
Sunday, January 12, 2014

What’s your WORD?!

You know that thing that’s gone around the last several years –about choosing a one word mantra and making it your focus for the year?

What’s YOUR word?

I talked about mine in our last episode of Quilt-Cam on Dec 28th ---my focus for 2014 is FINISH.

I want to finish things I’ve started.  That not only includes quilts, but also other things I’ve set forth to do, whether it is book reading, phone call making – whatever it is that I have been procrastinating about and getting it done.

That word FINISH also comes with a few other Support Words that I can call upon when I need them.  Things like




Does it sound like I’m being too hard on myself?

I had a long conversation with my mom last night.  She’s been going through a horrible bout of vertigo the past few weeks and has been sick and on her back.  And she said while she was stuck on the couch she realized she had to start slowing down, and I laughed – because I KNOW MY MOM.

Where do you think I got this drive and determination in the first place?  She was always the one picking up the slack for everyone else, always getting more more more out of her day and filling her life to the brim and she was happy that way.

But at 74 she can’t do what she did at 52….and I see myself in her shoes in another 22 years.

And I’m realizing that you can’t FINISH if you are too divided.  You can’t FINISH if there is too much on your plate, more than you can handle.

And maybe with the word FINISH needs to come along with the support word:


And then I look at my calendar all the way through 2018, take a deep breath and laugh, and laugh, and laugh.  Balance?  Yeah RIGHT!

And then I think of the things that Encourage, Support and Balance me.  My family.

Cabin_Jan2014 018

This is a photo of Mark and I in Arizona just a few days ago.

Am I pushing myself so hard to finish and accomplish that I am forgetting that the only things that really mean ANYTHING are people and relationships – and that our time is fleeting?

How often do we stop to remember that our time here is not guaranteed?  We always assume we will grow old together – but will we?

Cabin_Jan2014 042

Sunrise over the Blue Ridge this morning ---

All I know is I am given this ONE day.  Tomorrow hasn't been granted yet.  What will my choices be with this ONE DAY?  Will I be so busy FINISHING quilt stuff, that I push my family and friends aside thinking I'll have time for them later?

I so love the moss covered ground and lichen covered trees ---with the sun shining through them.  What a gift this day is!

And I know this post has gone kerflunct ---I’ve lost the point I set out to make.  But as I sit here tapping away, I’m hearing my own thoughts and words:

YES, Finishing is important, But I feel that I need a phrase rather than just a one word mantra for 2014.  FINISHING WITH BALANCE.  There needs to be balance.  And family comes first and time with friends is important.

Cabin_Jan2014 044

Hexie progress so far.

I’ve spent the last couple of cozy evenings with the wood fire burning at the cabin, watching Netflix episodes of Alias and attaching star point #5 to the “Mother Ship”.  Star point #6 was started on the plane home from AZ, and you can see I’ve got a long way before it is ready to attach.  I love where this quilt is going ---

Finish With Balance.  Keep those things that are really important as priority ---and don’t have so much on my plate that there is no way to finish.

Again, what’s YOUR word?  Leave me a comment below – I’d love to know where your focus is for 2014!

Oh, and how about Quilt Cam tomorrow night, Monday, Jan 13 at 9pm EST?  THIS will fit on my plate, I promise!

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You do not need a Facebook account to read the Facebook posts - They are viewable to all! Feel free to read & quilt along with us!


stitchinpenny said...

Bonnie have your mother diagnosed for the cause of her vertigo. I used to have vertigo quite strongly, but after 12 years without was diagnosed 12 years ago. My life went from a living hell to a manageable and enjoyable life. The diagnosis will take time and may be as simple as she shook loose the little crystals that help balance, to the villain in my life. I wish her the first and tell her if it continues to have her doctor send her to balance PT.

Mary Ellen said...

Oh, boy. You have got me thinking this morning. Balance sounds good but I want to give this more thought before just blithely adopting your idea.

The photo of you and Mark is lovely. The family resemblance is really apparent. Treasure your family. I miss my Dad every day. What I would give to have him back for just a minute!

Stoney said...

My word for 2014 is CULTIVATE.
I wanted to encourage myself to grow new things and see them through to whatever the finish is. So as I cultivate, I will also need to WEED and WATER and let the SUN SHINE. Sounds really good for the soul, doesn't it?

spirit dot in dot stoney at gmail dot com

julieQ said...

My mantra for the year is to be timely...that is what I really need to do, and be!! So sorry for the vertigo...I get that once in a while...inner ear troubles!!

Anonymous said...

I think balance is my word too. I have been trying to focus on the fact that it's not a race. I have so many lap quilts but I continually start another because it's the flavor of the day. Slow down. Enjoy the process. Btw, I love your hexagon quilt!

Quilter Kathy said...

This is so important and so difficult to remember!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts today.
Looking forward to QuiltCam!

quiltyVal said...

My word for 2014 is HEALTHY. I spent the last 2 months of 2013 not being able to do much of anything, so I am focusing on getting stable and being able to get back into a normal routine.

Anonymous said...

2014 Word of the Year - Focus......I have so many ideas running around in my head and none of them are coming to fruition...... So I have to SLOW DOWN, and FOCUS, FOCUS on being the healthiest someone I can be, FOCUS on the plans for my quilting business, FOCUS on my family and those relationships......FOCUS....

Deb4330 said...

my word(s)/mantra is "The Big Clean of 2014" - I really need to weed through boxes/bins/closets/bookcases - not only quilting fabric/notions, but other stuff.

I, too, have vertigo and it comes and goes - it's not fun.

The best to you and your family in 2014, Bonnie!

Patti said...

Such a good post today! My word for 2014 is RELEASE. Let go of the things I can't control. Let go of the people who don't bring me joy. Let go of projects that don't make me happy. Let go of feelings and memories that only bring pain or sadness. Release all that stuff so that I can be a happy joyful person to those closest to me.

Myrna said...

Bonnie, I think you've got your priorities in good order for 2014. I need to create more balance in my life in 2014. I retired in Aug 2013 and I'm still adjusting to not rushing to work Mon-Fri and having more free time on my hands. In 2014, I want to be more active, physically and mentally, than I've been the past few months, and find that happy balance so I can enjoy my retirement to the max.

Sandra Miller said...

By all means encourage your mother to see a Ear and Balance Doctor - my crystals were loose and the problem was resolved with one visit -if she was in Louisiana I have a very good one to refer her to - I love your blog and the part of your life you share with all of us

Trish said...

The first word that came to my mind was finish, but I think what I really need to do is be PRESENT. My mind is often jumping around to 100 different things, and that keeps me from being PRESENT for what I'm doing in the moment. Thinking of the other meaning of the word - a "gift" - what a gift it would be for those I care about if I would focus on the here & now!

Unknown said...

My word is LIVE everyday to the fullest and appreciate all the things I have not the things I want.

Quiltingloulou said...

I think mine will have to be two words. MAKE TIME. I feel that I need to sort my time out more efficiently. I think my sister is moving into the first stages of dementia/Alzheimer's and so organisation of time will need to be thought through more. She has, in the past couple years had her husband and daughter pass and hasn't been able to get back to her normal self. Bonnie, your schedule is hectic and I don't know how you manage to cope. I really admire all you do.

cityquilter grace said...

last year i chose "enjoy" but this year i choose "play" because i can finish while i play, i can sew while i play, i can rip seams when i play....life around us is so heavy far too often...i want to play

Donna said...

What a powerful post. You really have me thinking. At first I thought that I would make FINISH my word also. But as I read about the words that support that word, I began to think that just one word would be difficult. So instead, I think that BALANCE may be what I will work for. I want to finish much, recommit to a healthier lifestyle, but most of all to be THANKFUL for every minute of each day, no matter what it brings. Thanks so much for a very thought provoking post. And good luck as you work toward your FINISHES large and small.

Unknown said...

Thank you Bonnie. My applique group is working on individual quilt journals. I want to do applique of flowers with special meanings. eg. faithfulness or simplicity for the violet, perserverance for hydrangia, sincerity for the fern etc. I have been struggling to find a name for my journal. I like the comment of the word cultivate.

Mary Berg said...

You are right. Life has no quaranties(?). I have been thinking alot about what my word(physically, emotionally and spiritually) is going to be. The word that keeps coming to mind in what I have been reading is, ENDURE/PERSERVERE. To endure whatever life gives me and to preserver and to make the best of it that I can. I think I am doing that now, but I need to continue on that path in 2014. There is always room for improvement.
Live (Quilt) on!

Laurie said...

Good morning - as always I find your blog informative and at times entertaining. My word is MOTIVATE. At times I spin my wheels but don't accomplish because I have not been focused to motivate myself to do so.

Sewing In CT said...

Love the pic of you and your brother!
My word is REST because like your mom I go and go until I drop.
Tell her to make sure she is drinking enough water. We can get dizzy and have vertigo if we are dehydrated. This winter has been very dry. I am constantly dehydrated.

Kelly said...

I've been thinking about this for more than a week, off and on, and the word that is sticking with me is RENEW or maybe REFRESH. There are important relationships, especially with God and with my husband, that I want to have grow. My own spirit is tired and I'd like to give it a chance to renew, refresh and restore itself. Work... Etc.

maureen said...

I struggled with choosing a word this year. I finally decided it should be DARE. I need to get out of my comfort zone and experience/ learn/try new things. I've signed up for an online class, scheduled a few workshops(non job related), and booked a trip to Yellowstone(next week- am I CRAZY to go in winter??) I also want to try some improv quilting, and stop pinning ideas and start making things!! I definitely needed to DARE myself.

Libby in TN said...

Am I allowed more than one? Being a dyed-in-the-wool procrastinator, my word(s) this year: JUST DO IT!

Teresa in Music City said...

Great thoughts Bonnie - I can only imagine how complicated your life is! I actually admire the way you FINISH your projects and often wonder how you find the time and energy with your demanding schedule. Slowing down would be hard for you with your personality and drive. And of course, none of us want you to slow down, until we realize that it might be best for YOU. I'll be pulling for you to find that perfect BALANCE!

I'm thinking along similar lines, and I chose the word SIMPLIFY! As I said in my blog post - "pare back, sell off, streamline, clean up, eliminate piles of stuff, stop collecting, stop buying more, use up what I have, slow down, take a breath, enjoy my gifts .." I actually learned a lot of that from you.

And I'm choosing the slogan KISSing the Dinosaurs :) KISS (Keep it Simple Sweetie)- killing off and making extinct some of the old Dinosaur UFOs I have hanging around so they are not cluttering up my studio and my mind. They need to get FINISHED so I can be free to enjoy going in new and fun directions!

BTW - My miniature Amish Beauties (Jared Takes a Wife) from class last year is on that list even though it hasn't been around quite as long as some of the others (8 years and counting!) I just really, really want that one done so I can hang it on the wall and admire it all the time :*D

Blessings to you and yours in 2014!!!

scraphappy said...

Last year I had persevere, it was a good word and kept me moving forward through some difficult times. This year I am considering choices. Making good choices and allowing myself to decide instead of letting life do it for me.

Flying So High said...

My word this year is Balance. It is so easy for me to over-commit and then too many deadlines make me crazy. My husband retired a couple of months ago and we are starting a new page in our journey together. Mom is 94 and needing me more. It's time to balance my world and still keep some "me" time.

UFOQueen said...

I think my word is CHOOSE. Much of the time I feel like instead of running my life, my life is running me. Much of this is because I let others choose for me how I spend my time. I have two teenagers and a great husband and I think it's time to stop being the quarterback. I'm going to CHOOSE to join a golf league (I'm the only one who golfs in the family), restart my wine club, and be more active in the quilt groups I belong to. It makes me happy and I want to CHOOSE happiness. I want more to my identity than just Working Mom.

Marei said...

My word is GRATITUDE. I too often forget to count my blessings so that's my focus this year....to be grateful and acknowledge my gratitude.

Deborah said...

I have considered the question of my word for this year for a long time. I finally decided on "finish". I retired from post office in July 2012, and in preparing for this I took all kinds of quilting classes to learn different techniques and to be around quilty people. Unfortunately, because of my prep work, I now have tons of UFOs. This year I plan to finish at least 10 of these, don't want to put too much pressure on myself to finish all(it would become work) and I love working on my quilts. I still am trying to put away words like perfection, no one's perfect, but One; stress, because there goes the joy. I look forward to seeing you at Stitchin Heaven in October. Thank you for all you do for me, encouragement, teaching and thought provoking posts. God made you a very special person, indeed.

Anonymous said...

GRATITUDE is my word. I hope to recognize each day all of my blessings and be grateful for them, for nothing in life is permanent.

Linda in CT said...

Bonnie, I can't decide if my word should be DISCONNECT or RECONNECT. We also have our place away where we go to relax and unwind. There is no TV, no WiFi, no technology. If we feel the need to be "connected" we use the mobile hot spot on the cell phone. I love it that way. I feel myself decompress as we drive North, away from everyday obligations and concerns. We spend more time conversing with each other, we hike, kayak, go sightseeing and generally get back in touch with each other and life at a slower pace. Taking all of those things from our everyday life with us defeats the purpose. So, am I DISCONNECTING from responsibilities and concerns or RECONNECTING with myself, my spouse and the more important things in life?

Sewing Junkie said...

My word is strength. I need strength to finish things, strength to say "No". Strength even get out of bed some days. If you have strength to make the correct choices your life will work for you. No procrastinating. Chris

Sharyn Mallow Woerz said...

I only noticed the one word one year trend this year, I am so out of the loop because I limit my time online. Anyway, I thought up a really good word...and I've already forgotten it. I have my green scraps out to make a little wall pinney..and I CAN'T remember it. And I'm sure it was an absolutely smasher of a word.

Good Grief.

Kevin the Quilter said...

Bonnie.....it's so weird, I have been having these same exact thoughts myself lately. Our mothers are the same age. We are guaranteed nothing, and must make the most of every day we have here and have no regrets. Your post and thoughts certainly didn't go "kerflunkt!" Just what I needed today.....oh hey, how about I finish the Celtic Solstice top today while my feet are on the ground!

Lewjacks said...

My word is ARRANGE. I need to do a lot of arranging in my life this year. I retired this year and have left many things in disarray the last few years due to work wearing me out. This means going through things and re-arranging them, arranging to finish things and arranging my life to adjust to this new chapter.

marion said...

I need to take more time for quilting. I always put it last, when I have time. It's something I really enjoy so I need to do more of it.

Janet said...

My word last year was FOCUS, but by the end of the year I was anything but focused, and not enjoying the journey much, so after struggling to find the right word for 2014, I came up with MINDFUL ... and it's just perfect for me for 2014 (and maybe 2015, too!).

Cathie said...

I read somewhere than Benjamin Franklin took one quality at a time to work on, then when he felt he had made progress and a good habit! he chose another. I think I will pick one word or phrase and concentrate on that until I feel I have established a good pattern of success, then choose another. My first goal this year is organize, fabrics, papers, rooms, shelves, closet, etc. I pick one and work on it til I see some progress, then move on.

I love all of what I have read so far and all the comments have given me hope and the knowledge that we are all in this together.

Thank you, Bonnie! for all the thinking you have led me to.

AmyDquilter said...

I think BALANCE is a good word for me this year, too. During 2013, my husband (age 62) has been diagnosed with chronic leukemia and type 1 diabetes. Could be worse, but it is still pretty scary. His mother passed in October, my parents are 90 and 94, and live in Florida, 1500 miles from us in Chicago. We do have two wonderful kids, who are both married to someone else's wonderful kid, and each have a wonderful kid of their own, I need to be able to BALANCE the positives with the negatives - and make sure I spend quality time at the sewing machine, as that is good for my soul!

Barbara Sindlinger said...

I have always admired you and the way you get so much done and lately I've noticed you are doing a lot more with family because of your new cabin. That might help you spend more time with them. You are lucky to have such a supporting husband (mine is too). Thank you for all you do in the quilting community.

Mary said...

I was thinking about "Finish" as well but then as I read through all the comments posted I changed my mind. I think mine will be "Social". I have been so focused on quilting, I have not been connecting with the people in my life. So time to get out of the sewing room, reconnect with friends and spend more time with family

Robin said...

Bonnie, my word for this year is "balance". I find that for the majority of my adult life I've been too much gung-ho or not at all...either side of the spectrum and not much in beween, and in ALL aspects of my life too, not just quilting. So balance and moderation is what I'm working on right now ;)

Unknown said...

My word last year was FINISH. Which i did. . .2 Xmas cross stitch stockings for my grandbabies.

I was trying to think of a new word but since i am slower. . .much slower than i used to be i think finish and family are my words. Family of course is always first!

Anonymous said...

Bonnie I have just started quilting. My word also is FINISH.
Right now I can't focus on anything other than the fact that
my child is facing major surgery
next week. The hospital is far
from home and I just can't think
A prayer would be appreciated. Thanks Bridget.

Terri in BC said...

Bonnie, thanks to you and your quilt cam, I also chose FINISH as my Word of the Year and I've already finished two projects. I chose a word three years running (Joy, Nuture, Focus) and then last year, I didn't and I did not have a good year. In the previous years, I kept the previous years' words in my mind as I worked on my new one, and found it really helpful. So I guess this year, my mantra with be Finish with Focus, finding Joy in the process and Nuturing the relationships that matter! You and your brother look so happy together, you must feel so glad you made the time for the side trip to Arizona.

Cynthia's Creating Ark said...

My word for the year is improvement. I just want to do everything a little better. Take the time, don't rush or do things half hearted, master new skills, complete jobs and enjoy doing some of them. No matter what is on your plate. But I think you need those support words as back up, balance, strength, focus and others. You need to be able to see the big picture you just don't know what tomorrow will bring.

PeggyinNO said...

This is the first year that I have picked a word and it is FOCUS. We are planning a move from Louisiana to Texas, have at least 3 quilts that I should get done before the move and have to purge before the move. Yep, I think FOCUS is the word I need this year!!!

I want to start the New Year off by THANKING you for all you do and "give" us all year, your time, patience, mystery quilt, quilt cam time and much more! Wanted to let you know that I appreciate it all!

Anonymous said...

Several years ago I was told I had MS and my world changed. I didn't have disability but you never know when that might come so at that point I decided to get things done while I could. To take time with family and to take that trip I have always wanted and to make a quilt. That is when I started quilting. I don't have a word to live by, but I do say to do it while you can because you don't know what tomorrow will bring.

Bonnie, I wish your family well and hope all are on the mend.

Anonymous said...

My word for 2014 is AWARE. Aware of not only my life, but others. Aware of my actions, thoughts, feelings, etc. Aware of what I eat, aware of what I do, aware of how I'm living my life. Aware of the fact that my life is a gift and treat it as such. AWARE!! cuffmail@aol.com Cheri

Unknown said...

My word for this year is IMPROVE. Many areas in my life in which I am currently engaged and enjoy, for example, routine exercise -- even though good could be better. I know that I can improve on my past two years of goals. For 2012 it was DECLUTTER (the house) and for 2013 it was JOURNALIZE (about quilting). Cathy

jean said...

I think my word has to be HAPPY. Do the things, be with the people that make me feel good about life. Avoid the people, places, things that make me unhappy.

teachpany said...

My word is finish. I need balance, too. As for your mom, prayers that she finds the cause of Vertigo. I had that for a few weeks, too, plus an all-over itchy body rash (red little dots) and issues after I ate. The anti-vertigo pills from the ER made it worse. My Dr. diagnosed Parvo virus (the adult version of child's 5th disease), which I had gotten from a girl I was babysitting. I'm hoping your mom feels better soon!

teachpany said...

My word is finish. I need balance, too. As for your mom, prayers that she finds the cause of Vertigo. I had that for a few weeks, too, plus an all-over itchy body rash (red little dots) and issues after I ate. The anti-vertigo pills from the ER made it worse. My Dr. diagnosed Parvo virus (the adult version of child's 5th disease), which I had gotten from a girl I was babysitting. I'm hoping your mom feels better soon!

Debu said...

One word is hard but I would have to pick balance. We often get caught up in "junk" forgeting what is really important ...

Sharon J. Hughson said...

Pat Sloan's QuiltMashUp friends have a word each year and we each pick and share. As it happens Finish was my word this year also. I like your phrase and may borrow that one. I'm working on CS today. I have 0 blocks done, but many in pieces. I am determined to finish this, but I'm also balancing. I have to. At 71 I'm still working and have to see my clients through some tough times. Bonnie, I appreciate you and all you do to keep us balanced. Thanks again.

Unknown said...


There are times when so many 'have-to-do's are racing around in my head...it dang well hurts ;)

Then I remember, ... "Be still and now that I Am God..."
for me this means I JULIE AM NOT IN CHARGE OF THE WORLD...

I am a human BEING, not a human doing.

Smiles, JulieinTN

Lilac Joan said...

My word for the year--letgo. Let go of projects that I know I will never finish. Truly let go of them by tossing them to the curb. Unfinished items are a heavy weight on your soul. On a personal level I need to let go of bad feelings toward others. Let go of bad memories. Let go of hurts. Grab hold of family, faith, flowers. So my words are let go and grab hold!

Judy said...

I want to work on FRIENDSHIP. I have been so busy with our small family owned business that I don't get out and enjoy fellowship with others and I need that. Girls to laugh with and share with. I plan to get more involved with quilt guild activities and sewing groups where my friends congregate. You are such an inspiration Bonnie!

ktquilts4u said...

TIME is my word for the year. I thought of PRESENT, FOCUS and FINISH, also, but I think if I'm aware of my TIME (management, especially), then I will live in the present, focus on what has to be done, and finish the most important things. That is my hope and goal!

Charlene S said...

My word for 2014 is "compassion" but it has an adjective added to it -"heartfelt". I want to practice "heartfelt compassion" not only with others but also with myself.

Lee said...

I suppose if I had to choose one word, it would be FOCUS. For far too many years I've gone off-focus and am so scattered that some days I don't think I'm even thinking straight. And I'll leave that at that for now, other than to add, a second word: discipline...I am not a disciplined person, that also results in being & feeling scattered.

HelenMarie said...

my word for this year is accomplish... as in accomplish what I can in quilting while I take care of family matters. While I want to focus on my quilting and charit work, I can't do it all, so I will just accomplish what I can and be happy with that!

hm in tn

Debra in Ohio said...

I like how one of the other bloggers stated their mantra as letgo. Yes, I think that will work for me. I have too many unfinished projects that I need to finish so I can let go of them. They are holding me back from trying something new. I need to make more quilts to let go of the fabrics I have stored in my home. Then I can clean and organize my home the way I really want. Yes, I think letgo will be my mantra this year.

Mary Ellen said...

Consistency. Covers a lot of bases.

bunbear said...

I like the live for today idea. And speaking of today - Downton Abbey is on tonight, don't forget! :)

Pam said...

FINISH with JOY! If I'm finishing with joy, then I am doing it with balance and friends and family and faith!! All the good things.

much love to you, Bonnie!

Susie Jensen said...

My word is finish. I had already decided tha that before your post. I am also trying to arrange, simplify, and just try to be a betterperson.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it strange how things work, Bonnie? Yesterday I read an article on a word for the year in Quilting Arts that started me thinking about this. Earlier today, while working on my very first scrappy trips block, (for which, thank you!) my word came to me---'explore'. I'm too good at saying 'oh I can't do that' and being nervous of getting it wrong and messing up, and being excluded. 'Explore' gives me permission to experiment, no?
Also, I second getting the vertigo diagnosed.

Deb M said...

Be kind to yourself Bonnie, & listen to your inner voice, it will guide you. The beautiful photo of you & Mark shows what's important in life. Deb M

Diane said...

FINISH, but I agree, with balance. (That was my word a few years ago!) You can apply the finish word to more than quilts -- how many household projects have I ignored because there was one more quilt to sew..or how many friends have I left hanging, just because I was caught up in my own mopey issues...to finish is to complete, but it's also to polish up all the rough edges and make everything smooth and beautiful - which sounds like a good way to live.

BTW, I have finished three tops already in 2014 -- including -finally - some scrappy Geese on a String. See you for Quilt Cam tomorrow night!

Joanne Lavallee said...

I would have to say my word and support words would be BREATHE - FOCUS - ENJOY. For years and years I have been a "Take a Bash at it!" girl and now I find that it no longer works for me to see something and "take a bash at it". I need to focus and enjoy the process, I don't want to run around anymore getting a dozen things done at a time. It just isn't satisfying to me like it used to be. Go figure?

So, Breathe, Focus, and Enjoy it is.

Mary said...

I don't have a WORD for this year. I hope your word helps you. Family is very important. Mark looks a lot like you. Great picture. I wish my computer would magically fix itself so I could watch QuiltCam again.

Unknown said...

My work for 2014 is AWESOME! Kind of silly sounding but I know I have so much to be thankful for. My family, friends and co-workers and everything else, I figure if recognize how AWESOME all those blessings are, 2014 will have to be an AWESOME year!

Unknown said...

As I read all the post I see the word believe. Believe in the dream and gifts the Lord has given me and trust that he will help me build them. I need to believe I can walk the new path before me and go for it. Live each day trusting in his blessings and look for him to enlarge my path. Love the pic of you and Mark. Thanks again for all you do and share. You are truly a blessing to many.

Teri said...

My word last year was finish and I worked hard at it all year. This year my word is "tackle".

Bev @ kwiltpharm said...

This is my year to LEARN to use my longarm machine I have had for over 6 years! I was doing fine until I jammed it and then didn't get a chance to continue as life with my adopted kids took over whatever time work did not consume. I now work part time and only have one of the children left at home-so it is time to LEARN for me! (will have to clean out the area as everything was pushed in there for daughter's graduation party and never pulled back out!) I feel this is able to happen as my shoulder surgery has been a success and I am feeling so much better and not as tired from pain all the time! So, on with the learning when it gets warm enough to go out to the pole barn and start the cleaning process!

Debra in Ohio said...

I have thought more about my one-word mantra for this year. Instead of "letgo", I think "release" will be much better. To be able to release those fabrics stored so long in boxes, to release hurt feelings, to release my inner creativity...that will work for me.

Elizabeth said...

Bonnie, we do the word thing at church as well, and my word for the year is "Freedom". Freedom in my schedule to spend my time as I wish. Whether that be spending time with family, quilting, reading, baking, having general fun, etc. Freedom to pursue a new career, freedom from debt, freedom from negative relationships. FREEDOM!

Candace said...

Great thought provoking post today Bonnie!

Wow! you have really made progress on that hexie quilt. It is really looking beautiful.

After much deliberation, I think I will work on education. There are many new things I need to learn.

Kate said...

Fabulous post. Over the years I did resolutions, then I did a word, then a did a phrase. I think the point is to really evaluate where you are and make decisions about what you want to focus on. I often look ahead like you and think about what I will feel like in the future...and then bring that back to the present. Lots of love Bonnie and best wishes for your year. Kate in Brisbane Australia.

Billy'sgirl said...

I can't remember the last time I took the opportunity to read every post, but this was enlightening and inspiring.
I have thought quite a bit about a single word for 2014, as I have been asked several times this new year.
I found myself saying "oh yeah, that's it" or "that's definitely the one", but couldn't settle on a single word or concept.
Until now.
I've decided on "believe".
In God, in myself, in my future, in my ability to make changes for the better, in my fellow man...

Unknown said...

My word is benevolence. I have spent far too much time last year focusing on the negative. Negative emotions, negative work issues, negative relationship issues. This year I am going to set aside my bitterness and malice and focus on being more benevolent with everyone- including myself.

crafty said...

Bonnie my husband had vertigo, he went to the Shea Clinic in Memphis,Tenn. They really helped him. The Shea Clinic is only for problems of the inner ear.

Cherry said...

The word I keep coming back to is CHALLENGES. So that’s my word for 2014 – CHALLENGES. Seek them out, take them on, don’t be scared of them, break them down into manageable parts, meet them, overcome them, LEARN from them, and GROW!

Rose Marie said...

Education. I love learning new techniques

Carolyn said...

Bonnie, my word for the year is 'appreciate'.... it can be used in so many contexts..... and I plan to!
carolyn in nb, canada.

GoGo said...

I started thinking about this a few months ago. I believe a good word for me is OPPORTUNITY. Last week my niece asked me to go wedding dress shopping with her and my sister and at first I thought 'I have too much to do.' Then I thought about it again. We had a beautiful day and the perfect gown was found. I want to be organized enough this year to grab any opportunity that comes my way. It started with taking the opportunity to make Celtic Solstice!

Anonymous said...

My 2014 word is "Wonder". I want to see/experience the Wonder of God's world, the Wonder of God's word, and the Wonder of my family and friends - not taking anything for granted.

Catherine said...

My word for the year is "Build". Build a life I love, with the people I adore. I've been so busy being focused, that it is time to build and rebuild those things that may be fleeting. I want to remember that just as you have times of building a business or a house, you have to invest in people to build the relationships that you want. Getting off my soap box now, wishing everyone here a fantastic year full of all of your dreams.


Cheri Dawn said...

I have three words this year: finish, relax, create. I want to finish what I've started so that I can be freer to create quilts of my own design. And I need to take time to just relax in order to refill the creativity cup.

LJ said...

I've seen lots about the "word" for 2014 on blogs lately. I knew I wanted to complete/finish lots of things but couldn't decide on a word for myself. I mean, really, I won't be satisfied just completing some UFOs; I know I'll be starting new things, too. So...here's what I've decided on...CARRY THROUGH (OK, so it's actually 2 words!) Maybe this will help me to finish some UFOs as well as complete any new projects I begin. No MAYBE about it...I WILL!!!

sandi s said...

I have been thinking about a word for awhile and have decided on "Kindness". I try to be kind in all aspects of my life but this year I want to really pass it on.

Katkat said...

My word is "Risk". I have a quote to go along. "What would you do if you knew you could not fail?" Robert Schuller. I have also been very inspired by Winston Churchill who became Prime Minister of England when he was 65 1/2 years old. He saved the Western World! I am 65 1/2 what shall I accomplish? I may make me a bracelet—WWWD(What Would Winston Do?) My song is "Brave".

Nancy in IN said...

I have chosen a word each of the last several years. This year is organize which means get my fabric and everything related to it organized--get rid of lots either by sewing it or giving it away. I have completed one UFO and ready to quilt another and it will be done. Yea!!

Anonymous said...

My word can not be finish. Battling cancer, and don't want to finish anything in my life right now. My word this year is FOCUS! Focus on loving, focus on being the best I can be with my students, focus on caring for ailing parents, focus on the good in life, focus on how fortunate I am in life!

Unknown said...

It was fun to read all of these comments and all the chosen words were great, and a few I had considered. After some serious thought, I've decided CHERISH will be my word for 2014. I am very blessed, and have much to be thankful for; good health, family, friends, a wonderful husband of almost 48 years, and I want to be sure to thank God each and every day for all He has given me. I will try to give back to others. A
Any act of kindness always comes back to bless you in many ways.

norma v said...


Lisa said...

If I had to pick a word for 2014 it would be "heal." Or maybe "trust in God." I had open heart surgery in Sept. 2013 and my husband of 31 years died suddenly less than two month later in Nov. I realized this morning that the only sewing I've done in over 4 months was to make myself a pillowcase out of Christmas fabric. Yes, I would like to finish a dozen projects this year but a reality check I did last week made me realize that if I finish 3-4 projects I will be happy. Oh, heck, what I really mean is if I finish one project that I can enter in our Feb. 2015 local quilt show I will be thrilled! :)

Lorraine B. said...

My focus is fitness. Last year it was weight. I shed committments and pounds - 45 so far. I have committed to doing a Tough Mudder Race in June - 6 months to train. I started with a 5 km (3 miles for you Americans!) snowshoe walk and will continue from there. I am getting a tatoo (small, on my forearm) that says: I can. I will. End of story. If I don't take care of me how can I take care of anyone else?

martha said...

My word is RELAX, it goes with ENJOY. I have always made horrendous schedules for myself about finish tasks, and generally getting things done. But thankfully - I am not sure why - in the last 6 months I have decided to slow down and realize that if I don't get it done today, the world will not come to an end. I am working less and quilting more and even abandoning my goals for finishing - just relax and enjoy !! working pretty well so far.

Pat said...

I have selected 2 words, the first is finish what I start. The second is to organize. I have stuff everywhere and I need to organize it and realize what I have and use it

Unknown said...

Bonnie I love your pictures! They are so beautiful and show the beauty of a part of our country I've never seen before! Please keep them coming.
My word is motivation! I'm constantly try to motivate myself to complete my UFO's but also do new things too.
Ami Simms is coming to Surfside Quilters Guild on Tues and I'm going to make a bowl I hope.
I'm also using my Texas Braid as my leaders and Enders so I can finish mine before you come to Surfside.
Love your hexie star. Is that the same project that you were doing when you were here at Beach Cities Quilt Guild?

Lin's Quilts said...

My word this year will be FOCUS. I need to focus on getting things started and finished, focus on people, focus on losing weight, focus on my husband. Thanks, Bonnie for letting me put this in perspective.

Angelia said...

My word is "Calm." Deep breaths, stepping back, and peaceful thoughts are my goals.

Elaine said...

Amusing, but true: my 2013 word was FINISH. I was so focused on FINISH that I lost sight of what really matters -- the family that I love. Thankfully, I got a reality check right at the change of the year before any irreparable damage has been done. My 2014 is BALANCE.

Pure coincidence. Or Synchronicity. Not sure. But I love that we have come to the same conclusion. And I'm glad that your word has been modified to be a phrase -- much healthier. FINISH is a dangerous word when I get too focused on it.

CA Bobbie said...

This is the first I've heard of a one word mantra. Enjoyed all the words of wisdom. A lot to think about. My goal is to recognize myself again. Too many yrs of doing for others,somehow I lost myself and didn't realize it. Maybe Reconnect is a good word for me,for all aspects of my life. I followed your CS mystery-the 1st of my quilting life. What fun! Thank you for being you.

Unknown said...

Wow! This is something I have never done. There has been a lot of that since Thanksgiving. I have decided my word would have to be "Challenge." I am challenging myself to complete each quilt I have started, to learn new and/or better techniques, to improve me (not just for me but for my family, too! This can pertain to anything from my spirituality to my quilting to spending QUALITY time with my family.)I know our days are numbered and we know not when our number will come up, so I want to live each day as completely happy, giving, and loving as I can; I may not have a tomorrow.

Cooke said...

I did not know what your word was before I picked mind and i chose FINISH. With that said my word will made me happy because i will have finished some of my many unfinished projects and it will make my husband happy because it means I won't be purchasing fabric to finish those projects. So this year will be a less stressful year for both of us.
P.S. I have already purchased the fabric for the 2013 mystery quilt so I'll will have one new project to work on.
Ellen Matthews

Rhonda said...

It's funny that one of your words was "FOCUS" as that has been my theme this year. I have so many projects to do, that I am making myself sit down and focus on getting one at a time finished, before venturing into another. So my word for the year is def. "Focus".

Kathy said...

My word for this year is HOPE. Cuz some days its a struggle to even have that.

Aune Mattila said...

Dear Bonnie, I like very much your thinking of different things about our lives. I`m at same age than your mother and I recently have got a new grandchildren at 6 months. She is so sweet! I have promised to help my son and vife as much I can. I sew only that I have really time for. This is most impotant now. But if I have time to live I`ll sew quite lot by the time. Printed your mystery and intend to sew it. Hugs! Aune,Finland

Anonymous said...

Mary C
We make grandiose plans to be
different unfortunately life is
what happens whilst we are planning.
I just take things as they come.
We cannot fight what's laid out
before us. My words for 2014

RMHull said...

Bonnie, Balance and Serenity I will make my words for this year. I've taken on too many projects and activities in the past plus working part time. And with pending divorces in the family I definitely need to find serenity.
I loved the Celtic Solstice and am trying to come to one of your seminars when you are in Michigan.

~Deb Lindley said...

finish, Finish, FINISH - my 3 words sum up EVERYTHING I need to do this year...

gumbala said...

I am Shana, wants to say a big thank you thank you thank you to Dr Eromosele spell for everything . To everyone who doesn’t believe in spell, I was one of those ones at first. I wasn’t quite sure if I wanted to do this since I’ve tried others so-called spells casters and they did not work and was a waste of my time and money. However, when I read through the testimonies of other people at this website and after I talked to Dr Eromosele who answered all my questions and was very nice and sincere about everything, I decided to give it a try. I figured it would be my last try to get my guy back. So my story is that I was at my office when the guy I am in love with told me that he wasn’t in love with me and never will be and that he didn’t want to speak or see me again, especially since he was talking to this other girl. When I talked to Dr Eromosele about it, he let me know which spells would be most appropriate for me and I chose the ones that was to get my lover back to me and stay with me and even marry me.As soon as he casted the spells,within two days my guy came back into my life! It was a miracle to me and I’m so thankful for that. Things have been going well, and pretty much according to what Dr Eromosele said would happen. He’s always there when you need him,you can contact him via email eromosalelovespell@outlook.com,so make extra effort to save your marriage/relationship if it's truly worth it. you can also call (Dr Eromosele) on +2347034673139.

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