
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Jamestown Landing at Mountain Quilt Fest!

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This is a shot of the LaConte Center in Pigeon Forge – the new location for the A Mountain Quilt Fest!

See the green trolley out front?

Pigeon Forge has these great trolleys that will take you anywhere you want to go!

All day long there are trolleys going to and from the show to shopping areas and hotels – there are trolley stops all along the main “Parkway”.

This photo was taken from the vantage point of Shamu, my van, with Marsha McCloskey riding shotgun--waiting for Jo Morton to go grab Cindy Blackberg, so that the 4 of us could grab a quickie dinner and be back in 45 minutes for the start of our evening classes ---goodness what a full day!

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Side view of the center ---

A couple of us escaped the building at lunch break to take a long walk and enjoy the sunshine – I stopped to take this photo of the building as we left the parking lot. 

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Sometimes…we just need OUTSIDE!!

Just when I think I’ve seen every kind of Featherweight there is, I come across a NEW ONE to me:

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What the heck is MR SINGER?!

Turns out the owner’s mother had lived in Honduras in the 1950s.  The featherweight machine has a centennial badge.

The MR stands for “Mercado Registrar” or something in Spanish, meaning that duty had already been paid on this machine – she thought it had something to do with import taxes?  INTERESTING!  

I learn such great things from my students!  And really neat that her mom was the original owner, and she has memories of her mom sewing really heavy corduroy jackets for her on this very machine.


Skinny Side Forward, Girls!

This is a special shout-out to Lawana who couldn't make it…we missed you in class!  Hope to catch you another time!  ((Yes, I love doing photo-bombs!))

It was a fun class ---and boy was there ever a mess on the floor left for my evening class to walk through by the time this class was over!  Strings, threads, snips of fabric, dog ears, and shredded phone book paper told the tale of how we spent our time!

Click the image below if you can’t view the slide show on your mobile device.  You’ll be taken to the photo album for viewing.

Jamestown Landing, Pigeon Forge TN 2014

And that was only the FIRST part of the day!  Our second class gathered later for a 3 hour round of Playing with Jacks!  Be watching for those photos to come through this evening.

Today, we will be deeply into more specialty ruler fun with a full day Smith Mountain Morning Workshop --Let Day 3 of A Mountain Quilt Fest begin!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


Anonymous said...

My friend is in you SMM class. Her name is Jo Conway. I could not come, but I my 'book' came.
Charlotte Harkey

Anonymous said...

This quilt looks like so much fun! Also, I'd like to visit this quilt show some year soon.

I also own a Fetherweight with the same M.R. under the badge only. Mine was made in 1950. I bought the machine from a seller in British Columbia. I did some research about the M. R. but could not fine a firm answer. I was told it may have something to do with the machine 925 being made for a store in South America, so I guess that part was close. It is a sweet little machine with a bright finish and lovely decals in a good case. I am thrilled to find out exactly what the M.R. means.

Happy sewing!
Brenda B. In VA

lourixe said...

MR must stand for Marca Registrada, which is the current translation of Trade Mark in English (TM).

Cathy said...

I also have a Featherweight machine with M.R. Bonnie, you saw it here in Tucson when I was in your class. I was told it meant the machine had been sent back to the factory at some point and been remanufactured. I would love to know for sure. If only the machines could talk and tell us their stories!

Cathy in AZ

New Quilter in Texas said...

I have a rabbi friend, he has a favorite quote from another rabbi: I have learned much from my teachers and even more from my colleagues and friends, but I have learned the most from my students.

Never stop learning!

Mary said...

I love Jamestown Landing. It's a treat to see the different blues and brown and oh- the red. Thank you all. Happy Quilting. (Isn't it the best to take a Bonnie class")

Unknown said...

Beautiful scenery. Looks like everyone was having an awesome time. I always look forward to being able to read your blog before bed each night.

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