
Friday, March 14, 2014

Love Shack Day in London, Kentucky!

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We had such a great time in our Love Shack Workshop!

What’s not to like about digging in the really DEEP STASH and pulling out the pieces that have not seen the light of day since 1992 and putting them to good use?

We can even go back further than that – a couple of our gals are feed-sack-aficionados and had brought the precious saved pieces, small bits and pieces of lovely feed sach prints from the 1930s to sew into a cute project in an effort to use up every last morsel!

Did you know the scraps are better preserved in a quilt, than in a show box? It’s true!

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Samples side-by-side!

Love Shack is the smallest project I teach – but it is the one with the most steps in it, SEW MANY UNITS!  I also brought my “True Friends” quilt to show them what else they could do with crumbs and strings, and more ideas for words and letters.

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47 women gathered to sew the day away!

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Bits and pieces getting ready to assemble!

Click the image below if you can’t view the slide show on your mobile device.  You’ll be taken to the photo album for viewing.

Love Shack, London KY 2014

This morning I am packing it up and heading out to Oak Ridge, TN where I'll be giving a lecture tonight followed by two days of workshops, Talkin' Turkey and Dancing 9-Patch!

Anna has sent me a list of antique places to keep me happy on my journey there -- who knows what trouble I can get in to?

Happy Friday everyone!

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Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


Unknown said...

Counting down ... Oak Ridge today....????? you are getting much closer to Pigeon Forge!!!! Besides that - Oak Ridge is a special place in Tennessee...and The Great State of Tennessee welcome Bonnie with open arms... especially we quilters!

Smiles, JulieinTN :)

Linda H said...

I love Tennessee. My son lives in Franklin but will be flying to Europe on vacation today. Your Kentucky ladies look as if they were having a ball.

Tonya Ricucci said...

love love love! that rebel strings and stars quilt is awesome.

Mo Shippee said...

Bonnie, I have been following your blog for several months now and quite enjoy reading about all of your travels. While in Kentucky you were looking for a glass butter dish and found none. My husband and I were out today and stopped at a local antique store and I saw two of then, one clear glass and one green glass. If you are interested, I took pictures of them and would be more than happy to go back and get one if you would like. You can email me at wmgmk@aol.com and I will forward the photos to you. Always a fan! Mo

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