reminding us of the removal of Celtic Solstice BUT I thought about that and I am not printing if. Reason? I will buy whatever book you put it in and happy to do so whether digital or print or BOTH! As a retired school librarian, I share your tangible appreciated of books especially beautiful quilting books. With your name in the author slot, it's a must purchase.

Judy said...

I am a hard copy person, I like to make notes in my books and ptint the instructions at times so I don't ruin my book. I love to read regular books on my nook but not magazines. Thanks for all you do for us quilters, it is greatly appreciated.

Lindah said...

Hi Bonnie --I'm sure there a lot of folks who will rush for the digital copy, but not me. I love my Kindle, but not for quilting or cookbooks. I need to be able to see the photos/illustrations/charts up close and flip back and forth much more easily than on Kindle. Sometimes I like to copy the instructions for easier handling, or sometimes I take the whole book in for a spiral binding so it will lie flat. These books are more like tools to me. Not so much on a reader. I can see how a digital copy could be handy on a retreat, but I can't afford both, so it won't be the digital. That's how it is here in Chez Quiltsalot.

Marge P said...

I guess I am still back in the 20th century if not before. :-( I do not want digital copies of books or magazines. I am old fashioned enough to want to hold the item and turn the pages.

I am sure that eventually the real book or magazines will be history but I am not going to be one of them to help that happen.

Unknown said...

Congrats on going digital, but I still prefer the real paper books myself.Have a great time at Qiult Villa and have a safe trip home. I am ready for a quilt-cam Hint hint!
Jean Keeter

Just Plain Pam said...

YEA - I'm happy to read you've worked up the November mystery quilt! Looking forward to it really keeps me going! Thank you Bonnie!

RebeccaH said...

I much prefer a non electrical way to access my books and mags and patterns. I like snail mail and like it arriving on my doorstep, love my mail lady. anyway, if you reach more readers it is a good thing, Best wishes in all you do.

Sherie said...

I love real books, but running out of room! I also love digital on my PC and my Nook. I don't have a Kindle :(
I need a new copy of Leaders and Enders after my sweet granddaughter spilled orange drink on my copy and I did not discover it until it was all dry and the pages were all stuck together!

Barb Johnson said...

Hi Bonnie,
Like you, I am on the fence about digital books. I'd like to try them, because my bookshelves are packed to the hilt. But what happens if the file containing the digital books gets corrupted? Then you can't access it anymore. A hard copy can always be read. I guess I could print out the digital file, but that cancels out any advantages of the digital book.

Anonymous said...

L&E (and 2) are my very favorite quilt books! I LOVE them! I can't imagine not having the actual book…but I see that a digital copy does have a benefit to some. Wishing you good fortune on this big step and to those who benefit from the platform….but there will always be those of us that can't live without your books:) I think I have every one!

JudyCinNC said...

No thanks on the digital offering ... when I buy a Bonnie Hunter book, I want to hold it in my hands and touch and feel and read and go back and read again and buying directly from you helps both of us. Kindle just does not work for me. I love books - period... JC

Sherry said...

I don't want a digital quilting book with patterns. I ordered your book, with template, and love it. I download lots of "reading" material books, but I want a hard copy book for instructions.

Kucki68 said...

I got my paper copy last week and just love it (once the smell is gone I will love it even more).

As usual I am excited to start a new Project from it.

Edie Edie said...

I love reading books for pleasure on my Kindle, but I need a hard copy to follow along with for quilting. I love that we now have a choice but I will stick with the hard copy of your books. Quilting books are the only books I still buy, though.

TexasSarah said...

I use my Kindle a lot and like the variety of books available for it, so I got your ebook as soon as I saw the information about it. I like the ability to access it on the Kindle (and not loose it in a stack of books or unrelated items).

The major drawback I see is a limitation on the Kindle reader itself. the pictures of the full size quilts and the layouts cannot be enlarged. That is a big difference between the Kindle reader and something like a pdf reader. While text can be made bigger, pictures can't (or maybe it is just that I don't know how to make them bigger.
Love the book ad have narrowed my first from that book to one of two.

blueadt said...

Bonnie, I MUCH prefer hard copy for sewing books but as I'm in England the shipping plus import duty triples the price of the book and sadly makes it unobtainable so I have bought it in Kindle format. I've added the Kindle app to my tablet so I can see it in colour.

Do you have plans to publish your other books in this format?

Anonymous said...

Am looking at buying a Kindle.. and besides Novels - had a quick look to see if there are quilting books available. I have been hankering for this book 'More L & E's" but so costly to mail to South Africa - postage is about the same cost as the book..Well guess what - I'm buying a kindle now - no more hesitation. Love your Books Bonnie...look forward to more Kindle versions. Lotsa Love from Sunny South Africa...Margie Adams

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