
Saturday, March 15, 2014

iPhone-o-Gram! World Wide Quilting Day---Oliver Springs Style!

From my group today to you wherever you are – our sincerest wishes for a happy worldwide quilting day!

Hopefully you have something fun planned with your stitching group, your local quilt shop, or other quilting activities you like to do.

Today we have 31 women gathered for a Talkin' Turkey class from my book string fling.

These ladies are having a great time! While many are sewing with red scraps, we have other variations which are really fun – we've got aquas and turquoise, we've got all shades of green, we've got some that are all blue, and some that are scrappy everything! We've even got one quilter who is reversing the plan of the quilt and doing her main block designs in neutrals,  and her background will be dark instead! I can't wait to see this one completed! :-)

Lunch is a luscious potluck – Quilters can cook and eat as well as they sew! None of us are going hungry – and there is plenty to spare :-)

Enjoy the rest of your Saturday, everyone – happy scraps from all of us to all of you!


Feathers in my Nest said...

I Love, Love, Love that Talking Turkey RED quilt! I have everything kitted up & ready to make...You're Awesome Bonnie...Thank you...

Debby said...

Cool! I didn't even know it was quilting day!
I spent the first half hiking on trails. Came home and cut out some dresden plates, sewed a few and now taking a short walk on treadmill while I catch up on some stuff online.

Have fun!

Lin said...

Thanks for a totally awesome day!!

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