
Monday, March 24, 2014

iPhone-o-Gram! Welcome Home!

I arrived home just a bit ago –

I was greeted by a huge pile of snail mail on my dining room table!

This must be preorders for my new book coming in! We are so very very close now :-)

There was one squishy in the bunch – I tore it right open to find a gorgeous collection of juvenile fat quarters from Charlotte Taylor – thank you so much for thinking of me! These are wonderful!

The van is unloaded – I have loved on Sadie and Emmylou both, and there is a hot tub in my near future.

No – I did not finish the binding on the split nine patch quilt last night, so I can put my feet up now and enjoy that binding process a little bit longer while I settle back into my home life.

It's always great to be home!


Unknown said...

Betya bunches your 4 legged family was so happy to see you again. Can't beat a greeting like that!

Hope you are refreshed enough to start in again.

Smiles, JulieinTN

Frog Quilter said...


Are you going to do a linky thing for our split nines? Would love to see how everyone set their top. Hugs from Liz in SC,

Deanna W said...

I always say "it is nice to travel but it is so nice to come home"! Welcome home!!!

Lakegaldonna said...

Glad to hear you made it home safely. Ahhhh......

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