
Saturday, March 01, 2014

Walk Me, Run Me, Hike Me!

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This is the squinty-smile of a very happy dog who LOVES being out doors!

When Sadie is in her happy place, she takes off like her tail is on fire and runs as hard and as fast as she can.

Her joy is exuberant, her happiness unconstrained.

This morning before breakfast we took her out on the hiking trails around the cabin ---these trails are much unused, other than the deer, and she was discovering deer smells everywhere.

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Off she goes running, tail wagging fiercely!

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So much to discover, must smell EVERYTHING!

((Can you even find a little golden dog amidst the leaves in this photo?!))

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I can see mountain ridges through the trees as we hike – by the time these trees leaf out, you won’t be able to see ANYTHING through them.  Enjoy the view now while we can!

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Sadie still runs ahead, kicking up leaves!

Ever watch a dog throw back its ears and take off at breakneck speed?  You would think she was part greyhound ---When the “Zoomies” take her over she is lightning fast, and you can tell she has never been happier. We got in almost a couple of miles and she has been crashed out since..LOL

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I finished cutting all of my base rectangles for my Lozenges last night.  This is a shot of my Quilting Nook area down in the basement of the cabin….ironing board covered with 3.5” strips – I’m sewing at the 301 in the card table and the tall table to the right is the farm table that was here in this basement area when we bought the cabin.  It’s up on bed risers to bring it to a better height for me.

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More cutting of 2” black squares for the Lozenge Project going on here on top of the cutting table.

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I’ve purposed this caddy from Ikea as a way to hold my Lozenge project contained.

All 400+ rectangles are on the far side –I’ve cut a bunch of black squares, and have started off with a handful of neutrals – I need to pull those out of the 2” squares drawer, and I didn’t bring those with me, so I’ve cut SOME from 2” strips.  The caddy will make it handy to move from place to place.

I’ve started in on the baby quilt for my sister ---and in between the seams I’ve been sewing Lozenges…..they build really fast!

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This is going to be a fun fun quilt!

We are heading out in about an hour, to meet up with Peggy and her hubby who are adopting out their treadle machine to me!  Can hardly wait to see what it’s like ---

Have a great afternoon/evening everyone!

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Nancy said...

Love the light and dark backgrounds. Nancy Wisconsin

Heather said...

Bonnie, I'm wondering if you will keep the bonus triangles from this project or if it finally qualifies as too small?!?!

Katy said...

Saw a sign for a quilt room this morning: BABE CAVE! Perfect for your cabin basement quilt room!

Blessed said...

Sadie's grand adventure. She looks like she had a ball of a time. So nice to see her enjoying "cabin" life.

Karen said...

I really enjoy reading your posts. you are a good writer. Is there a secret to your boundless energy?

Debra in Ohio said...

Your view is great from the trails. Sadie is so lucky to have you and your DH as her mommy and daddy. Bonnie, at the rate you are going on the lozenges quilt, you'll have to come up with another leader & ender by July. The quilt is going to be spectacular.

susiefloozie said...

There is nothing like a happy dog running wild & free! My Gus has gotten too old to run but will still join me for a walk any time, any day!

Ness said...

So what kind of blankie are you making for the baby!!?? I'm busy sewing blankies for my first grandbaby due in May. (So excited!)
That pic of Sadie smiling at the camera just cracks me up...what a good picture. LOL! 8 below and snowing here...my little papillon Romeo will have to settle for a race around the pool table/quilt cutting table (heehee) downstairs which he loves to do anyhow.
Have a good time at the cabin! :) I like the Lozenges...going to have to join you on that one. :)
I'm new to you technique so I'm trying hard to figure out what colors and sizes I need to follow along...thanks for the good instructions...for some reason I need to keep rereading them...maybe should not do some many at once...LOL! I want to make them all!

Linda H said...

Good to think you are energetically relaxing on your break at the cabin!! Sadie sure is having a great time. Lozenges are coming on, it puts me to shame. Must get must get mt butt in gear.

Great pictures once again.


Unknown said...

Sadie looks like she in camo when dashng through the leaves. She is so cute!

By the way, what is the larger block on your cabin design wall all about? Looks interesting.

You are gonna get me hooked the the stained glass quilt...bag Bonnie! I have decided 2014 is when I get all unfinished quilts DONE! LOL ok I am trying to get them done.

Smiles, JulieinTN

Unknown said...
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Becky Thomason said...

What a fun way to spend a Saturday. I feel Sadie's joy and am anxiously waiting until we can take our RV back into the mountains of Utah, Wyoming and Montana this spring and summer.

Sue's Stitchin' said...

What an awesome smile from Sadie. We had a cocker that smiled like that when I was a kid. Looooong time ago . . . .

Anonymous said...

HI Bonnie,
Saddie's smile is so cute and she looked like she had a wonderful time in the woods.

Just wondering what the block on your design wall is? It's beautiful!

mascanlon said...

Such a sweet girl running down the path! Walking with fur babies is just such a happy place to be!

Karen H said...

Hi Bonnie - just wondering if you recently started posting pictures in a different way on your blog - I can't see any of them, just a small "x" shows up. If I click on it, I get "the web page cannot be found" message.

Cousin Jill said...

Sadie really looks like she is smiling in the first picture!! I wish I had woods near where I live to run my dog....we both would love it!!!! Melody and I are getting our challenge fabric ready to!!!! Thanks for sharing!!

Sadie said...

Hi Bonnie, Sadie is happy. And they way you describe her enjoying the outdoors it so descriptive it makes us feel like we are right there.
I am so curious about your baby quilt. Will you share how and what you are coming up with there? Is it a new design that you will be playing with or a trusted old pattern?
And why is the fight block still on your design wall?

cityquilter grace said...

great minds think alike! when i was thinking about doing this project, black/white came immediately to mind for the corners...it's gorgeous!

Joan Gelder said...

The last two or three days when I try to see your pictures it comes up with Not Found at this server. I have tried Safari, Firefox, and internet explorer. I can tell from comments that others are seeing them. Any ideas?

Ellen said...

Love the dogs when they get the 'zoomies'. Mine does it with the cats(when they are not supervising the quilting).

Ellen said...
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Kathy said...

Bonnie- in the picture of the original Lozenge quilt the blocks looked longer than the ones you are making now. Is this an accurate interpretation or is it my perception? I like the longer look so wondering if I need to cut my rectanges longer. Thanks!

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