
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Just a Little Detour!!

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Let's just say that my van, Shamu does NOT want to go home...I made it all the way to Asheville, NC when auto-pilot took over and I wound up at the cabin.

I'm staying to de-compress until tomorrow afternoon. My work week can begin TUESDAY.

Don’t worry, I’m not neglecting family ---Jeff is working, and The Hubster is in Wilmington on business until Thursday.

I’d be home alone anyway……and so I rationalized myself all the way to the mountain.

My brain went back and forth in conversation like this:

“Are you crazy?  You have work to do ---“

“It can wait until Tuesday, I really need 24  hours to myself…just 24 hours…”

“You don’t have groceries”

“I have apples and bananas in the car, and there is white bean chicken chili in the freezer, natural peanut butter and cheese in the fridge and oatmeal for breakfast and tuna for lunch….”

By this time –there was no turning back.

As I drove from Asheville through Linville and past the entrance to Grandfather mountain, temps were plummeting – it was 37 degrees on my car thermometer!

Aren't we done with this stupid stuff yet?

I descended toward Boone, and down further still ----turning off the main road and winding my way up toward Buck Mountain to the north ---okay, temps have climbed back up a bit since my elevation was lower.  It now sits at 49 degrees and cloudy, foggy, rainy --

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Forsythia are blooming in my yard!  This beautiful sight makes me wonder if they've bloomed out at home too – there is a whole row of them along the road in my neighborhood – I will check that out tomorrow.

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The view of the mountains in the distance is ever-changing--

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A quick walk around the yard in the gently falling March rain proved without a doubt that spring has indeed arrived --the bulbs are blooming!

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((insert audible sigh --))

There is a nap in my near future.....like now...

Tonight I will be curled up in my comfy chair finishing ((hopefully!!)) the binding on the Split 9-Patch.  Jammie time.   Bliss.

Tomorrow I will sew.  It’s too rainy to go hiking – and I’m not feeling that adventurous.

Grab the time while you can, don’t put it off…and small amounts of time is better than no time at all ---

Love from Buck Mountain ---

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normajean53 said...

Good for you, enjoy your rest!

Myrna said...

Way to go! Quiet and solitude after a busy 2 weeks. I'm glad you won the argument with "self".

Anonymous said...

Good for you, Bonnie. You are the best! Enjoy!!!

Barb in Mi said...

Smart Shamu = he/she just knows what you need ;-) Enjoy your well deserved time off!

Unknown said...

GOOD FOR YOU BONNIE! Isn't relaxation and decompression the exact reason you bought the cabin?

Stop guilt-tripping ... sleep as long as you want .. just BE - remember God made you a HUMAN BEING - not a HUMAN DOING. OK, got it :)

Smiles, JulieinTN

AmandaA said...

A very good idea, Bonnie. Time to get the chatter and clatter out of your head. Hope you enjoy your solitude.

Nel from Nebraska said...

You deserve it.. Good for you!
Ps... Sent you a letter Friday!

Nel from Omaha

Unknown said...

I like your thinking!!! Great for you. Enjoy your solitude. Love the pics of spring.

Anonymous said...

You deserve a break, and wasn't this part of the reason for the cabin!! A place to get away and relax!!! ENJOY!!

Brita said...

Somehow I had a feeling you'd be heading for Quilt Villa, you really needed it!

Nettie Sebastian said...

Enjoy your down time ! Looks like Spring happened while you were gone.

susiefloozie said...

Good for you! You had such a busy week ... you deserve some down time! Wish my daffies were blooming; it's still very-early-spring in Illinois!

Beth said...

I wasn't familiar with the geography, but had somehow thought that quiltvilla might be right on the way home. ENJOY :)

Sue's Stitchin' said...

All you need to make it perfect is Sadie :)

Vivian said...

Great flowers. We won't see them for a few weeks. The deer would eat them to the ground if I planted them!!

Jantine said...

I think that was a very wise decision Shamu took ;-).... Enjoy!

Kevin the Quilter said...

Welcome back to your home away from home. I know how you feel! I need days "alone" too! Have fun with your alone time!

Debbie Lou said...

Good for you, Bonnie! You deserve the restful alone time. I would do the same thing after the schedule you have had lately. Enjoy and unwind!!!

Debbie said...

Your post made me laugh. Great idea. Grab all the relaxing time you can.

Lucy said...

you deserve it my dear

Linda H said...

Soul time alone is wonderful after such a hectic few days that you have had. Take time to smell the flowers and recharge your batteries.

Sharon said...

That's certainly the way to "finish" your trip with the "balance" you were mentioning in your philosophy for this year.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, while you are here, I hope you go by the Folk Art Center and see the Eyecatcher Quilts!! See my blog for the link. They are only there until the first of May

Beth said...

Sound so relaxing…I love the NC mountains….enjoy Bonnie and safe travels home

Robbienae said...

Such a pretty mountain home! Enjoy the beauty and your time to get finger work done!

Anonymous said...

You go girl! You've earned it!

Janet said...

I would have done just what you did. You deserve a break today, so get up and get away, to the mountains. Insert music from old commercial.

lourixe said...

Congrats for your well desserved reward! My daffodils are blooming as well. They are the only bulbs mice don't eat, so I plant them in circles around the other endangered ones, specially tulips rodents are crazy about.
I must thank you once and again for all your tips and tricks. I have just deboned my first 5 shirts. I love the feel of flannel: they are going to become a ragged lap quilt.

Unknown said...

Sadie is not going to be happy she missed this trip. Glad you can grab some solitude.


leu2500 said...

Bonnie - I hate to break it to you, but there are 4 cold snaps in a Southern spring: shad bush, red bud, dogwood & blackberry winters. This cold snap is the 1st or 2nd, depending on where you live.

As to a day off, you teachers earned it! I took 4.5 days of classes, and I'm pooped. I can't imagine how tired the teachers are. (BTW, I didn't have a class with you, but loved seeing your quilts "in the flesh" when I passed your classroom. Ring around the hexies looked great on your table.)

Nana's Quilt Spot said...

What a beautiful cabin. Your plans just make my mind think peaceful thoughts.

thequiltersshed said...

It looks like the perfect decision to me. Enjoy!

45th Parallel Quilter said...

I think you made the right decision ... definitely ... but my only question is what happens to Sadie when everyone is traveling? Anyway ... enjoy YOUR time ... everyone needs that and you definitely deserve it!

Linda said...

Enjoy your special quiet time, just for you. You have been working hard and driving a lot. As a Brit I have no IAEA of the distances involved in your recent travels. How far will you are travelled during your trip?

Linda said...

Sorry, don't know where the IAEA came from! Supposed to read " no idea"!

Daizy said...

Awwww, Mz Bonnie, I have just found your sites while looking for hexagon quilts. This post has made me quite home sick. My folks are from Spruce Pine and Grandfather Mtn. The mountains are calling and I must be going!!! Enjoy your time and breath deeply.

Melinda said...

You need yo put a quilt square on your mtn retreat!

Marla Vranish said...

But who is taking care of Sadie?

Mary said...

So glad you have your Mountain home to go to when you need it. You deserve it. Tune out the world and relax!

old quilter said...

Good Decision !

Deanna W said...

"Home is where your rump rests!!" a quote from a kids movie. Enjoy your relaxation and sewing time!

HelenMarie said...

good for you for taking care of yourself!

Sharon J. Hughson said...

Hooray for Bonnie. She is teaching us to take good care of ourselves! Hooray!

jam said...

Forsythia, daffadils. How lucky can you be! Enjoy, enjoy.
We're just happy some of our snow piles started melting before it got cold again in Chicago.

Cherry said...

So glad you took some you time at Quilt Villa. I spent the weekend at the family cabin, too, but Spring has not yet arrived in Michigan. I had cold and snow but more importantly - Solitude! I am so with you on that.

Andresa said...

I would need much more than 24 hours to myself after the schedule you've had, Bonnie. You go ahead and take as much decompress time as you need.

Nita said...

Isn't it amazing the way you can feel stress washing out of you at the cabin? I feel that way, too. :)

sandra said...

Looking after yourself is never wrong. That is the biggest fault women have, we don't listen to our bodies. I sat hurrah for you.

Jo said...

You bought the cabin too use...it's good that you can.

Bugdoodle said...

You need to refill your soul after giving and giving and giving... that can happen BEST in solitude.

Dar said...

What a wonderful view and cabin to come home to for destressing. I would find it hard to ever leave your cabin. So glad you took the time. Life is too short not to enjoy all the alone time you need, when you need it. Tuesday will still come tomorrow.

Rntr said...

Bonnie, enjoy your time..it's well deserved..

Rntr said...
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