
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Will Brake for Antique Malls!

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See this sign?

One of the nation’s LARGEST MALLS?!

Well, I believed it and did stop ---

I actually made three antique mall stops yesterday with high hopes of finding really cool stuff --- and maybe it’s just me anymore, but all I saw was stuff that wasn’t that great, and everything had more of a “yard sale” feel than what I was hoping for.  Sometimes the treasure hunt is like that ---you just don’t find anything.

I did leave with some photos…for instance, THIS took me back in time:

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1970s fondue pot!

We had this same exact set when I was growing up – and I loved it when mom would put the fondue pot in the center of the table and we would cook our own pieces of meat or veggies and sit around and talk and visit while we cooked one morsel at a time.  It was a “togetherness” kind of thing. 

I am sure however, that all of that oil was not beneficial to my early teens acne problem!  It was a fun little flash back, those memories that came to mind while I stood there in the antique mall surrounded by things like this.

NOT A SINGLE TREADLE! ?!?!  I didn’t see a single one.  In fact I came across only one machine:

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1950’s New Home

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Check the direction of the take up lever on this thing, and how it threads?!

I didn’t bring it home….my herd is really as large as I want it to be, and I prefer machines that are easier to thread than this.  This one has the pulley system that my Betsy Ross treadle has –it’s kind of a pain!

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I thought of my friend Allison when I saw this 1950s iron with the red handle!

But I thought the price was high, and my iron herd is pretty well populated as well!  This was a full size iron – HEAVY –but the cord left me a bit suspect.  I am on the look out for another vintage travel iron that I can actually use.

I also want a rectangular glass refrigerator dish for butter, and you wouldn't think that would be hard to find between 3 antique mall stops – but NADA!

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There were a few sweet quilts…like this 1950s Dresden plate!

Check the quilting…it marches straight through the plates, which is why this quilt is probably still in such good shape.  Everything was anchored down by the quilting that went right over those plate blades.

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There was a very sweet Sunbonnet Sue ---

One thing about antique malls, there is not always a spot to lay out a quilt!  Check the cornerstones on this one..they alternate between pink and blue and I think that added an interesting touch.

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By the prints, I’m guessing this is also 1940s-1950s.

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My drive from NC to TN included some beautiful mountain views!

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You would think with all of these aisles I would find SOME kind of treasure!


But I did find a couple more quilts:

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Isn’t this interesting? 

It’s a string quilt, and is sewn strippy style…the diamonds on the left column have 4 smaller diamonds joined to become one large one.  The other two columns are just one large diamond – did she get lazy?

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Close up of one corner.

The diamonds are joined by large triangles of striped fabric which adds to the mass of confusion –Love the border and how she has built that out of pieces and parts.

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Striped Castle Wall!

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All of the stripes look like they could have come from a clothing factory ---

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The prints in the centers look to be about 1950s.

Even though nothing came home with me, I still had a fun time browsing – it was a great way to get out of the car and stretch my legs…..

The one thing I DID buy?

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I can’t say no to ice cream!

This morning it is raining in London, Kentucky, and the temps are plummeting.  The rain is supposed to turn into snow at some point.  What a difference from yesterday where temps reached 75 and I was able to go for a nice long walk after dinner!

Will spring EVER really arrive?? 

I’m not being picked up until 2pm so you will find me in my hotel room doing much of this:


Flying geese strips getting trimmed!

I’m sure the maids are going to have a lot to gossip about after cleaning “That crazy quilter’s room” !!

If you missed it, there is a Give-Away and a trunk show of the quilts in my new book going on HERE.  Pre-Orders are in full swing!  Did you order your copy of More Adventures with Leaders & Enders yet?!

Have a great Wednesday, Everyone!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


farmhousequilter8 said...

Sounds like fun to me!!!

farmhousequilter8 said...

Sounds like fun to me!!!

Linda H said...

I love the antique outlets but like you, I very often come away with nothing. I don't know if it is just me but the prices of things seem to be creeping up all the time, even if the items are not particularly collectable. Keep warm in Kentucky.

Tamie said...

I actually just found an old travel iron this past weekend. I found an outlet to plug it in- just to be sure. When I went to check out, the clerk said that the iron was warm. Well of course it was! Happy hunting.

Susie said...

Love the quilts! How do people art with such treasures?
The orange fondue pot is a hoot...we had a gold one!

Lakegaldonna said...

You know I think it's age! If you frequent antique places you see quite a few things. At some point you've seen things two three and more times. They aren't new to you anymore. I too don't come away with much of anything any more.

However a few months ago DH and I were on the prowl in an antique mall. He found a Putnam Improved Cloth Chart which did come home with us and is hanging in my quilt studio on the wall. It's a big metal caliper like looking thing that dry goods stores would use to estimate yardage on a bolt of fabric.

He picked it up to look at it because it looked like guy stuff, a tool. Then he saw the name and brought it to me. Yippee, a win for me! I had never seen one and also would have never picked it up thinking it was a tool.

Anyway, it's hanging on my wall and I get a charge out of it. If you google the name of it you will see some images and some for sale on ebay. It's about two feet long so it's no little tool. We got it for the princely sum of $21.00 which worked for me. So if you are interested google it so that you know what one looks like. Happy hunting all.

Debra in Ohio said...

The cold weather won't stay around for too long, hopefully. My quilt group met yesterday and since I am going to demonstrate how to make Maverick Stars blocks next month, our leader called me "Debbie Hunter" by mistake. We had a laugh over that. They all know the name "Bonnie Hunter" since I keep trying to get them to realize how much more sewing they can do if they use leaders and enders and use their scraps instead of throwing them in the trash. I have a nice collection from them since they still don't look at the fabric pieces as parts of quilts, just trash. Soon they'll realize how to make more quilts from their scraps.


HEY BONNIE--I find it hard to consider things made after 1953 to be considered antiques. I am vintage! OMG!! I dont think I could by something from the 70's...now some things from the 90's are antiques...yikes!!! there is a huge mall in Tucson that I should have taken you to--kinda like a strip mall...a lot of them are often over-priced so I generally leave empty-handed but it sure is fun to look!!!! love the quilts you took pics of--thanks for sharing!

Bonnie Baker Lippincott said...

Love it. That New Home machine is what I learned to sew on when I wad 10! Guaranteed never to jam. I loved that machine and was up many nights making a dress to wear to school the next day. Such fond memories.

Pattie D said...

As I am your age Bonnie, your senior by 2 months.... I am a bit taken back that the fondue pot was in the ANTIQUE MALL.... LOL! What does this really say about us? Hope it warms up for you, safe warm and dry and have fun!

janequiltsslowly said...

I love the stripy triangles quilt that was worth the stop I'd say.

Tonya Ricucci said...

ooooh love that string diamond quilt!

Old quilter said...

Way to early to have been BKH influenced. I suspect she used string diamonds when she just did not have fabric enough to make the size needed - Love it!

Mary said...

I had a pretty much catch and release day at the Antique Mall last week. I did find a yellow Fire King bowl to add to my collection. My grandma served us "mush" in bowls like that. I now have 8 of them to share memories with my 19 grandchildren. It's a good thing they don't usually all come at the same time. Not quite halfway to the number I'd need if they did. The best thing I saw was a Funky Overall Bill or Sam quilt. You can check it out on my FB page or Blog. http://mary-quiltingrandma.blogspot.com/2014/03/design-wall-monday-march-10-2014.html

Unknown said...

GLORIANNA\We go over to Dutch Valley antiques about once a month!

Tell you, folks who own shops etc buy ALOT of East TN antiques to resell.

Smiles, JulieinTN

Diane larson said...

Love that castle wall quilt. Just might have to make one for myself

Anonymous said...

My mom had that weird - threading New Home when I was a child, and that's what I learned to sew on! My dear mother is not particularly mechanically inclined, and always had trouble threading it. The other thing I remember about that machine - the motor sparked and the whole thing smelled a little funny when I got going fast! Traded it in in about 1968 for a new Singer that did zig zag(!) for my eighth grade graduation gift!

Nettie sebastian said...

You have soooooo much fun while you work!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie, I saw one of those rectangular butter dishes in a local thrift store, you might have better luck in that type of store.

Anonymous said...

That sewing macine looks like the one my grandmother had that I also learned to sew on!

Sharyn Hutchinson said...

The iron looks like an American Beauty. I have one and I love it.

Unknown said...

Love your geese!

Karen Clark said...

OMG! That fondue pot! Just last week my DH and I had a conversation over my avocado green pot whether it was coming to our new house in Tennessee or not. Can't throw anything away. It's here!

VickiT said...

Bonnie, your picture of the fondue pot just officially made me feel really old. An antique mall? Really? I had to laugh though at the same time, because I have that very same fondue pot in what was the favorite color back in that time period; olive green. It was my Mom's and it is still in its original box, in perfect condition even though it was used about a million times. I keep trying to find a nicer one to replace it, but the new ones are just not the same as the old one. They're not a sturdy/thick as those were.

Miss Eva said...

I'd say the stripy triangle quilt was the result of just using what she had. Looks like she put just what she had on hand.

Nita said...

Oh, we are just like you...could easily plan an entire vacation around antique stores, lol!

Kathleen said...

I used to have a fondue pot like that only mine was green. No hot oil though . . . always something cheesy or chocolatey went into my pot!

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