
Friday, March 21, 2014

Lights, Camera, Action!!

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We had some hunky visitors during class yesterday!

I have never seen a group of 20 women brush their hair and put on lipstick so quickly! LOL!

We had a group of photographers come in and shoot video of my students at work during our Smith  Mountain Morning workshop.

Most of all, the guys seemed to be really fascinated with the vintage Singer Featherweight sewing machines in class – you know guys and classic cars, right?  They thought it was awesome that we are keeping such wonderful pieces of machinery going.

As for me..I was photographing the photographers photographing the students!

This team was shooting promotional video for the city of Pigeon Forge, and it will likely air next year before the festival begins, as advertisement for the festival.

I will be keeping in touch with the powers that be, and when it airs --- I will see if I can get a link to it somewhere so we can see what this really turned out to be after they have edited it all down.

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Star blocks coming together!

She was such a good sport, even though she was nervous through the whole thing!

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Are they really video taping me with this IRON!??

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How many photographers does it take to run one camera?

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Better not chop off any points, we are catching this for all posterity to see!

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Hey Joe, I think I’d like one of those fancy vintage sewing machines!

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Grace under pressure!

My girls were great sports, and it really perked up our afternoon as class was getting close to winding down by the time the guys came in as our afternoon entertainment.

It’s never a dull moment in one of my classes!

If you want to see what the students accomplished in class, click back to this morning's post HERE.

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


Pat said...

This is funny! A few months ago, we had a crew from NPR come to a local sew-in and record thoughts about quilting. They were fascinated by the Featherweights and even recorded the sounds of the FWs humming along to use as a backdrop to the radio piece.

Nettie sebastian said...

Oh ,how fun !!

Kim Andrews said...

Hilarious! Why do we have to look a particular way. Hopefully they took pictures of the FW.

Unknown said...

Men are quite funny when around quilters. When attending a quilt retreat at a Bible Camp, there are sometimes men attending different retreats in another building, and they come to our building for meals. They always linger by us quilters as they are leaving, even asking questions and who seem genuinely interested and fascinated with the whole process of quilting. It amazes me and I think it's nice.

Unknown said...

And might I point out WHO they were taping? Bonnie and The Hunter-ites!!! East TN knows a good thing when we see it... GO!!!BONNIE!!!!!!!

Happy the girls were being their normal great selves too.


Diane said...

Heck, I should have been there with my treadle! Di in TN

Unknown said...

Sigh...I love bald men. I miss EVERYTHING LOL I think men are intrigued by quilting both from the vintage machinery aspect and the obvious math that goes into the blocks...it's always been a theory of mine.

Unknown said...

Let us know when you get the link please! And thanks. You are the drawing character I'm pretty sure and such a wonderful Sharing person. Thanks for always sharing with all of us. FYI I'm still working on Celtic Soltrice ks and not sure I'll finish before moving May 30th. But I keep plugging away and will finish when studio gets set up in new home. I think I have finished all units but not assembled all blocks yet. Though I did get both main blocks started. Ttyl

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