
Monday, March 31, 2014

Spring Has Sprung!

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At least for today --

I’m not holding my breath as to what may happen by this weekend, I don’t trust it a BIT!

But today it reached the mid-70s…not that I was out for much of it.  But still.

I enjoyed blue sky and sunshine and wore SHORT SLEEVES to the post office ((TWICE)) and to the dentist ((ONCE…once is enough!)) and am happy to report that the crown that was glued back down about a month ago is still going strong and I don’t need a new one.  Yet.  No cavities either.  Yet!

After post office trip #2 I headed into the gas station running on fumes….seems we forgot to even CHECK the gas gauge when leaving the mountain yesterday –—good thing I caught it.  It was plum empty.

And off to town I went for the most exciting adventure of the day ---


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I think this shirt would look better in a quilt than on a body, don’t you?

I was after more boxes of bubble mailers.  When I stopped by on Friday, they only had 4 cases.  FOUR.  As in…not enough.  But I bought them anyway.

Today when I went back…they had SIX.  And they had filled up the hole on the shelf where these mailers are usually there by the dozens with boxes of OTHER STUFF…I guess so the shelf wouldn't look lonely and empty, but they can’t fool me.  WHERE ARE MY MAILERS?!

When I checked out I asked the checker if they knew when they’d get more in.  He said “Just a second, I’ll check the computer.”  About 5 minutes later he comes back to tell me there are 14 more cases on a pallet somewhere.  “I WANT THEM!” I said, emphatically.  “All of them?” He asked, wide eyed.

YES.  All of them.  Like NOW.

So he found someone with a fork lift to go scouting and I was the one the spotted them way up high and said “These ones!”

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Can’t hide from me, 14 cases of mailers!  You are mine!

Getting mailing envelopes shouldn’t be so difficult.  And I know I could have them mail ordered to me, but what fun is that?

The UPS man doesn’t come with perks like this:

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I was told I needed to up my calcium.  I obeyed!

All 20 cases are now here at home with me and I will resume book signing and order filling come morning.  But the evenings are MINE.

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I got in my 10,000 steps and passed by these trees!

Someone in my neighborhood was even mowing their lawn…..aroma of the gods!

And tonight I start to load the Wonky Wishes quilt into the machine……..or maybe….I’ll stretch out this process a bit longer and PIECE A BATTING!  There is a box that needs emptying and I am not in any kind of hurry to get this done…..

However you spend it, enjoy your Monday evening!

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Mary Ellen said...

I also had a pesky crown that kept coming loose. It was glued back in three times before I decided to have a new one made. Pricey proposition. The tooth had to be re-shaped to allow a better surface for the new crown to adhere to.

Know what you mean about the lazy part. Spring fever is here at my house in a big way, too. Glad you found the mailers. Can't wait for my new book!

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie, my NEW, autographed copy of More Adventures with Leaders and Enders arrived today! I LOVE the way it is put together, very nice! I know what I will be doing tonight, drooling over all of the quilts in the book, and deciding which one I want to try doing those leaders and enders for first!

Nancy said...

We don't have green grass yet and has not hit 60 yet. Brrr... back to 40 s rest of the week. I KNOW spring is coming to Wisconsin some day! Sigh.

Jskeeffe said...

Wow! You are so fortunate to have SPRING!!! Nothing but snow and more snow here although it is melting s-l-o-w-l-y. Enjoy the lovely weather and flowers!!!

Karen in Kentucky said...

Bonnie, when you piece a batting, do you stitch it together-like wide zig zag OR do you use tape to do it?

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

I just emailed my husband to tell him you are a kindred spirit. He laughs at me all the time for eating ice cream at any excuse.

AND I got my More Adventures with Leaders and Enders in the mail today!!!! I am drooling. So many ideas. Great book. Another one.

Terri in BC said...

It's so lovely to see signs of spring. We had the same kind of weather here on the West Coast of Canada today, the magnolia across the street is in full bloom and the one in my backyard is about to burst!

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Tonight Spring here is 13 degrees with a crazy wind blowing. Wind chill is probably below zero. Yesterday it was 70. I'm afraid our fruit trees won't even have blossoms this year since they have little buds already. Our weather is so insane.

Nancy said...

Well I spent my Monday evening doing english paper piecing while watching my UCONN gals beat Texas A&M. Go Huskies!!

Andee said...

Yay for the perks of shopping in person and balancing it out with your 10,000 steps! I skipped the perk and only got 7,000 ish in today, but working towards that goal one day! Also very excited you got your mailers...I already had one good mail day this week and I know another one is coming! :)

Irene Onderweegs said...

We have been mowing TWICE already!
Something we would never have been dreaming of: the kind with brakes, gears and all good things the hubs wanted; good thing to live in Witmarsum! In a few yrs there will be nothing to mow - we hope so at least! We are going permaculture, for today there is more hedges to be cut on the list.... 80 mtr of them =^}
Bring in the sunshine, and another quilt to bind sitting on the deck.
Planning to be in Birmingham this year, hope to meet you there 8^}
Irene from Witmarsum, Friesland.

Aileen said...

HI Bonnie. Thanks for the Books. They arrived yesterday and I read them cover to cover. Now to figure out which lovely quilt I wan to do next.

Aileen in Florida

Edie Edie said...

You are so funny. Spotted those mailing envelopes, did you? I received my book yesterday! I am so excited. I had a busy day and didn't have time to do more than just flip through it,Enjoy the beautiful weather.

Josie McRazie said...

I just finished a quilt (yesterday) and had to piece my batting! Wait a minute it was my version of Blue Ridge Beauty! U call it Orange & Blue Beauty! I twisted up the pattern and made it my own, but I'm in love with it!

Nora said...

I did not know Sam's had ice cream like that. Wow.

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