
Monday, March 24, 2014

And Then There Were Twenty….

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I decided that simpler was better when it came to this baby quilt for my sister – Joy is expecting a baby girl in early June, and Auntie Bonnie has been stalling!

I knew I wanted to use either the pink Bonus Triangles left from my recent Sister’s Choice finish, or the purple Bonus Triangles from the border of Lazy Sunday ---but couldn't decide on which until I started playing last night.   Why not use both?

This is a simple pinwheel star made completely from half-square triangles and corner squares.

There are a LOT of points to match, and some do and some don’t.  It’s for a baby.  It will be loved up and used a lot and worn out.  I am not going to let  that kind of perfection mindset nonsense get to me right now when all I really wanted to do was have a day, an evening, and part of the next day to relax after 2 weeks on the road.

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Simple Layout!

My blocks finish at 6” with each 1/2 square triangle finishing at 1.5”, but you can get an 8” block if your units finish at 2”.

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I’ve enjoyed sewing at my 301 at the cabin while watching Doc Martin on Netflix.  That man cracks me up!!  If you haven’t watched it, you should – it’s quirky and heartwarming and funny all at the same time.

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Oops!  This one …NOT so funny!

THIS I WILL grab the seam ripper for!

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Four blocks on the design wall!

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And then there were twenty ---

I need five more, but I’m leaving it until the next time I’m up here – and I’ll bring some sashing fabric with me.  It’s going to be cute, mismatched points and all!

I'm not sure of what to do for borders yet ---

To save your own bonus triangles in usable sizes, click for my article HERE.

I’m packing up what few things I brought into the cabin yesterday – and headed back down the mountain.  Catch you from home ---

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HelenMarie said...

that will be so cute! I just love the colors!

Mary Ellen said...

Well, those blocks look pretty darn good to me. Pink and purple - so girly and cute. But I am relieved to see that even the experts sometimes sew things wrong. Gives me hope!

Myrna said...

That's going to be really cute! Pink and purple are my granddaughter's favorite colors. Hmmm...I may need to ask her if she likes stars too.

Anonymous said...

It happens to is all.

Becky said...

I love these blocks. And I am envious of your beautiful collection of white/black prints. I've just started collecting those :) As to borders, I think it would look smashing with a narrow pink border then a wider purple one.

thequiltersshed said...

It is looking so good.

denisew said...

Love, love, love, Doc Martin!!My hubby does not particularly like TV but he will sit and watch Doc Martin with me. So that is a win-win evening.

Andee said...

With love in every stitch....it is perfect already!

Debbie Lou said...

What a beautiful gift this will be. It's so bright and fun and has lots of movement. It's perfect for a little one. Love it!

Catholic Bibliophagist said...

Pink & purple -- it can't get any more cute and girly than that! Love it!

Thanks for another good baby quilt idea.

Donna Keating said...

Darling and thrifty too.

PalmerGal said...

And have you seen the show they made about making Doc Martin? It's called "Doc Martin Revealed." So funny to see him cheerful, smiling and laughing!

Love the quilt, very nice for a girl.

Unknown said...

I have looked at the block you have the mistake in and the picture of 4 blocks on the wall and I cannot find the mistake. Fortunately,the quilt police won't hire me. :)I love all of the blocks. Very pretty

preludetoaseam said...

I love this! So wonderfully girly. Can't wait to see how you finish it all off.

cityquilter grace said...

definitely works bonnie, the scrappier the better....adorable!

Florence said...

what a lovely quilt it will be,,,,,,,you are like me when i start a project, not sure what to do,,,,,wait a bit and it for some reason, justs comes to you,,,enjoy your time home bonnie,,,,,,,,,its always to little ,,,,,,,,,,,,

Rea said...

I love those purple and pink bonus triangle squares! It's going to make a lovely baby quilt. It also reminds me of the very bonus triangles squares I haven't finished making my stars with from a few years ago. you had inspired me back then what to do with them when I complained I had 178 of them from a quilt I made. At least, I'll always have something to sew!!!! Thanks for your encouragement as always!

regan said...

Those 20 blocks on your wall are a delight! That's going to be a wonderful baby quilt! Love it!

Unknown said...

Just drawing the lines for my final border on Lazy Sunday, was going to use the corners for Pineapple crazy but may save them as HST instead, this is beautiful! You are such an inspiration Bonnie, Enjoy home <3

Lea said...

Looks great to me. Hell, I couldn't even see the mistake. Funny thing, I have scrapbook paper that is a match for your bee fabric. Exact match. :) thanks for sharing this.

Jan said...

Loving the blocks Bonnie. You would love port Isaac where they film doc Martin. It is a lovely place. I would love to.buy an old fishermans cottage there and fill it with quilts x

Vic in NH said...

Great looking blocks, happy and whimsical with all those lively "Bonnie Neutrals," LOL! These will be a very freeing opportunity to teach the effervescence of lots of doo-dads and of avoiding boring backgrounds. You rock!

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