
Sunday, March 09, 2014

Mona’s Easy Street, AKA Sparkling Sea Glass!

Mona sent along an email so excited to tell me what she won with her rendition of Easy Street at her quilt show in Melbourne, Florida this past weekend!

Little did she know that I had already received another email from someone who attended the show, saw the quilt and recognized it right off and sent ME photos to share in Ramona’s excitement behind the scenes.

Deb wrote:

I went to our local (Melbourne, Florida) Quilt Show yesterday and just had to share this with you.
A lady named Mona Collins won 1st place in the Pieced/Collaborative category for her quilt “Sparkling Sea Glass”.

She also won Best in the First Time Quilt Show entry for this Easy Street quilt!!  Two awards for one quilt!

Deb in FL 
Deb’s picture of Mona’s Quilt!
And then Mona’s email came in!

Beautiful proud smile!

Our quilt show was the 7th and 8th.  I won two ribbons for my Easy Street "Sparkling Sea Glass".
Scott Murkin was the judge for our show, "Timeless Treasures", given by Seaside Piecemakers Guild in Melbourne, FL.  I hope to see you as one of our lecturers/teachers in the near future.  Thanks for everything you do Bonnie. 
This was my first time ever to enter a quilt show, and Easy Street was only the 2nd quilt I completed (not including quilts for my grandsons), so I was very humbled and happy by the "First Place" ribbon and the "Best of First Time Quilt Show Entry" ribbon.
Mona from Melbourne, FL
Thank you to Deb for being on the look out, and to Mona for both sending me photos.  I’m so pleased to see the ribbons hanging on her beautiful quilt!
It’s been a great day here at Quilt Villa.
Paper work has been completed.  Sewing has been on-going.  A long hike has given me more than the 10,000 steps I needed, and there was “just enough” peanut butter in the jar to go with my sliced apple as a snack.  You know that something must be right if you have JUST ENOUGH.
And I think there is a life lesson in there somewhere, don’t you?  Just enough.  Just enough to be happy, to be busy, to be well fed, to be cared for.  I don’t need excess ---just enough is ENOUGH.
Have a great Sunday evening, everyone!

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Johanna said...

I just started my easy street! I am making the 4 patches for clue #1.
I just love this pattern.

Beantown Grasshopper said...

I saw this! It is fabulous. I love the bold look with the colors. It is a bright, happy quilt.

Pauline said...

Easy Street is the most amazing pattern, thanks to Bonnie Hunter for her generous share of this pattern. I've seen so many colors used in so many quilts and all are absolutely stunning. Some day I hope to post mine!

Unknown said...

I cannot wait for the book so that I may make Easy Street. So excited!

Myrna said...

Congratulations to Mona! Well said Bonnie, just enough is just right!

TcMay said...

That is terrific for Mona and you too Bonnie.It's a Bonnie quilt and in Bonnie colors,how could she lose. I'm so pleased for her & you both winners.My goodness and only her 2nd pieced quilt sounds like.

Susie Q said...

More and more I marvel at your quilts showing up in our finished stacks and at shows and at groups. You have a great following and when the "historians" look back at all the easy streets, etc. I wonder what they will say about the designer??? Thanks for giving and giving and giving. We love Bonnie. I will be seeing Allison this week and wonder what tails - tales she will have about the Bonnie events she has been to.....

Always In Stitches said...

Well that did it. Guess I will be purchasing your book. Easy street is awesome. My congrats to both you and Mona.

Susie Jensen said...

Bonnie, You have changed the way I look at fabric. Just went to Heritage Quilt show in Bloomington, in last Friday and looked for neutrals. I am digging phone books out of the recycling bin (just 2), and buying shirts at Goodwill, I have even started looking at antique machines! What an influence you are. I will see you in Lafayette, IN in November.

Unknown said...

So good to see a Hunter-ite win!!! Bonnie, you should be double proud. Your quilt design, and one of your online 'followers'

Unknown said...

Love the colors... it does look like sea glass. Where can this can this pattern be found?

Dar said...

Congratulations to Mona. Her quilt looks wonderful with those 2 ribbons on it too. The name she chose for this quilt is perfect. Wish I would have thought of it for mine (which is not finished yet).

Unknown said...

This is exciting! Congratulations to both Mona and Bonnie! What an accomplishment for a new quilter. Bonnie is the BEST! She is so generous with her time and talent. I have all of Bonnie's books and will be adding this one to the "list" of quilts to make.

sawsan said...

Yes,the success goes to both of you.You give information completely from your heart so we see the good followers
Congrats to you both

sawsan said...

Yes,the success goes to both of you.You give information completely from your heart so we see the good followers
Congrats to you both

Margie Seaside said...

Saw this quilt in my FB news feed once... certainly deserves a win.
Thanks Bonnie for all you do ....
I too am looking at fabric differently... and wouldn't mind a strawberry pink machine either!

Glady said...

Congratulations to Mona! Your Easy Street looks awesome! What a challenge for your second quilt. I just finished putting the borders on my top of Easy Street and used grey since that was what I had left over. I am having it quilted now. You can see my finished top on my blog post at:

Donna in Winter Garden said...

Congratulations, Mona! I saw your lovely quilt at the show, too. There was also a bricks and stepping stones quilt. I always recognize Bonnie's designs!

Thank you, Bonnie!

Donna in Winter Garden, FL

Farm Quilter said...

Lovely quilt - she deserved the ribbons!! Now, addressing your last comment "And I think there is a life lesson in there somewhere, don’t you? Just enough. Just enough to be happy, to be busy, to be well fed, to be cared for. I don’t need excess ---just enough is ENOUGH." - why do we as quilters usually have such an excess of fabric??? I'm glad my daughters have gotten into sewing and quilting because I am certainly a SABLE!! Maybe I should start shipping out the fabric now as birthday and Christmas gifts!!! I literally have BOLTS (still in plastic kind of bolts) of fabric and all I ever seem to do is LA quilting for others, I can't even get my 40ish quilt tops quilted!

krazyquilt said...

I also loved your comments on Just enough, I need to make more blocks, make them faster and find someone to share with, as I have more than enough of everything. Thanks for all your encouragement, Margene msparker66@msn.com

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