
Thursday, March 06, 2014

Sewing & More Sewing!

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When Lisa comes, she comes bearing gifts!

Are there any better gifts than the scrappy variety?  WE DON’T THINK SO!

This all came about due to a conversation at lunch yesterday where we were talking about the “Big Stringy Mess” we were making in my basement studio, and who’s mess was bigger….

Always on for a challenge, Tonya said “I’ll take your ugly scraps!”  And Lisa said..”I just might take you UP on that….”

And before I new it our quilting-twosome had become a piecing threesome when Lisa agreed to come join us for the afternoon.

She came downstairs hauling these THREE HUGE bags!  Oh GOODNESS!  Isn't this going to be a mass of fun!?

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Tonya sewed and sewed and sewed with skinny strings on 3.5” foundations…..

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Look how productive!

Between my strings, the strings that Tonya brought with her, and what Lisa dumped on my basement floor ---what was once considered ugly by some is now turning into a thing of much fun, and dare I say it..BEAUTY!?  You know…if it’s still ugly, you just didn’t cut it SMALL enough!

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My neutrals bin is stil over flowing…boy is there some funky stuff in here!

How many of you can spot the Packers fabric?

Here’s a close up:

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Packers fans are “NEVER” Neutral, but this is playing in my neutral string sashings, baby!!

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My stack as it grew.

I need 71 sashings.  It’s going to take me a while.  You may be seeing more photos of neutral string piecing because this is where I am and what I am working on, and it’s going to look like a lot of the same thing after the same thing –But I am motivated and working going to get it done

We are back in the studio sewing up more this morning!

Have a great Thursday, everyone!

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Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


Anonymous said...

I wish I was there...I love to dig into scraps and sew strings...Joaniegirl in Lakeland FL

Valerie said...

Hi, Bonnie! and hi to Tonya and Lisa as well. Looks like you are having seeeew much fun!! I'd love to have basic details on your sashings. I've seen loooong sets of strips all sewn together, and now it looks like you're doing rectangles on uncut phone book pages. Iknow you're sewing with abandon then cutting to size, but your "abandon" always has a plan. What size will your sashings be? And how are long the looooong sets of strings sewn together? Thanks for sharing the fun!

Valerie in warm, slightly overcast Phoenix

Sewing Junkie said...

What a good friend. She shares. I have been offered more phone books and I'm sure I will be using then up soon. Have fun today. Chris

Linda H said...

Oh to have someone to sew with as you are doing. None of my friends or relatives are sewers of any kind so I am left to my own company. Still, you can't argue with yourself can you?! You look to be having such a wonderful time. It must be heaven to have such a collocation of scraps to choose from. Can't wait to see your finished quilt.

Unknown said...

Must be wonderful to have your friends there with you and sewing. Have great fun!
Hugs, Chris

Rike Busch said...

*gg* what a great fun to dig into the scraps. Loved to be there, too.

Unknown said...

Wow!! I see alot of pretty things coming out of that so-called ugly fabric! What fun!! AND I saw the Packer fabric IMMEDIATELY!! Course, I am a die-hard cheesehead!! I LOVE IT!

Anna said...

Morning Bonnie! Wish I was there with you and Tonya! Have fun, see you next weekend!

Cathy said...

How fun!

Kevin the Quilter said...

OK, I need to go take some more blood pressure medication because after seeing all of those delicious scraps, my heart is racing! TOO! MUCH! FUN!!!!!

Unknown said...

The Ugly Scrap Gang strikes again. HOW you make horrid fabric look so good is beyond me ;). But I trust what you teach us...and by dangy, it works for me also!!!!!

Thanks, keep quilting, stripping and have a great time
Smiles, JulieinTN

NeverBored said...

I spotted the Packer fabric in the jumbled pile of neutrals immediately! And yes, there's some of that fabric here at my house because I, too, am a die-hard Packer fan!

Ele said...

Good scrappy Thursday, Bonnie and friends!! I started my day with some of this myself, adding lovely cheddar sashing to my string strips, and I also set a dozen Boxy Star blocks together. Have to get ready to welcome visitors and start a very busy bluegrass music weekend here in snowy Arkansas. Being scrappy is a blast!! Have fun ladies.

NancyinSTL said...

My fabric stash is limited, but I might beat all of you in scraps. So, I'll be bookmarking this post. Anyway, I wonder, "Do you ever use adding machine paper for foundation piecing your scraps?". I purchased a bag of about eight rolls for less than a buck at a thrift store and shared some with my quilter friends. We're looking for ways to use it.

Cat Herder said...

Gosh, I could never get any sewing done, I'd be too busy looking through all those yummy fabrics!
You guys are just having too much fun!

Vickie in Cleveland

Saska said...

It took me awhile to learn that pinks, browns and blues can go in the neutral bin too.

I have said that "ugly rule" to so many people. Some of them just don't GET it.

Ebony said...

I love that you have this opportunity to have a quilt retreat too, where you can just sew with friends, relax and have fun without the pressures of teaching, travelling and lecturing. I bet you are feeling so revived!

Old quilter said...

I'd really like to know what the measurements of that tub with all the neutral strings are. (or maybe not( lol

Mary said...

Waving Hello from SE Washington State! The sun is trying to come out and Spring just might be around the corner. I'm so glad you are having a Fun time with Tonja an Lisa. What a friend to come bearing Bags of scraps. Very Colorful!

Andee said...

Go Pack Go! Love to see scraps of Packer fabric turn up in quilts! :)

Debra in Ohio said...

Would love to see the quilts that Tonya and Lisa make when they're finished with what they worked on today. I know that Bonnie's is going to turn out super and, I'm sure, so will Tonya's and Lisa's. Just interested in seeing what they look like when finished. Liked the comment about the adding machine tape. Have you ever used it for foundation? Would like to have a sewing friend to come to my house; my sewing friend is Bonnie Hunter on Quilt Cam. :-)

Unknown said...

How funny! I spotted that Packer fabric immediately! Hubby is a huge Packer fan.

Betty said...

YaY, I see some BAMA fabric in there also! Bama fans are never neutral either. Looks like y'all are having way too much fun!

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