
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Decoupage Delights!

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While in London, TN I spied some lovely decoupaged cases that had me drooling to get closer!

A while back I had posted about Kathy’s Decoupage Adventures, even including a second post with a Little Video on her expertly doing the deed and sharing the how-tos with us all.

It’s been fun to see decoupage suitcases and machine cases pop up here and there, showing the ingenuity of the person playing in the mod podge.

This case belongs to Paula, and she used it for all of her sewing notions and goodies that came to class…

Take a look:

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Magazine photos, wrapping paper advertising flyers that came to her shop, all found a place on this dilapidated old suitcase that now has new life!

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Goodies INSIDE!  ((Love the pocket!))

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How about covering a nasty Featherweight Case?!

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Check out the inside! LOVE LOVE LOVE!

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This is ANOTHER one --- I think London, KY is supporting the Mod Podge inudstry!

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From every angle!

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Inside this one’s lid ---

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What a way for our sweet babies to travel in style!

While the purist inside of me wouldn't do this to a case in good condition, there are plenty of nasty worn out ugly cases out there that could greatly benefit from a fun face lift!

Come to think of it, I’ve got some ((several)) nasty machine cases that would really be fun to do – it’s a matter of time for me.  It’s been on the back burner for some-day ---will some day ever come?

I hope so!!

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thequiltersshed said...

So cute! I'd love to do that "some" day as well.

shadypinesqltr said...

Beautiful cases! Bonnie, I can definitely see you decoupaging in your hotel room at night!

Unknown said...

that is so cool.
would be cool to use material on them eh lol

Christy said...

Not only do the cases have such beautiful and colorful pictures, but I looooove all the pinked edges!!! Fabulous!!!

Millie said...

I just hope all those featherweight cases were old ones, I'm like you I would want to do one too, but only to a old ratty one

Just Plain Pam said...

Thanks for sharing - I LOVE the decoupage look! I'd add some old postage stamps that my mom collected by the box full - no real value, she just liked the pictures. Thanks again

Nancy: rangerer@sbcglobal.net said...

Love! And I have just the case to do it with, and now all I need is the time:) I do have a question about old featherweight cases. How do you freshen the smell?

Trish said...

was 'just' paper used? Or was fabric used? Hmmm if not... could fabric be used? lol Inquiring minds want to know!!

Anonymous said...

These are so cute and what a wonderful idea. I have a couple of old suitcases and may just have to try my own designs. Thanks Bonnie for sharing this.
Karen Beck

HelenMarie said...

Those cases are awesome! We have a church rummage sale coming up... I will have to keep my eyes open for old suitcases. My FW case is in too good a shape to cover up.


Unknown said...

Great idea thanks for sharing

Lee said...

I wish I had seen this a week ago.ni was at a thrift shop and saw a lovely case but it was a bit tatty and I picked it up and put it down many times and then walked away and left it there. I would so like to have it now to decoupage. Might go back tomorrow and see if it's still there!!

Sally said...

oops. I went from reading this blog, to searching eBay for a piece of luggage, just so I could decoupage it. 1 purchase later, and I'll be stalking the post lady in a few days for it.

Allison in Plano said...

Ooooh, thanks for the additional inspiration photos!! I've done one case and have two waiting in the wings; so understand the time issue. Will solve that by doing a demo at the NE TX TOGA April 25th & 26th and will reference your three postings. Looking forward to spreading the love of Mod Podge and rescuing our beloved vintage sewing machine cases. Really liked the pinked edges too!! Hugs, Allison in Plano

Beth said...

Those cases are fantastic. Makes me want to mod podge something right now.

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